The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 25, 1943, Image 1

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NO. «.
South Slough Randier Grand Jury Frees The Council Orden Local People Saw Eagles' First - Aid Interesting tetter
Car Benefit Dance
On Rampage—A
George L. Maynard Insurance On The Coos Bay Tragedy A Grand Success From India To
Neighbor Is Missing From The Charge Community Building Last Saturday Evening
L. R. Hifkenbottom
One of the largest crowds ever to
gather in the new Coquille Commun­
ity Building, turned out last Saturday
George L. Sfajmard was exoner­
Arthur Ferrie, South Slough ranch­
At a special session of the city
The tragedy at the Coos Bay bar evening for the ,Eagles First Aid Car
Following is a copy of a very ln-
er and. a parolee from the state hos­ ated of all guilt in connection with council Monday evening, with Mayor last Saturday evening when 13 of
Benefit Dance.
Ticket sal« had teresting letter about India arid its
pital, was arrested yesterday morning the death of J. Kenneth Henninger Wood, Gouncilmen. Gray,' Purkey, the crew of 28 men perished as the
been in, full swing for two weeks and inhabitants, received by L. R. Hlcken-
by state police officers and by Sheriff at the Maynard home last December Burr and Taylor in attendance, it mine-sweeper attempted to cross the
were climaxed by the sale of over bottom here from his nephew. Staff
Howell _ and Deputy Peterson, after 18 when the grand jury brought in was ordered that 340,000 insurance, bar, was witnessed by Mrs. Katherine
150 additional tickets at the booth Sergeant Frank H. Hickenbottom,
the sheriff had taken a chance on be­ a not true bill last Friday afternoon. full coverage for building an<j base­ Littlefield of the Mt. States office
who is with the U. S. Army in India
Saturday evening.
ing shot by the man who has ap­ Mr. Maynard had never been charged ment. be placed on the new Com­ force here and her sister and hus­
The committee in charge wishes to and -whose home is in Enumclaw,
parently suffered another aberration.' with a crime but had been pnder munity Building. The insurance rev­ band, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Balcom of take this opportunity to thank every­ Wash. It was written January IB:
The officers are still huntirtg for a bond since the coroner'J jury brought ering it during the construction pe­ this city, who own a cabin not far
one who so generously contributed
neighbor of Ferrie’s, Mr. Berg, who in its verdict on Derember 23.
from the entrance to Coos Bay.
riod had recently expired.
Dear Folks: Today was my lucky
of time and money in order to make
was last seen accompanying Ferrie,
Others against whom the grand
The council decided to dispense
Mrs. Littlefield ■ says the boat, at­
the undertaking a success. The free day again. I just received a number
“ at the point of a gun,, in a boat'up jury returned “not a true bill’“ were with one of the guards at the city’« tempting to come in on an ebb tide, I use of the Community Building and of letters, one of which was from you.
the slough.
Pete Matthews who had been bound reservoirs. Mr. MiB*r will be moved was hit by a tremendous wave at the
volunteer servires of the members I am always so glad to hear from you
The offirers first began looking for over on the charge of driving a car from the big dam and be stationed at Stern which seemd to lift the rear
of are orch«tra contributed largely to and you would be surprised what a
; i Ferrie when Jam« A. Wagps, of while intoxicated, und Frank Wash­ the distribution reservoir just east of and plunge the bow down. Whether
the splendid net profit from the dance. morale builder-upper letters are to a
Charleston, reported that he had been ington Cook, also charged with the cUy limits where he will do guard it hit bottom or not is not yet known,
Both were greatly appreciated. Fine soldier. Especially when he Is so
shot at seven times by Ferrie, with drunken driving.
duty, cut wood and do such other but another wave tipped it over,
publicity was given by the business far away from home as iq my case. I
whom he had no quarrel, and had
Four indictments wefe rendered by work as is necessary around the throwing 21 of the crew into the
men in their ads and the Sentinel think that if the American public
i>ren wounded in the hip and thigh.
the grand jury, two against G. A. property..
