CLASSIFIED » Cem a Werd Baah laaes No Adv. Maa than M eeMa Now is the time to order your grave marker for your loved one if, you desire it for Memorial day. See John S. Sanders. 'Phone 123L-—541 ; West 6th. 8tfs I _________________ ___ ________ Albert Maiden has received word FOR RENT—House for small family, that the Americans, seized at Wake lights and water; good garden. Islund when the Japs captured that ' On. Dean-Minard road. Archie island Jast year, are being well treat- Gray at last house on that road. lt* ■ ed at the concentration camp near —;------- ———•——•——¡¡Shanghai, China, ' where hig son, WANTED—Man to spade gardens Qeorge, who was working on Wake Phone 7R31. » at the time of the capture of the FOR RENT—Room for lady at 125 *•*“»»< now held. The information East Third. Phone 147J. Mrs. from authoritative sources, his Birdie Skehls communication says, and continues: _ __________ _____________________ “The prisoners’ quarters ii^e wood- WELL FURNISHED—3-Room Apart- | en barracks ideal for the climate, ment, all outside rooms, private, There is plenty of space, air, and bath, hot water, laundry trays, au- light in the sleeping quarters, and omatic gas range, electric washer well arranged facilities for mess hall, and refrigerator, dose in, diagonal- library, and indoor and outdoor ly across from court hoaue, 107 sports. East Second. . Itj. “The prisoners do their own cook- i ing and receive two meals a day. con­ GOOD G arden Lot for rent. Phone sisting of meat and vegetables, rice 129J. ' , '* . - it and fish in sufficient quantities; also, green vegetables and fruit when in I season. Thia diet is vuried by sup­ plies of bread, smoked sausages, 'noodles, etc., at regular intervals, j “Drainage and sanitary conditions are satisfactory Regular Protesant services are conducted by a Japan­ ese pastor. There are very few Cath­ olics. 'The water supply for both washing and drinking is satisfactory. | "In the middle of the summer there was a lack of medical and dental equipmerit, but large purchases of such equipment were made and the hospital is now equipped with mod­ ern operating table, x-ray, sterilizing ¡apparatus, instruments, gloves, and bed sheets. . —— Parts and Dairv Suoolias Gat ‘The Prl*°‘lers SeneAlly in fi< Feed A sLdCo if’ gOOd health *nd gpintS- Th*|r <4 nriwcyMO _____ own officers watch over neatness and Jap Prisoners Treated Well Pioneer Methodist Church PURCHASING POWER December, 194-1V3 December,1942 FOR RENT-Furnished 2-room apt. cleanliness of the camp and the per­ Bath, Hot and Cold Water. Laun- sonal appearance of the meh. dry privileges, Adults. No pets.. “For summer wear the men were 351 Bo. HwirySt, Hora E. Dunn«, supplied with khaki shirts, shorts and 4tfg blue cptton shirts. For winter they i i ........ ............. ‘were- supplied with warm sweat FOR SALE — One used MoCormick ¡41jrtS) socks, winter caps, gloves, Deering Double Unit Milker and breeches, shirts, woolen leggings and I Electric Pumping Unit A-1 condi- jeogt« or tunics. Fifty stoves have tion. J. A. Lamb Company. •^been provided- for heating the bar- FRU1T TREES - Order today, 4 to ~ -8 feet trees only 75c. Farr A El- "Toothbrushes, dental powder, soap, WO(Xj R towels, and other toilet articles are \ .. —,, furnished at regular intervals and in FOR- SALk Jwroom house with hot; sufficient quantities, and cold water, at 550 W. Fifth, “Through the generosity of local Ted R. Gamble, Assistant to the full fifty by one hundred foot Jot. donors and the permission of the au-. Secretary of the Treasury, has been 8750.00 terms or cafh, L, A. thoritiea the men's Christmas dinner selected by the H United _____ _____ States McCue at ..above. Addreaa. . _ JUXaTcotuusUxi-ut Uickey.or eiuckw» with-'-Junior. Chamber.;of Commerce aa ------------------------------------- ——- pie anij tbe trimmings. The first one of * *" the ’* nation ’ ’s ten outstanding ROOFING—108 Sq. Ft., tar, nails, In- blM delivery of Red Cross relief took young men fon 1942. Mr. Gamble, who la 38, camo structions. only 8L40. FARR & chri,^, and WJM to Washington from Oregon, where ELWOOD , s appreciated by ail the men. he had served as State Adminis­ PAINTING and Papee Hanglng. •» ' No mail can be expected until the trator of the War Savings Staff. tarior and interior decorating—no ‘Gripaholm’ makes its second trip During hia tenure there, Oregon shortage of material’’ Terms if de- and at thi« Urn* “ is not hnown just Bond sales reached a new peak. Official of Treasury Is Among 'Outstanding* Young Men in Nation Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor 9:45—Sunday School hour. You will enjoy the classes with rooms for all and capable teachers in charge. 