•AGfÎÎt 372 Men Of This Section Are Serving In U. S. Armed Forces Oerding. Charles Pettengili, Gilbert Victor Peterson, John Peter Perry, Wilford Lyle Pomeroy, Frederick James Probbel, Howard Thompson Payton. William W. Plueard, Patrick Lawrence Pulford. Arthur Earnest Perrott, Lynn Frederick Peek, Frank CrOwford »*earee. Calvin Arthur Payne, Benjamin Lunsford Peart. Bill Peterson, S. H. Purdy, Kenneth Clyde Powell, Norman Pook, William Perry, Vail Finley. Cecil Geprge, Frank Gurwell, Kenneth Pat Gisholt, Harry Elsworth Gaslin, Gilbert George Gaslin, William Gaslin. Wilbur Gulseth, Clifford Joseph Gillespie, Louis Francis Goodman, Marvin W. Gregg. Lloyd James Gfemsgard, Thurston Harvey Gant, Ervin Wesley Gilbert, Harold LeRoy Gilbert, Louis Gratke, George Gulseth, Lawrence Orville Goodwin, William John Goodpuster, Elmer Tihs incomplete list of names, of the men from thd vicinity of Coquille and the outlying territory serviced by the Coquille poet office, who are serving in our armed forces, la be­ ing compiled by the Adjutant of the Coquille Poat, No. 36, the American Itegion. If you know of aome one in service whose name does not ap­ pear in this list or if you notice a name misspelled we will be glad for the addition or correction. You may either write a card to Roy C. Morley, Adjutant, Coquille, Oregon, or leave Halter, Vergil George your list and corrections at the Sen­ Hall, Clifford tinel office. We thank you: Henlgan, Irwin Arnett, Frank Charles Holveretott, Clinard Arnett, Earnest N Holveretott, Curtis Arnett, Clarence Howard Hunt, Jack H. Arnett, Everett Hurlbutt, Donald R. Arnett, Homer C-i Hawkins, Charles Richard ’ Arnold, Robert &ui Hartly, Ronald Thomas Arnold, Alford Paul Hicfcam, John Thurman Arts, Daniel Datis Heller, Frank Alton Ator, Francis Mitchell Hagg. Kenneth Clyde Arrell, Kcnenth Russel) Hazelton, Carl Francis Abes, Leo Leslie Hall, Cecil R8y Adamson, Clarence Ruseell Houae, Holden i Alpine, Carl Maxwell Householder, Warren Harding Agostino, James Hand, Edgar l-ee Hallaway, Warren Allen Barklow, Alden James Homanyke, Oscar F. Beagle, John Olie Hnmanyke, Roland Berry, Harald Hultln, Marvil Adolph Berry, Norman Hendrix, Robert Morris Bingham, Lowell Marlon Head, William Jennings Bryan Bruce, Alexander James Holmstrom, Haldane Blanton, James Leslie Holmstrom, Rolf Briner, Everett Marion Harmon, Paul Howard , Butch, Roy Edward Holzgang, Robert Bernard Beyer, Roy Alvin Halter, Virgil George Bailey, Robert Oscar Hlckam, Howard Ronald Bond, Horace Holbrook, Oran Vance Byer, Wilbur Elton -Hobba, Frank Burbank Batton, Cecil Myrle Hatcher, Lawrence BoU, Guy L. Holverstott, Keith Brown, Richard Allen Hubbard, Haldean Barrows, Joseph Gale Hannon, Francis E. Bracelin, Roy Lawrence BrolHer, John Clement Ingram, John Wilbur Brake, Phillip LeVeme Jordon, Max Harold Berg, John William Judd, Everett Neol Beyers, Lyle Elbertus Jennings, Elmer Alvin Brice, Sylvester Johnson. Carl Donald Barton, Clarence Atkinson Johnson, Cecil Donald Barton, Lt. Jesae Johnson, Aubrey Branson, Leslie Lee Jones Glen LeRoy Bennett, Clyde Jacobsen, Wayne Julian Brault, Harry Chester Jarvia, William Edwin Bean, Clarence Albert Jacobsen, Archibald Barrett, John Archie Jacobson, Bernard Lee Brown, Dale William Jackson, Robert R. Billings, Roas Gale Brockmann, Vernon Towle Blanchard, George AUen Blum, Lawrence John Benham, Harvey Harrison