PAO* fOV* industries be returning to peacetime pursuits, eager for pro­ ductive work. To provide employ­ ment for those millions of war work­ ers and returning soldiers, we quickly H. A. YOUNG ' (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, An electric alarm bell was received (By GBORGE PECK) will have to offaet the «5 billion pro­ February 23, 1023) at the iocal Southern Pacific depot ' fir,t concern of every Ameri- duction of war material with an The New Hotel Now Assurred - last Friday for installation 'at the|Cun today should be the putting forth equivalent of peacetime goods and |of every effort to win the war us Forty-two Men and Women of Co­ bridge crossing on Ferry street. One Y services. Theoretically and perhaps —-o— ' ’ > speedily as possible. That we are quille Have Subscribed Stock to the factually a total output of 150 bil­ Mrs. F. L. Ureenough wus luartess ' Koing To win is practically an as- Amount of 325,000 and Put the Pro­ lion dollars will be required. Per­ ject Over the Top. -u - to the Episcopal Guild Wednesday af- »tired fact; as to when is still a matter, haps this can be shaded by as much ternoon. 'At the close of the after- '»f conjecture. Every hour until our as a ten per cent because of the Coos county warranto on tl>e gen­ rtnon’s sewing, dainty sandwiches and enemies lay down their arms will cost high cost of war goods but, even after eral fund will no longer be made out tea were served to the following: this nation lives and money. There- of The Committee For Economic De- making such an allowance, we are v elopment. He has stated the enorm ­ "to bearer” . > ■ The county court is Maadamsu C. C. Eviand, Bert Folsom. • f°»*. n«w that we pre sure we are faced with the necessity of achiev*, having the new Issue made payable G. Earl Low, H. W. Pierce, Thos. going to *win, let’s have at it with ity pt the problem in apt and under­ ing a 13S billion dollar output which standable language. He says: “ The to the person to whom it has a debt White, J. S. Barton, L, H. Hazard. H. i everything we have, bend every ener- is more than 35 per cent over that of to pay and must be indorsed by the W. Miller, A. W. Bell, Geo. Leach, ■ MX. make every .necessary sacrifice to future of American enterprise is now 1M0, a record peacetime year. Fur­ in the making. For some time we Sarah Wickham and C. J. Fuhrman, hasten the day of victory. payee. thermore, we have got to reach that ■ "O''' • In doing this, however, we should have been engaged in passing from a It new high level quickly — at most peacetime to a war economy, and The Coquille High School five nev- '• no* *<*« »ikht of the fact that when Tuesday was naturalization in Cir­ met certain basic facts flowing from this . within two years after peace unless ulii cuit Court here and five were ac­ er played a harder nor faster game ,he peace finally comes. America will transition are mapping out the path-( we are to have millions of .people cepted and made citizens, among of basketball than they did against face another great problem, that of With all the gardens going In all whom was Maude Myrberg, of Co­ Myrtle Point last Friday evening up «inverting back frotn war to peace- ways of tomorrow. In our last full walking the streets looking for jobs, It is the toughest assignment com com- ­ . over town it is absolutely necessary there for the first half but they weak- i *>Me activity. It is not a moment too peacetime year of 1940, the nation’s quille. ! . merce and industry ever tackled.” that chickens and dogs be kept con­ ened in the second section and per- soon for industry, business- and agri- gross output of goods and services This committee has engaged the fined and not allowed to ruin the • President Harding Is quoted by mltted Myrtle Point to come from ! culture, to begin plans of procedure totalled 100, billion dollars, of which only two billion dollars represented service « of some of the nation's most < efforts people are making to raise i that well known syndicate corres-. behind and tie the score in the last ! *“• when the peace is won. competent économiste and industrial “re .City .TI7d"i’»wren^"as Myin'l minute of play 12 to 12. In the five I* '■ encouraging to know that in­ production of war goods. Gross out­ bidding the running at targe of am- 0*7^770^187 Vn- U|e nght for en. minute play-off the Myrtle Pol nt «-s 'dustry is fully conscious of the tre-, put for 1943, it is estimated, will be engines th to tackle Ute peacetime it will meta and birds which are a nuisance pri>hibitl()n under the won, the total score being 16 to 13. mendous task with which peace will” approximately 160 billion dollars, of planning problem, welcome, in fact, asks for suggestions which more than 85 billion will go to neighbors, and this is the me f |gltl anwndmellt ba8 