ocean. Five of the men ywe picked
contributed the printing of tickets really knew right down in their heart
When the offirers came to the Berg McIntosh for obtaining money under
Quite often a city employee from up by the fishing boats nearby and
free of coat. The Ladi« Auxiliary how much the letters mean to us
home Mrs. Berg reported that she false pretences, one against J. C. the water or street departments is coast guard before they reached Port
of the Eagtes also gave a great deal they would keep them coming over
and her husband had come home to Keller for the same offence, and one ¡needed for police duty, as there are Orford, where they were forced to
of time and to them must go most of this way a little more often.
find a great deal of their household against Delbert F. Brown of North J now but three offirers on the foree,8° to Ju nd the men due to the rough
You ask in your letter if I would
the credit for the sale of tickets and
furniture and equipment smashed and Bend for assault with a dangerous each working an eight-hour shift. | bar Eight others were trapped in the
for the care of the check room at the tell you a little about the country
the interior of the house generally weapon.
As compensation for the special pa-'hull and their bodies removed later
over here and also about the people
dance Saturday evening.
The latter has not yet been ar­ lire duty the men will receive 85.08
The mine sweeper which had been
Complete returns from the ticket and their customs. I’ll try.
While they were attempting to raigned; Keller pleaded not guilty for the extra shift if they have on patrol duty outside, was not one
My story really begins away back
sale cannot be accurately given yet
iwing order out of chaos, Ferrie ap­ Tuesday and will be tried later.
worked the full week on their regu-* of those built at Marshfield and its
but it is safe to say that the First Aid in Nevemebr in 1841 when I left the
McIntosh pleaded guilty to both iar jobs. If, however, they ljave n<4 skipper. Senior Lieutenant Carl F.
peared and compelled Mr. and Mrs.
Car fund will net well over 8700.00, shores of good old America, little re­
Pronouncing of sen­ worked a full week therete. tojje ^Lietz,
Berg to go_with kirn to the boat indictments.
Lietz, was a newcomer to this sec-
including many donations already alizing what was in store for me or
landing. He then ordered-Mrs. Berg tence on one charge was postponed no extra remuneration for the special ’ tion of the coast.
It is impossible to enum­ where I was going. Hawaii was the
| It
It is
i» reported,
«ported, though
though not
not officially,
to go back land fired a shot in her for 30 days by Judge King. On the police duty performed.
erate and individually thank each first stop and after we left there and
other charge he was sentenced to six
The council did not take up the that the commanding officer had
of the many persons who have made were sailing out on the Pacific, the
Then, with Berg at the oars, the months In the county jail. Execution burning question of dogs and chick wirelessed In that conditions at the
donations. The following organiza­ news came over the speaker that
two men started up the slough, and of the sentence was suspended and ene.
entrance to the bay was bad, but
tions, business firms and profession­ America was at war with Japan and
Berg haa not been seen since, or had­ he was paroled to the district attor­
was told to come on In.
al men have made generous contri­ also telling about Pearl Harbor. Can
ney for two years on condition that
n't been up to last night..
The Graham “Five Brothers" fish­
butions to ths fund and several others you imagine how we felt out there
The offirers surrounded Ferrie'» the amount of bogus checks be made
ing bout Is given unstinted praise by
have indicated their intentions of in the middle of the broad expanse of
home during Tuesday night but were good within go days.
the survivors tor the part Its crew
doing so. Th«e contributions have water after hearing such shocktng
warned by the crazed man to stay
took in rescuing those thrown Into
not been solicited but have been en­
away. Ferrie’s mother was tn the
the sea.
After sailing for many days ami
The grand jury, which was in scaa
tirely voluntary: Geo. Oerding, Wood
Saturday night this boat und others
house and the officers thought Berg
siou this month, hearing cas« in
& C la ver, Chas. Elkins, Woody Jones, nights we sighted the shores of Aus­
stood-'liy. medicine and food were
was also a captive there and did not
which the defendanta had been bound,
Washer Service Co.. Dr. Jam« Rich­ tralia and I guess we were about tlie
want to start a «hooting w«r for fear
from airplanes, and it wag
over in justice court, was dismissed
mond. Wm. Buirow, D*. C. G. Stem, happiest bunch of boys in the Army.
of danger to two innocent people.
Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. and by Judge King In circuit court last Sunday evening before tlie men were Seventh Day Adventist Church, C.l.O. Being on the water for weeks at a
Tiiey ex|>eeted Feme to come out Mrs. J. L. Smith, expects to leave Friday. The hew grand jury, drawn landed nt Port Orford Where they
Local 273 and the Ladies Auxiliary time may be all right for aailorn but
Were nx't by ambuluncw from the
in the early hours to do his chores aj March 9 for Phoenix, Ariz.. where
not for a bunch of land lubben. like
yesterday for the June term of unurh
of the Eagles. <
the barn, but he did not.
., .tkjy gnd rushed to Marshfield.
she will be married to Dick Sherrill. will be copipoeod of;
(Continued un
Th every way, the campaign thus
Finally, ' after daylight yreterday whooe home Is in Marshfield, but who
S. M. Nosleis foreman; Dor» H. \
far haa been a grand success and
morning, the other office« headed is an Aviation Cadet at Williams Field Oerding, R. T. Newton, Joa«p)une J.
finer co-operation than the Eagtes
back toward the bay and then crept near Phoenix, and who expects to Culver, all of CoquiUe; Earl K. Lit­
have rereived from the people of Co­
around back of the house while Sher­ graduate as a cadet on March 10.
trell and Harold J. Hickerson, both
quille und vicinity would be impos­
iff Howell alone went toward the
The bride-to-be will fly south. of Marshfield, and Robert H. Hunt,
house and called to Ferrie, who know« Her fiance. Richard O. Shei'i^tl, is the
of Bandon.
Lloyd Ckiver and Lin Swain re­
Marshfield, Bandon, and Myrtle
W. R. Scherer, inunager of the em­
him. Ferrie answered his call and son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sherrill, of
A new panel of 15 for petit jury turned last evening from a business Point were also well represented at
ployment office in Marshfield, was
came out to talk with the sheriff and Marshfield.
duty, who have been instructed to trip to Portland on which they*-left the dance and have supported the
over here Monday to check up on the
in a few moments the other five, of­ 1 Adding to her happiness this week, report in court next Monday, was
Monday. Lin went up to endaavor protect in every possible way. The assignment of those 34 Arkansas men
firers had come from the back and as jvell as to that of the rest of the
also drawn yesterday. The list in­ to enlist In the Coast Guard but < Eagtes drill team from Marshfield, ,
who came to work on Coos county
Ferrie was quickly overpowered and family, is the’fact that her brother,
cludes R, L, Medley, John J. Jay«, found that their quota was entirely , together with the Ladi«' drill team ]
brought to jail her.
Sergeant David Smith arrived home of Coquille; Willis W. Kennedy, Rex filled at this time. He passed. the of Coquille, paraded on the streets ( ranch« and farms. He said that his
offire has on file many more re­
He denies ever having seen Berg, last night on furlough fr<»m duty at
Ingram, M. C. Freitag, Geo. A. Lyons physical exan (Ration successfully, and later at the dance and their co- (
quests from dairymen and rant hers
or talked to him; denied that he had
the weather base army station near «nd Dale Hansen, all of Marshfield;' however,
and if
.the voaai
Coast uuu
Guard has > operatiuii was deeidedly appreciated.
no we ver, unu
and that the employment
shot st Wages or damagaif the Berg Oklahoma Ciyri. Dave, who was in “
_ _
MH call Hl
R. T. Borne«, . J.
W. Anderson, Chas, an opening whin his induct^n
vlre in cooperation with the Farm
hoiilB, •
the hospital some Weeks ago, is feel­ Jiulin, Howard DeWeese and 1 James com« >»e has hopes of entering the
Security Administration and the
The search for Mr. Berg is being ing very well now.
of North
Bend; Dale
_____ ______
service of his choice. Ha said it was
county agent’s office, hopes to be able
continued and if he is found dead a
Ohlesen and Eldon Brodie, of Myr­ strange to see so many boys. 18 to 20,
to bring more men from the middle
murder charge will be filed against
tle Point, and Leslie J. Gil«, of Ban­ who were turned ddwn by the Navy,
west. He reports those who came as
of which the Coast Guard is a part,
Ceos county's usual fine spell of a group who will be a benefit in re­
because tlwy could not pass the phy­
weather In February hus been “Very lieving the farm labor shortage in
sical testa. There were 25 of them in
much in evidence the past two weeks, the valley. They arrived in Coquille
the group with which he was exam­
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Brandon came
111 d when southwestern Oregon really last Saturday.
over from Medford, where he is con­
Mr. Scherer was also looking for an
'puts its best foot forward, as it has
nected with the commissary at Camp
now for a fortnight, there isn't a office where he could install a desk
Joseph Henry Jackson, a resident | 14
VieifrnrC At
The Coos County High School Bas­ White, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bran­
finer climate on earth.
