The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 04, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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Fairview News
Arago News
clan to gather ground the lobby
again. . . The free power boy* are
here . . . they want their utility dis­
tricts made tax exempt , . . but ev­
eryone else must pay... Walter Pierce
spends a busy day shaking hands and
talking politic* . .. look* just as hale
and hearty as ever . . . Mr. Paulain,
the big shot of the Oregon Brewer*
association, here to see that no new
tax is put on beer . . . and Ralph
Staley the big wine man, doesn't
like Senator Burke's bill which would
make all wine sold through state
liquor stores only. . , The lumber
men are also gathering in larger
groups than usual'.. . something must
be in the wind. . . . The press room
pool ha* started guessing the day of
adjournment . . . lowest guess 48
days, highest guess 62 days . . . but
you can never tell. . . . Howard-l*a-
tourette, the big shot democrat, looks
things over. . . Ex-Governor West
very busy in behalf of truck legisla­
tion ... the railroad lobby says, “It
shall not pass."
McKinley News
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Noah and daugh­
ladies Aid met Wednesday at the . Al Qrenili, of Empire, spent the
ter, Bonnie, of Lakeside, spent Sat­ home of Mrs. J. L. Burtis for an all­ week-end
urday and Sunday with Mrs. Noalfs day meeting and the ladies helped friends.
mother, Amanda Johnson, of this val­ Mrs. Burtis with a quilt. A lovely
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hatfield and
potluck dinner was enjoyed at noon grandson, Donald, are moving on to
Robert Holverstott was operated on by the following: Mesdames O. H. the Walter Lawhorn ranch as they
for goitre last Wednesday. Qy. Pea­ Aasen, Clarence Butler, Chas. Grif­ have bought it. The Hatfields have
cock performed the operation at Me-. fith and Loretta, Albert Lillie. Al­ been living at Glendale.
Auley Hospital.
The Clarence Churchills, we notice,
bert Guistrom, Tyrrell Woodward,
The Willard children are home 8. C. McAllister, Ward Evans, Ann have been driving a new car.
from school, HI with measles. -
Fisher, J. D. Carl, Stanley Halter,
The McKinley Grange met Satur­
Wandia and Maxine Emerson are Emil Peterson, J. L. Burtis and Mrs. day night, with Master M. C. Miller
being eared for nt the Northup home, McCalister, of Hall's Creek.
They in the chair. There were ten visitor*
ill with mumps.
will meet again this Wednesday at members present. Elected Flora, Faye
Ruth Palmer is ill at home with the church for an all-day session and Gill resigned that office and. Mrs.
Wilma Shephard Was chosen for the
Eugene Emerson has been quite ill
Elvin Widmark was ill and unable station. Mr*. Shephard as Flora, Mrs.
State House, Salem, Feb. 4—Today
with pneumonia.
Georgia Bunch as chaplain, Charles
to attend school for several days.
Mr. and Mr*. Owen Barton and
Mrs. Naomi Robison, of Myrtle Hill as gatekeeper, were I______ ...
of the allotted 50 day* of the regular
daughter, Barbara, were callers inlPoint, was a Sunday dinner guest at their respective offices by Past Mas­
session. A deluge of new bill* hit
the valley Saturday. Barbara spent, tils)
sm «# asm I
ter Ed Abernathy.
Master Miller
the home of Mro
Mrs. D<\kae4
Robert *JV*
the house hopper the first hart of this
the week-end with Lula Marie Lind- • She also visited at the home of Mr. announced that McKinley Grange
week. From now on the bills must
say while Mr. and Mr*. Barton went 1 and Mr«. Lawrence Rackleff.