only just begun « —o— , confront it. To this end the Com- from people in all walks of life.. If year when the police make more of w(U 2(J form The skating craze has struck Co- ‘ mittee For Economic Development into war output. These' figures are ■ , . »._ ÄtllU Witt» 14 vvll* tone " — J a »■*» you have^some constructive ideas as in terms of the 1941 purchasing pow ­ cn effort to »top “**lr nwWlnWh a matured judgment as to whether It quille’s four hundred, or six hundred ha'1 been organized and is on the job. to coping with our-post-war problems er of the dollar. This committee is a private, rion- could be fully enforced and as to —at least it seemed like that many to “Employment figures are equally, why not send them along to The iCon- tlte effects of the law, Well some pf auto drivers on the street north of I -- ------------------ ‘- ----- • •••*•••• significant. In 1940 approximately mittee For Economic Development, jthé country and most of these are us old fellows can hardly wait that the court house last Saturday eve­ 46 million 600 thousand people were Room 3311, United States Depart within the draft age, and thousands ning. r . So far the fad is confined long to hear the verdict. Of these less ment of Commerce, Washington, D. C. to the ladies and children, but there are ready to fight for their country. gainfully employed. than one milion were engaged If, after the inmates have registered, • ' Our genial recorder, John S. I-aw- is no telling how soon the men may • • • • in the manufacture of war goods or the pressure for more troops be ­ be Sitten with the same bug. We irenoa, yesterday celebrated his 71st Possibly it is lese majesty to eriti j birthday, still hale and hearty and hear that several prominent Coquille/ comes Imperative it is possible that were in* the armed forces. It is es­ < ize the schools and their curriculum ■ apparently good for lots more birth­ ladies were unable to walk to ohurcti^ some arrangement will be made with timated that by the end of 1943 more pardon boards to, release the more than 62 million will be employed— but in a recent column by Walter FGR THE MARKET! Sunday morning. days. Lippmann, cottage work for boys of . ------------------ suitable prisoners and put them in with some 20 million directly engaged ■■ /...... ...... uniform. It is argued |hat because a in war manufacture and an additional fifteen was urged in order that they ' gardens may be neglected but every­ i man is in prison is no reason to ques­ nine million in the military services. might receive that education before one r recognizes need for tato the army thstTgh at eight- i vegetable one «co«n garden *“» the lne this "wa spring lor a " home n"" ,r tion his patriotism or his usefulness The nation is just beginning to feel ^y^ HeliX^ The on the battlefront. Ute drastic dislocation in production schools could streamline their courses «“vernment could not have chosen a and marketing which this shift from and condense the essential studies I betu*r tlme to ,ta,t r8li®nin« A special committtee has been ap- a peacetime to a war economy has thñe^yélrs^instXToJ four; alió !«* ** WISE pointed to visit the relocation centers made ituvitable. A year from now MTVHI face the facta of life as the war that the elementary schools might where the Janapeae are confined in we will realize that total war involves teaches them and lbs n’<*< evident CALVES at Low*-Cut, w/tft turn out better educated youngsters Oregon and elsewhere. (Largest group a substantial liquidation of our nor­ one just now is the realization that in less time if emphasis was planed in Oregon is in the Ktamath basin). mal civilian activities. the thrifty and industrious sower of There is Complaint that too many of It is against this background that on fundamentals and less upon un­ seed will eat better this summer and these camps are in charge of starry- the picture of our country's future proved social theories. next winter than thoee who fell, to The three R’s are still important.' eyer social workers and that the I must be drawn. The coming of peace • This balanced Iced is •f.e«.