And we and have a young lady in charge, as
ketbail Tournament will be held in don came home to take charge of of Coquqille for the past four years, ,
make no exception of “native son” a branch of the Marshfield offire.
the North Bend high gy mnasium on (Brandon’» confectionery here, and passed away Sunday at the age of 60
states nor Florida, nor anywhere else.
Friday and Saturday evenings this Marlin returned to Medford thi« years, 11 months and three days.
With Apologies to the memory of
The funeral servires were held at
week, Feb. 26 and 27, with Coquille, naming. She says she waa deMghted
C.-Brazil, of the publicity depart- James Russell Lowell, “What is so
ai^iRe power ad- rare as a day In February in the Co­
Myrtle Point, North Bend and Marsh- w“h
«>«"»0 Wt in the Rogue the Schroeder Chapel here at two r.“t
field participating. The winner there. *••**>■ kut when Alan Jtailey gave o'clock y«terday atfernoon, with , mlntatration. gave a short talk on the quille Valley? Then if ever efime
which on the season’s record should i UP managing the confectionery it was Rev R. L. Greene officiating and this development of Oregon’s aluminum perfect days.” .
Following is the list of men who
be North Bend Hi, will enter the 'necessary that she come b«k to Co- morning Mr. Greene accompanied clayg Jnd coal gt the ^4^ Club
been summoned by the Coquille
state tournament') in Salem
Valley Selective Servtoe Board for
pects to go to Arizona.
to Smith RiBer, Calif., for Interment. afterward ghowed a film on public
induction into the Army for the Feb­
81 Cre’Ce"t ownership propaganda
Myrtle Point, having won from
ruary call. They left yesterday for
* ... March
.. .
.. 1880.
Robt. L.
new vicar
| T
_ Greene,
’ _ of '
Marshfield Tuesday evening, is Jn
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. at. jam^’ipigcopal Chureh. etocted
second place in the regular season
After several disappointments in
William Lobdell, Portland
Merle Jackson; two sons, Robert ahd |to membership last week, was pre«-
standing, and will play the Red
Cyril Lemanski, Seaside
Bernard Jackson, of Portland; one lent and was introduced to the club. not receiving word to report, Maury
t Devils, Who finished fourth, in the
William*; who enlisted with the Civil
William Higgins, Myrtle Point
grandson; six brothers, WilliamJ. and
first game Friday evening.
Rotarian guests present
Last Friday the senior class of Cm-
Marcus Shelley, Spokane
Bend, first, and Marshfield, third, quille high school selected Harriet John, of Harbor; Alfred and James, Webb Ballord, of Kalispell, Montana: AviaUon Administration last year, re­
ceived word last week-end to re­
Mil«, Myrtle Point
will play the second Friday night Tozier as the outstanding girl citi­
Ralph Purimel, of Salem; Fred
William Pulford, Richmond, Calif.
Woodburn, and Arthur In the mili­ Schaer, of Marshfield; . Judge Dal port at Pendleton today to the civ-
zen of the class and the selection was
He left by
David Biegger, Coquille
Saturday night the two winners the approved by the faculty committee tary service; and three sisters, Mrs. King and H. A. Schroeder, of Myr­ , Ilian training school.
Edward Moore, Chester, Calif.
night before will play for champion­ Harriet will rerelve the D. A. R. citi­ Zadie Murphy, Cresrent City, Cal.; tle Point, and John Carl, of Arago. train from Coos Bay Tuesday evening.
Just how long the training period is
Epperson, Powers
ship and the Frlddy night lasers will zenship medal.
Bruce Yergen. of ’the government
before he can be ready for regular
William Echmockel, Coquille
Mrs. Laura Steward, of Medford.
piay a consolation game . Again, on
employment offire In Marshflld. W1IM
flying service with Uncle Sam’s forres
■ ■
Lewis Edward, Reedsport
the season’s record, the Red Devils
also a guest.
he did not know when he left.
