F AAR TWO TH« COQUILLE VALLEY 8ENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ». IMS. f Four New Members Linen Shower For In Bóchele?Girls Club MargorefSmith ' fV 'Ir ’' Three Coos Boys «Named Attendants S. A. Molthu To Be Buried Here "Battle of Midway Added Attraction At Roxy Sun. to Tue. . Commander John Ford, U. S. N. R , the former distinguished Hollywood director who made, “The Informer,'* “Grapes of Wrath,” How Green Wus My Valley,” and other motion pic­ ture epics, not only edited the film, but shot much of the footage while the battle was raging. He was. in fact, wounded by shrapnel early in the fighting as he perched atop a pow­ erhouse, recording for posterity the most extraordinary on-the-acene ac- oount of Actual battle ever released A naval officer and an enlisted man took additional sea and air shots Two others an Midway Island, had their cameras blown out of their hands by the impact of tire concus­ sion from a stick of Japanese bombs This great Naval film is released by the War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry. The commentary is spoken by Henry Fonda, Donald Crisp, Irving Pichel and Jane Darwell, and the film is being distributed by 20th Century - i’ • ■ ■ .* r-T- Appointment of three Coos county Mias Margaret Smith is being much Word has been received by Adolph entertained this week prior to her ! candidates, Curtis W. Jqwnsend, of and Olger Molthu of the death last departure early next month. Last Powers, Fremont B Hodson, Jr., of week of their father, Severin Andrew "Thë Japanese Zero fighters roared Monday evening Miss Ann Hawkins, ' North Bend, and John F. Thorp, of Molthu, who has been a resident of in at you and you could see the flam­ at the home of ner parents, Mr. and I Powers, as alternates for the U. S. Monroe, Washington, for the past ing Red Sun on their fuselages. You Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, was the hostess I ' Military Academy at West Point. as several years. Mr. Molthu was a drew in your breath sharply and held at a charming evening party for the a result of the civil service prelimn- former resident of Coquiljc, leaving it.* ‘. bride-to-be. A linen shower had nary qualifying examination for ap­ here in the middle 1920’ k . His body "Yo»> e«»uld see their bombs drop been planned and many attractive pointments to,the Academy, was ah- is being shipped to toe Schroeder and you could almost feel the concus­ ¡terns dear to the heart of a future auunced today by Harris Ellsworth, Funeral Home where funeral arrange­ sion. The noise was like thunder and housewife were presented to the tepresentative in Congress from the ments will be made. Hs is survived you thought each moment would be guest of honor. Entertainment tar Fourth District of Oregon. by three sons. Emil of Sterling. Colo­ your last. the evening was Liverpool Rummy, According to the grades earned in rado; Adolph of Bullurds Route, Co­ "Dense clouds of smoke from burn­ at which Margaret Stewart won high he examination, the four principal quille; and Olger, of Coquille; Six ing oil drifted across your dugout and ■core and Donna Dean Boaserman appointments, with three alternates daughters, Mrs. John D. Curry of then the Zero fighters boring in were WM low. Onalaska, Washington; Mrs. George lost to view. But you could hear (or each are as follows: Attending were the following: Mes- James B.. Hobson, 447 Alliston St., Ellis of Seattle, Washington; Mrs. them, and the expiation of bombs dames Harry Claterboe, Jr., Ralph Ashland, principal; George F. Jubber, Doyle Johns of Salida, Colorado; Mrs. bursting nearby , . .” Thrift, Lloyd Roes, M. O. Littrell, Route 2, Grants Pass, first alternate; Roy Gill of North Long Beach, Cali­ So wrote a noted correspondent up­ R. A. Hennessey, Tom Dimmlck, William F. Schaumann, Jr., 106 Van­ fornia; Mrs Walker Montgomery of on emerging from a special showing Misses Margaret Stewart, Donna couver Ave., Medford, second aler- Michigan, Mississippi: and Mrs. R. D. of “The Battle of Midway.” the Navy Dean Boaserman, Eunice Howe, Ina nate; James G. Osborne, Jr., 1473 Billings of Denver,' Colorado; and a , Deparement film which was photor Sherrill, Rheo Walker, Yvonne Kerb, Riverside Drive, Roseburg, third al­ brother, Hans Anderson, of East I graphed under fire during the great Fox. Norene McKeown and Gretchen Clin­ ternate. Btanwood, Washington. Burial will • naval battle. Slated to open Sun­ ton,. ' James Hoey, 119 Lincoln St., Med­ be at theJVIasonic cemetery beside his day, Monday and Tuesday at. the Grade III War1 Tires. . We have X. ford, principal; Daniel Maurice* Hal},. wife and his ?on who passed away in Roxy Theatre, “The Battle of Mid­ lots ot them. Southwestern Motor 322 E. 1st Ave., No.. Roseburg, first 1935. Co. Car and Home Supply Store. way" is unprecedented. f , alternate; Fremont Byfon