The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 18, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    . .Jgg eHg-
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The Salem Sampler
londay morning,
cutting the in-
location to the
repealing of
surtax an intangibles, and adjustment
of inheritance and gift taxes.
It has been stated that the legis­
lature is proceeding without the
proper program or without direction
in the matter of taxation.
I think this is unfair in view of the
fact that our committees are study-
speaker’s desk. It was all very im­ his grave for many years. It is a pity
pressive, and immensely enjoyed by that so many of our inventions have
the crowd present.
been the result of long and faithful
labor by those who do not live to reap
When anyone of note has a birth­ the benefit of their inventions.
♦ ■
! ■■
i ■—■«■■■ i
i ' im
y [ who failed to lay In a supply prior to
Out-of-Doors Stuff
the war is going to find himself out
of luck during the coming doer sea­
son and will either have to beg, bor­
row or steal, or else revert to the
»■ - ‘ ........... ............................... ♦ • bow and arrow; all of which leads us
day it has become the fashion in the
The marble floors of the Capitol
House to present a resolution taking
It is with a feeling of deepest sor­ to believe that our friend, Grover
nòte of the fact and felicitating the lobby are quite slippery.
row that we chronicle the death of a Gouthier “has got something there”
I notice that most of the old timers beloved friend and'a,friend of the en­ after, all. Grover, you know, acorns
individual on the anniversary. C. C.
Chapman, of ths Oregon Voter, wm wear either basketball shoes or slip­ tire sportsmen's fraternity of this the use of a rifle la m»—g-ur-
' animals and goes in search of them
mentioned in a resolution on February pers to make their footing more se-
10, the
with his bow and arow. And what’s
Kirkwood, of Portland.
can almost pick the experi­
In part years “Kirk” was always more, he “brings home the bacon.”
UJWlraa TUrhingout measures that birthday.
hirthHny But
But »Ince
since th
the presentation enced lobbyists by their shufflinig present at Game Commisaion meet­
Shotgun shells are also going to be
will go as far in the direction of help­ was made by Harvey Wells, whose gait, not unlike that of a Chinaman.
ing commteiaon.
ings, at sportsmen’s - meetings and at a premium the coming bird seasons
A public hearing was held in the ing the tax burden and the cutting practical joking protensities are well
lobbying at our State Legislature in from the looks of the situation at
Justice and Mrs. J. T. Brand, Mrs. the welfare of our game and fish.
Capitol Building and well attended. down of expenses as possible.
known, I suspect that the ***** should
the present time. But aa long as w
It can be said that the bills that have been a “fl.” Mr. Chapman ac­ J. W. Mclnturff and Mrs. Stella Cut­
The most colorful group were a
For several years he was editor and know that the powder and lead that
score" of Indians from the Celilo emerge from the taxation committee knowledged the compliment with a lip entertained the Coos county peo­ publisher of Western Out Of Doon, a we are deprived of is being used to
Falls district
They were dressed will be the work of the best minds gracious bow as he arose from his ple now residing in Salem at a buffet magazine devoted to game and fish smash the Axis, we shouldn’t kick
partly in native costume and partly that the sta|e government affords. usual position at the press type­ dinner on Feb. 10th.
and the Great Out Of Doon in gen­ about it and should be glad to lay
It was not difficult to find the
in the white man’s raiment. They No favoritism to any class of people writer. He ia known for his clear,
eral—an outstanding publication in a aside our guns and ammunition to
attracted quite a bit of attention aa Will be permitted and pressure groups concise, ansf accurate analysis of leg­ right house ag a large white placard, field of many.
help win the war.
they wandered about the building will have little effect on the final islative measures and hasflk large fol­ bearing the words, * “Coos County
Under the rationing set-up we are
“Kirk” possessed a pleasing person­
draft of the bills.
before the meeting.
lowing in the legislature, particularly Headquarters” was tacked on the ality, a keen mind and an uncanny wondering how many gallons of gas
The line-up on the bill for the
on matters affecting taxation and front dqor.
Command of the English language and they are going to allow ua to bag a
The presence of an army of lobby-? revenue.
• It was a great surprise to me to a sense of humor that drew men to buck the coming season, or will we
pros were the C, I. O. fishing unions,
__ iris in the halls of the capital brings
find so many of our Coos county him as a magnet.
the fish commission, and one lone
His ability to feel be restricted entirely. Perhaps all
folks residing in Salem and it was a and appear at home in any sort of deer hunters will be mounted on bi­
packing company.
The raising of old age pensions in pleasure to renew acquaintanceships.
tars nrsa
am--» pressure »_
The Une-up for the cons was the |*°rs
are uwiHmv*
under great
to k-
gathering or environment, made him cycles. Who knows?
