The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 08, 1942, Image 1

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NO. 39
Junk And Scrap
Collection To Start
Sunday Morning
"Key To Tokyo
Greatly^ Needed
Will Be Jumping
Off Spot For '
Bombing Tokyo
Frame Buildings
In City's Fire Zone
To Be Investigated
A. G. Thrift
Buried Yesterday
Selectees Leaving
Yesterday Heard CHS
Band, Also Ray Jeub
Since Fulton Lewis Jr. announced
Funeral service for A. G. Thrift,
over the radio last wpek that there
pioneer native son of southwestern
is more vitally needed, particular kind
Oregon, were held at Schroeder Bros.
of metal in one key than there is
Mortuaries here at two o’clock yes­
Mrs. Jack Dolan, Coquille salvage in a hundred pounds of ordinary junk
One of the most interesting talks .Mayor Milne, at Monday evening's terday afternoon? Rev. Charles M.
The high school band which is im
committee chairman, requests that all metal there has been a nation-wide it has been the pleasure of this writer council session, named John Purkey. Guilbert, of the Coquille Episcopal proving with every public appearance
truck ownqrs who can spare their collection of old keys started and they to hear in a long time wks that made to serve under a temporary appoint- church, and Rev. Geo. R. Tumey, of was on the court house lawn yester­
Mrs. M. O. day afternoon to give the men a musi­
equipment part time to help with the are all to be sent to him.
by Hugh A. Matier. at the noon ses— went, as councilman to succeed David Marshfield, officiated.
eollectiocof scrap metal and junk,
*” Squille the Sons hi Legion, of si,on of the Rotary club here yester- B.
F Biegger who is now in the east, Hawkins presided at the organ.
cal send-off as they boarded the bus
which Herbert. E. Wood is commis­ dpy noon but, this reporter not being and who will enter the Army when he
Interment was in the Masonic, for Coos Bay where they entrained
please notify her.
The first collection on the coming sioner, started a drive to collect a short hand expert, and the speaker returns. The appointment was ap­ cemetery.
for Portland.
All stores purveying food in the
three week’s intensive drive for scrap “Keys to Tokyo,” and the response uttering his words at such, a rapid proved by the council and the ap­
Ray Jeub added to the interest of
will be this coming Sunday morning has been moat gratifying but it is fire clip, this account of his talk must pointment will be made permanent city were closed yesterday afternoon the farewell by a spirited talk of a
and truck drivers are asked to haVe not completed.
be quite sketchy and general but when Mr. Biegger resigns. His term for the service and interment and patriotic and helpful nature.
The collection to date is in the Mt. anyone who ever has an opportunity foU a little over two years yet to run. the chapel could not accommodate all
their trucks at the Roxy corner at
Of the 37 young ¿hen whom the Co­
ten o'clock that morning. They will States Power Co. window and Mr. to hear him should do so.
A letter from the state fire mar­ who were there to pay their last re­ quille Valley Selective Service board
Cover thè eity and pick up all scrap Wood is thinking of offering a prize
The main thought in his discourse shal was read which recommended spects to one whom they respected gives the names as ordered to report parkings edges,1 along the in stamps to the one who can come was that the hjghway to Alaska, when that the Hersey building, west of and honored. A mass of floral of­ yesterday for entraining to Portland
closest to guessing the number in the it is completed to South America will Stevens hardware store, be removed ferings, too, were an indication of the for final examination, twelve were
There will also be a prize for be 18,000 miles in length, and that it as a matter of protection for the city high regard in which Mr. Thrift was listed with a Coquille address. The
Those who desire tq sell scrap pile.
metal in quantity may still deliver it the largest and the smallest key is vitally needed as a military route against fire.
names of thong going were;
Active pallbearers were Mr. Miles,
at Jack Dolan’s repair shop on Hall turned in.
for protection against the Japs. He
This brought up the matter again
Ralph Maurice Duckett, Auburn,
The following prizes are offered to said the north Polar region may be of whether to permit Mrs. Hersey to of Myrtle Point; Ernest Wallace, H. Wn.; Samuel Grififth Bayless, La-
- ’ '
For those who are donating their the boy or girl turning in the greatest the most strategic point of this world repair the building in accordance H. Oerding, Everett Seeley, J. D. Russell, Missouri; Lyle David Wat­
scrap the vacant corner across the number of keys to Mr. Wood, those war.
