■ù?-. ». Point Values 1« pts. 44 pts. 10 pts. 14 pt«. 14 pt«. 11 pts. Peaches - - Pears - - Sliced Pineapple Grapefruit - Fruit Cocktail - Grapefruit - Tomato - - Pineapple - - Grape Juice' 1 Soups - • . 1 1 1 1 1 1 lb. 2 lb. 1 lb. qt. or lOVi 14 oz. 14 oz. 7 bz. 2 lbs. oz. Must File Federal Income Tax Returns Plans For An Old Fashioned Dance Something new to Coquille in the way of amusement will be an old fashioned square dance to be held at the Community Building, Friday, March 5. Low-heeled shoes and ap­ propriate clothfs have been mentlbned as advisable. It is hoped a good crowd will come out, and especially those who know how it is done. Tick­ et« are 55 cents. Members of the Guild are sponsoring the dance. Episcopal Guild Inaugurates Monthly Social Afternoon The new plan of the Guild to hold a social afternoon on the last Wednes- i day of each month was inaugurated on I Wednesday of this week. _ Of the ! group playing bridge Mrs. Wm. Man­ sell was high. At Pinochle Mrs. J. C. Kelch was high, and Mrs. John Martin was high at Chinese checkers. Playing bridge were Mesdames W. E. ' Bosserman,’Ji E. Axtell, Claire Gray, E. A. Walker, Wm. Mansell, Shaw, R. L. Stewart, Kenneth ner, Ed Lorenz, W. W. Brown, Raiflflfti U. E. McClary. In the Pinochle group were Mes- 1 dames Tuttle, Ned Kay, O. E. Larson, "Palm Beach Story" At Roxy Thur, to Sat. Births At Coquille ■ Hospital To Mr. and Mrs, Everett Robbins, of Coquille, Feb. 18, a nine pound baby girl, who has been named Pa­ tricia Lee. A baby boy, weighing seven pounds, 8*4 ounces, was born to Mr. and Mis. Donald Shore, who now live in Marshfield, last Friday. He has been numed Terraid Wallace. Look for laughs come« Thursday. Friday and Saturday at the Roxy Theatre when Paramount brings its new Preston Sturges funfilm, **The Pulm Beach Story,” to town. All signs point to its being topnotch en­ tertainment in the best Sturges man­ ner and with memories of the hilar­ It*« not too early to think about ious reception accorded "Sullivan’s your St. Patrick's Day Greeting Travel«!’’ "The Lady Eve." “Christ­ Cards. Norton’s have a fine selection mas in July” and “The Great Mc­ from which to choose. Ginty." “The Palm Beach Story” ought to be a great bet for movie fan«. ’ ’—— 1 The picture co-stars the vivacious Claudette Colbert, who has never be­ fore appeared in a Sturges picture, and Joel McCrea, who has. The two portray a.couple, married five years, and flat broke. Claudette believe« «he could be more of a help in ad-, vancing her hu«band’« business career if «he were a “sister” to him. He doesn’t agree with her but that doesn't keep her from walking out on, him ut>d going to Pulm Beach for a divorce. Large New Assortment of- • Lamps ; •“ Chenille Spreads • Occasional Chairs • Swing Chairs • Breakfast Sets • Dinette Sets - • 50% Wool Blankets •Wool Rugs 9x12x9x15 • Washable Rugs e/œ jvm fahhx ntt tttttçy Tttty HttD-S fart them off with a nourishing BREAKFAST MORN I NG GLORY 0ATSÄ7 57.L & 24 P rote £^ 'ee WHITE BREAD. PLANNING TO CAN We suggest you check your needs and buy your supplies NOW! Gregg Hardware Phone 4M KERR JARS Pt*.—Dog. JAR CAPS Kerr Reg. do/. S herwin W/ lu a ms P A I N i s Wrarice At New Reduced Rates COLLISION RATES REDUCED « A A B Ration Books. oK on A Book — off on B Book. FIRE INSURANCE RATES REDUCED ON ALL DWELLINGS and FARM PROPERTY CALL OR PHONE ON ANY INSURANCE PROBLEM 430 Front St. phone ,2M AQc • Ofc RUBBERS Reg.—Doi. — A 1 Ac JELLY GLASSES M. Gal. Qts. OQ dos. $1.19 doz.W** LIDS Ho*. .. PAROWAX 2 lb. pkg. 25' 25' Safeway Meats SMELT—2 U h . 25c LEGHORN FOWLS .... 59c lb. COLORED FRYERS ..... 89c lb. CUT TURKEYS............ 39c lb. Wings, Necks, Backs LEGS, BREASTS 89c lb LUNCH MEATS, A m . ... .. 33c lb.