Hodson, Jr., North Bend, second alternate; John Franklin Thorpe, Powers, third The Catholic Curd Parly held Feb. alternate. . * Daniel O., Graham, 108 Cottage St., 17 at the Coquille Hotel, was the Funeral services were "held at nine usual social and financial success as Medford? principal; Richard Samuel in other years. The receipts were Rogers, Jr., 723 Kalmla St., Junction o’clock this morning, at the Catholic even better than last year. “ The City, first alternate; Alan Bryan Church in Marshfield, for M. J. twenty-five dollar bond went to Miss Knudtson 247 Chadwick St. Roseburg, (Mike) McKenna, who passed away Patricia Berg and Dick Anderson second alternate; Chester Allen La­ nt the McAuley Hospita'l there Tues­ won the door prise. Scores at bridge throp, Route 2, Grants Pass,, third al­ day morning, after a week’s i lines! *5. * • Mr. McKenna has been a well were ladles' high, Mrs. June Ander­ ternate, William H. McMaster, 590 W 13th known Coos countv citizen for many Peterson cele- son; men's high, Harry Oerding; la­ I at Aug., Eugene, principal; Robert De­ years, Being connected with the lum­ orr.ted her fifth birthday last Tues­ dies’ low, Mrs. R. E. Boober; men's Wayne Pecea-m, Swisahome, first al­ ber industry and, prior to his death, low. Father Badyack. At contract day atfemoon. Her mother, Mrs. ternate; Curtis W. Townsend, Powers, 'Was treasurer of the McKenna Mill Floyd Peterson, planned a patriotic rummy Mrs. Stauff was high and Mr. second alternate; Leland Kent Wim­ A Lumber Co. Stauff was low. color scheme for the table because berly, 621 E. Lane, Roseburg, third- He was 78 years of age, having two important birthdays oome so dose alternate. been born Sept, 18, 1864, in Grand Fbbnmry Mad Waada together, that of her little daughter Th.Oke designated will be notified by Rapids, Mich. Postmaster W. P. and also that of the Father of Our Osibran’s Birthday Also the Army authorities of the time and McKennu, of Marshfield, is a brother i. Mrs. Ralph Cochran was compli ­ Country. A wonderful cake with mented on Monday evening, the oc­ place of the regular mental and phys- of the deceased and Mrs. John Beard, five red, white and blue CBUdlfeS of Marshfield, is a daughter. He is the centerpiece. The children played casion being also her birthday. Mrs ■al entrance examinations. “Grades for all *e| the Naval also survived by two brothers und a Harald Gould entertained for Mrs. outside in the sunshine. I Assisting Mrs. Peterson were Mrs. Cochran at the former's home. The Academy candidates have not been re­ sister in Michigan. Gerald Stark, Mrs. Leland Peterson, date being Feb 22, the hostess used ceived yet,” Congressman Ellsworth An adult is a jierson who hi« Mrs. Ralph Coehran and Mrs. Anuy the patriotic color scheme in tiu.- i-U, “but it Is anticipated that these Mintonye. The children invited were table decorations and little hatchets designat-ms will be made in a few stopped his growing at both ends and has started growing in the middle. Jean Peterson, Geranna Stevens, for place cards. The rooms took on I days." . ' .................. Marion Mintonye, Caroline and Shar­ the aspect of spring time with ar­ The “average man” is one who on Cochran, Marion Alice Harris, rangements of snapdragons and acacia thinks that "he isn't. sprays. The guest of honor received Jerry Minard. Eddie Stark. maiiy * attractive gifts. Mrs. Geo. Jenkins was high and Mrs. Elton A bore is a guy who insists on talk­ High School Group Organise Accountants and auditors are need­ ing about himself .'. . wftenwant Schroeder low at “Down the River “ At St James* Church Refreshments were served late in the ed by the State iJnempToyment Com­ to talk aboat yourself. On last Sunday evening a senior evening. pensation Commission, which has an , —11 ' ' high school group was organized at Those who attended were Mes­ no u need new merit examinations Planning a budget"!» just n way tn St. James' Episcopal Church. A good dames Wm. Barrow, Geo. Jenkins, next month. Applications must be do your worrying before you spend turnout xyas on jiand for the initial L. B. Gould, Bob Mason, Elton made by March 12 to Prof. William . . . instead of after. meeting. During the evening it was Schroeder, and Ralph Cochran The Griffith, supervisor of examinations. decided that there be no-officers, but party was a complete surprise to the 701 Spalding Building, Portland. Experience is what men-call their that committees be appointed from honor guest. Field auditors and assistant accoun­ mistakes. time to time to take charge of any tants should have high school educa­ special activities which may be TtMeday Cleb Met tion supplemented by a course in ac­ planned. Also, it was decided to With Mrs. Pierce counting and aonte experience, while table consideration ot a name for the Mrs. H. W, Pierce entertained the accounting clerlu