with the plans she submitted at the Gillespie and T. S. Stevens, all of son, Grants Pass; Arthur Charles
_ highway from Folsom’s Grocery has keys must not go in the boxes scat­
Former President Theodore Roose­ last meeting. While some of the re­ Coquille. Honorary pallbearers were Carlill, Coquille;
been designated aa a stockpile site tered around town.
velt was the father of the idea for a pair work-would be, under her plans, O. C. Sanford, H. P. Belloni, M. O. Oderkirk, Myrtle Point; Calvin Ar­
and those who can contribute any­
highway from the U. S. to Alaska and of a fireproof nature, it would not Hawkins, Dr. Jas. Richmond, of Co­ thur Pearce, Coquille; Emerson Rich­
»5.00 even then the ex-president viewed it all be, and the question the council quille; Jack Sullivan, of Marshfield,
thing to the 3500 tons which Coos First prize
ard Whitney, Myrtle Point; Oscar F.
3.00 as a necessity for the protection passed on was whether the ordinance and Wallace Pomeroy, of Bandon.
county is expected to provide in this Second prize
Homenyk, Coquille,
2.50 against the Japs.
Third prize .. .
Hamilton Thrift, eldest son of the Frank Edwin Collier,
drive may dump it therè.-
which limits repairs, not a fireproof
Mis Dolan, who iB chairman tor Fourth priie ■,.......
Mr. Matier said he made a survey nature, to ten per cent of the value deceased, arrived on Monday this Woodrow Wilson Aubin, Powers;
.... .. 2.50
Coquille oqly, makes the suggestion Fifth prize
of the building, should be repealed or week from the Army camp where he Ellis Theodore Massey, Broadbent;
of the route in 1908.
that the committee’s operations are Sixth prize
From the principal Jap base on not so as to permit.the repair of this is stationed in South Carolina, and Clinton Siguart Johnson, Bandon;
numerous other Asia soil it is only 765 miles to Attu particular building to be made. The the two daughters, Florence, of Pied­
There will also
confined to this city. Rahchers and
Andrew Jalo Huhtala, Vancouver,
farmers who may have hundreds of
and 800 miles from there to Dutch councilmen all felt that the »250 pro­ mont, and Kathryn, of San Franctaco, Wn.; Wesley Milton Hammack, Red­
The merchants who have offered Harbor. After saying that eventually posed repair was much in excess of were both here this week.
pounds to contribute, and who wish
mond, Ore.; Robert Oscar Bailey, Co­
to sell it, may call any of the junk the prizes are Lucky Bonney, Steve’s the Japs will be pushed out of the the ten per cent of the building's
quille; Delos Adalbert Britton, Ban­
dealers, or notify George F. Burr, Grocery, Elton Savage; John Purkey, Aleutians—and last night’s broadcast present value, and the motion was
don, (enlisted In Marines); Elmer
chairman of the local industrial scrap Biegger Furn. Co., H. S. Norton, Lamb said that they had already evacuated unanimously adopted that the build­
Dietrick, Reedsport; Harold Sexton
committee, or notify County Agent Hardware,. Henninger’s Mkt., Farr 8t from two' of their landing bases there ing ordinance be not repealed. Under
Andersoh, Bandon; Frank Alton Hell­
F.I wood, First National Bank, D. E. —Mr. Matier said that after Singa­ the council's previous condemnation
er, McKinley Rte., Coquille; Roy
To give a more comprehensive Rackleft, J. C. Penney Co., Pacific pore the next point the Japs needed order it must now be removed.
Delbert Sturdivant,.Coquille; James
picture of,what the government con­ Feed & Seed, Slater’s Variety Store, for protection of their chief base was -Councilman Dr. Stark asked Fire
Franklin Wilson, Bandpn; Fred Tiller,
templates in this nation-wide drive Geo. E. Oerding.