Briener, John Cecil Brodie, Major Darrell Blaylock, William Blaylock, Ralph Blaylock, Jimmy Blaylock, Hugh Churchill, Robert Herman Conrad, Russell Collins, Lee Crist, Archie Weslie Cornwell, Alford Lee Chapman, Donald Cole Crewe, Grayden T. t Cates, Thomas Spencer Caudill, Howard Theodore Carlson, Ellis Eugene Comer, Leonard Ray Coy, Orvil Elaine Cornwell, Gane Elbert Cummings, William Hale Campbell, Edwin Elbert Cornelius, Robert Harald Cole, Lloyd Albert Cary, John Francis Cariill, Arthur Charles Cauld, James Wilford Chase, Donald Lynford Clark, Wiet LeRoy Clinton, Leland Jack Collier, Chester Lee Campbell, Clarence Irvin Church, Glen Alford Cobb, George Richard Cook, Charles Cote, Harvey Collier, Robert Davis, Eugene Edwin Davis, Orlen Charles Dow. Gorden Dow, Fred Arthur Dow, John Edward Denning, Elmer John DeGroit, Lawrence Theodore Dewig).t, Howard Drake, Thompson Ervin Darby, Sim William DeCarll, Henry Augustus Doyle, James Everett Dungey, John Estes, Bobbett Evans, Carlin Donald Edstrom, Albert William Enlund, Roy Victor Elterich, Ralph Ensele, I-eonard Carl Edstrom, Lloyd Ellingsen, Theodore . Frey, Gerald Norman Fults, Robert Edward Fitzgerald, Farris Victor Fetch, Joseph William Ferry, Thomas Price Fish, Harold Wayne Flamming. Andrew Jackson FeK, Floyd William King, Delbert Klyne, Niel Howard Knox, Earl Lyle Kessler, Theyer Clark Kolkhorst, Lee Roy Kolkhorst, Charles Kloster, George Kirkendall, Selvester Raymond Ley, George Westhart Lawrence. Kennett Peers Littrell, Robert Thorton Laird, Jack Stanleu Lune, Kenneth Lee Lane, Thomas William Lewis, George Alford I^each, George Tracy Iteonard, James Horace, Jr. LaBranch, Warren Hildreth Lower, Linden I^atherwood, John Ed. Iadbetter, Woodrow Wilson Linday, Meri Troy iamonoski, William LaBranch, Kenneth Maney, Floyd Melvin Miller. William Frank Miller, Kenneth H. Meyer, Carl Arthur Meyer, Edwin Morgan, Max Murry Marken, Merner Peter Miller, Stewart M. Montelius, John Augustus Moore, James Peter Moy, Preston Edward M om , Lewis Clifford Mar den, Ralph Lyle Miller, Arlo Merle Myers, Kenton Andrew Mast, Ivan Mulkey, Charles McClintock, John C. McKinney, LeRoy, Junior McCarthy, Edward Daniel McCarthy, J. M. McCMlan, Donald LeWis Mclntee, Charles Victor McNair, Clarence Nelson McGUvery, Neil Berry McKeown, Patrick Vincent McCarthy, ftichael John McCool, Norman Owen, Wilford Olsen, Robert Earl Oderkirk, Peyton Melvin Ownby, Edward LeRoy i Darrell Anderson, labor - 6.76 G ray don Anderson, labor 5.76 Claude Walker, labor 5.76 Jack Knife, labor 5.76 Albert Tomlinson, labor 14.40 Dan Murphy, labor ....... - 28.80 L. Carlson, labor.—....... 22.04 J. Jordan, labor ............ 2.3.04 N. Carlson, labor............. 14.40 A. Maki, labor...... ........... 31.68 E. E. Cook, labor............ 14.40 J. A. Deadmond, labor 23.04 Russell Parrish,’ labor...... 2.16 M. LyKenyon, labor C. F./Bessee, labor....... 13.00 R. D/ Wade, labor............. 4.82 George Rice, labor...... . 2.88 v Chas. imis . oiaun, Stauff, v-o. Co. Treas., * WUUL- Deduc tions for Defense bonds 393 95 Oregon-Pacific, Inc., plow steel rope ............... ......................... 37.39 * Arthur Pederson, use of boat at Bullards Fy............ . ...... ........ 40.00 George Huther, operating Riv­ erton Ferry.............. ........ Cecil Hartley, filing saws __ City, of Coquille, water........... Peoples Water A Gas Co., 2.88 water ......................