Thought Of Sharks Never Entered Sailor's Mind The following from a Twin Falla, Idaho, paper tella of an Idaho youth who waa home on furlough after be­ ing aome time in the south Pacific war zone. The was written from Carey, Idaho: -a8 • greeting id'1‘'"'from an old friend OIxO S unny B rook Kentucky Straight Bearboa ▼hlakey MMRw 90.4 Proof • National Dirt illori Prod. Corp., N.Y. The Winning of the West These arc the Award winners in the ten Western states Townsend Club At #130 p. m. Tueeday, twenty-five member» enjoyed the "aack” dinner and at eight o'clock the meeting waa called to order by the president, 'Mr. Tllghmen- Opening Included Lord’» Prayer, song. “America," and Flag Salute. A vialtor, Mra. Alexander, of Rbae- burg, was present; we were aiao glad Caravan dinner and meeting in W. O. W. hall Sunday, Feb. 2« at twelve o’clock. The folding mt | on the Standard Oil Coippany of California CaUtng