CLASSIFIED . o_>. WM m Mery Gilbert Is -W.A.A.C. Recruiter Favors Rebuilding Highways After War Social Notes Gelid Meets The members of the Episcopal Mrs. Mary W. Gilbert has been (Continued from Page One) Guild met at usual on Wednesday af-' Pioneer Methodist Church named voluntary WAAC recruiter for , said Chamber of Commerce, respect­ temoon with Mrs. C. A. Rietman and Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor Coquille by Major Bernard P. Cody,> fully submit the following report Mrs. R. A. Jeub as hostesses. During > Sunday School hour at 9:45 Classes -, J recruiting representative for the | with reference to HB No. 44 and HB the business jneeting plans were dis­ and rooms far all. ‘ W qmwu ' s Army Auxiliary Corps, who 1 No. 220, now pending before the Ore­ cussed for an old-fashioned square Sunday morning worship hour at visited Coquille last Saturday. | gon State legislature. j dance tq be held early in March. The 11:00. Helpfully inspiring. Mrs. Gilbert will select a local com-| We feel that both of «aid bills are president. Mrs. 3. A. Moore, announc­ Youth Fellowship group wsittee to carry out an intensive drive a step toward progress and in the ed next Wednesday as the social af­ Enjoy the fellowship of this group. in Cyqpille to acquaint local women long run will benefit the state as a ternoon. This is according to plans Sunday evenjng' worship hour. with th« work being done by the corps1 whole. We feel that our present type already announced that the last Music and brief message. You will WAAC enlistment. and construction of highways is in- meeting of each month is to be a day < njoy this service. ’ Present qualifications for enroll­ i adequate, and that the Highway Com­ set aside for a social gathering open Choir rehearsal hour at 7:30 Wed­ ment in the corps requires that the ap­ mission should commence now to do to friends of the church as well as nesday evenings. plicant ba between the ages of 11 *nd some long range planning, so that Guild members. The hours will be Mid-week Bible study hour at 7:30 44, inclusive, in good physical condl- when the war is over we will be in a from 3:00 to 4:30 o’clock. Mrs. Muri Thursday. Something a little differ- , tion, and of good moral character. ' position to commence to bring our Pettit and Mrs. George Sherwood will ent in Bible study, helpful in meet- There is no formal educational re- highways up to modern standards. be In charge next week. ing problems. i quirement for enrollment, however, We feel that eventually there will be The Men's Brotherhood, February all applicants are required to pass a a Uniform Traffic Act throughout the Neighborhood Clab 24 at Marshfield, with Dr. Silas E. I physical screening test before being nation, and when that time comes Mrs. J. D. Gillespie entertained the Fairham, as speaker of the evening. accepted. Oregon should be ready—not only members of the Neighborhood Club at ' Good food, good fellowship, good Mrs. Gilbert invites eligible and in- I u\th her highways, but her laws as her home on Wednesday aafternoon. program. Don’t miss it, 6:30 Febru­ , terested women to visit her at Nor­ well. ’ Mrs. Melton won high score and Mrs. ary 44. ," - ton’s Book Store to get appointment ___ _____ ___ ____ Mr«. ■ If you believe in the church, why We appreciate the fact that some Ted Balcom was second high for complete inforamtion on the op- o^ our highways are taking a “terrific Harold Stromquist was a substitute not find some church and warship portunities now being offered bjfthe ,teaUn>« ullder ¡ncreased tempo guest. Mrs. Fred Hudson will be the there for your own good and the good Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps |of W8l..tlnM, .hipping, but we also next hostess in two Veeks. Attend­ of others. • e ; ' Judge King granted one divorce in know that freight traffic and ship­ ing were Mesdames Frank Marfin, • Church of Christ circuit court here Tuesday, tn Eva L ping has practically doubled as com- Ted Balcom, J. D. Gillespie, Fred FOR SALE — FLASHLIGHTS with Bustad, who was seeking separation I pared to pre-war days; and that on Hudson, Kennett Lawrence, Geo. East 4th and Coulter Sts. batteries. FARR & ELWOOD. • from Oscar L, Bustad. ¡our modern highways that are wide Johnson and Harold Stromquist. * Liston Parrish, Pastor and well constructed, apparently Bible study and prayer meeting, MODEL A FORD For Sale—In good FOR RENT — Furnished Duplex i there is no appreciable damage or Six Year Old Celebrated Thursday 7:30. Paul’s Defense Be­ shape mechanically and good Rub­ Apartment, oil circulator, gas range, wear, and that it is only on our Her Birthday fore Agrippa. ber, »129. Church Pontiac Co. !ta private bath, quiet residential sec­ narrow, poorly constructed highways Little Nadine Ellen Molthu cele- '7 Bible school 9:45, T. Ralph Harry, tion. See B. W. Dunn, 558 N. Coul­ i that real damage is evident. ~ aated her aixth birthday recently Supt. A cordial welcome for alL ter. Phone 1HL. ; It We feel that trfe argument that Ore- th a theatre party. "Before going Morning worship 11:00 o'clock. ! gon is a poor state and cannot afford to the show Nadine opened her many Lord’s Supper and special' music. 