-----—------ Peoples Water A Gas Co., lights ........ .'....... ... 2.00 Mountain States Power Co., lights and power....... ,....... 30.49 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Cyanide 2.00 Feenaughty' Machinery Co., material............. ..................... 44.28 C, F. Bessee, mileage 5.80 Stevens Cash Hardware, door glass ................ ..................... 8.40 Contractors Equipment Corp., material .... ...\.___u. 39.54 J. E. Haseltine A Co., mater­ ial ......... ............... ............. 25.13 Marshfield Welding A Mach. Works, welding doors and fender ................. _................. 4.00 Howard Cooper Corporation, material ...,....................... 406.85 Southwestern Motors, auto supplies ..... ;.......... ............ 17.01 Golders Auto Part Co., Auto supplies ............... . ................. 69.51 Bay Motors, auto supplies ..... 3.55 Coquille Service Station, auto supplies ...... ............................ 43.04 Capps Motor Co., auto sup­ plies ......................................... 4.50 Southwestern Motor Co., auto ....... supplies ........ a......................... 19.20 Isaac _R._Tower, auto supplies 225.76 J. Co., auto supplies 394.52 ... A . J. Tire - .... . , Mintonye A Wardrip, auto*sup- plies .... ........ ............ . ............. 51.47 O. K. Rubber Welders, auto City of Marshfield, Rent of Circuit Ct. Room ............. ..... 20.00 The Boys & Girls Aid Soc. of Ray’s Roofing A Supply Co., Ore. Care — Coos County repaiir to roofs — Court Children ........... ■■........ 14.40 IMMH ............... -.... ...... 539.16 A. B. Collier, Expense to Cor­ 1 William H. Wann, Addt. work vallis, a/c Bennett Case . .. . 35.00 on Gen School Report ,........ 78.00 Lars P. Peterson, Salary & 1 Huggins Insurance Agency, Mileage Co. Commr......... ...... 153.05 Insurance — Ferries ......... 46.85 P. W. Culver. Salary A Mile­ West Coast Telephone Co., age Co. Comms.;...... —........... 101.00 Services Court House 110.75 Sherrifrs Office West Coast Telephone Co., Services — Defense Council 20.74 Emma Pierce, Work in Tax 98.10 Dept. Marshfield Chamber of Com. Eve Strong, Work in Tax Dept. 47.1Ò merce. Office A help—De­ fense Council ..... \............... 100.00 Helen Winegar, Work in Tax Dept. ...»........ .................-..... — •8.10 Hansen’s Stationery, Station­ ery — Rationing Board ....... 5.051 Georgia Davidson, Work in 10.70 Tax 4UX ucpi. Dept. ....................... JI. S. Norton. Stationery — Ra­ Assessor's Office tioning Board .... .................... ‘11.31 24.95 Charles W. Forrest, Mileage Mfld. Branch — First Natl. Rackleff, Spencer DeBaul Bank, Rent—Health Dept... 18.67 Jean Williams, Exira help .... 99.10 Alice Rhay, Addressograph Riddle, Glen Farrel Addrnsograph Sales Agency, operator .............. ............. ....... 88.10 Ribbons — Assessor's Off. .. 5.58 Ritcby, I^awrence Murray Yvonne Kern, extra help ....... *< •0.10 Mrs. «.illian Short, Care of Reynolds, Charles Dent 28.00 Delta,Children- ...... 7 35.18 Elda Ostrander, extra help Ramer, George Mond 4.00 Dorothy Newton, bxtra help IC. E. raJce. Moving Radiator —Supt, Off..... „....... . 14.50 Wm. H. Kay, .Salary, Log Roth, Milton Checker ....... ........ 125.70 L iPeterson, Co. Judge, Richardson, Delos Eugene Supt. Office Mileage A exp. on County Robinson, Tennessee 'Cue business ............. ................... . 