CLASSIFIED One Cent a Word Erak laser No Adv. leas than 35 eeuta * Pioneer Methodist Church i Church of Christ | ; East 4th and Coulter Sts. _ ' Liston Parrish. Pastor Bible School 9:45, T. Ralph Harry, ’ Superintendent. Our thermometer is going up, your attendance will help to raise it. Morning worship. £1:00 I Lord's Supper and message Have Waited." C. E., 0:30. Two groups meeting. One for .Juniors and one for young people. £. Evangelistic service 7:30. We stress a good informal fellowship Message, “The Price of Disciple­ ship." Choir practice Wednesday at 7:30. Anyone who sings is invited.- Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30. We will continue the study of Paul's mission and journeys. H. A. Young k road _____ First Church of*Christ, Scientist | Coquille, Oregon Sunday School at 0:30 a. m. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Subject tor next Sunday, “Proba­ tion after Death " Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock. • Free public Reading Room at 255 W. Second, Roxy Bldgt, open every day except Sunday and holidays from 13:30 to 5:00 p. m. t Vote for Stella A. Cutlip, republi­ can candidate for Joint Representa­ tive; Coos and Curry counties, pd. adv. 40t3s Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor -_9i4i* Wb y -aot — attend Sunday School! • Capable teachers and pleas­ ant class rooms invite your interest. 11:00—Sunday morning worship hour. Helpful and inspiring. A special presentation of the World Service program is to be given. , 7:00—Rethodist Youth Fellowship Group will meet at its usual hour. Few there are who stand equal to these young people. 8:00 — Sunday evening worship hour. Music and song with a brief Sunday evening message by the pas­ tor. —----- —_ 7:30—Wednesday choir rehearsal hour. Mrs. H. O. Hawkikns, director. 7:30 La Thursday evening mid- study hour. Therejs no liner opportunity for you to improve your spiritual life. 7:30—Tuesday evening Dr. L. Md- Coy. Don't fail to hear this man who is an outstanding speaker. Coquilte seldom hears such as he. t Why not fipd some church where you are at home and worship there? Pioneer invites you and assures there is a welcome for you here. We do not try to rush you off your feet, but you are welcomed. The Assembly or God 4 2nd and Heath Streets L. C. Persing. Pastor Sunday—0:45. A good Sunday School ia a fine place where lasting influence may be made on your chil­ dren and you. Come and bring your children. Classes for every age, Bes­ sie Marney, superintendent. 11:00, Morning worship, a spiritual atmosphere to uplift. Pastor L. C. Pei'6ing, speaking. 6:30, Christ Ambassadors service, Elmer Goodpaster, president. 7:30, Evangelistic service that is different. , _ . The Coos Bay Camp of Gideons will* be present at this service and will be taking a part of the evening service to tell of their work in the past and present and their plans for the future. They are doing a great work in giv­ ing testaments to our boys in uniforqi. Tuesday 7:30, prayer service. Thursday, 7:30-8:30, choir practice, Aileen Wilson, director. Friday 7:30, Bible study. Calling cards, 50 for »¡.00. Attention» to Details# Reception room jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch l^lrd Baildins Phono 88-, resolution Coquille 109R Instructor of Piano MISS INEZ ROVER Highschool Credits Given 105 W. 2nd xG K wSllT ^7 Classical and Modern V Phone 29-1. RATES REDUCED See Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire Night Ph*M THX Southwestern Motors SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone * Farr & Elwdod Bldg. 5 .f*. ■ * ■./ * VL Second St.