The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 22, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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Tyrrell, Donald, McLarrin and Rex
Taylor, ot Coquille; Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Hartwell, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­
ert Smith, Cleo Kight, Ernest Kight,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Church
and Micky Smith, aU of Riverton. The
Last Thursday evening beneath an
onored With A Party
evening was very much enjoyed by
Mr. and Mrs Glenn Church, whose all and the entire grout wish Mites •arch of autumn leaves in the lower
auditorium of the Assembly of God
marriage took place October 10, were lots of luck and a “Happy-Hqmecom-
Church, Virginia Van Fleet became
honored Sunday evening, after the ing.”
the bride of Patfl Pinkston at a quiet
church service, with a party sponsor­
ceremony witnessed only by imme­
ed by the Cornerstone and high school
Mrs. Ralph Hurlbatt entertained
diate relatives and 1 few close
classes and the Christian Endeavor her Pinochle elub Monday
friends. The bride in a gown of pale
society of the Church of Christ. The After dessert, the game« started.
blue chiffon over pale pink, was given
group announced their arrival with Yhen the scores were totalled it was
in marriage by her tether, Wm. Van
a vigorous honking of horns and found that Mrs. MeLarrin had both
Her bridesmaid was her sis­
beating of Un pans, then the honqred first prise and pinochle prise, Mrs.
ter, Wlnnefred, who was gowned in
couple was invited to the Glen Hut­ Loal Hickenbottom won the second
navy blue crepe. John Pinkston acted
ton home next door, where the party prize. Members present were Mes-
as hia brother’s best man. Neil Kyne
took place.
damea William Gaffey, Jack Mc- acted «as usher and Mrs. Kyne played
A delightful evening of Christian uarrln, Ed Yarbrough, Loal Hlcken-
the wqdding march. Mrs. Persing
fellowship and fun was enjoyed, with yottom, Pete Norton, Van Spores and
sang, “I Love You Truly,” accom­
refreshments of ice cream, cookies Ralph Hurlbutt. Mrs. Fred Bull sub­
panied by Mrs. Kyne at the piano.
and punch.
Those present weft stituted.
The guests included Messrs, and
Messrs, and Mesdames Glenn Church,
Mesdames Ebner Goodpaster, O. M.
Fred Christensen, Ralph Harry, Levi
Mrs. Van Spore is giving a triple Potter, Oscar Waffbrd, Neil Kyne,
Wilson, Irvin Woodward, Donald Farr birthday luncheon today for Mrs.
Ben Knife, Elmer Knife, Orval New­
and little son, David, Allen Rhay, Hobart Schaer, Mrs. Lorene Chard
Liston Parrish and Glen Hutton; and Mrs. Claude Lemon, all of whom ton, C. C. McCurdy, Oren Coy, A. B.
Schroeder and Wayne, John Pinks­
Mesdames Martha E. Mulkey. Elwyn are celebrating their birthdays this
ton and baby, M. W. Pinkston. Mes-
Nosier and little daughter, Peggy, week. .
dames Harry Cooper, Johnny Cooper,
■ Paul Simpson and Doris Schaer;
' Raymond Cooper, Ridhard Daughtery
Misses Marjorie Baumgartner, Lynne
Roger McCune, the son of Mr. and j I and Patty, Joe Surrell and Mary, Inez
Culver, Mary Borell and Janice Os­ Mrs. E. D. McCune, celebrated his
I Pinkston, Alice , Allen and Lee,
ter hout; Messrs. Clarence Fiser, Earl ninth birthday .Saturday at a party .
Charles Byrd, Bruce Owen, Delpha
Benham and Wilton Willey.
given by his mother. Roger’s friends and Wilbur, Mrs. Bessie Marney,
came to his home for 12:30 dessert.
Ruby, Faye, Betty, Carl, Nancy and
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Watson enter­ After eating their birthday cake,1 Kathleen Marney, Mrs. Glen Church,
tained Friday evening for their house
Mrs. Leona Swindall, Misses Carol
guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Corser, of cream, the youngstem went to the and Rebecca Pinkston, Naomi, Wln­
Hillsboro. Mr. Corser, who, the last matinee. Roger’s guests were Donnie nefred and Shirley Van Fleet, Helen
of the month, goes into the Army, was Taylor, Keith Johnson, Delores Mc­ Hickam, Irene White, Messrs. Louis
given special attention when hia Leod, Lollita and Etheleen Robinson, Pinkston, Arthur Hensley, Claude
hostess served a red, white and blue Eddie Howe, Sandra McCurdy, Nonie Van Fleet, Jerry White, Glen Heath,
frosted cake decorated with military Travis and Donald Christensen.
the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
insignia, x Guests included Messrs,
Van Fleet and the groom’s parents,
A big box of gifts went north this
and Mesdames Wayne Watson and
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pinkston.
Elsie, Charley Watson, Francis Ar­ week to Mrs. Marshall R. Kennedy
reU, LeRoy Starr and Barbara aná at Bremerton. The presents were
brought by Mrs. Kennedy’s many
• Mrs. J. W. Starr.
friends here to a shower given Thurs-
sday evening by Mrs. U. E. McClary.