Oregon presents a problem which is
Packers AgsociaUon, the A. F. of L.,icorne mer**y • puppet show In which
To me the most Interesting thing was friends wherever he happened to be.
and the Indians.
i ,rained lobbyists pull the strings occupying the thoughts of moat leg­ to find myself looking up at young,
, ______
, „
«... , a
War Tires.
We have
During the argument for the pros, IwhUe
legislators dance to their islators at this moment.
Tom Brand who is a very tall and man
energy, such
It hus been pointed out that the good-looking young man.
one of the Indiana, whom we nick- ,tune
Only a having
passed on into The Land of Co. Car and Home Supply Store.
named the “Bull Frog,” opened hte
We have ■ verF ,trong civil ser-
year or two ago I was looking down Shadows. Long will he remain in the
mouth periodically and emitted a vice ‘obbT- M *«u “ lobbies for or- much as »10.00 per month will re­ on him. It is characteristic of middle 1 memory at his brother sportsmen and
loud croaking noise, the name of <anixed l,bor’ «»h, agriculture, old quire a sum greater than the entire age to find thut time really rushes will be missed from their gatherings,
income tax collected in even such a
which is not mentioned in polite so- a«e Pen»*°ns, healing arts, beauti-
by at express train speed.
as will his wise counsel and advice be
ciety. Although this Indian was not dan*’ railroad, trucks, counties and boom year as 1942.
'fhe Brands have an attractive missed relatives to affairs dealing
supposed to understand English very)ci^**’ ‘>u*lness man's league, ete.
home very near the Capitol on Sum- with game and fteh.
well, his mouth seemed to fly open at! My P*™™» inclinations are to act number of those interested in obtain '* 'mer street. They havc<nat forgotten
Ip the passing of “Kirk,” the sports­
the most auspicious times during the ex*ctly contrary to the insistent re­ ing them also iritereasea.
how to entertain since they left men have indeed lost an ally and one
I am told that about 25,000 people
Sometimes I wonder , Ruests of lobbyists when they beeww
j whom it will be hard to replace,
are now receiving benefits.
about these Indians. They team the > oironaive.
, both in their hearts and in the niche
white man’s ways very rapidly.
professional nature number of potential recipients is ap-,
'of game affairs.
proximately 100,000 for the entire' L. M. Ramage, of Salem, repre-
Two of the Indians spoke for their ** the,r “«-vices, one must discount | state. Thus, if all should claim ben­ sentative from Marion county, Invited
®°n V°ya»e. “Kirk,” old friend,
driegation using an interpreter. Their cverything they say and one is never
efits, the cost would approach »4,- me to a Lions Club meeting on the und “ HaPPF Landing.
speeches were remarkably trite and luro wh**her they express the exact'
* ■
toX point. They pasted no words ! w‘*hM
P*<*u they Pro»“«"*
! ¡000,000 per month for each »10.00 of 11th. The feature of the meteing was
11 *s a»mo8‘ an impossibility to
'benefits. Up to »44M)O per month a talk by a young lady who was rep-
in getting at the main point of issue.! reProsent,
In my pinion, they m^de the b*t! ’ I»“ «»» roriized the d«ng«r »nd total this would mean that the State resenting the Dupont Laboratories at Purctla«‘ sny kind of high-powered
at Oregon would contribute »2,000,- Wilmington, Delaware. She told of; am’n«»‘i‘l°n now, such as is used in
speeches of the evening
seriousness of this lobby situation Wn-
modern rifles and the deer hunter
000 Of the amount and the Federal the tremendous strides that have been '
made jn the mgpufacture of synthetic i
The best crack I heard during the j
1 ca™ °u‘
Government the balance
proceedings was a remark by one of
The annual total would thw amount material«, such as the plastics, nylon,
the C, J. O. delegates that be noted mit pressure groups to influence our to about »»4,000,000 or about two- luoite, ete.
legislators through expenditures of
the A. P, of L. had been given beck
The most interesting thing to me
lavish sums of money or through thirds of the entire real and personal
to the Indians,
property tax income for the entire was her description of a type of
sheer force of numbers.
screening to be used on windows. It
I may ba old-fashioned but I feel state. I mention this to illustrate the
can be roiled up in the same fashion
targe size of the sums involved.
a legislator should be left to use his
It Is
In my opinion, no single tax paying as an ordinary window shade
own considered judgment on all
sourpr cpuld posiply stand this bur­ impervious to danger by the elements
matters and that U )s In the beat
den When one 0ea|a with such |arge and hqg the Mtoniahing faculty of
interest of the public to chouae those
repairing Itself when a hole is ac-
who will work hard and intelligently sums as these, averyofie must con­
dentaliy punched in it. The young
at the job and then rely on their per­
lady demonstrated by poking a hole
sonal judgment in'protecting the in­
It would seem that a moderate sales in the sample with a lead pencil and
terest of their home community.
then repairing it by a shake and pet.
It cannot be denied that the testi­ tax would be the answer to ail this
Another thing of note is the doth
mony of experienced lobbyists is val­ and that if we are to meet the cost
being experimented on fw trie in
uable In committee work.
But I
should be met, a sales tax ia inevi­ the plaee of dfnim for such garment«
think the promwre part of the job
table. Yet it is strongly opposed by j “ children's ptaF cluthes. men’s ov-
should be removed Oto gpvpmmept
Af P«rt, eraH», »ad WWce«1» aprons or house
should be strictly a Remtoracy and many groups jn the state. A| heat,
This cloth has
*wh- dresses and roats.
not a “Punch and Judy" show oper­
But he observed that a
rtltpte foe watohful we of friends the astonishing faculty of cleaning
ated by competitive pnrtkure groups.
not need to say anything
and relatives when one approaches Itself. If it become.: soiled, one. has
only to dip it in clean water, give it
6ne of the things that offsets the the twilight of life. The benefits can
a shake or two, and behold! it comes
terrible weather we are having in only serve as an accident insurance
Speaker McAllister is making a Salem is the spirit of friendship and policy to be used if and when neces­ forth like new. The young |adv il­
It ia possible that in later lustrated by dipping |hp cloth in her
practice of asking the different mem­ courtesy shown to visitors by resi­ sary.
years as the terrific war burden is coffee cup.
bers of the House to preside for lim­ dents.
A|| Uf Ibis KUiMMta to one liiat we
eased, a system of old age benefftg
ited periods as the speaker pro tern.
Several times I have been taken
This has a doubts value by ac­ (town town or to my home by drivers can be set up lsrge enough to ||vg “hpidd fat thia war business over with
our ol<f
• "
toWl - ilvihS
- i «nd quickly so we cun enjoy the marve­
quainting the new members with the
at oar» with » Vl»c»nt SMt. They
procedure and by giving them the note you trudging along in the rain, yet remain within the reach of our lous things being prepared for us in
the chemical laboratories of the
experience necessary to serve as pull up to the curb, and ask If they taxpayers.
tion. '
speaker later on if they prove qual­ can give you a lift. Ono driver went
ified for the poet Our own Stella so far as to take me eight or ten
Much good should come from ex-
Cutlip has presided at one of the
blocks out of his way in spite of my periments now being conducted from
«asatons and acquitted herself very protest
the OSC school of forestry on dis­
vrMlitably r
It is a fine tribute to the publie- posal of saw mill waste.
This morning aa McAJlister’s bill,
spirited citizens of Salem that so
A committee on forestry «tag shown
lienefitting totally disabled workmen.
Ed Stelle, local chairman of the
many Pf thflto perform these «‘tie sample? qf eompresaed sawdust re­
came up for final pasasge, he asked
thoughtful courtesies. Why not try sembling the ordinary plastics both in Red Cross, thinks that some of Ve
Mr. Heisler to occupy the speaker’s
this in our Coos county cities? Would color and texture. To my great sur­ ladies who have worked under Mrs.
post while McAllister explained his
it not make our Visitors feel more prise, one sample, in the form of a Gladys Cano’s direction on the Pro­
bin. It will probably be of some in­
Ismail stick about one-quarter inch duction committee for thia branch of
kindly toward us?
terest to Coos county people to know
square, was so strong that It could the Coos County Chapter, might like
whai Its provisions were. The last
to know where lheir work is being
A noteworthy event of February not be broken in the fingers.
legMature established a new schedule
Another interesting product was a used In the Navy. Accordingly he
Of benefli. MliPg
type of plaster made of sawdust «nd has given ua the following letter from
IM2. Thia left those WPritmen dis-
The concert was ori
some binding materia}. || cppW fee Arthur H. Mayo, Captain (SC) U. S.
abled prior to that date yece|y|pg ltol *’uild n* J"1*
Navy, Who la the supply officer in
applied to walls either w|th •
benefits on the old baste.
! «»»Illy
* Ite »»*yed M
or possibly through a gun. ft had ettfnmand at Naval Supply Depot at
McAllister’s bill simply equalizes *orW» steps of fhp
payments to the totally disabled at »term drove both band «"d au<|»«we the advantage over plaster jn that It Oakland, Calif.:
One of th» regular controversies in
each session of the legislature is that
over fisheries.