would entertain Pomona Grunge the
Saturday in April. After new be approved by the house committee
on jo Port Orford. They returned to
Richard Plaep, who1 was operated third
buLne^‘7^rvi*^ fl7g‘ wa?p^nt* ™ ‘'I*8*“"0"
FU‘“ ‘*f°re
their home in Roseburg Sunday eve­ on for appendicitis at the Knife hos­
■ hi
■ .. .ri ■ . i -
i . n i ,
However, this
ning, ’
! pital recently, was able to return to ed to th* Grange for the brother®“
members, who are now serving in
aenate' wWch
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hatcher enter- tos home Sunday,
tained Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler at
Ward ~
Evans, Pamela and Mau­ the armed force*. They are: Lincoln! ,
fro,n now on look to
dinner Friday evening. It was the reen and Mrs. Ann Fisher visited at Miller in Alaska, Army; Forre*t
*T, . T.0**“
Hatchers* fifteenth wedding anniver­ the hbmes of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Krewson at Camp Car™, Army;
8cveral Coo* county school* have
Willson und Mr. and Mrs. John Fel-
Dean Oberman, at San Francisco, ™F.haa “ th“‘ *ve';al hot bill* are made a very good showing with re­
Frank and Bill Grove and Ray sher in Myrtle Point Saturday.
Grant spent the week-end at their ! Mr. and Mrs. Shelby McAllister and Navy; Ivan Mast, at Camp Carson. Iuriutn« aroU"d th® deak8 olu*v*ral gard to buying defense stamps. The
the ri«h‘ Dora School has been 100 per cent
homes in Powers. They work at the Scott of Marshfield spent Saturday Army.and Bennett Swanton, at Gamp
Roberts. We atoo have word that,T“ke ,beh ««««rance. So for the last six week* with every child
' Kline logging camp.
night at the home of Mr. and Mr*.
Ted Miller is to gb into the army ,ur tb* tU,U8' . ,aa ‘"‘"««uced «nd buying at least one ten cent stamp per
Charles Geitner had the misfor- 18. C. McAllister. Shelby received his
paaaed nwre bl,,s th* nn“ 25 ‘‘“F« week.
\ '■
lune to cut his knee with the saw call and returned to camp in Death this month
The Charleston school ha* sold
Friday afternoon. He works for Cal' Valley where he is receiving his
th* Pollyanna club will rieet with B“‘
18 far behind ««
$386.25 worth of stufnp* and bond*
training. Mrs. McAllister and Scott
Mr*. Georgia Bunch, Thuixday, Feb. »rd of last «fwon; however, from now since school began. The school ha*
The Home Extension Club met ¡are staying at the S. C. McAllister
j I
| on they 11 make up for lost time.
an average enrollment of 101 pupils.
Tuesday at last week at the Faye Hol- i home for some time.
The extension to May 12 of the
Mr. and Mr*. Clardnce Churchill ■
verstott home. Mrs. Dorothy Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl drove to
As to be expected, just before the time in which pupil* can earn Battle­
was in charge.
“ Making
Kitchens ■ Bandon Sunday and spent the day. directed the Juvenile meeting Satur­
deadline for introduction of new ship Oregon souvenir* will no doubt
More Usable," was the subject. Al Mrs. Althea Harrah, of Fairview, day night a* the elected matron was:
potluck dinner was enjoyed at noon.! spent the week-end at the home of unable to attend. Lila Mae Laird was house bills a flood of pension meas­ 'tend to keep up the buying.
The next meeting will be at the'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane. elected lecturer and Jimmie Howard ures. hit the hopper. The state em­ I I-atzrel Lak* School
ployees have such a bill, known as
The one-room school at Laurel
Grange hall February 23. The sub-
Emil Peterson, of Norway, was a wa* voted a member of the Juvenile*.
civil service retirement measure. ' Lake is planning for a spring bazaar.
ject will be on electrical equipment, Wednesday dinner guest of Mr. and They also voted to have a penny drill
at each meeting, the money to be used Allan Bynon an attorney, and for­ I The proceed* will be used to defray
with Mrs. Roxy Frye demonstrating Mrs. E. J. Myers.
merly u member of the state senate I expense* of children
Those attending the meeting last, Mr. and Mrs. Meiden Carl were to finish out the defense stamp book
from Multnomah county, has been i be chosen to attend the 4-H Sum-
Tuesday were: Mesdames Dorothy i Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and they won last year at the State
.employed to engineer this measure ner school at Corvallia. The pupils
’ r
Bishop, C. A. Holverstott, H. H. Hall, j Mrs. W. E. Cross of Coquille.