«ally built «• »eplate Mr. Lippinann quotes an experienced i heed the call of Mother Nature to evacuees are being pampered and will create perhaps even more stag­ pail of the milk in th* schoolman as saying that many col- in the W“* galvas* diet It prndtKea better eared for than the people of gering problems as the nation turns htroos and aiu/dy tslvns. lege men do not “read well «nou«h' lnh"7ted dTsira”^" the surrounding country. In Wyoming, back from a wartime to a civilian Sava» milk. wa*ia. labw or write well enough or handle simple ■ d_„ir. A*k your daaWf «haul 1«. for exajpple, the supervisors are in­ economy. Our government will no Iherited from ten billlop ancestors Washington, D. C., Feb. 24—Next mathematics well enough to make stalling the most modem plant for longer be in the market for 85 bil­ _ j who kept the race alive because they year there would be 10.000 acres the manufacture of chinaware. The lion .dollars’ worth of war goods. good officer material.” That is an ,/LZLJL 77, did turn the sod in the spring and ready to farm on the Deschutes pro­ Japanese cauld always undersell A minimum of seven million man indictment of our present MILLING CO. then harvested their crops in the ject In central Oregon if congress education. I American manufacturers, and now then in the armed services and most EES N III I AMOOM ST summer and fall. Gardening is such would make an appropriation pfj The above indicates that the trouble fear is expressed that if the Japs are I fun, too, and is one healthful atavistic 11,000,000 and war production board ¡shown how to _ operate modern ma- of the 20 million persons now in war starts in the grade schools. In fact, would re voke ita «d« J^^7 longing that may be indulged to the the person nowadays who can write heart ’ s content. construction work of all kinds. There ----- a clear, legible hand is the exception this'skill home to Japan and further would be an additlqpal 35,000 acres cut under American prices. • rather than the rule so far have we It the canned foods we personally ready for the plow In 1045, and ao abandoned pride in handwriting, for­ do uot eat the next few months on to completion of the project,. This | Undersecretary of War Robert Pat­ getting that the child who'toils to of Coquille keeps one Russian soldier advancing project ig one of a number of reclama­ terson has Deen advocating curtail­ perfect the form of his letters will toward Berlin, more power to ration­ tion jobs which have been held up later tackle his adult task with pains­ ment of long hauls for motor trucks, ing! It is said the Russian armies are by WPB, but since this stop order was taking care. although a few months ago an army performing a miracle of supply in given the question of food for sol­ In “readin’ ” the same trouble is officer announced that the army Is encountered as in "ritin* ” and the keeping their troops fed as they diers, lend-leaae and the civilian in favor of long hauls because the careless child reader becomes the rapidly move forward in victory. population has assumed serious pro­ trucks are transporting such, quanti­ easily-swayed adult radio-listener Also it is rumored that American portions, ties of material for the army, such as food is playing a larger part In this In u land of plenty, food will be supplies for cantonments, air bases who believes what he wants to hear and lacks mature judgment to sift j j amazing military achievement than scarce this year, the next and pn and other installations. If Patter­ * is generally known. .. ,■ through to toe duration's end, and son’s proposal is adopted it will prac­ the false from the true. Whalfrnme. halted by Ger­ thereafter, for following the war the tically paralyze the interior points As for "rithmetic,” we must con­ policy of the United States is to feed In Oregon, which receive their sup­ fess we are rather a fatalist, either you are bom with a liking for figures man occupation is revealed in tlx* several hundred millions of starving plies by truck. Office of defenae “WALLY” or without it. This should mean following sentence written by a peoples in the countries comprising transportation and Rubber Director Phene 48 that good grades in that study are not Frenchwoman seventeen months after Europe and in north Africa. Short­ Jeffers are both opposing Patterson’s a badge of great honor, instead the the fall of Paris^ "One time Petain age of manpower and shortage of ma­ idea. medal should go to the plodder who embodied the country, he still was chinery is handicapping farmers of does not like mathematics at any Verdun: but since, everyone has lived this country and there is no assurance that they will raise as much food as stage of schooling but by diligence -I his own Verdun.” they did in 1942, although the orders masters its problems. No one can of the administration are to exceed doubt its importance in modem Ute; the harvest of last year, not only do chemists, engineers and The Sentinel TWENTY YEARS AGO For 'nd“ Post-War stLP'on Period ’ _________ ~ [ profit corporation, completely Inde­ pendent and self-perpetuating, and is ¡financed by contributions from indi­ vidual businesses. It is neither an official or semi-official agency of government, but it has the active sup­ port of Secretary of Commerce Jesse H. Jones, and has been assured hearty co-operation by every government agency concerned with the problem of post-war economy. Pauli Gi Hoffman, president of the Studebaki^ Corporation, is chairman P Fragment» at Fact