The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 11, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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'Junior Hi Operetta
Margaret Belloni
New B. G. Heed
To marrow Night
Halzgang - Kmglit
Wedding Sunday
“H. M. S. Pinafore," operetta by : - The marriage of Min Marjorie L.
Gilbert ànd Sullivan and abridged for Knight, of Coquille, daughter of Mr.
production by Junior high schools, and Mra. Joseph W. Knight of Eu­
will be presented under the directicn gene, to Robert B. Holzgang, petty
of HarqM Withnell Friday night, Feb. offiaer, second class. Naval Reserve
Air Force, was solemnized Sunday
continue to reed 12, at the high school gymnasium.
-»-^4 This operetta promises to be one of at a ceremony held at one o’clock in
A ?SLLy!!j; I
A,uno™ the most' entertaining and colorful en- St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Rev.
tertainaienta yet produced by the Francis P. Leipzig officiating. Mr.
Holzgang formerly lived in Medford,
Junior high school.
were present Kay Littlefield, Mary
Ore., and is the son of Mrs. Frances
Cast of Characters: -
Morris, Marilyn Laws,
B. L. Stewart, C. L. Tuttle, Ed. W. The Rt. Honorable Sir Joseph
Holzgang, of San Francisco.
lends Clinton, Joy Norton, Yvonne
Lorenz, Henry Lorenz. Jas. Watson,
Pastel spring flowers decorated the
Porter .............. ........ Charles Hanns j
tin tiiriiri T °‘^. Martha Young,
Jennie Price, Andie Robinson, Ida Captain Cocoran..... Maurice Williams ! chy/ch tor the wedding.
A large
Gretchen cl lilt Ml 'a^gR^jjMiCCWna
The following" ililWIW»1»
Ralph Rackstraw ...„ Bud Hickam group of relatives and. friends was
Mi uwib'WHttifcA
present for the service at which Mrs.
were present: Lunelle Chapin, Aloha
E. Axtell, Frank Pook, Wm. Mansell,
JMte Cooley played the wedding
Allen, Margaret Stewart, Gladys May,
B. Folsom, C. V. Smfth, Rev. and
Marguerite Robinson, Donna Dean
MriRobt L. Greene.
Bosserman, Maxine Johnson, Dorothy
Coffey, Alys June Fox, Phyllis Bel-.I
loni. Lydia Holstein, Norene Mc­
i Mrs. Vernon Heintzelman enter-
Keown, Eunice Howe.
' tairied the Royal Neighbors Tauk-an-
So Club on Wednesday evening at
bar home. As a surprise to the host­
ess the members brought gifts and
the hostess quite unexpectedly on
’ her part became the honor guest at
The Junior Woman’s Club met last a mal| shower. Mrs. Heintzelman
Monday at the home of Mary Stevens. WM aMisted during the evening by
Plans for the Spring Opening Danoe Mrt Schroeder and Mrs. Embree.
on March 20 were discussed. This Those sending gifts and attending
will take the place of the dance post- Meadames Wm. Jones, Wm. Gaffey,
poned because of sickness of members Klll, Martindale, Earl Schroeder, Er­
in the orchestra.
Ernoit Johnson, Henry
The card party held last Saturday Brioni, Molly Kaufman, Al Burch,
night in charge of Mary Morris was( M _D. Sherrard, R. M. Waggoner,
a definite social success but not «- ¡Clyde Clark, Melvin Giles, Guy Tw-
nancially so. The president, Lunelle rey and Marianne Embree,
Chapin, announces an Open Meeting
at the Guild Hall on March 8, at —•
ass C Z* C Unenri
Mr* und Mr* »“IsgaK left this
which time Mrs. Grace Withnell will I RC W.3.U.3. nOnOI> Cobb, Ray Gilkey, J)iek Hensley, Elsie
Preussior, Clifford Manning, Donna we*k *or S«n Francisco to make their
be in charge as fine arts chairman, i j
ft____ y_
Milligan, James Odon, Lael Shuck. home- For traveling, the bride wore
Harold Withnell will direct the music.
Lenora Womstaff, Dorethy Werth, “ brown
The next meeting will be a potluck
dinner at the home of Lucille Walker ( The Women’s Society of Christian Dorothy Williams, Robert Thompson,
1 Service held an all day meeting at Eldon Chowning, Virginia Huddle,
on February 22.