1 into law, If possible. Mr. Theo Nel- have already
prepared tea towels,
After the Grange meeting was over
Gladys Bale*, Hazel Freeman, Charles j Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myer* and Mr*.
son, of Salem, an old-age pension ad­ pot holders, pillow cases, cushion tops,
Francis Gaslln,
Lillian Stanley Halter were Sunday callers a group of people from the local mill ’
vocate of many years' standing, per­ etc., for the bazaar.
the home of Mr. and Mr*. Frank and the Juveniles gathered in the big |
Quivey, Florence Simpson, Perry:at
to lnlluaut
” a “ house
“uuse member
men’D®'’ ,o
Neal, from Coquille, Tessie Porter,
which ‘ would give i P irr liif P ahp F
that a lieutenant and a corporal K,a P®1 1 measure, "T*
Helen Sackett, Robert Holverstott,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Detlefsen, Bobby tore
from the fourth interceptor command
Harry Lindsay, W. J. Wheeler, Glenn and Marianne, of Myrtle Point, vis­
showed. Later the lieutenant gave a ¡^^^o^cbiJ’yJdjribUV®r^bolig*forlr'^” i Uan. 27-Wiltard K. ChurchlB
Richardson, Ray Norris, Cortland ited at th* home of Mr. and Mr*.
lecture a* to the importance of keep-
Incidentallv 2(/Certrude T* Churchill. Suit for
EUis, Roxy Frye and the hostess, Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff Sunday,
ing our observation post running
* and
Fay* Holverstott.
A Norman Holycroas underwent an
twenty-four hours a day. He also “*ry
bd,, fyr, ^nly vorce.
Cheater Nordstedt, who has been in operation for appendicitis at • Co-
Jan. 27—Zena E. Matson vs. John
presented to the neighborhood . gold ***’ c,arka' co“n,y «mimlaatanm,
several quitle hospital Monday,
F. Matson. Suit for divorce.
trophy for the outstanding work that eU" ha**
months, working at the shipyards,
Albert Lillie and Albert Gulstrom
Jan. 39—Martha Priscilla Bowen
w, have already done. Mm J. B. ^ d*"*ren I«*'™**" this a*.-
came down' January 33d and moved returned to their work at Sutherlin
i va. William Granville Bowen. • Sult
m * the
ntv '«wmakwr.
<«4wniftRPig can
vein ’t i ■
Mr*. Nordstedt, “Dutchie,” Lavonne Sunday, after being at their homes in
figure out why such legislation !‘ordi vorce.
.. .
_/ - i ■ .Feb. 1—Augusta C. Powell vs.
- and' Eva Jean to their new home In Arago for the past week and a half. oepted the trophy as po-ehlef* in be- 'c_
They will be greatly
A. J. Patrick is II) and was unable
argue that It should be u matter for James W. Powell. Sult for divorce.
Prank Haney was taken Sunday to
missed in the valley by their many to be out the past week.
Feb. 1—State Unemployment Com­
the people In tlie respective counties
The Arago boys' basketball team the Belle Knife Hospital, where he
Commission vs. George E.
to pass upun In county elections. pensation
N6nt Sunday, February 7, there met the Myrtle Point Ag team and ydU receive further medical treat­ Henes, a bill may be introduced b
will be-a special offering taken for defeated them by a score of 34 to 31. ment for an injured leg.
Feb. 3—Charlotte V. Short vs.