need only three % group until a later date. Tuesday bridge club at her home on years of clerical experience or reeord Further, it was suggested and' Monday afternoon. There were four keeping. T,o make this simple, no risk hear­ agreed that the group meet the first substitute guests: Mesdamcg O. Zent- Pay for the posftions runs from ing test. If you are temporarily deaf­ ADMISSIONS and fourth Fridays and the third r4er, p. c. McNeUy, J-awrence Lund- ♦125 to 2100 a month, depending on ened, bothered by ringing buzzing Sunday of each month. The Sunday quist and Roy Boober. On the table experience and length of service. head noises due to hardened or coagu­ With S. B. Tickets - Grade School - Service Men meeting will be set aside for devotion 'at dessert wug a pleasin« floral cen- Veterans will get a five-point credit lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourioe Home Method test that so many snt Adults and discussion of such subjects which (terpiece created with red, while and m life examination, which are to be has enabled them to hear well again Under 12 years may k be . suggested .- j i by — members i— or by Rowers. Members present were neld late in March at Portland, Salem, You must hear better after making the vicar, the Rev. R. L. Greene. The Mesdames H. W. Pierce, F. L. Green- this simple test or you get your money Tax included Eugene, Marshfield, Ki Grande. back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear other evenings will be given aver to ough, Ed McKeown and U. E. Mc­ Klamath Falla and Ontario. Drops today at Barrow Drug Co. activities which are still to be Clary. planned. The group will meet for a •*7----------- special session this coming Sunday, Defense Clsb Meets at 2:00 o'clock, in the Guild halt. Mrs. W. Matejka entertained mem­ bers of the Defense Club at her home The Zodiac Club met with Jane last Friday afternoon for pinochle. Burch in honor of Blanche Mast's Scores for the afternoon were: Lu­ birthday on Wednesday A lovely cille McCloud, high; Doris Griggs, one-thirty o'clock luncheon was low, and Florence Prognoli, traveling. served to the following members: Defense stamps were the prizes. Lu­ Ruby Johnson, Ethel Fuller, Doris cille Cook was an extra guest. At­ Yost, Edna Kern, Edith Tennant, tending were: Mesdames Doris Cau­ Helen Dctlefaen, Blanche Hast, Mrs. dle, Ina Taylor, Agnes Story, Sophia Donald Burch and the hostess Ruby Hamilton, Lucille Cook, Florence Johnson drew the lucky number and Prognoli, Doris Griggs and Lucille Helen Detlefsen, the hostess gift. The McCloud. next meeting will be March 17 at Ruby Johnson's in honor of Helen See our large display ot choice poi Detlefsen. plants at Bergen’s, across highway Not the We now have a complete supply from telephone office. of poles, brackets and pole ends for cheapest but the best. Phone 84 With the new president in the chair, the Bachelor Girls met last Friday, as usual for their luncheon at the Coquille Hotel. Four guests were in attendance, all of whom are to be initiated into the club at a special meeting at the home of Donna Dean Basserman, the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 2«. Prospects are: Lois Robison, Yvonne Kern, Rheo Walker and Marianne Axtell. Phyllis Bellon* and Gladys May won the awards for having the most colorful appearance of any present. The order ot the day had been to wear clothes and adornments ot ex­ treme and multiple color combina­ tions. As a surprise stunt, the program chairman called for the emptying of all purses and a count taken of the contente. Strange results came to light. One girl found among other things two Kernels of corn. Ona girl had nothing but a cotfib., Few had any money! Lunelle (Chapple) Chapin gut toe prize for having fifty- two items. The prize was a callee- tito* of articles strung together, neck­ lace fashion, which are customarily found in the average girl's purse. Attending were Aloha Allen, Max­ ine Johnson, Marguerite Robison, Lunelle Chapin, Donna D. Bosser- man, Norene McKeown, Lydia Hol­ stein, Gladys May, Alys Juno Fox, Margaret Stewart, Margaret Belloni, Dorothy Coffey, Eunice Howe. Annual Card MJ. McKenna Buried At Bay Today Party Enjoyed . Tournament North Bend Gymnasium Fri., Feb. 26 - Sat., Feb. 27 Teams Entered COQUILLE MYRTLE POINT MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND Auditors Needed By ; Unemployment Com. 1st Night 7:30 Team No; 4 vs. No. 2 8:30 Team No. 3 vs. No. 1 2nd Night Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing 7:30 Consolation 8:30 Championship mom mona nom curtains and drapes at Gregg Hard­ ware, Calling cards, SO for #*.00. 4- Buy War Bonds... they are safe! > Protect your family with Life Insurance! • X * Save regularly in a Savings Account! «When it’srainmg Duck' Soup, put some of it MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT I