M. IM«. * HEWCHESTS UM to WK Libby's Orange and Grapefruit Juice V-8 Vegetable Juices 46 oz. can Pref. Stock Tomato Juice No. 2 can S & W Carrot Juice 12 oz. cans 2 Libby's Pear Juice 12 oz. cans 2 WANTED-------- TABLES DAVEKOS HEATERS Sewinq Machines Cash paid for Used Fxraitare WHITE DOWN FLOUR Enriched STACRISP CRACKERS Coquille High School Notes 21b. box Cranberry Sauce Jewel Shortening Tall Can Brooks Used Furait hi Normandy Tissue 69c 15c Swap Shop Campbell's I No. 2 ft Cans Standby ____________________________ golden Pumpkin 2 cans 25c WHEATIES, CHEEBIOATS, KORN KIX 2 pkgs? LIBBY'S PUBE DEVILED MEAT STANDBY WHOLE KEBNEL COBN The Wording Is Too Compelling TRIANGLE BROILER RATION Since 1929 Oregon income tax rev­ enue has been used 100% to reduce taxes on YOUR property for State pur­ poses—a direct benefit to Every Property Owner! Why Change That Plan Now? Diverting income tax cash to School Districts on "actual attendance" basis DOES NOT “equalise” revenue available per pu­ pil. Poor schools will still bo relatively poor, and rich schools richer. 313XN0 Three Indicted The Sentinel is quite. doubtful as to the advisability of voting “yes" on the initiated petition measure which appears on the ballot at the Nov. 3 election as a “Bill Distributing Surplus Funds to School Districts, Reducing Taxes Therein”—812 and 313—but it is pleased to present the following statement which was sub­ mitted for publication by Burton W. Dunn, local school superintendent. For one year the proposal might be advantageous, and as Mr. Dunn has previously said in talks on the subject, the bill would be more ac­ ceptable if the measure had not been worded to include “all” moneys re­ ceived from state Income tax soruces in excess of |7,5OO,OOO in any year to be distributed among school districts. Mr. Dunn’s statistical article is as follows: Local school district taxes would be reduced approximately 50 per cent next year if the proposed initiative measure diverting excess state income taxes to school districis becomes law. The local district would receive about 128,000.00, which is slightly over half the amount of money raised by special tax in this district. The proposed initiative measure provides that all income tax receipts in excess of $7,750,000 be distributed to all school districts in the state ac­ cording to the number of pupils edu­ cated in their respective districts. The estimated incorqe tax receipts according to a recent announcement from the State Tax Omniission is 814,000,000 for ths year 1042. * Sponsors of the measure claim it would provide substantial benefits to education in Oregon and to the local property owners who now bear 98.3 per cent of the cost of their local Libby’s Strained BABY FOOD Olive Oil Tiny, Cross Packed SARDINES can 23c Kraft Mayonnaise Pref. Stock Sauerkraut Rosedale Pears Lg Kraft Dinners 2 pkgs VANILLA 50c Value Six Delicious Flavors Wieners Lunch Meats Large Assortment Lb..... Calf Hearts Swift' Lb.............. .. Leg Lamb 29c Chinook Salmon 2Cc Fresh Caught Lb Fish isonejtem youcqn buy o]l you wont. We hove plenty of W