Henry Hansen spent Friday and changing the method of Increasing Jumes C. Short. Suit for divorce.
th* infantile fund. Bring or send At the end of the game the two team*
salaries of county officials.
your offering* and tithes for this were lied, after which they played Saturday In Coquille visiting hl*
Feb. 2—Wilhelmina Sinclair vs.
more than worthy cause. Help keep another ten minute* when they were
The lawmakers say tl>ey are still I Lincoln R. Sinclair. Suit for divorce.
this most terrible disease from striking again tied, each team having 21 brought him home Sunday.
Feb. 3—Bedford F. Waller vs. State
Mr*. Hansen left Friday evening1 very tax conscious, but to date they Industrial Accident Commission,
k* your home, a* no one Is immune, points. Then they played till the
have done nothing about it Several
. sdthough it is called a child* disease. first team won two points und Arago with Mis* Oerding for Coquille, bills are in which would reduce state!
Ptease cooperate by bringing your managed to get one free throw and where she visited a few days with income taxes, but so far they have Probate COUrf ItfilllS
one more basket, making the score Mr*. Frances Holmstrom.
offerings to church Sunday, Feb. 1.
Mr*. Frances Holmstrom came out received nothing more than a luke- |
Wm. Byerly, of Riverside, has heard 24 for Arago and 21 for Myrtle *Point.
Scores of cold-
Petition* for administration of the
her farm here at McKinley last warm embrace.
from his youngest son, Rufus Byerly,
Friday night th* girl*' volley ball
estate left by Lambert Leolin
that be is still stationed in Texas. team and the boys' basket ball team Monday. She visited there until
th* legislators which should con Paxe, who died June 13, 1931, and
He is in the U. 8. army. Friend* of went to Powers and toe girl* won
vince them beyond any reasonable of the $2,000 estate of Annie
Mr. Byerly were glad he was able to from the Powers girl* by a »core of visiting Mr*. Nellie Brown and Fri­
doubt that the present high state in- Page, who died Feb. 13, 1933,
he at Sunday school and church, after about 2o to 43 but the Arago boys
come tax has done more' to discourage ut San Jose, Calif., were filed by
turning to Coquille with Miss Oerd­
being absent on account of a cold lost by quite a margin.
new industries from locating in Ore-jGeor P. Topping, of Bandon, last
Mrs. Ward Evans attended the
and sore throat.
gun than anything else. A sale* tax Saturday,
Mr. and Mr*. Jack Edmond*, of Royal Neighbors' lodge in Myrtle
bill is In which, If enacted into law j
Reedsport, are vi*iting his parents, Point Monday evening.
by the people, would remedy this
Emil Peterson had the misfortune
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Desdmond of
and go a long way in pro- .
to fall last Wednesday evening and
I situation
Riverside district.
viding adequate old-age assistance,.
Jan. 28—Alvin B. Brown, of Eu­
Mrs. Melvin Kenyon and children break a rib.
in as much a* 50 per cent of the three
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers were Sun­
have been staying with Mr*. Ken­
, per cent sale* tax called for in the | reka, Calif., and Rhoda Obermeyer,
(Western World)
of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. They were
yon's parerfts, Mr. and Mr*. G. B. day dinner guests of Mr. und Mrs
W. E. Lacey, who ha* been oper­ ! measure would be earmarked for j
Dow, for. sdveral day* white the E. J. Myers.
ating Elmer Gant’* clothing (tore . pension* and the baUnee would go married by Justice F. R. Bull at his
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Miller, of Myrtle since Elmer took over the postoffice, I to reduce state Income taxes.
office here last Thursday-
children recuperate from bad colds
Mr and Mrs. Ray Deadmond, Mrs Point, were Sunday guests at the had an experience the other night
Albert Thommen. Oien and Alma, home of Mr and Mrs. Glen Zeller.
that still makes him quiver when he
Ex-Congressman Walter Pierce and Stamp Will Memorialise The
Visited McKinley grange Saturday
Wilfred Oakes, of Myrtle Point, realizes what he had done.