33.55 Martha E. Mulkey, Mileage .... 26.12 30.00 Rackleff, Ellis Leland . Margaret Snider, Office help Marie Bellah, Salary, Steno., 1J5 County Court ..... ............ 155.00 i Lynn Culver, extra help ....... Rovang, Maynard H. I Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., Cash Edwin Peterson, Salary Dep­ Robinson, Jimmy 0.40 uty Sheriff . ■.................•_........ 185.00 adv. TREAS. Off for Ptg. Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., Cash Alice Perrott, Salary, Deputy Schroeder, Juhn Henry, Jr. 1.25 adv. SHF OFF for stickers Sheriff ........... >....................... 440.00 Sigsby, Howard Dwaine | Clara A. Stauff, Clerical Serv., Eleanor Peterson, Salary, Dep­ Simpaun, Harry Henry TREAS OFF ................... 109.47 uty Sheriff (Tax Depart­ ment) ....................................... 185.00 Dr. E. E. Beber, medical serv. Strudivan, Roy Delbert 10.00 HEALTH DEPT..................... Muriel Davis, Salary, Deputy Smith, David Turner Sheriff (Tax Dept.) ............ 135.00 Donald M. Long, M. D., medi­ Seiburg, Carroll Martin cal service. HEALTH DEPT. 20.00 Catherine Trendell, Salary. Staton, James Mudtson Clerk, (Tax Dept.)............... 125.00 Ben C. Flaxel, Dist. Atty., ac/c Stenog. Sal. A Mileage 82.85 Juliene Freeman, Salary, Dep­ Schettler, 'William James uty Sheriff ............................ 135.00 Joseph Beeman, M. D., Mile- Smith, Wilbur LeRoy Muile Clinton, Salary, Clerk.... 120.00 ! age A Exp. Henninger case .. 33.75 Sorenson, John--Rudaiph L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, J. W. Leneve, Salary, Deputy Soorby, Robert Leslie Deputy County Clerk ----- - 185.00 j postage, etc. VARIOUS OFF 11.00 i Capital City Bindery, record Myrtle Christensen, Salary, Scarbarough, Ralph LeRoy Deputy County Clerk . ......... 140.00 I books, CLERK’S OFF...... «... 257.00 Sicklea, Orval Alexander Georgianna Vaughan, Salary , J. C. Penney Co., oil cloth, Spiva, Clarence Roy _ __ Health Dept.................-.......... Deputy Clerk _............... 155.00! H. c7Getz, Salary, Draftsman 200.00 i The News Press, envelopes ..... Sturdivkn, Raymond Lee _... n. . — l't _ ----- t ----------- -*-■ Co., services " I Coquille Laundry Ellis Selander, Salary Deputy Shields, William Sherrell Society, care Assessor ................................... i75.oo 1 B°y» * Oirl * Schaer, David Theodoer I of Coos Co. children............. 12.00 May Ensele, Salary, Deputy Soden, .William Paul Assessor ................................ c ‘& urtho !> sk '- 15.00 Shelley, Marc Hanna Idyle A. Godard, Salary, 116 65 Mountain States Power Co., Stenog., School Supt .............. Shelley, Marcus . Lihgts & Power.... ...........*.... 146.61 annplire ...... -..... . ......... . ....... 3.40 J. N. Gearhart, Salary, County Stewart, Rodger Houghston West's, auto supplies ............ 51.50 50.00' Coos Buy Times, Pub. Co. Crt. Surveyor ............................. 28.85 C. J. O’Neil, auto supplies ..... 13.63 I proceedings ....... ................... Simpson, John'Thomas Dr. G. E. Stark, Salary, Health Officer .................................... 50 00 Coquille Valley Sentinel, Pub. 94.65 Orchards Auto Parts Co., auto Smith, David Robertson supplies ...».............................. 160.46 ; A. B. Collier, Checking Justice Leia Elrod, Salary, Health Smith, Lt. Donald T. 160.00 i Courts ...:.... ;.. 