This time it'centers around Ron«
Bill No. flg, which gives limited au­
thority to the fishing commisaion to
regulate certain streams, bays, and In­
lets in the state. The legislature has
always held rigid control over fishing
privileges, and thia bill is a departure
’ '«•» ♦» «• W
Express Thanks
For Garments Sent
when the dlsaMlhg accident occurred.
The band was lead by U. Marion
The cost will be about H?»,«X). . I Walker, an able and experienced mu-
The bill passed the House against
The bgnrf was composed fit
some opposition which voiced the professional mwcishS and WM MWte
«Bnjon that this wqqld opep the ggte,‘he ayersge fpr military bands, in
’* - » my ppihop.
to * flood Pt -.....................
“gimme” boys.
majority betleyed |he b||l had merit ! They featured S rorite«»l Wlto
and they could see to |t Ifet w raids Sbput gs good as Harry Jemes and »R
would be made on the Industrial Ac­ expert clarinetist. Ru|<he best num­
ber wm »iRilM hy sgt-
cident Fund.
Reep In mind that this bill merely Swan, pf Philadelphia, whq possesses
raise» the rates tor a single man a lyric baritone vp|pe that should
110490 par month, married men »15.00 take him f«r jn the musipal world-
He |s • l*Rky. WeU’hpIlt y<WW fal­
per month, and minor children
per month, making the new totals low and h|s voice hM a rich reso­
•40.00, »30.00, and WM respective­ nance |hat reminds one somgwha| pf
ly. The bill Will have strong opposi­ John Charles Thomas- Peat th|s in
tion in the Senate The views pt the mind and watch fpr |hjs young maq
after the war.
Governor are not known
took only abqul II per cent ert the
mp|3|urg |n applying |t and then did
not aftritot mojgture on the walla-
But to me the most interesting eg.
hibft was the plan of a wood parteto-
ization plant which ma^eg briquette;
mil of mnUMt I» »havings tost have
been reduced > chtWPMtl to retort
This charpoal t»uld be used in fur-
qgees or in fireplaces ip the place of
coa|- || wm “W thqi the cost of
produptiwn would be about ?5 per
cept of the price of ooa| ip the. Port­
land grog:
By-product« of this proceaa would
include nascent hydrogen, carbon di­
whfch wopld be caught and «’m-
preased a«. |hf Wood doited in the
Ruch « plant might be ertabliahed
persuaded Prt Stackpole, who WM
ivas rnad? by the
presented Representative Home», of tn charge at the roqtjngent, to permit
Ashland, who IMt wheo B*P V*P the band to play Mveral numbers in
One Of fhe n«n-
Dyke returned from th« army, with the House |te*H
Qod B|es«
the gavel used by Mr Homes during bers was the sjngjng
B pf
_ “ ....
his time as speaker pro tern
Mr Amerjc»'’ hv Sgt S)w«n
It WM so
Homes brightened perceptibly when well done It made our apine tingle,
the speaker handed him the gavel to 11 haven’t heard • young vo|ee Uke
keep. It was a nice gift to a partlcu- that in jr»ars.
larly splendid fellow,
The band marched to the front of
—the rostrum, played their numbers.
The Governor clarified his views on and marched out again at a nod from
the many issues by sending in S m»s- ,Cbl Stackpole, who wm seated at the
mills could be uged
The possibili­
ties are very greet and the develop­
ment Of this process should be close­
ly Witched by Cops county fulka.,
To residents of Bandon this process
|s of especial not» because It em­
bodies practically all of the principles
In a scheme as« up by a Mr. Harris?
mining engineer, who worked on our
black sand during the first World
War. This process is merely the
carrying out of the principles worked
out by Mr. Harris who has been tn
fhe S»«M rates to all regardless of toside
Receipt of the following knitted
garments lor the U. a. Navy is here­
by acknowledged:
50 Pweatera, turtle-neck pull-over
8 Watoh Capa.
a Helmets.
1 Pr. Gloves.
1 Scarf.
The Supply Officer in Command
desire« to take thia opportunity to
thank the Coquille Chapter of the
American Red Cross for the fine
work they are doing—a work that
will to no small way add to the health
and comfort of the Naval personnel,
and contribute to the maintenance of
a high state of morale.
Grade 111 War Tires.
We have
Southwestern Motor
Wanted! Men Anti
Women Who Are
Hard Of Hearing
To make this simple, no risk hear­
ing test. If you are temporarily deaf­
ened, bothered by ringing buzzing
head noises due Co hardened or aoagu-
lated wax (cerumen), try th» Ourine
Home Method tert that so mi
has enabled them to hear wel
You must bear better after
this simple test or
back, at