Surprise Farwell Party For
Mrs. William Candlin, Mary Margalet
Saturday evening at the AssemGty
Miles Hartwell Last Friday
Kennedy’s “other mother" opened
God church a reception and'bridal
Miles Hartwell was pleasantly sur­ the packages so that everyone could
were given in honor of Mr.
prised at his home in Riverton by a
group of young people of the Metho­ sert, there was bridge with Mrs. Don and Mrs. Paul Pinkston. The room
beautifully decorated
dist Church last Friday evening..The McEniry, winning first prize and Mrs. was
autumn foliage, silver bells and blue
group was made up of Epworth Frank Thrift, second.
League young people and was accom­ * The guest list included Mesdames streamers. •
After the many lovely gifts were
panied by their leader, Mrs. Walter J. S Barton, Clarence Barton, Ed Mo-
Oerding, and by the Rev and Mrs. Keown, Lucille Livingston, L. B. unwrapped and admired there Wes’a
Chas. G. Brown, the Methodist minis­ Gould, Dee Richardson, George May­ program consisting of a solo, “Love's
ter and his wife. Cherie Mae Hart­ nard, Frank Thrift, H. W. Pierce, Old Sweet Song," by Mrs. Elmer
well, a CoquilK teacher and sister of Andy Anderson, Don McEniry, Tal- Goodpaster, „ccompanied by Mrs.
the guest of honor, also accompanied lant G reenough, William Barrow, E. Neil Kyne at the piano. A reading,
the group. The evening was spent L. Peterson, J. D. Rankin, J. A. Berg, "To the Bride,” by Mias Margaret
playing garnet and refreshments were Don Estes, Walter Litzenberger, Steward and a mock wedding. Wayne
served by Mrs. Irene Hartwell, Miles’ George Chaney, Stanley Ayres; J. K. Schroeder played the part ot groom,
mother. Miles has recently enlisted Henninger, T. K. Foss, Harold Strom- Melvin Steward, with much rouged
in the Navy. Reserve 'of the U. S. quiet. Sarah Margaret Anderson. cheeks and gowned in a pink calico
Maritime-Service and is waiting for William Candlin, L. H. Hazard, Fred dress and blue smock and stxawpmgi
Hudson, D. E. Rackleff, Elton Schroe­ hat and carrying a bouquet of sun­
his call to service.
Those attending the affair were: der, A. B. Collier, L. L. Bonney, E. flowers and a bag of pop com, was
Geraldine and Jane Oerding, Phyllis D. McCune and the Misses Ann Bar­ the hill billy bride. Rosebud. Oscar
Lehmanowsky, June Collin«, Edward ton, Norene McKeown,, Ellen Braxton, Wafford in blue crepe and kerchief
headgear was a most attractive brides­
X Stevenson, Tommy Newton, Milton Lydia Holstein and - Helen Landes.
maid, while Arthur Hensley was best
man. The bride was given la mar­
riage by Wm. Van Fleet who entered
leaning heavily on a cane and wear­
ing boots and straw hat and having
his trousers upheld with rope sus­
Miss Kathryn, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. Flannery, at a quiet wed­ penders.
Elmer Goodpastor as the hill billy
ding at 7:30 o'clock last evening, be­
parson was very realistic in his long
came the bride of Gerald Edward
Kaiser, of Missoula, Mont., where they tailed coat,' black hat, black beard
and spectacles.
will make their home.
After the fun, Miss Violet How­
Rev. Chas. G. Brown spoke the
words which made them man and ard, on behalf of the young people qf
wife and they were attended by the the church, presented a lovely foun­
bride’s sister, Marian, and Charles tain pen to the groom, who leaves
Thursday to enter the armed forces
Adams, both of this city.
Following the ceremony a reception ot his country. A large three-tier
in their honor was held at the Flan­ wedding cake and punch were served
nery home, to which twenty-five of the guests by Mrs. Harry Cooper, as­
sisted by the Misses Naomi and Shirlie
their friends had been invited.
Van Fleet and Carol and Rebecca
■ ■ ■' y '
Vote tor Stella A. Cutlip, republi­
Those attending were Messrs, and
can candidate for Joint Representa­
Mesdames Oscar Wafford, Elmer
tive, Coos and Curry counties,
Goodpaster, A. B. Schroeder, M. W.
Republican Candidate for
pd. adv.
Pinkston, J. M. Pinkston, John Pinks­
ton, Oren Coy, Glen Church; Lloyd
Coos and Curry Counties
Persing, Wm. Van Fleet, Mesdames
General Election, November 8, 1042
Coquille. Or«.
Bessie Marney, Bessie Cooper, Marie
Pd. Adv.
Cooper, Frances Holmstrom, Eva
English, Leona Swindell, Virginia
Kyne, O. M. Potter, Ada Howard,
Alice Allen, Joe Surrell, O. L. New­
ton, Misses Ruby and Betty Marney,
Naomi, Wlnnefred and Shirlie Van
Fleet, Carol and Rebecca Pinkston,
Helen, Jean and Mary Lou. Newton,
Maybelle Newton, Irene White, Aileen
Wilson, Margaret Steward, Violrtte
Carrillo, Violet Howard, Odette De­
leter. » Messrs. Wayne Schroeder.