'to build good highways, is not well lovely gifts and after the show cake The pastor will bring the third mes­ taken, for the reason that from the and ice cream were served. Those at­ sage in a series on the Lord’s Prayer, standpoint of population as com­ tending were Sandra and Larry Mc­ ’the prayer of evangelism. pared to number q( miles of highway, Curdy, Colleen Chowning, Joanna Jr. C. £., 4 oclock. we do not have any more highways Ghormley, Gordon and Galen Kight, Evening service 7:30. The pastor , than du our neighboring states of Cal- Dickie Giorgis, and Nadine's sister, will begin a aeries of messages on {ifernta and Washington. Possibly, if Linda. Those unable to attend but the New Testament church. Bring | we had better highways we would at- sending gifts were Marion Moore, and your bibles and we will study the »» i tract more Industries and have a Careen and Donald Molthu. church together. WELL FURNISHED 3-Room Apart- greater population. At the moment moot, all outside rooms, private Orogon’s bonded highway debt is Church of God bath, hot water, laundry trays, au- ' iesa than 810,000.00, which is far from tomatic gas range, electric washer being excessive, and is less than the Corner of Henry & Seventh Sts. and refrigerator, doae in, diagonal- lav.rage deW of many states no larger Pastor, A. L. Perry ly across from court house, 107{than Oregon. It would not be im- Sunday School, 10 a. m. Coos County Methodist Men’s East Second. -" Its practical after the war is oyer, for Preaching service 11 a. m. Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. Oregon to engage in a wide scale Brotherhood will meet at the Metho­ Preaching service 7:30 p. m. building program of modern high­ dist church in Marshfield on Wednes­ All are Invited to attend. If your ways. It would furnish employment day, February 24. Dr. Silas E. Fair­ to our returning soldiers and sailors, ham, ^strict superintendent, of Sa­ child does not go to Sunday School and to others. It Oregon gets ready lem, Oregon, will be the speaker for elsewhere, we urge you to send them, now, we will be in a position for Fed­ the evening. There will be several or better Still bring them. musical" numbers on the program, eral Aid after the war is over. Under present regulations, after beginning with a dinner at 6:30 p. m. crossing our State line, loads have to be broken up and re-loaded into smaller trucks. All of this results in delayed deliveries, and atajo increases the cost 4o the consumer. We also feel that there should not The W. C. T. U. met at the home be any discrimination between car­ of the president, Georgia Richmond, riers, A hauler of freight should be for the regular monthly business ses­ permitted to haul as heavy a load as sion and program. The topic pre­ the hauler of logs is permitted to sented by the leader, Mrs. Persing, carry. > . . was Japanese Narcotic Invasion and The proposed legislation actually its Relation to World Security, by reduces the weight per axle from 17,- Judge Twain Michelson, of the San 000 or 18,000 lbs. to 16,000 lbs. per Francisco municipal court. axle; and also increases the length Some quotations from this article: “The fact is now beyond dispute 30-GAL Flat top MONARCH auto­ : from axle to axle—ten feet, thus de­ matic electric Water Heater for creasing the strain on bridge spans. that the world scourge of White «ale, at Washer Service, 365 West These bills also conform to California Drug today is China. North of the wall, and some distance south of it, Front a ami Washington regulations. Lastly, we feel that if such legisla­ these areas are either, under the tion is passed, it will require our direct or the Indirect control of the Keys made for all locks. Stevens Highway Commission to change their Japanese. It is not here for me to Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore. tf type and method of highway construc­ emphasize the menace to the United tion, and that instead of cheap roads States of America of this orental that require constant maintenance, herion flood. The chief market for we will commence to build modern, this Chinese herion is America. wide, and well constructed highways Each Japanese soldier is equipped that require a minimum of up-keep. with a pamphlet containing this para- We therefore favor the passage of graph: House Bills 44 and 220. except with , "The use of narcotics is unworthy of reference to HB 220 we do not fee) a superior race like the Japanese, that HighwajMoi should be excepted. ¡Only inferior races that are decadent We also endorse the SB No. 118 I like the Chinese. Europeans and East which provides for an alternate meth- | Indians are addicted to the use of | M. E. Brotherhood To Meet Feb. 24 , ( , ( ( % 9:49 A progressive and aggressive Bible school. Come and bring your children. Mrs. Bessie Mamey, su­ perintendent. * 11:00 Morning worship, a Christ- l'- honoring service, Pastor L. C. Persing speaking. 6:30 Christ Ambassadors service', Melvin Steward, president. 7:30 Evangelistic service, enjoy the singing and special music. Pastor speaks. Tuesday 7:30 Prayer meeting night; You can see farther in prayer than on the highest mountain peak. Thursday 7:3(1 - 8:30 Choir, Aileeh ■ Wilson, director. Friday 7:30 Bible Study. T-“ Emanuel Baptist Church Menno D. Rempel, Minister Feb. 21, 1943 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. The Sunday school is an unmeasurable stronghold of democracy. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship ser­ vice. Sermon Topic, “An Efficient Christian Worker.’’ 6:30 p. m. Young People's groups. 7:30 p. m. Evening Evanngelistic service. Sermon topic, “The Right Evaluation of Life.” Thursday, Prayer meeting and choir rehearsal. Japs Forbidden To Use Narcotics narcotic«. This is why they are destined to become our slaves and eventually disappear.’* Several other topics Were given on the menace of narcotics. At the close of the meeting refresh­ ments were served by Bessie Couden and Georgia Richmond. Those at­ tending were Mesdames Laws, Ellis, WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE McCue, Schaer, Fugeison, Chowning. Ieslie, Harriman, Skeela, Holverstott, ALL COOS COUNTY NON-HIGH Cardwell, Dunn, Persing and the SCHOOL DISTRICT WARRANTS hostesses. The next meeting will lie ENDORSED TO DATE. . held at the yenry Ellis home> >rc called for payment at the office of the Coos County Treasurer. Grade III War Tires. We have Coquille, Oregon« Feb. IS, IMS. l