Pioneer church, Thursday of last Joan Mintonyno, Mona Pingleton, i
week, Lena McCurdy presiding. A Judy Slack, Gloria Mae Tharp, Betty
, business session was held in the fore­ Reynolds, Frank Barrows, Marilyn
A pleasant birthday dinner for noon.
tyxm After routine work the presi­ Diaher, Jean Jacobson, Clinton Peart,
dent appointed the chairman of the Irene White, Charles Billings, Eva
Mary Virginia Morris was given last
various departments to serve for the Haddix, Mery Miller, Esther Howell,
Monday evening by Lunelle Chapin
Bill Brown, Patsy Norton, Geraldifte
at her apartment. There were dainty enautn< y
Valentine decorations, a birthday
r It was decided to continue to have Price, Grace Taylor, Robert Oerding,
cake, bright with lighted candles, and ; °ne “* W meeting eaoh month with Donald Pierce, Maxine Roth, Leaths
a color scheme of red and white * P00“0* luncheon at noon. rather Treodt
The Past Noble Gjands held their
than two afternoon meetings as pre­
Between acts of the operetta the first monthly meeting of the New
Completing the foursome was Yvonne
Girl’s Choral Club of the Junior High : Year at the home of Jennie Price;
Kern and Allie Beast. Following the viously held.
It was also voted to have a oooked Wai entertain by singing three popu- I
dinner the group attended the meet­
president, Florabel Boober, presiding.
food sale, Saturday, Fab. 20, nJace to lap patrtkte numbers.
Those present were: Meadames
ing for the Junior Womens Club.
be decided later.
Admissim—Adults, 25c, including Hester *' Holverstott,
Ruth Beyers,
At noon more than 20 mbmberg and tag; childpen, Jp. Hi- agp or younger,
Emily Hersey, Ethel Leach, Annie
visitors were seated at a potluck lie, including tax.
For Mrs. Currte
Robinson, t lorabel Boober, the host-
luncheon. Mtssers. Purvance, Rich­
Mrs. A. B. Collier and Mrs. Jas.
and Misses Ida Oeording and
mond, and Harriman were guests,
*J|fcWh Gruonewald. Annie Morrison
Brady were co-hostesses on Wednes­
Clarice Gormley, Eula Schram and
day at a bridge luncheon which they
was a guest of the meelng.
Dorothy Harris served as hocteasee.
gave in honor of Mrs. T. B. Currie,
After the business meeting intrigu­
It being the 85th birthday of Mrs.
visitor here this week from her home
ing games furnished by the president
Blanche Davis a special table had been
in Eugene. Mrs. Boober-was the re­
were the cause for much hilarity.
Mr. and Mrs Bert Banders
arranged for her, with five elderly
cipient of a prize for high score and
Delicious refreshments and comic
ladies as her guests. At 2:00 p. m. nounce the marriage of their daugh.
Mrs. Currie received a lovely guest
valentines were enjoyed by all, ev­
the ladies adjourned to the church
Invited were the following
eryone departing at a late hour.
parlors for the study hour. Mrs. field, CaUf., to Sgt. Arthur Shafter,
Meadames Roy Boober, F, U'Greete-
Fugelson lead the devotional service,
ough, H. Zeigler,, F. C. McNrily, Ed
tioned at Minter Field, Bakersfield,
choosing “Love" as the subject. SheoMeraueia,
McKeown and Mrs. Currie.
read Phil, l-l to 14. Fem Peterson (Calif. He to the son of Mr. and Mrs.
The regular luncheon meeting of
the Bachelor Girls was held at the
hotel last Friday noon.
In the
chair as the new presiding officer
was Margaret Belloni, who succeeds
Marjorie Knight who was married
this month in Eugene. Each member
Southern Pacific
Appeals For Help
America» Legion
Meetbg Monday
At the meeting of Coquille Pewit,
No. 36, American Legion, the Sea
Scout committee reported that the
Skipper, Harry Hunt, had resigned
owing to the long hours he is putting
in swinging the loading donkey about.
Bob Stewart has been pinch hitting
but asked that a new Skipper be ap>
pointed to take over the duties of
the Sea Scout Ship.
The Sons of the Legion have run
into a snag and it seems it to impos­
sible to untangle it at this time. Be­
cause of the strenuous and numerous
actiivties in which the boys are re­
quired to participate, the Post went
on record as favoring the discontinu­
ance of the activities-of the Sons of
Legion until next fall, depending on
uRRttMetal Jhat time..
Junior Club Plans
Open Meeting
Southern Pacific today appealed to
local business and professional men,
college students, farmers and all other
able-bodied men who have> time to
spare on weekends, for help in over­
coming an acute shortage of workers
needed to maintain tracks ^for the
speedy handling of.vital
The railroad, it was
|, is
currently short several thousand
track workers on its Pacific Lines
In an effort to relieve the slutation.
Southern Pacific is inaugurating a
campaign to sign up men for work
on Saturdays and Sundays in .tHis
vicinity, according to F. A. Pook,
local agent.
The ptan was recently tried out at
Davis and Palo AMo, Mr. Pook said,
with great success.
Business and
~i~r irtuiri
up for the emergency jobs I and have
patriotically conffnued to devote
spare time to working on the rail­
Mr. Poole points out that the pro­
gram offers local men an opportunity
not only to perform an essential war
job, but also to gat healthful week­
end exercise and to earn extra money
He is prepared to furnish full infor­
mation to all applicants, and will en­
deavor to organize a crew to work
during the coming-weekend.