Harry Stallard, Ashland .
and Pirate« will play the consolation.
L oh Jones To Be Buried
rived here thia week and expect to
Bernard Lee Jackson, Bend
Tournament officals will be Ed
Baby Daughter Come« To
remain at their home oh Cunningham Here Tomorrow
Everett Moon, Portland
Siegmund and Bill Robbins, referee
Lou Jones, a fisherman resident Asaeasor Forrest’s Home
road for the next few weeks until
Earl Warner, Gig Harbor, Wash.
and umpire; Harry May and Wayne
Stinson, Myrtle Poin
Smith, timers; C. L. Church and Guy Dr. Hamilton re«ivedhis call for aer- of Coquille for several years, passed
Assessor'and Mr». Cha.. Fprrret
|„ kA D U:nL
Walla« Stinson.
vlce. Early in February Dr. Hamil- away last Saturday afternoon at 8:30
Shellenbarger, scorer».
rom Ninth
-Sieryjwfwpr« Rr. I»u.-.--..
Friday, at 2:00 p. m., at the Gano 15 ounce«, young miss was bom to
John Smiley,
grocery business and return to
Sm“*y’ Independence,
’n^Pendence. Ore.
era, the coach and manager,
the grocery business and return to
gon, where he haa attended school the Funeral Home.
quille’s team, with “Spike” Leslie a»
the teaching profession in which she
Very -little concerning hia earlier
past four years.
Bay. She haa been named Jean Anne. has had considerable experien«. She Johnny Barrett, Glenn Riddle
coach, will be composed of Dick Ray,
life is known here about Mr. Jon«
The- Forrest, also haye two hoy».
(lien Gosline, Tom Martin, Bob Mc­
has signed a contract and next Mon­ Home From Texas On Furlough
and the only known surviving rela­
B. P. W. Notice
Carthy, Bill Mlneau, Frank Wood­
day will enter on her duties as in­
The nominating committee will tive is R. B. Jon«, of Scappoose. Ore.
Johnny Barrett, son of Mr. and Mrs.
ward, Bud Meek, Ben Barton, Floyd
structor in general business, book­ W. D. Barrett, came in Monday night
make Its report at the next meeting of He was about 85 years of age.
DeNoma. Claire Gray, with David
The Guild will bold a rummage sale keeping and accounting in the Myr­ from Corpus Christi, Texas, where
B. P. W., Monday night, March 1, at
Kline and Harold Train as alternates.
March 4, 5, and 8. Dona­ tle Point high school. All her class he is attending the Navy aviation
the Pariah House. The Big Surprise
The first game will be played at
committee will consist of Hattie Lee Bellon! of the local Mt. States Power tions of clothing or household item« work will be in the morning.
school, in training to be a machinist’s
7:30 each evening and general ad­
Mrs. Jack Hultin will assist Mr. mate. He has 15 days furlough and
Holimon, Esther Lafferty, Ida Owen Co. off!«, Is expected home on fur­ should be taken the same week to the
mission will be 55 rents for adults,
lough this week from Tort Sam Hous­ vacant room in the Shelley building. Norton in the Busy Comer.
expects to be here all this week.
and Ethel Roop.
__ —__ a______
30 cents for students with season tick­
Fi lends having rummage without ’—-
ton, near San Antonio. Texas.
Glen Riddle, from the same station
transportation please caH Mrs. J. A.
Friend Indeed: One who is never and whose home is in Myrtle Point,
ets, and 15 rents for children under
Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at
Moo«, president of the Guild.
Calling card», ac for 51.00.
in need.
came with him.
this office
12 yean.
New Grand Jury,
Petit Jury Drawn
To Fly South
For Her Wedding .
Found Coast Guard .
Quota Filled Now
Mrs. Brandon
Again In Charge
B. B. Tournament
Fri.-Sat. Nights
24 Farm Workers
From Arkansas Arrive
Fifteen Days Of
Superb Weather
J. H. Jackson To
Be Buried Today
Rotary Meeting
Selective Service
List Is Smaller
Harriet Tozier To
Maury Williams-
To Learn Flying
Receive D.A.R. Medal
Mrs. J. E. Norton To