A Letter from Huancayoz Peru Major To Be Here To Enlist WAACS (Continued from Page One) Coquille women will be given an opportunity to obtain first hand in­ formation about the women’s army auxiliary corps on Saturday, Feb. 13, when Major Bernard P. Cody and members of the Oregon recuriting and induction district staff arrive in Co- qu>lle. . The visit of the recruiting party to this city is part of an intensive drive ciscan in the late I860', when gun­ powder was dynamite and modern machinery was unknown, it is really a marvelous piece of work. We passed through 61 tunnels carved out of solid rock and our rise from 200 feet to 15,618 in six and a half hours was something to experience. Once over the summit it wac, as 1 have said, down hill to Huancayo which we finally reached at 7:00 p. m. Huancay<^is a town of some 30,000 people or more and yet I think 4 am the only American in the place. This is truly a Peruvian town and here one cat! see the Indians from Sierra or mountain regions in all their glory if you can-call it such- The women plod along the street in broad hree. signment to duties which will relieve two minutes of scoreless able-bodied soldiers for combat duty. ankles, and—no socks or shoes. Ev­ ery one of them carries a big btlndle on her back and they always go at sort of a half trot. The men weat- the worst patched up clothes you ever saw. It is actually Impossible at times to tell which was the original garment and which are just patches. They all carry a rope about fifteen feet long with them which is usted to _ tie the bundles on their backs. These Dick Ray caat ofi w,th 0 long one- UtUe five feet, one or two inch, men Ito give Cot|uiW* ‘ two-point edge at manage to carry prodigious loads the end the • «‘all. As the minutes heart and enables them to go for away the Plratea started hours. They lead their,Jife of human foul in pack animals for years and years «^mpting to get the ball. Me- until finally the coca attacks their Carthy P°tted 8 lay,n ,or th* only brains at which time they go insane fle,d aoal ln the flnal frame- 39.31. Fouj shots also won for the Bulldogs, as the Bobcats made two more baskets than the boys from Pony Slough. Walton and Belloni, of Myrtle Point, and Ruppe, of North Bend- went to the •howeri with iour