The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 14, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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Norway News Items
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Bunch at their home in eastern
1 gon, near Payette, Ida.
Paul year. Refreshments of cookies, fruit
Ore- salad and tea were served to Mes-
dames Robert Fish and Gene, Tyrrell
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder called
Mrs. Harvey Gant, of Norway,, re­ Woodward, J. L. Burtis, Ann Flshpr,
< n their new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs.
J. McKinley, one evening last week ceived word last week of the death Warren Plaep, S. C. McAllister, Chas.
and on Saturday afternoon they went nf her brother-in-law at Oregon city, Griffith and Loretta and Ward Evans
Dave Sumerlin had a severe
to Coquille to see their daughter, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers and Mrs.
W. A. Warner, and found her improv­ fall Saturday while cleaning the Nor­ IS. C. McAllister visited*sMHe homes
of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers and Mrs.
ing nicely since her return from the way school building.
There is a new family in the Nor­ S. C. McAllister visited at the homes
Portland hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Druliner pnd way school district, Mr. and Mrs. Fred of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wannamaugher
children, Bonnie and Douglas, and Baker, who have two children at­ and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers in
A. R. Bennett, of Norway, attended a tending school. They are Deanna and Myrtle Point last Saturday.
Myers and Mrs. McAllister also visited
meeting sponsored by the Navy Re­ Donald.
James Cheer has moved out of the Mrs. John Myers at the Mast hospital
cruiting Service at the Union High
school gymnasium in Myrtle Point Norwuy district, taking his little und report she was a little better.
Mrs. Marthu Pauli, of Gardiner,
last Friday evening. The motion pic- tlau<btrr, Samantha, out of school
tures, depicting Surface ships, air and here.
* wfH enter
‘ school ‘ at “
"* visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
submarine action, were enjoyed by i Bend. There are three absentees this Robert Fish and Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Zeller last Wednesday.
all, though some scenes were not too week on account of sickness
Miss Glenda Little spent Friday
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs Martin Schmidt lias received
Ward Evans."
word from her son, Dill Smith, who
Mr.- and Mrs. Jack Knife became
graduated Jan. 8 from Farragut Ida.,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doyle and the proud parents of a baby boy, born
that he will .be home for a short visit
children came in from Reedsport to them last Monday at the Knife hos­
before entering the navy.
Mr. and Mrs? Mike Daniels left- Monday evening and were Arago vig- pital. The young lad has been named
‘ itors that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hamilton and "he weighed
Tuesday morning for Portland on a
Doyle are planning, on moving to nine pounds. Both mother and son
business trip, expecting to return
Myrtle Point where Mr. Doyle will be are-doing nicely.'
Johnny Peterson arrived* home on
A. B. Bennett and Harry Druliner
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller were Sun­ a short furlough from Fort Ord, Cal­
have finished shingling the Gus
day dinner guests at the home of Em­ ifornia, last week and is visiting at
Breuer barn on the Oravelford road
mett Hammack and family in Myrtle the home of his father, Pete Peterson.
and are shingling- the P. E. Breuer
Point. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robison of
residence this week while God’s glori­
the North Bend road were also there.
ous sunshine beams upon us.
Mr. and Mrs. Meiden Carl and
Mrs. Martin Schmidt spent last Sat­
were Bunday dinner guests
urday night with her daughter, Mrs. (Douglas
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cross of Co-
Derward Strong, helping her care *
! quille.
for her twp sick children.
The Caravan of Townsend clubs
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl visited at
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett and I the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wat­
of Coos county met Jan. 10 at W. O.
Mrs. Julia Leep spent Saturday af­
son last Friday. They also called at W. hall, with Coquille Townsend
ternoon and evening with Mr. and
the Levi Snyder home in the after­ Clubs, Noe. 1 and 2, as boats. The
Mrs. Edd Wannamaugher, of East
ladies of the two clubs served a pot­
Myrtle Point. Mrs. Wannamaugher
Mrs. Virgil Todd received word luck dinner at 12:90 o'clock to the
is still quite miserable, only able to
¡of the death of her brother and left 93 persons in attendance.
be up a little while at a time.
In the afternoon there was a very
Hast Friday for California where she
Last Friday Mrs. Harry Druliner
I will attend the funeral services and good meeting. All were willing and
attended an all-day meeting of the
also visit at the home of her parents, anxious to continue another year. A
W. C. T. U. held at the home of Mrs
good program consisting of a number
Mr. and Mrs. Gerlock.
Mabie Martin.
A potluck dinner
Pamela Evans was a Sunday guest of readings and songs was presented.
was served. The quilt the members
Members from Myrtle Point, Marsh-
at the Albert Lillie home.
are making will go to Mrs. Patricia
Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and field and North Bend attended.
Cox, nee Patty Joe Druliner, at Sitka,
Maureen and Mrs. Ann Fisher visited
On February 28, the next meteing ]
Think Coos is getting a
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
touch of Alaskan weather as the
Willson in Myrtle Point last Satur­
thermometer was down to 25 de­
grees Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Harvey Myers spent several
Mrs. M. B. Bennett came as far as
days last week visiting her husband,
the home of her son, A. R. Bennett,
Harvey Myers at Sutherlin. Lillian,
be held in the same hall. We
expecting a large crowd as we
elect our officers for the year at
time.—Press Correspondent, *
See our large display of choice pot
plants at Bergen*!, across highway
Jan. 11—John Sader, of Empire, from telephone office.
Not the
and Carol Graham, of Marshfield.
cheapest but the best. Phone 84.