I the Aleutian Islands and if they ever Chief Snyder if it was the city policy
Whereas, October 11th to 17th in- Bandon; Edwin Elbert Campbell, Co­
There is not a household or mer­
for scrap, it must be stated that every
wait until buildings repairs were elusive, of the year 1942, has been quille; Edwin John Elllngsen, Co­
(Continued on page six)
pound delivered to the plants, wher­ chant in Coquille who eannot help
before passing on the fire or declared as National Business Wom­ quille; Neal William Rusnell, Mc­
ever located, is paid for by the U. S. some boy or girl to win a prize in
y condition of a building and en’s Week; and
Minnville; Roy Laurence Bracelln,
at the ceiling prices previously an­ this "Key to Tokyo” campaign.
being told it was, suggested that
Whereas, it is fit and proper that Portland; Seth Sydna Lanagan, Myr­
nounced. Some of it as at a -higher
chief report on the condition of said Week should be set aside as tle Point, (enlisted in army); Johnnie
er frame buildings In the city, es­ National Business Women’s Week, McLeod Welch, Bay Minette, Ala­
(Continued on page six)
pecially the W. O. W. building, and and that every individual co-operate bama; Oliver Allison Myers, Arago;
In yesterday’s listing of scrap j the,ohief was instructed to do so.
to the fullest extant in majuiig said Leonard A. Klees, Lebanon; Lowell
metal collection in the United Statesuf 1 Councilman Webb was authorized
Gene Shorb, Powers, (enlisted in
week a successful annua! event;
Capt. * Walter L. Sflyder,' son of the state of Oregon heads the list to secure a certified public account­
Now Therefore. 1, Ralph F. Milne. navy); Charles Hotfoess Crew, Ban­
with a pdr capita contribution qf 45.5 ant to audit the city's books, some­
Oapt. and Mrs. Levi Snyder, whom he
Mayor of the City of Coquille, Caos don; Samuel Charles Adams, Co­
pounds. Its total to date ta 25,000 thing Keith Iawlie had been unable
had not seen for the past 14 years,
County, Oregon, by and through the quille; John Lee Denny, Coquille;
The appeal by the employment came in last week to visit them and tons.. _
to do before he left for the east.
authority vested in me do hereby George Morrell Burlingham, Jr., Ban­
Pennsylvania in second place has
agency at the Bay that the Coquille old friends here for about three
A license was issued to C. L. El­ proclaim and declare October 11th to don; Joseph R. Willis, Coquille; Paul
High Schoo) be closed for a week so weeks. He came from Boston, Mass, a score of 28.8 pounds per capita, with kins for the card room on Front
17th inclusive, of the year 1M9, as Manley Pinkston, Coquille.
that the students might participate and wiH return there but expects to a total collected of 141,000 tons.
street, he having paid the annual »100 National Business Women’s' Week,
Idaho, the only ■ other western fo>7
in the cranberry emergency and help be mining out of New Orleans the'
and hereby request that all parties in­
state in the top ten was showing 7.8
harvest the crop in the Bandon dis­ coming winter.
An amendment to the «city’s traffic terested therein co-operate with the
pounds per capita, with a total for law—"To regulate the operation of
trict, was answered after Supt. Dunn
It was 25 years ago that the visitor
local Business and Professional Wom­
and Principal Osika had conferred left Coquille. He and “Pud” Nosier the state of 2,000 tons.
motor vehicles, manner of parking, en’s Club, in observing said Week and
Even that outstanding record of etc.”—was adopted by the council,
with the students.
made a trip to Portland on a rough
making this a successful event.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Brandon, who
The Bandon and Riverton schools trip of the Breakwater from Coos Bay Oregon does not mean there should which makes it definite that the city
Ralph F. Milne, Mayor,
been out at Medford since July,
have agreed to close and if that ad­ when they were thrown out of their be any lessening in the local, county can post notices of allowed weights
... ».x- ■ ■
and Dick Hannon, one of the army
ditional harvesting crew is not large bunks and generally smashed around. or state drive to get every pound of to pass over the bridges in the city.
post stores managers at the canton­
enough, to save the crop, get it picked That was enough for Capt. .Snyder scrap or junk there 1s into the stock­
After that was done the city fathers
ment, came in Tuesday noon for a
in time, the Coquille hightschool will and he told his companion that he was piles for shipment to the steel mills. order that the Knowlton Heights, the
couple of days. Marlin’s number is
close for half a day each day while going in for deep sea sailing. He did
Henry street and the Fourth street
up soon for selective service and he
the emergency exists, and the stu­ and now has papers which permit him
approach thereto, and the Spurgeon
came to learn whether the local board
dents will be transported down there to command a ship on any see of the
Hill bridges all be posted as being
will accede to the officer in charge
in school buses and In as many cars globe. He was with the Dollar Steam­
unsafe for loads in excess of five tons. quille schools have replaced those of of stores out there that hejae given
as are necessary, always with the ship Co. for many years but far the
For the last half hour of the ses­
thought of tire and gas conservation past six years has been with the' Mys­
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ulett re­ sion the councilmen discussed the families to defense centers, accord­
Marlin is now supervisor of
in mind.