105.00 George F. Burr, auto supplies 36.94 Nurse ....................... ............. Sell, Gottiiebt Claud Central Transfer Co., Freight 6.91 E. U. Smith, bounty on one Ethel Littler, Salary, Health 2.50 Pioneer Hardware Co., mater­ bob cat ............ ,.............. Stout, Vern Clifford Nurse ............................. 35.00 ial ......................................................... Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees., Cash 108.40 Carolyn Huff, Salary, Secre­ Smith, Ray Dee 2.50 Coos Ray Mattress A Uphlry adv. for auto licenses .......... tary, Health Dept.................... 55.00 Sparkman, Woodrow Garland Co., canvas ........................... Coos Bay Stationery, Sup­ 4.50 James H. Leonard, Probation 40.45 Huling Lundy A Sons, mater­ plies, Various offices.... Schroeder, Wlnford Arnold Officer .............................. 175.00 ial ........... ........................... . State Industrial Acc. Comm., 8.07 Earl L. Schroeder, Salary, strong, Darwood Eugeni- 4.65 .Janitor ............... 110.00 I Industrial Insurance ........ 48.23 J. A. Lamb Co., material ..... Scott, Lafe Otis Coast Lumber Yard, lumber 95.20 William H. Wann, School Re­ Charles Roberts. Salary, Jani­ Stugeon, Marvin Rolland port A Budget, etc.................. 195.00 Coos Bay Salvage A Steel Co., tor A Jailer...................... 140.00 used iron ............................... 55.00 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas Stem, Phillip Belle Whitsett, Salary, Matron and oil ...... ................................. 54.96 Gregg Hardware, material ....... 4.30 A Cook, Jail .......................... 75.00 Stem, Guy Smith Wood-Products Inc., R. S. Thomas, bounty on 2 bob F. C. McNelly, Salary. Super­ Shrader, David Eugene 5.00 lumber .......................... : 142.39 cats ................................ ........ .. intendent County Farm. 150.00 Simmons, Larson Edward West Coast Telephone Co., jer-__ Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, mile- Edith McNelly, Salary, Matron ......... :......................... 38JJ5 vices ....... 40.55 Summers, Chester Lawrence Co. Farm....................... '...<■ Arthur Berg, Agent, Sheriff West Coast Telephone Co., ser- H. R. Clark, Salary, County ‘ Savage, Calvin vices ........ f. .... . A Tax Collector, BONDS .... 225.00 30.55 Property Age it ............. 150.00 Stock, Phillip Albert- Tomlinson, use of trac­ Burroughs Adding Machine, ela Elrod, Mileage, Health 30.60 tor .... ........ ......... I ............ ...... Seeley. Linus W •» mechanical service« ...-. ...... . 12.00 20.20 JDwt.......................................... Coos County Health Dept., Southern Pacific Co., storage Seeley, Everett Ethel C. Littler, Mileage, of road oil ............... . ............. stamps ....................................— 3.00 Health Dept. ..... .......... . 35.15 Springer, Willis A. B. Daly A Co., material..... •9.26 Western Union, services .......... 20.00 E. Mullins, Travel expense C. Smith, R. D. - James H. Leonard, mileage A Tyrrell Woodward, use of trac. Wilda Mae van Meter, 2 mos. tor ............ ................... ......... expense—Prob. Offr. ............ 12.00 Smith, D. J. Technical services—Assrs. State Ind. Acc. Commission, in' Off............................................. 240.00 A. M. Willey, milk for Jail — Terrell, Jack L. Barrow Drug Co.,B drugs ....... dustrial insurance ............... 