Marriage Licenses
! Arago News
Townsend Clubs
Caravan Met Here
ily, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Breuer, and
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey
their daughter, Mrs. Paula Cook and
Fish while she was away. Mr. Myers
children, of Myrtle Point, who drove
brought his wifd* home Sunday eve­
over to Marshfield to visit another
ning and spent a, few days in Arago
daughter knd family, Mr. and Mrs.
before returning to Sutherlin.
Ben Daniels. Returning home in the
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister were
evening they took Mother Bennett Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
back with them.
and Mrs. Frank Lane.
Mr. and Mfs. Guy Mann left Tues­
Rev. G. A. Gray, of Coquille, con­
day morning for Roseburg taking his
ducted the regular Sunday morning
father back to his home in Roseburg,
church service. Sunday school fol­
after his having spent the holidays
lowed with an attendantee at 38. The
—- -
new Sunday school offtcere for the-
Mr. and Mrs. George Gasner and
following year are as follows: Supt.,
daughter, Donna Rae, were Sunday
Nile Miller; assistant supt., Mr.
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Plaep; and sec-tyaas., S. C. McAllis­
McCloskey. Mrs. Emil Peterson and
ter. There will be services again next
Mrs. Elizabeth Lett were Sunday af­
Sunday and Rev. Mr. Pryor of the
ternoon guests.
Methodist church in Myrtle Point, will
The regular bi-monthly meeting of
be the speaker.
the Myrtle Point Una Rebekah Lodge
Mrs. Albert Lillie and Glenda and
met at the I.O.O.F. hall to instaU the
Pamela Evans were Sunday evening
new officers tor the coming year: the
visitors at the Albert Gulstrom home.
Noble Grand, Mrs. Sandy Smith;
Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Mr. and
Vice Grand, Enith Rackleff; secretary, Mrs’ Lyle Pauli and Marilyn of Myr­
Mrs. Rose Jewett, and treasurer, Mrs.
tle Point, and Mrs. Martha Pauli of
Rose Carter. Mrs. R. R. Rackleff at­
Gardiner, were Monday guests at the
tendedanti said they had about forty
home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller.
present. At the close of the meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish left Fri­
sandwiches and coffee were served.
day for Eugene and spent several days
On Wednesday evening the Rebekah I
there on business, returning home
and I.O.O.F. lodges are invited to be I
' Sunday.
guests of the Coquille lodges at their
Mrs. J. D. Carl was a Sunday guest
joint installation.
Mrs. A. R. Bennett and Mrs. Julia at the Lawrence Rackleff home.
Two ball games were played at the
Leep called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Laird last Saturday.afternoon. Phillip Arago Gym last Friday evening when
Laird, their youngest son, was spend­ the girls volley ball team met the
Point volley ball girls and
ing the day with his parents, having (Myrtle
defeated by them. The Arago
stopped off on his way back to camp, ¡were
(Fort Stevens), from spending a day : boys played the Myrtle Point Junior
| high and defeated them by a small
with his sisters in California.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lett, Mrs. Roy Rob­ margin.
Mrs. Martha Pauli, of Gardiner,
ison, Mr. and Mrs. Don Schmidt, Mr.
Lyle Pauli and Marilyn, of Myr­
and Mrs. Rudy Roecheck, all of Nor­
way attended a Grange party and tle Point, and Mr. and Mrs. Nile
potluck supper at Myrtle Grange hall Miller were Wednesday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John Widmark.
last Saturday night.
The regular school board meeting
Mrs. Walter Schroeder has received
word of the safe arrival of her daugh- was held Monday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long with all
members present.
Mrs. Melden Carl and Douglas
f O R
visited Mrs. S. C. McAllister Monday
evening while Mr. Carl attended the
school board meeting.
The regular monthly Missionary
meeting was held at the home of Mrs.
Evans last Tuesday afternoon with
Mrs. Charles Griffith assisting as host­
ess. The meeting opened with Mrs
Evans in charge of the devotionals as
follows: Song so Sweet to Trust In
Jesus*” Scripture reading, I John 4th
■ i
Dairy Feeds .. 1 Triangle Milk
Thee;” reading, “World at One in
'Maker, Bar-Nona Dairy Feed,
Triangle Milk Ration and AlMna
Prayer." Mrs. Griffith;
. Dairy Feed. Each is built from a
"Customs in Africa,” by the following
carefully balanced formula of
ladies: Mesdames Griffith, Warren
cereal grains, minerals and con­
Plaep, Ward Evans, Robert Fish,
centrates for maximum milk
Tyrrell Woodward and S. C. McAllis­
Ask your focal /red
ter. There was a short business meet­
Joaltr about Tritngto
ing with the president. Mrs. Robert
Diiry r—Ji Now I
I Fish in charge. - It was voted to send
$10.00 to Rev. Mr. Mitchelmore for
, the Chaplin’s war fund. Mrs. Ward
Evans and Mrs. J. L. Burtis were ap­
665 N Tillamook Stieft
pointed as s committee to select the
hostesses and leaders for the coming
for your cooperation
To the great number of people who responded to the Government’s appeal
not to travel over the holidays, we want to extend our sincere thanks.
Your cooperation enabled us to take care of those who had to travel-the
men of our armed forces. We are sure that the thousands of service men who
were able to get well-earned holiday leaves and furloughs also appreciated
your cooperation in nuking more room for them on the buses.
— •
bus transportation has proved to be a vital necessity to a nanon at war.
Today America’s bus lines are all performing a tremendous task in trans­
porting, with limited equipment and facilities, millions of additional riders—
fighting men and war workers.
In 1943 Greyhound will continue to put ajl of its resources behind the
war effort, to provide transportation for the armed forces, war workers and
other essential traveleis. And every effort will be made to improve our service
as rapidly as war conditions will permit.
At this time all of us of Pacific Greyhound Lines extend to our friends and
patrons every good wish for the coming year.