Member's Birthday
Mrs. Price Entertains
Noble Grand Club z
Lorraine Sanders
Married Jan. 16
Partly For Mrs. Don Shore
Mrs. Donald Shore, of Marshfield,
was honored on Monday evening at
the home of Mrs W. B. McLacrin.
Mrs. Shore was formerly a resident
of Coquille and the occasion of the
party was a stork shower. Refresh­
ments were served and there were
many lovely gifts. The evening was
spent playing pinochle. Mrs. Ernest
Batty won high score. Mrs. Henry
Burr second high and traveling
prize, Mrs. Clay Hensley was con-
soled. x Attending were Meadames
Clay Hensley, Willard Burrell, Henry
Burr, Dick Summers, Elwood Willey,
Ernest Batty, George Griggs, Jack
had charge of the program. The Arthur Shaffer, of Booth, Oregon,
theme was “Peace and World Coop- and
,nd attended Oregon State College
eration.’’ Mrs. Harold Withnell, ac­ before enlisting.
Lorraine was a graduate of Co­
companied by Clarice Gormley, sang
“Wonderful Peace.” The Meadames quille High school in May, 1948. She
Richmond, Laws, Ellis and Taylor, later finished a course at Northwest­
each read selections and took part in ern Business College in Portland
a stenographer
the discussions of the subject. Doro­ and was employed
thy Harris read a selection entitled, for the R. K. O. Picture exchange in
Portland for over a year. Last Sep­
“I am a woman."
The society will meet at 10 a. m. tember she went to Loe Angeles,
Thursday, Fob. 18 at Mrs. Richmond’s where she was employed in the of­
for the study of a book on Latin fice of Schwabacher-Frey company
America. A potluck luncheon will be until her recent marriage.
Sgt. Shaffer is to be transferred
served at noon.
The attendance last Thursday in­ soon and she will come home for a
cluded Meadames Gormley, McCurdy, visit with her parents until he is lo­
Purvance, Schram, Harris, Taylor, cated. He expects to be at the new
Fem Peterson, Helen Peterson, Rich- ' locations for four or five months
mond, Fugelson, Hersey, Harriman,; and ah* will join him after he is lo-
Ellis, Way, Davis, Minard, Laws, cated.
Londy Peart, Eva Stevens, Zeigler,
Lundquist, Bosserman, Albert Prus-
i sler, Raymond Prussler. Kesner, Hul-
tin, Leslie, Hawkins, Gillespie, Oden, YfiarS___ Pflmlpd
Oddy, Roger, and Nelson. Mesdames 1 eO'5
Forger Gets Two
Wall FMab
The aasasingly
washable jvsll finish
. for kitchen and
I bathroom, hall.
Clieda “ Leonard, Ida Goodman and
Jack Kegg, arrested last Friday
Harold Withnell were vialiora.
issuing a forged check at Myrtle Point
in the amount of $10.6«, pleaded
Home --------
---- „ --------
before Judge King, Tuesday,
George E. Oerding, local Coquille and was sentenced to two years in
realtor, sold one of the home belong-
P<?n A
ot «‘«ution for 90
ing to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
whirh he
Wheeler, located on Ml North Heath *
** P««»1«*
rele“*d irom
street to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibble.
coun.tyJai*\ He mu,t report
The Wheeler’s have been living in th^roli
ev«-* 30
Sweet Home for some time and Mr.. RC^*r n“"‘e8 °"
blott4?r in ‘he
Wheeler is employed in a ply wood
oKic* **re, th°*i of Anw*
plant there. They are renting their
“7’*“.*? Feb ’
other home here \
with a dangerous weap-
Mr. and Mrs. Dibble have moved on’. "n‘1,PeMy IUI<' char8*d with
into their new purchase and are in- (m,aln,^nln< " eo™m«’ ’»«‘aa’»<*-^e
tending to make some improvement.
«ullty *n
Latusiand yJu the
Gregg Hardware-
Wil I IfiMS
>*> Dance Netted flit
The Coquille Fire Department, at
the dance last Saturday night, clear-
* ed »109 96 which is a little more than
[ the estimated coot of fixing up their
room in the city hall, above the fire
hall, for more comfortable sleeping
I quarters.
15,000 Pennies
By The Schools
In the recent drive to collect pen­
nies in the three Coquille schools
15,000 of the coppers were dug up
from Piggy banks and hoarding places
and practically all at them were
turned in for defense bonds and
Grade III War Tirea.
We have ■ stamps.
Many rw/
of fka
the vaimso
young —
lota of them'. Southwestern Motor received souvenirs of the Battleship
- 'Co. Car and Home Supply Store.
Oregon also.
Good supply of men and women’s
bicycles. Also electric toasters, elec­
tric shavers, auto accessories, etc.
Southwestern Motor Co. Car and
Home Supply Store.
ventilated plastic helmet—complete
with detachable mood—is a com­
bination safety and beauty aid for
women war workers.
The Industrial Repair Co.
Repairing Aids Victory
Calling canta. M for 8LOO.