hi* Mrs. arrived in Salem last week Centennial of Oregon’s Founding
conducted the regular Bunday morn-
During one of those severe night and hav* established their future res­
Congressman Homer D. Angell has
Sunday SChqol storm*, while he was in bed at hl*
Mr*. Faye Holverstott enjoyed a ing church service
idence in Kola, Polk county, just Introduced House JolQtResolution
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mr*. followed iwth an attendance of »I. home opposite Laurel Grove, south
aero«* the river from the state cap­ No. 26 in the House ot Representa­
Rankin, from near Eugene. They Services again neat Bunday, preach­ qf town, he heard a continual whine
ital. An interesting story la behind tives, Washington, D. C. authorizing
came Thursday by train and returned ing at io a m, ond Sunday school at coming from under the house.
It Walter's new residential move far;
the issuance of a special postage stamp
11 a. m.
the same way Sunday.
sounded like a puppy that was lost away from Ida old baliwlck of east- , ■ in honor of the one-hundredth anni-
The Brewsters have moved from the
from |ts mother. Laoey couldn’t go ern Oregon, Congressman Jim Mott : versary of the founding of the Provi-
valtey. They were living in one of
to sleep and let the little animal suf­ has hi* eagle eye on Rufus Holman'*
G()vernment at Champoeg on
tho David Toston houses.
fer, *o he pul op hi* Clothes, went senate seat, come May, 1944, and it's May , 1843 and the ^ing of the
Mr. and hirs. George Steven™
out Into the storm and crawled far • ■ foregone conclusion he will be a hI1Uirl^ covered wagon trail of the
visited with their daughter and hus­
under the house. He caught the lit­ candidate, against Rufus tortheJ*- |Mme year, which made of the United
band, Mr. and Mr*. Cha*. Geitner,
tle thing and took It into
Into the house 1 publican
nomination, States u two-ocean country.
To save precious metal for war t)e
Sunday afternoon.
uses, many resourceful homemaker* where he made it comfortable by the Should he make It, fine; but even if
The Resolution authorize* the Post-
Both teachers visited with their
are recovering their old umbrella stove..
he doesn t he will be out a* a con- mugjer General to issue a stamp of
parents at Arago last weekend, Mrs. frames, reports Mrs. Dorothy E. Bish­
Next morning Lacey
L*C°* Inquired
'"Tl’TL ofl_
0! g,ewn.ain beca.^®. h*/ant r“n for *uch denomination and design as he
Harrah going to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
op, county home demonstration agent. the neighbor* If anyone had lost a both office*. Walter has a wide ac- ’may determine.
lope's and Mis* Fish to the home of
Materials that are needed include, puppy. No one had. Finally some quairttance in and around Marion
Mr, and Mr*. Albert Fi*h.
one umbrella frame in good condition, of the neighbor* called to see theiCoUnty. You know he was governor
Last Tuesday evening Tom Benham
one yard ot 39 inch material of a puppy and immediately Identified it ’ once. Mrs. Pierce likewise ha* a
was *o severly kicked in the back by
I large following'' in this territory,
tight enough weave to repel Water and as a baby cougar.
a milk cow he Is unable to work. He
Lacey still wonders what would i where the largest percentage of votes
a spool of matching thread. The pat­
was taken to the doctor, who found
tern is obtained by Using a section of have happened if he and the old ig located, especially in this congre»-
no broken bone* but torn and bruised
the old cover which has been care- mother cougar had met under the si(lnal district since it was cut up,
i i
County Schools
Buy Defense Stamps
Handled 'Hot Cargo'
But Didn't Know It
The Oregon Voter say* that teacher
good faith is demonstrated in amend­
ments to the Teachers' Bill, adopted
by the people in November. The
amendments, sponsored by Oregon
State Teacher* Association executive
and legislative committees In fulfill­
ment ot pledge to amend into form
that would fulfill campaign promise
of application of surplus income-tax
funds to property tax reduction, are
in excellent form to fulfill that prom­
ise. The reduction would go to local
school district taxpayers, on their
special school district taxes (if any
levied) after the levies were made
but before their tax bill* were made
out. The amount to be applied in
each school district would be de­
termined during July, by compilation
and computation of attendance rec­
ords and dividing them into the total
available for distribution. » No dis­
trict would get the money as addi­
tions) income; it would get it only to
replace the amount deducted from
the property tax bills.