582.87 Jean Newton, 2 mos. Technical F. S. Slover Co., files................. 5.70 Terrell, Robert L. services—Assrs. Off............ 240.00 Carter Rice A Co., Janitor’s 15.50 Benham Transfer, freight___ supplies ... .............................. 2.42 Coquille Service Station, auto Thrift, Thomas Howard ROADS Ocean Dock Term. A Supply supplies, SHF OFF ............... 0.81 Torry, Carl / Co., material.................. _...... i F. A. Robb, Salary, Roadma»- .58 I Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Sup­ « 306.00 Thompson, Bruce Dalwin Standard Oil Co., of Calif., gas ter plies. TREAS. OFF.................> 2.30 and oil ................................ ..... T. Ralph Harry, Salary, Chief 945.01 Thrift, Hamilton B K. Werner, repairs to type- Clerk ....................................... 198 >00 Coquille Wood Co., wood....... 15.00 . writers 12.50 T’homns, Tx>yd Arthur Tom Evans, Salary, Shop Fore ­ North Bend Fuel A Transfer Theodore Schiel, Cattle indem­ Taylor, Alford Harvey Co., wood ............................... man ........................................... 00 5.00 nity .......... ....... .......... _............ 4.00 Earl Littrell Supply Co., auto Thompson, Foster' Dill George Huther, operating Bul­ Thelma Snyder, Ration Board supplies ...................... ............ 27.52 lards Fy......................... 130.00 Turk, James Harvey Clerk....... ................................. 88.65 Western Auto Supply Co., auto Chas. E. McDonald, operating County Farm Taylor, Everett supplies ................ ................. Bullarda Fy.............................. 47.90 1.15 0.03 Lola Myers, Salary, Cook ..... Ter.-y, Tom Thornton Tire Service, auto G under Gunderson, 2nd asst. Elizabeth Lambert, Salary, supplies .............. .................... 80.42 Roadmaster ................ . ...... Cook A waiter ......... ........... 84.23 Umbreli, Lloyd Mathew Koontz Machine Shop, machine J.L. Lea, labor .:................. . ..... R. M Breedlove, Salary, Wait­ Uiett, William Carlton work ...... ....... .................. .75 er ........................................ 1.93 J. K. Baker, labor.................. . Industrial Repair Co., bushing Preston Moy, Salury, Waiter 22.26 M. McCarthy, labor.................. Vetter, Fred George bronze ..-..... ................ ............ 5.81 Wayne Goodman, labor ......... Josie Perrott, Salary, Waiter .. Veltum, Fred W. H. S. Norton, brushes .......... 22 26 Mike Boone, labor................. Josie Gillman, Salary, Waiter 67'10 ' Ernest Franson, labor M.......... Van Fleet, Claud Edward win. ivijrcria, «i imiciiiu Wm. Myers, Sulary, r Farmhand Victor Demerest, labor ........... 165.12 STATE OF OREGON George Workman, Salary, Or­ Van Meter, Charles A. . Ralph Hurlbutt, labor................ 128.64 derly ......................................... County of Coo«: m . O. P. Smith, labor..................... 128.16 Walker, Paul William, Jr. Wm. Stewart, Salary, T’iight- I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of Henry Franson, labor ..... 145.44 watch 45100 ...... Coos County, Oregon, and ex-officio Willis, Iva Wallace Reta Horton, Salary, Nurse .... 105.10 W. M. Williams, labor............... 117.60 clerk of the county court, do hereby Williams, Harold Lester A. O. Trendell, labor ............ 