f 4 Blank To Fill Out For Registration Starting On Monday, Feb. 22 All persons obtaining War Ration Book No. 2, when registration is held at school hoeues during the last week in February, must declare the amount of canned and processed foods which are to be rationed and the amount of coffee they^had on hand on Novem- ber 28, 1M2, when coffee was ration­ ed., . ..... 1 .................................... ■' <"■ V Norway News Items . Mrs. Laura C. Brandon gave a Valentine party last Friday night at e her home in Coquille for the mem- - bers of the Norway school board and 11 their families which included Mr. n and Mrs. Henry Gasner and children y Marlene, Beverly arid Marlin, Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Robison and grandson Dale Holland, Mrs. Tom Detlefsen and son Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ tin Schmidt and little granddaughter Frances. - Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Rylander have just finished newly papering and painting the house on their place lately vacated by the Mayoe Fire­ stone family who has been helping with the chores there the past few months. The Firestones have moved to Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Grant and family who have been em­ ployed on the Taylor Dement ranch south of Myrtle Point for the past twd years are moving in the first of March to help, Mr. Rylander with his I farm and dairy work. • I Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robison and met last Friday at the Legion Hall in Myrtle Point for an 'all-day meeting and potluck dinner. The subject of the demonstration was on care and repair of electrical equipment. Mrs. Waiter Laird was the instructor. Those of the Norway unit attending were Mesdames Frank and Ellis Southmayd, Harold Simmons and A. R. Bennett. There were some eight or ten from other units present also. Fairview News McKinley News II s Townsend No. 2 The Polly Anna Club met Thurs­ day at the home of Mrs. Georgia Bunch, of Dora, for an all day meet­ ing. The ladies tied out a Victory quilt for entertainment. The quilt will be given away soon. A potluck dinner was enjoyed by the following ladies: Mesdames Belle Laird, Ivan Laird, Julius Benham, Ernest Krew- son, Elmer Wilson. Polly Nickason, M. C. Miller, Leonard Oberman and Myrna. Lee Mast, Milford Mast and Gene, Nellie Brown, R. W, Brown and Alice, Clarence Churchill, Jay Freeman, Frank Haney, Janice and Barbara Jean, John O'Sullivan and the hostess, Mrs. Georgia Bunch. Chair­ man Marie Churchill appointed- Mrs. O’Sullivan as Red Cross reporter. A number of letters from service boys were read. Mrs. Julius Benham drew th« attendance prize. The next club meeting will be with Mrs. Clarence Churchill at McKinley. Donald Hatfield, son of Floyd Hat­ field, entered school at McKinley this week. The Observation Post b?gan functioning again Monday mopiing at nine o’clock with Mrs. Howard Koch as chief observer. Mrs. Jay Free­ man was first on the job. , ' . > Wm. Byerly was pleasantly sur­ prised at his home Friday, February 12, the next day being his 85th birth­ day. He and two aged sisters have their home on the upper North Fork. Two decorated birthday cakes and jello were served to the following: the hp&?red one, Mr. Byerly, Mrs. Clara Kibler, Miss Carrie Byerly, Mrs. George Millard, Mrs. Harry Lindsay, Mrs. Ernest Hatcher, Mrs. T. H. Ben­ ham and Karen and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler who Wert present. Those not able to be present, but sending gifts and best wishes, were Mrs. L. L. ¡son Harold, have rented the J. H. Buoy, Mrs. Robert Holverstott and Barktow place at Norway and moved Mrs. Faye Holverstott in. Their son Harold, has begun There were 25 at Sunday School school here at Norway the past week. last Sunday. The most outstanding The Robisons came from Leneve, off feature was the placing of 85 pennies the North Bank Road. ii) the birthday box, the result of Mrs. Emma Hermann, of Broad­ Wm. Byerly having been with us that bent, spent last Saturday and Sunday many years. As a special, he sang night with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Mc­ “Abide With Me.“ When Sunday Townsend Club, No. 1, had an in­ Closkey. , School was dismissed every member teresting meeting with a good crowd Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett returned passed by Mr. Byerly and wished him Tuesday evening. home February 10 from Portland a “Happy Birthday.” The children Door prize was won by Mrs. Z. C. where they went on business. Leav­ were all given candy bags as a Valen­ Strang and Mr. Schroeder reported ing Norway January 24 they took tine gift. Those attending church ap­ two new members. Several table ¡Mrs. Bennett's mother, Mrs. Julia preciated a solo by Jimmie Beagle, games were played after lunch. jl-eep, as far as Roseburg, remaining Our club extends greetings to sick accompanied on the piano by his sis­ over night there and going on to Port- ter, Dorothy. members, sorry we can’t send them . iland the next day where they found Mrs. Harold Young is again em­ cards. plenty of snow which stayed on moat ployed at Park’s grocery, after being Hauser Club will be host here i of their stay there. They visited their gone a week. Sunday, February 28, to the caravan son, Melvin Bunch, and wife; also The Home Economic ClUb met at meeting. spent one evening with the Hugh the home of Mrs. Bethel Norris last Next meeting will be a 6:30 p. m. MacLeans, formerly of Norway. On Wednesday. It was an all day meet­ bag lunch to be furnished by the I their return trip it snowed all the ing with a potluck dinner. Those ladies and don’t forget the business , wqy in from Eugene to Roseburg, so present Were Mesdames Lora Holver­ meeting starts promptly at 8:00 p. m., ¡thfcy were convinced that Coos has stott, Iris Holverstott, Myrtle Holver­ so try and attend.