11:00 Sunday morning worship hour. “Is God proving dependable for Today?" 6:30—Sunday evening Youth Fel­ lowship Group. 7:30—Sunday evening worship ser­ vice. An informal und message. 7:30—Wednesday evenings choir rehearsal hour. 7:30 — Thursday evenings Bible study and mid-week service. 8:30—Friday evening, February 28, Emanuel Baptist Church potluck luncheon. Rev. Silas E Menno D. Rempel, Minister Fairham will speak. Good music and Feb. 28, 1943 interesting program. Worship in some church next Sun­ , 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Join our growing Sunday School. day. Pioneer invites you.. 11:00 a. m. Worship service. Ser­ mon topic, “Confessing Christ.” Church of Christ 6:00 p. m. Young People's meetings. East 4th and Coulter Sts. All ages are welcome. Liston Parrish, Pastor 7:30 Evening Evangelistic service. Thursday, 7:30, Bible service study Thursday 7:30 Prayer Meeting und prayer. Come and study the 8:00 Choir Rehearsal. Hook of Acts with us. Bible School, 9:45, T. Ralph Harry, Supt. You are always welcome. Morning warship, 11:00s ofclock. Lord’s Supper. Special music. Fourth in the series of messages on the Sunday: Lord's Prayer. “The Prayer of 9:45 A time of most profitable Bible Obedience.” Study for young and old; classes for Jr. C. E., four o’clock. ” every age. Bessie Mamey, superin­ Young Peoples C. E„ 8:30, Virginia tendent. Oden and Lynn Culver, leaders. 11:00 Morning worship, a spiritual Evening service 7:30. The second atmosphere and a message for every in the series on the New Testament day Christian living. Pastor L. C. church, “On the Rock.” There was a Persing speaks.. good crowd last Lord's Day evening. 8:30 Christ Ambassadors service; We invite you to join us in the study ¡Melvin Steward, president. of the church. 7:30 Evangelistic; an enjoyable song Mond. y 8:00 o’clock official board service, special music; the usual good meeting, Wednesday 7:30 Choir Sunday night attendance will want practice. to hear the message, “Prophecy Ful­ filled.” The Bible is its own proof. Tuesday 7:30 Prayer service. Church of God Wednesday 2:30 Women's Mission­ Corner of Henry Si Seventh Sts. ary Council meets in the lower audi­ Pastor, A. L. Perry torium. ■ Mrs. V. R. Wilson, President. Sunday School, 18 a. m. Thursday 7:30 - 8:30 Choir. Aileen Preaching service 11 a. m. Wilson, Director. Young People’s meeting, 8:45 p. m. Friday 7:30 Bible Study.’’*-' Preaching service/7:30 p. m. All are invited to attend. If your child does not go to Sunday School __JB. we ____ _ you ____ elsewhere, urge to send them, or better still bring them. Harold Teen »ay. sired Herbert E. Wood, phone wh*n "he W,H saH u«1‘,n “s her “u- 286, Coquille 275 North Henry ir>g is’dependent upon the outcome of negotiations with the Japanese."., Gems of Thought RIGHTEOUSNESS To be perfectly just is an attribute of the givinc nature; to be so to the utmost of opr ghi titles, is the glory of map.—Joseph Addison. Love is an image of God, and..not a lifeless Image, but the living essence of the divine nature which beams full FOR PLUMBING Sepaira and Ser­ of all goodness.—Martin Luther. vice—call 2-L. J. A. lamb Com­ What eannot tnfe apd righteous- pany. tfs pegs achieve for the rage? All that can be accomplished, and more than hiitory has yet recorded. — Mary Baker Eddy Attention to Details When Infinite Wisdom established the rule of right and honesty, He saw to it that justice should be always the PLANT A VICTORY GARDEN—We highest expediency. — Wendell Phil­ are HEADQUARTERS for SEED. lips. TOOLlCFERTILIZER, INFORMA­ Divine Providence lias granted tills TION. Farr A Elwood. • gift to man, that those things which TED R. GAMBLE are honest are also the most advan­ tageous. Quintilian. Seek ye first tlie kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these DAIRYMEN- Milk U too expensive things shall be added unto you.— to teed Calves. Feed Security Matthew 8:33. ' Calf Feed, the perfect milk substi­ tute, raises better calvea, for less. FARR & ELWOOD. a IF YOUR Milker needs overhauling, bring it in now; otherwise it might be impossible to get the work com­ pleted before the Heavy Milking Season starts J. A. lamb Com­ pany ■ Chadwick ledge No. th A F a A. M. . Stated Communication Tuesday, March 8, 7;30 F. M. Visitors Welcome I I | placing that area in a leading po­ sition among the State organiza­ tions. Because of his outstanding War Bond work in Oregon, Mr. Gamble was invited to come to Washington as Special Consultant to the Secre­ tary of the Treasury, and later’ earned .the title of Assistant to the Secretary. In this job he ever* cises both advisory and e: