■ ■ . ■ ....., . THE COQUILLE TA Lift HtNTtNEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY. L-SÜ--I ■ ... ; Chadwick Lodge, A. F. A A. M. Our Job Is to •„ Dr. C. G. Stem left Saturday after­ noon for Eureka, Calif., where Mrs. Stem had gone a week before to be with their daughter, who had under­ gone an operation. The doctor, after a stop in Eureka, .went on to San Francisco to attend a clinic and will return the first of the month, Mrs. Stem >to accompany him home. Mgg Mla,L - V -X a I si IN Jack Towne left Sunday morning for Naval Aviation training. He en­ listed last August. Keith Leslie, who is with tt tema) Revenue Department ar rated in Portland, was here tc his family over the week-end WarBonw Stated communication Chadwick Lodge No. 68. A. F. « A. M, Tuesday, March 8, 7:30 p. m. Vigjting brother^ invited to attend. R. C. Johnson, W. M. ! Different! Myrtle Monday; >1. D. Bothwell, Point, last Saturday Mrs. Edith Premier on Tuesday.; Mrs. Pauline Shields, Coquqille, and Merlin Ix>ng of Bandon, yesterday. e MON afea ^ o F FfZ“| TUE ■ LAUGHTER' AH EMOTIONAL TREAT! Belle Knife Hospital Miles Stanley, of Camas Valley, was brought to the hospital last Fri-, day for treatment of an injured hand. -OrviUe Clinton; of" Coquille, and Mrs. George Alden, of Eugene, Frank Ward, of Marshfield, entered spent last week-end visiting her par­ on Saturday for treatment. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kero. Shelba, the 4^ year old daughter Eileen and her husband both attend of K. A. Stratton, of Riverton, under­ Northwestern Christian College. went an appendectomy on Saturday i and Mrs. CTias. Sell entered the same Miss Alice Oerding returned Tues­ day tor treatment. day from a business trip to Portland Edgar Wilson came down from <>n which she left last Saturday. Reedsport on Monday for treatment of an injured hand; Richard, eight­ Mrs. Flora Knights, of Toledo, year old son of Ray Mullen, of Co­ Oregon, visited at the home of Mrs. quille, underwent an operation for W. C. Jones, of Coquille, Friday and appendicitis, and Mrs. R. B. Nick- Saturday. Mrs. Knights was on her lous, .of Powers, entered for treat­ way to Oakland, Calif., where she ment. W. B. Knight who lives across will visit with her sister a couple of the river here also entered for treat­ months before returning to Portland ment on Monday. to make her home. An eiight pounds, 10 ounces, baby boy, who has been named William Flyod, was born to Mr. and Mrs. «turtain Laundry at my home, Floyd King, of Powers, on Tuesday. South Henry St. Phone 120R. Mrs. Ben Shields, from Bridge, on Tuesday, underwent a tonsilectomy. . A. L. Grinnel, of McKinley, on Tuesday, and Martin Sterbenk, of 1 Coquille, yesterday, both entered for - . treatment. n Dismissals tire past week have • been Jimmy Brown', Còquilie, on The Altar Society will hold a rum- j *, mage sale the last of March. Please ‘ y call Mrs. R. E. Hamilton for dònationa e of rummage." She will pick it up. 1 • Her phone is 180J. ì I kBATTLE MIDWAY ..-nsotio'’»1 botti he tnos’ s' " . - See our large display at choice jkj ! plants at Bercen's. across highway from telephone office. Not the cheapest but the best? Phone 64. • BARGAIN NIGHT BARGAIN THESE NIGHT • PICTURES THEY’RE TAINMENT COMEDY NEWS Friday - Saturday - Sunday February-26 - 27 Folks! We Do Not Pretend To Be A Second George Washington, BUT WE DO TRY TO TELL THE TRUTH TO OUR WIVES AND IN OUR ADVERTISING THEREFORE BELIEVE US WHEN WE SAY THAT. THIS PR OGRAM IS ONE OF THE MOST ENJOYABLE IN MONTHS LATEST NEWS EVENTS A mad Pillar it on your trail/ !!£* fHm Grace McDORAin 'V ADMISSION— Saturday FEATURE NO. 2