Melvin and Everett Stewart, Arthur
Hensley, Louis Pinkston, Walter Ex­
ley, Jerry White, F. D. Fish, Glen
Heath, Norman Persing.
Shop Norton's for. Christmas gifts
with enough for two, and the men
buy their lunch by purchasing the now. Leather goods, books, record-
shadow that most apeals to them, will sheet music, ptrtum, ss well a : ,
A group of patriotic Coquille wom­
bo given on the 30th by the Auxiliary. very fine selection of gifts in glass­
en met in Eagles Hall Tuesday, Oct.
ware and china.
• .
20, to organize a unit of the National It’s gueet night loo.
« ■
W!------------------ --------------------- I---------
Woman’s Relief Corps.
Mabel Zed-
wick, of Corvallis, past president of
the department of Oregon Woman’s
Relief Corps, was delegated to super­
vise this work. Members of the Ban­
don Corps came, up to assist and to
wish them well. A noon luncheon
was served in the basement and the
business session was conducted in
the afternoon.
The name unanimously chosen was
Douglas MacArthur Corps No. M.
Officers elected were: President, Ma­
bel Von Pegert; Senior Vice President,
Ida Roth; Junior Vice Pres., Dora
Burr; Treasurer, Mary Hatcher;
Chaplain, Clara Wheeler; Conductor,
Mattie* McGuffin;
Schroeder. Maude Bean was ap­
pointed secretary and patriotic in­
structor is Flora. Dunne. Assistant
conductor is Eula Mclntee and As­
sistant Guard is Leona Foley.
Field Officer Edna Rike, of' the
Bandon Corps, acted as installing of­
ficer. She was assisted by W re th a
TUcker, musician; Anna Truman,
conducter, and Maryette Morse, Em­
ma Larson, Mary Wagner, Ella Sell,
Lena Hunt, June Danielson, and Ger­
trude Danielson. The Bandon Corps
president, Emma Larson, announced*
their inspection for Wednesday, Oct.
21. Their corps meets in the Bandon
Masonic hall.
The Douglas MacArthur, No. M,
Woman’s Relief Corps of Coquille
will meat the first and third Wednes­
days of-each month.—Press Cor.
Organise Douglas MacArthur
Belief Corps Here
_____ -
Virginia Van Fleet
Paul Pinkston Wed
Reception For
The Newlyweds
Becomes Bride
Of Missoula Man
For Coos
in the
■ V
Wool Clippings Will
Relp Red Cross
Mrs. Gano now has on hand, to
be made for the Coos county Chapter
of the American Red Cross, some
men’s pajamas and soldiers’ kite.
Anyone wishing to sew for Red Cross
may get the material from her
Wool clippings are to be gathered
in end sent to Marshfield soon. These
Will be sold and th? money used for
Red Cross work.
Besides the stores which have been
saving these clippings-there are no
doubt many local women who have
small scraps of wool that are not
large enough for any other purpose,
which could be turned in.
Marshfield has gathered in 100
pounds. What can we do here in
Besides getting rid of
something that you have no need
for you are helping a good cause.
These clippings are also to be
turned in to Mrs. Gano.
Eagles Lodge News
. There will be no meeting on Fri­
day night so lodge members will be
free to attend th bond drive at the
Community Building.
On Ort. 24th the Eagles and their
friends vrill dance at the F. O. E.
hall. The Auxiliary will serve lunch
in the basement at a email charge.
The Auxiliary Sewing club meets
on the 28th for a potluck dinner at
the hall.
A sack social, the girls bring a sack
Ä’ $1.29 <
Like to Dance?
Let’* go to the^
Harvest Ball
■ X •
Coquille Community Building
Sat. Oct 31
Sponsored by
Junior Woman’s Club
Proceeds to Building Fund
With your Certificate for Recapping your tires when
Our System has proven that we do the »
Best Work obtainable and give you more mileage ’
Service Clubs To Meet
Hereafter In Coquille Cafe
The Coquille Lions JElub and the
Rotary this week began holding their
Thursday and Wednesday noon ses-
atona in. th» ^Coquille-Cafe. Chinese
restaurant on Front street'.
change was made necessary by the ab­
breviated meals service which Mr.
and Mrs. Lafe Compton have been
forced to by the help shortage. The
[ hotel wil^ continue to serve house
guests in the cafe, but no one else. ■
Vote tor Stella A. Cutlip, r« pub 11-
can candidate for Joint Representa- 09
tlve, Coos and Curry counties.
|Pd. adv.
40t3s H
lottone—who elte can make thit claim'1 )
No Spongy or toft tpott after our pretture tygtem putt Z
Thete are a few of the reatont your friend taut BENSURE*
- -----------O.K. DOES IT O.K________
0. K. Rubber Welders Tire Shop ’
231 South Taylor Si., PhoSTIJE----------- Coquille, Oregon
Across the street from Telephone Office
O SS T11M 9NIHLA«3A3 AilH V AS H O 3» THM Harms