—Press. Cor. j “The’’ climate, . - • stott, Genevieve Ellis, Viola Geitner, Ray Robison took his grandson, Roy Amy Richardson, Kathleen Lindsay, Geo. Gratke Receiving Naval Holland, to the annual Father and Son a visitor, Vivian La Branch, and the Aviation Training In East banquet held last Saturday night in hostess, Bethel Norris. Geo. C. Gratke formerly in the the dining room of the I. O. O. F. The Goodwins have received word lodge. One lodge member had a sort that their son, Wendell, is at Norman, bank here, writes that he was one. of two and one-half years old with him. Oklahoma, attending school. He is 350 members of the Naval Aviation Corps recently transferred by special The Myrtle Point Lions Club is In the U. 8. Navy. train from Bremerton, Wash., to Chy having Its annual ladies night dinner Grange met last Saturday night for dance thia Saturday night at the Co­ their regular meeting. There were cago, where they are getting a few weeks of schooling at a naval armory. quille Valley Country Club. four visitors from McKinley grange Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett were present. Mrs. Ray Deudmond served Where he will be transfererd from business callers In Coquille and luncheon of sandwiches, salad and there he does not know. In a letter received yesterday, he Marshfield Monday of this week. coffee. says: Last Friday evening a stork shower Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krantz who The Sentinel is received regularly was given by Mrs. ------- Ted -- F. Kirsch -------------- ,------ - -------- —. at; drove to Eugene Thursday evening and, I assure you, that it is indeed a her home In Myrtle Point, honoring to the r n d who u . g^dfe, Mrs. Walter Moore, of Coquille, the , located ln Norttl Carolina, were Sat- real treat to get it, thereby keeping, former Mias Helen Breuer, of Myrtle urday evening guests of Mrs. Krantz's me abreast with the activities in Co­ Peint. She received many beautiful sister, and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. quille. It will be four weeks 50- morrow that I've been in Chicago, gifts. Mrs. A. R. Bennett was an In­ Buoy. having been transferred here from vited guest. Bremerton. There are quite a «roup Mike Daniels, Jr., came in last Sun­ of us going to school at the Naval day for a week's visit with his parents, Cases Set For Trial Mr. and Mgs. Mike Daniels, of Nor­ Cases set for-"trial by Judge Kin; Army. Since we are located on the way, his first visit home since a year in circuit court- here oil motion day, water’s edge of Lake Michigan, we’re given an excellent opportunity to ap­ ago last November. He is in the Tuesday, were: Coast Guard Service. Reb. 23—Robert Lee Stephens and preciate the enjoyable (?) and cqpl Since Mr. and Mrs. Elton Brodie and son Joe N. Daniels, both against the State breezes of the Windy City. our study schedule is quite heavy, Bennie, were Sunday all day visitors Industrial Accident Commlslson. at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mar. 1—Frank Porter vs. Paulson our liberty is definitely curtailed; Brodie, of Norway. et al, to be heard by Judge Wimberly. however, in spite of this, we are Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett were Mar, I—Two eases of State of Ore­ availing ourselves of every opportun­ ity to see the "spots” of the city. Saturday dinner guests of Ed Wanna- gon vs, R. L. Carter. We will be here for a short slay maugher of Myrtle Point Friday t ... . ...... .................... yet, after which all of us will be morning. Mrs. Cleave McAllister Walter Condron Appointed transferred to one of pin; .xhxils look her sister-in-law, Mrs. Leo Cox, scattered throughout the country. of Bandon, and Mrs. Ed Wanna- Constable At Marshfield maugher to the Portland Sanitarium Archie Philip having resigned as I’ve been advised today that I’ll be .o consult a specialist. constable of J. P. district No. 2 at able to attend the school of my choos­ The past week's warm sunny Marshfield, the county court on Tues­ ing, which happens to be Queens weather is causing considerable gar­ day appointed Walter Condron to suc­ College at Grove City, Penn. Townsend Club No. 2, held its busi­ ness meeting at the home of Mrs. Viola Liday on Feb. 11. Meeting was opened with the Lord’s prayer, song “God Bless America,” and salute to the flag. One new member was taken in and the club voted to send five dollars to the Dr. Townsend birth­ day fund. The ladles Auxiliary voted to give five dollars to Bundles for America fund and ulso sent cards to sick mem­ bers. , ’ r - t » - Ernest Buckner will have charge of Triple T tickets when he and his wife return in about a week from Washington, where they have gone on a visit, Gant’s grocery, The Home Bakery and Jim’s Meat Market handle Triple T tickets. After receiving 250 tickets this entitles the holder to a defense stamp. Three thousand tickets were turned in at this meet­ ing. After business meeting, working on quilts was the order of the day, after which lunch was served by the hostess. Those present were Maud Brockman, Clara Weist, Mildred Miller, Eva Shephard, Izella Liday, Thelma Parrish, Mary Keck, Alma Halter, Bertha Wilson and Viola Liday. Next meeting will be at Mary Keck’s. Townsend Club | ,G *«., den fever in this district. ceed him. and he was sworn in the . » The Norway Home Extension Unit same day. Th* Ftti'i iavor-ke beciute if» a iavor Ut! It« th* bmr with dw high l.Q. It Quench»» your «him .,, qaicMy...pl«u»ndy. Rw WAR SAVINGS BONIS • STAMPS BREWFO WITH PAC/HC NORDfWfSr HOPS and BAAlf f aM. *CMS sstwliill Cream O C om lee Cream Co. Distributor», Coquille tap « dw* wd* f swsMry dbrssam, Fuhrman s Pharmacy Ojwn tDtru night until 8 Gregg Hardware Phone 6«