The only
chance to take unfair advantage of
this would be in skilful anticipation
and advance budgeting by the dis­
tricts whose budget* are voted by
school meeting* and are not subject
to the six per cent limitation. Other­
wise, the six per cent limitation is
well safe-guarded'by the teacher* in
their amendment. Whether this hole
can be plugged without undue inter­
ference with proper increase by these
limitation-exempt district* — there
are about 1,800 of them in that class
—is uncertain; It may be that amend­
ment of the budget law or the elec­
tion law can accomplish this. There
may be some little “bugs” in the bill;
we are fully convinced they are not
there by design; the teacher commit­
tee* have proven the genuineness of
their intent to get the bill into such
shape that it will not disappoint the
property taxpayer* who supported it
because of teachers association as­
surances that it would reduce their
school district taxes.
Application of this surplus to reduce
the levy for the county school fund
would divert the money from the
purpose clearly set forth in the ini­
tiative bill. That bill definitely was
intended to provide the relief for the
special school district taxpayer*. The
amendents spread this relief to tax­
payer* who, in the bill passed in No­
vember, would hsve been compelled
to pay most or all of th* 2-mill ele­
mentary tax; tb expect these same
taxpayers, where there is no special
school levy, also to get cancellation
of their county school tax would be
expecting too much. It would be to
deny relief where it is most sorely
needed to the districts compelled to
levy special school district taxes.
By the piece or houaeful
Get our price» before
you »ell
* ★ ' ★
Marriage Licenses
Old Umbrellas Can
Be Recovered
Good Condition 1 •
Bed Mattress
Used Furniture
The Industrial Repair Co
to Marshfield Monday to bring back
his father, Robert Holverstott, who
has been io McAuley hospital.
Mrs W. J. Wheeler, Mr*. T. H.
lienham and Karen, Mr*. Harry Llnd-
s.*y and Mr*. S. L. Buoy, made a busi­
ness trip to Marshfield Tuesday.
Food sent to our allies is processed
according to their special needs, for
instance, Russia i* now receiving
tins of cvinaya tushonka a pre-cooked,
highly spiced pork product popular
with the Red Army.
secret of the success of recovering
the umbrella lies in the accuracy of
measurement* and in noting how (he
old cover Is sewed to the frame be­
fore removing it- Persons wishing
detailed directions may obtain them
from my office in Coquille," says Mrs.
Bishop, “there is no charge."
the old cougar and her cub* out of
the foothills and that the mother was
not far away from the Lacey home.
However Lacey still has the baby.
The following day he bought a bottle
and nipple at Shindler's drug store
and he had been playing nurse ever
¿When the flying jeep, American
See our large display oi choice pot
small liaison plane, can’t be flown to
location, it can be taken apart, loaded plants at Bergen’s, across highway
Not the
on a truck, and hauled with equip­ from telephone office.
cheapest but the best. Phone 64.
ment to the scene.
gtorz <oeg> Mr. Bnd Mr*. Pierce, both
I Hble politicians, will look the Jield
)>ver carefully during the next year
and If things look right Walter will
seek the democratic nomination for
congress. With Mott out of the way,
the old war horse might surprise ev­
eryone and romp home a winner.
t Oberservations from the pre«* box: A
> few more old-time lobbyist* have ar-
(rived on the scene. . . Fish, truck, tax
and pension bills have caused the,
Repairing Aids Victory