| 0n The Sidetines | Coquille Martin Hurst B. Kline Moore , Allen Albom Hickam Howe McCracken Irvin McCarthy Coquille North Bend 132 Yds. gaining rushing 3M 27 Yds. gained passing First downs Passes attempted Passes completed Int. op. passes Yds. penalties Yds. lost rushing Fumbles Fumbles recovered Lost ball on downs City To Remember Boys In Service Mathers, fathers, brothers or sis­ ters of Coquille boys now in the ser­ vice of Uncle Sam, are requested to leave the young man’s name and ad­ dress with City Recorder Leslie in the city hall. The request is made because of the city council’s decision at its Monday night session to send a Christmas card and a copy of the Sentinel to each «nd every young man now serv­ ing in Uncle Sam’s armed service. As the date for mailing Christmas packages and letters has been set at Nov. 1 by the postal department. It is necessary that the recorder have all names at once. For Bride-To-Be Marjorie Knight whose engagement was announced at a reeent Bachelor Girls luncheon, was the guest of hon­ or at a surprise bridal shower given Friday evening at the Theodore Clin­ ton home by Mrs. Craig Perrott, M>n. Stanley Furman and Mrs. Eldon Brodie. The guests arrived for des­ sert, which included a three-tiered wedding cake topped by a bride and serAee man. Miss Knight rehearsed for the cuke-cutting that she will be doing as soon a» Uncle Sain permits a service man, Bob Holzgang, to go on .leave for his marriage. After dessert, the gifts were opened. The guest list included Mesdames J. W. Knight, of Eugene; John Belloni, John Arnold, Stanley Furman and Eldon Brodie, all of Myrtle Point; Theodore Clinton, Harold Stevens, Kenneth Miller, Ludwig Scharfer, Harold Dey, Ray Detlefsen, Howard Detlefsen, Leonard Day, Dee Rich- ardson, William Mutejka, Preston Moy. Tom Stevens, LeRoy Swinney, Dennis Wagner, Craig Perrott, Jape Martin, Sara Margaret Anderson, the Misses Edna Robison, Margaret Bel- lorri, Margaret Stewart, 'Alys June Fox, Gladys'May, Helen Ann Shaw, Ellen Braxton, Lydia Holstein, Aloha Allen, Marjory Jones, Lunelle Chapin, Maxine Johnson. Phyllis Belloni, Marguerite Robinson, Dorothy Coffey, Norene McKeown, Donna Dean Bos- ■erman, Jean Laird and Eunice Howe. WE WILL—— 1— Inspect your tires for minor breaks and needed repairs.. ft * , ■ ■ 2— Brand each tire with your own license number. 3— Rotate your tires for even wear. 4— Give each tire our exclusive REJUVENATION TREATEMNT which actually REVITALIZES the RUBBER. This prevents sidewalls from cracking and deteriorating. This complete service costs you only $5.00 and will prove invaluable In keeping your car in service. ■ Southwestern Motors Car & Homo Supply Store “Coos County’s leading tire engineers’* 352 Hall St. —•’ . Coquille North Bend Marshfield Myrtle Point Coquille Conference games played Marshfield 7 Marshfield 14 Marshfield 20 Marshfield 7 Marshfield 34 Myrtle Point Myrtle Point Coquille Coquille Quality Meats SIERRA PINE Toilet Soap 3 cakes 20« APPLES! HALIBUT .............. lb. FRESH GRND BEEF lb BOILING BEEF lb. FRANKFURTERS lb. MARKET 'ijour Ideai Mealing Place. 35c 25c lte 28c