I B. F. W Club To Go I To Church Sunday National Business Women's Week will begin Sunday, Oct 11. In ob­ servance of • Go-to-Church Sunday, Coquille Business and Professional Women will attend* en masse the Pt* oneer Methodist Church, Oct u, at 8:00 p. m—The Rev. Chas. G. Brown wiU deliver a timely message. Special music is being arranged tor the occa­ sion. Flying School at Pensacola, Florida, and that when he finishes the course there he will be either assigned to duty in training young fliers or will be a ferry pilot. He left his home in Reno, Nevada, Sept. 10, after being commissioned an ensign and after having had over 300 hours of flying in his own plane, which he bought last spring. The training period at the school in Pensacola is from six to eight months and he will start next Monday prac­ ticing flying of big planes. THUR. FRI. SAT Bill Shields, formerly of Brandon's Confectionary here, is in training in the Naval Air Corps at Nampa, Idaho. The school is located in the North­ western Nazarene College at that place. LA. Elrod, who had been in Port­ land for a week, investigating cer­ tain possibilities of service, returned home last Thursday. Mrs. Elwyri Nobler entered on her duties as clerk in the Coquille post­ office Monday morning. Mr. Nosier, who has been employed there for six months, has enlisted in the Navy and leaves pext Monday to enter the service. •JEc STATIONERY with Plastic Letter Knife I J 24 sheets ahd 24 envelopes ' A| HYC |C JERGEN’S LOTION ' with 25c Jar Jergen’s Cream First Aid Kits Office Supplies Candies Start your Vitamins Today Fuhrman's Pharmacy OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8:00 HIS SMOKING GUNS carved a INI TOWN wo 1 Rssmssowveof PicOsore lOaniwm ' RSRE suite ffW«« ¡¿.J B. mum PRESTO» 9 NOTICE—The Admission Prices are set by Paramount Film Dist. This Picture Will Not Be Shown For Less Than The Following Prices Anywhere Until June, 1943; ' SUNDAY MAT. 11c - 4i)c __________ EVENINGS ' 11c - 55c ISIHHn LOf M 4 The Eagles Auxiliary is sponsoring a cooked /ood and apron sale at Thrift’s Grocery, Saturday, October 10. b ML WED.OCT 14 BARGAIN NIGHT 25c ' CoWUorf vs. Hof Rhythm..« 1 FREDDY MARTIN «nd his ORCHESTRA _ I The Bachelor Giris will hold their regular luncheon meeting Friday noon at the Coquille hotel. XL. V ' For romance that's 9*0 ind diHoront! \ jA /■ k WP t * ^^■¡OA , * For magic Rodgers and Hart melodies! For glorious girls! ^1 Dealing spectacle! k Your singing love- Abydo'biggest show! of 44lH M