147.60 Jimmie Gage, use of truck fore* certify that the foregoing is a state­ Waggoner, LoweIf*Oran relief ................_. 80.00 Harold Zeigler, 1st Asst. Road­ ment of the amount of claims allowed 228.00 master ................................... Coos County Farm, produce Waggoner, Kenneth Lee by the county court, at the regular 197.76 John B. O ’ Sullivan, labor used on farm.............. ... ........ 72.00 February term thereof, as the same Williams, Curtis Roy 226.32 Chas. Meutzer, labor .......... Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries 154.91 Woodcock, Rosco Buckingham 166.82 appears on the exhibits of claims in Swift A Co., Butter A cheese 58.14 John Barth, labor..... 185.76 my office and custody. Willet, Donald George S.onecypher Packing Co., incats 22.89 Carl Mathews, labor ............. WITNESS my hand and the seal L. C. Burner, labor 168.96 Busy Corner Grocery, gro­ Warren, Jack Houston C. F. Hawk, labor ... ............. 108.00 of the County Court affixed this 49.25 ceries ............................... Whereat, Donald 165.12 18th -day of February, 1942. 25.06 Orin Demarest, labor......... .. Hudson’s Drug Store, drugs L. W. Oddy, County Clerk Williams, l^wis Norris, Jr. 24.27 Chas. Hofer, labor ..»............. 144.00 Seal) Fuhrman's Pharmacy, drugs By J. W. Leneve. Deputy. Winn, Eva Aaron The Hub, clothing, bedding, etc. 249.83 Vivian Cook, labor.................. 207.72 Bill C. Daggitt, labor ........... 191.38 Biegger Furniture Co., light Wendell, Cyrus R. NOTICE TO CREDITORS fixtures, etc......................... .-... 81.97 Wm. Dinsmore, labor ............ 146.88 Wolver, Harold Woodros Cecil Hartley, labor ............. 169.92 Notice is hereby given that the un­ Coos Bay Mattress de Upholsty __ I Coll McLean, labor ................... 181.44 dersigned was on February 8, 1943, Walton. Dudley Campbell . Co., rebuild mattresses 68 Carl Shore, labor...................... 15504 duty appointed Administrator of the Coos Bay Times, ad ................ Williams, Raymond Lewis Ben A. Wigle, labor ................ 103.68 estate of Judd M. Doering, Deceased, Herald Press, ad ................ /... Williams, William P. Jason Smart, labor................. 120 96 by the County Court of Coos County, J. A. Lamb Co., hardware Wade, Claive Elliott Walter L. Taff, labor............. 146.16 Oregon, and all persons having claims Gregg Hardware hardware A Watson, Jim ! paints ........................... 95.03 Ben Kuhnert, labor.................. 103.68 against said estate are hereby re­ Tom Hall, labor ....... ....... . 108 00 quired to present them to me with Smith Wood-Products, Inc., Wilson, Ritchie Henry 179.52 proper vouchers attached and duly 15.84 Van A. Spores, labor lumber ........................ Wilson, Andrew Jackson 65.07 Berlyn Billings, labor............. 173.28 verified at the Office of F. E. Mc­ Benham Transfer, diesel oil Wilson. Ralph 34.56 Cracken. Attorney, in Coquille, Ore­ 26.00 Paul Kraukle, labor ................ Overland Coal Co., coal C. W. Loveland, operating Bui gon, within six months from the date Coquille Service Station, bat­ Yeoman, Car) Francis lards Fy............... 190.30 of this notice. tery ..................... -............ — 13.45 Gustav Amundson, labor......... Young, Charles Lee Dated and published first time Feb­ Washer Service Co., repair to ruary 11, 1943 washer .............. ............ 