an¿ Fancy •,||R|BIRBBRR SaveYourMUk i§«raRRRHiBBRRBrx'^ TRIANOLI CALF FfLLITf * TRIANGLE The Industrial Repair Co *- WELDiNG MACHINING METALLIZING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING Repairing Aids Victory Competing With ' The Kaiser Yards . aeronautic pilots need to understand and make use of the intricacies of Mrs. Pearl Ellingson has received higher mathematical formulae but the day-laborer must know his way the announcement below from her niece, the former Effie Sweet, daugh­ around an income-tax blank now. Education of the young will never ter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Sweet, of be static and please everyone. It is Sixes River: News Flash a good thing this is true for we ad­ This is your station announcer vance only by experimenting and the trial and error method of choosing bringing you the latest news of the subjects winnows out the poor from I day. |M I I I ____ good. ___ ____________ _________ the Thirty or forty years ago! Information has just come HRB through _____ —a ___ ___ a_a_x __ a — manual . X__a training was 1 a heralded as the ' ikol • • Iniinohlnw launching took place January 24th at 9:40 a. m. This was fully two cure-all for past mistakes. We be- ‘ ~ lieve a dextrous hand is as essential weeks ahead of the schedule that was to a well-educated man as a disci­ previously planned. She is one of the destroyer-cruiser plined mind for the two go together combination types with all the latest and I »lance each other. Today the accent is on social living, improvements added. Her tonnage Possibly the child who has not yet is an even 7 lbs. 5 nz. She is equipped learned to understand all that he with brown portholes, and forepeak, reads is the one to worry about hu- has an overall length of 21 inches, and man behavior rather than the sea i- is painted a baby battleship red. The fuel tank has a capacity of sorted adult who has u knowledge of hirtory and an understanding- tit :itot and must he refuelled every 2 men and their motives, but it’s like!hours for top performance. The asking a landlubber unacquainted whistle h of the long-ear-piercing with the science of navigation to sail | OT* ami works best when the fuel a ves lel acrot:s the sea. tank is t mpty. We will admit that the outlines of She was christened Patricia Ann education should be decided upon by by Effie Persons, also the production the y.xing and vigorous thinkers. The manager of the si bp, with her mother M Me j w gww'fW'W.nwft M — i I.77- they have in the natural intelligence was launched under >e able direction or ability of young people and a few of Dr. Jack L. fitein of Albany, Call- * mistakes ‘ would be preferable to • -------- — --------------- — fomta. ------ - . iron-clad rules of training • without | Designing engineer tvns Jim Par­ flexibility for introduction of new ; eons, Burner Leaderman at Richmond Shipyard No. 2. ideas. L The Patricia Ann was sent tmmedi- The gardens which Nave been ately to the fitting out dock and from started this past week! Not only the there she will sail to her home port man with the hoe but the woman with at 1692 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, the sprA. have been very much in. California, where the will be on dis- evidence during the speU of warm play to friends of the Production and the Designing ”—’------ Married men with children will be marshaled into the army sometime during the summer, Selective service declares that the unmarried and mar­ ried men without children win be ex­ hausted within a few months, the exceptions being those in key posi­ tions in war industries and those not physically fit, Ail the caluculations of selective service show that if the ■rw»y *• 10 have llAX)®,oqfl men at the end of the year they must draft the fathers, If they are less than 35 “.n *>f years nf age, age. What this will mean in Oregon Is uncertain, as statistics are not available, Everything is "set” fur two. ship­ yards ^ear Astoria to build wood boats, barged or other wood vessels, provided contracts are obtainable The Astorik yards are pert of a group of some six to be "tbcated in Wash­ ington and California. The promo­ ters have an abundauce of capital and skilled executives and are trying to obtain contracts which smaller com­ panies have tried and failed to re­ ceive. The project is actually a combination of small companies. Navy and army procurement offices s have icy has been denounced on the floor of | the senate but Donald Nelson, chief | of WPB. says that small enterprise [ must succumb z Plans are under way to register in • I mates of Oregon state penitentiary i for the draft. At present an inmate must register with his local board within title days of hia release. It t- estimated that there are about 175,- 000 Inmates of penal institutions in