Nurses Association Met Last Night Mrs. Geo. McClellan and daughter came in last Saturday from their home in Lebanon for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Folsom, and other friends here. Rev. and Mrs. Brown and Mrs. E. O. Waite, Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Persing and Rev. Mr. Parrish, attended the Coos County Ministerial meeting held in Marshfield last Monday. They re­ port an unusually helpful and inspir­ ing program. The next meeting of the association will be held in Co­ quille, March 15. Plans are already under way for the program'at that time. Lay members will be invited to attend the afternoon session. Tty District Nurses Association met Wednesday night at the Coquille Hos. pital with Lucille Livingston, club president. Due to the sudden illness of Mrs. Virgenia, one of the Myrtle Point members, the group from that town was unable to attend. Coquille members present were: Leia Elrod, Ethel Littler, Naomi High, Alice Richardson, Helen Landis, Win­ nie Epperson, Verna Burch and Lu­ cille Livington. Mrs. Selma Kopang­ er, of Hillsboro. North Dakota, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. High, was a guest at the meeting. I Plans, which are to be completed at the next meeting, were discussed for the organization’s 1943 civic pro­ ject. Games were played and re- ' freshments served. The next meet- ' ing of the group will be held at Myr- ! tie Point on March 17th.' Royal Neighbors ' , The Royal Neighbors lodge held their regular business meeting last night at the W. O. W. HaU. Mrs At Burch, -oracle, conducted the meeting. Anne Montgomery, District Deputy, was a visitor from Marshfield. Mrs. Ed Sbas, oracle from Marshfield and Mrs. Mast, oracle from Myrtle Point,' were also present. Routine business was transacted and during the social hour a delicious luncheon was served. stopped Springs, Mr. and Coquille subject will be on making kitchens more usable and anyone interested is welcome to attend. Mrs. Dorothy Bishop, home demonstration agent, will be in charge of the demonstration. Belle Knife Hospital Dismissals the past week were Mrs. LHiian Meyers, who entered for treat­ ment pn Friday, and Mrs. Tom Larson, both last Sat irday. Mrs. Ray Clinton was dimissed Sunday, Sterling Gru- enwald and Guy Harris, of Marsh­ field, on Tuesday. Jimmy Brown, a (nur-year old, un­ derwent a surgical last Saturday, and" Irving Boorman, of Coquille, a major operation on Monday. On Tuesday Merlin Long, of Ban­ don, underwent a minor operation; Frank Ward, of North Bend, entered for treatment, and H. D. Boti.well for treatment of an injured leg which had been cut by a saw. A baby girl, weighing 7M. pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grif­ fith,* of Arago, last night. L. D. Jones, of this city, submitted to a major operation this morning. 4 Calling cards, 5« fuc »1.U0.______ THUR. FRI. SAT., ¿EB Dazzling Beauties Births At Coquille l^ospital To Mr. and Mrs Robert Tennant, Coquille, last Thursday a seven pounds, 14 ounces, liaoy boy, who has been named Ronald Lynn. ' To Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rodgers of this city, pn eight pound, 12 ounce, baby girl, oh Tuesday. She. has been named Mary Lee. SONGS r- LAUGHS GALORE Grade 111 War Tires. We have , lots of them. Southwestern Motor Co. Car and Home'Supply Store. See our targe display of choice pot We now have a complete supply plants at Bergen's, across highway of poles, brackets and pole ends for from telephone office. Not the curtains and drapes at Gregg Hard­ cheapest but the best. Phone 64. s ware, Coquille. •— s Ellen Drew • Richard Denning Jerry Colonna Featuring Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Selbig left Wed­ nesday for Eugene. Mrs. Selbig will remain in Eugene for a visit with friends there snd in Portland. Mr. Selbig will board the train carrying other Swift managers to San Fran­ cisco for the annual managers’ meet­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Selbig expect to return Sunday or Monday. Shower Monday Evening For Bride-to-Be THE ICE CAPADES COMPANY Miss Gretchen Clinton was the in­ spiration for a lovely party held last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. George Johnson. Phyllis Belloni, of Myrtle Point, was the hostess and the shower was a complete surprise. Spring flowers used about the rooms gave a fitting background in which to entertain for a bride of the coming season. Pink camellias, daffodils and sprays of plum blossom were used. The diversion of the evening was the game, “Down the River.*’ Maxine International Famous Skating Stars For red-blooded romance ... for dangerous adven­ ture ...there's nobody to equal Pierrel GAYER THAN THE GAYEST! BIGGER THAN THE BIGGEST! BETTER THAN THE BEST! treme length of Üw Feature, there will be ONLY ONE SHOW EACH EVENING Starting 7:30 CARROLL Ruth HUSSEY Bruce CABOT ►John PHIL REGINALD BROWN • OWEN HENRY Norton’s have just received a large : shipment of Books, both for sales and stock rentals, over. EVELYN TRAVERS-ANKERS have Grade lots of them. Southwestern Motor Co. Car and Home Supply Store. ADVANCE PRICES MAT. Ur — 35c EVES. He — 50c j, Prices set by Warner Bros. RETURN ENGAGEMENT $5.00 Plenamin's 72-day supply $4.50 MARCH OF TIME *■ Ç—I UM» H* rt» U. tMa Cww* LATEST NEWS EVENTS Mat. lie — 25c Eves. He — 35c SATURDAY 1:45 COUiM/