34.60 Howard T. Carver, labor ...... Yarbrough, William R. Oran Young, labor . Jail Raymond Doering, C. F.'Christian, labor .......... 415 Zimmerman, William Hughe - Coos County Farm, food fur­ Administrator of said Estate. Robert S. Fahy, operating Bul ­ nished jail .......................... 06 90 Zieglar, llcueri Harold lards Fy................ ..... .............. 94.80 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Stevens Cash Hardware, jani- 282 Doris Hadsall, Salary, Aisst. I tor’s supplies ........................ NOTICE is hereby given that the Clerk ...................................... 100.00 undersigned was on February 23rd, Grade III War Tires. We have i C om County Farm, laundry service for jail ... . ..... loo.oo Ilarold Roberts, labor............... 105.60 1943, duly appointed Administratrix lots of them.- Southwestern Motor ; Charley Perrott, extra, Bullard« Court House of Thomas, De- Co. Car and Home Supply . i 1----- HQHMR . . __________ _ __ ... ____ __ County ” Oregon, and all persons hav- ■MK 54.00 ng claims against said estate are terials A repair to Igts ......... 22 10 > *'on Crouch, labor .... „....... 'Sye Davis, labor—..u......... 151.20 iwreby required to present them to Various Off. 6 88 ’«*nn Pederson, labor ....... NOTICE 11.52 nw with proper vouchers attached Barrow Drug Co., supplies 10 70 iR Wilmoth, labor..... . ..... 5.78 and duly verfied at the Office of F. Oregonian Subscribers: Please I H. S. Norton, supplies ....... .... Albert Hicks, labor ......... 17.28 E. McCracken, Attorney, in Coquille, IC. E. Mullins, travel expense, help your carrier by having your 130.66 Oregon, within six months from the 20.00 i L. E. Hamblin, labor ......... HUNTER ........................ W. Johnson, labor ...... n.... . 8.84 date of thia notice. paper money ready at his first call. IS. I. A. C., Ind. ins. Co. Em­ 10.08 ployees .................................... 46 61 H. Benson, labor.............. ..... Dated and published first time Feb­ Remember he must pay bis paper Tyrrell Woodward, labor. 67.56 ruary 25, 1943. Kaufman A Co., Ins. Agency, obligation before the 10th of the C. Schapers, labor ................ 8.64 Bond, L. W. Oddy, Co. Clerk 50 00 Alta V. Rogers, A. Stocks, labor.......... . ....... month. Thank you. 8.64 6t5 Kaufman A Co., Ins. Agency. Administratrix of said Estate. J. Elliott, labor .................. 8.64 Bond, Archie Philip—Con- TAe OnQonian Agency I stable...... ...... . —------------- 18.50 G. Yost, labor .............. ....... 5.78 We now have a complete supply Chas. E. Wolff, labor 65.28 J. Arthur Berg, Bond. Allen P. O. Box No. 248 Phone 201 of poles, brackets and pole ends for Robert Palmer, labor ..... 17... •7.48 I Hall—J. P............................... 10.00 Coquille, Oregoa Virgil Todd, labor . ............... 5.76 curtains and drapes at G«egg Hard­ Koke-Chapman Co.. Daters— a 1.73 ¡Bill Sinko, labor __ ______ Treasurer’s Office —........ _ 2.88 ware, Coquille GENERAL FUND "fu.K Kyle, Howard Dale Krantz, Dwayne Lee Knife, Aaron Ellsworth M&ncpd, Russell Dele ^armedy, Marshall Ralph Northrup, William Robert, Jr., Nichols, Chester Miner Nicltols, Lester Marvin ' Nordstrom. Fredrick William Norris, Raymond Franklin Nosier, Elwyn Milton Newton, Charles Owen Newton, Ellis PROCEEDINGS OF Publishing Co., Circuit COUNTY COURT West "S-X* c""^i r JL ' f