' -
turned Tuesday evening from their question of water rates, how to ar­
tic company.
the post stores and eventually
The half day off fsom school each
Capt. Snyder and I J»ns Leneve were month's vacation trip back east. Their rive at a rate for property just out­
will have 18 of those posts, at
Twenty-five of these new pupils
day will be so arranged as to inter­ fanning on Monday, recalling the|^rt^ s*op was *n ~
Portland, where side the city which would be fair and
the Medford cantonment, under his
fere as little as possible with-eehm4 _ iys when they played
¿ILIJ__ »1 a-
0d» Jr.,
Tr was
their artr»
son, floor
was M united in equitable as between properties which have come from other states: Cali­ jurisdiction. There are now but six
baseball to­ th«»ir
work, some times in the morning, on 1
fornia furnished 9. Idaho 8, Missouri
gether here 33 years ago, and said marriage on Sept. 10 to Pearl Law­ are occupied by more than one fam­
in operation but they can be classed
4, Washington 2, Texas 2, and Kan-
other days in the afternoon.
that of the nine old timers all but one
M big business, sometimes doing from
sas and Arizona each 1.
F. Lawrence, of; Seattle. She was the houses and the like.
were still alive.
»2,000 to »3,000 a day. and the es­
No agreement was reached but that
only girl in the second year medical
timate is that when all 18 are in
student class at the U. of O. school in some further adjustment of rates, other localities in Oregon. Of these operation the Medford cantonment
Portland. The bAde and groom are which will be enforced by the shut­
army posts alone will gross around
living in Portland, while they finish ting off of the water supply if neces­ tle Point; Portland 3, Marshfield 3, seven million dollars.
sary to secure payment, was indicated
their medical courses.
Some splendid cartoons were turned
Wm. C. Ulett, brother of the groom, by the manenr in which this trouble­ Powers, Port Orford and Riverton
in by the high school students who
each furnished 2, and one pupil came
Miss Dorris Compton, who was here was also there for the wedding.
some aeustion was considered
participated in the contest sponsored
from each of the following localities:
by the local salvage committee, show­
Baker, Granta Pass, Corvallis, Wood­
ing how to' fight the Jap with scrap, her parents, Mr.'and Mrs. Lafe Comp­ A. Ulett headed east and spent some
bum, Mt. Angel, Nehalem, Eagle
and two more prizes were added to
Bert Gould had a narrow escape on
Point, Empire, Bandon, Riverton,
up her position in the office of Smith Mass. The elder Ulett is 92 years of
the list.
Sixes, Toledo, Charleston, Port Or- a Coos river road last week where
The committee, consisting of Mes-
fowi, Gardner, Norway, Beavterton, there was a> bank on one side and a
da/nes Geo. H. Chaney, J. E. Norton had successfully passed the examin­ would like to get somq kind of a job
He does
Bunker Hill, Sitkum and Holland, Or. sheer drop on the other.
and Pearl Ellingson, awarded the ation for admission into the “Waves” to do his part in this national emer­
surveying over there and was going
yesterday morning, caused the de­
* -
first 12 prize (in stamps) to J. Boyle,
up hill when he saw a logging truck
Mr. Ulett reports they had a very partment to rush to the rear of the
second $1 prize to Vera Bishop and —at Senttle on Monday, and had been
coming down. When it appeared that
Southwestern Motors’ store and shop
third SO cent prize to Evelyn McKee.
the oncoming tAick could not or
An additional 50 cent award was quille, arriving here yesterday morn­ and that it was a most enjoyable va­
would not stop, he stopped his ear, and
and the fqmace for heating water
made to Jim Bunch and a 25 cent
the damage to the front end of his
water, Okla., where she will receive tioning already in elect in the east are located.
prize to Lavern Barrette.
Alton H. Grimes, clerk in charge at automobile was slight. The brakes
/ How the blaze could have* started
The posters are on display in vari­
the Coquille pcstolfice for many on the logger were not working ef
many cars on the road as there were is a mystery. Either the valve was
ous stores around town.
years, is ^now assistant postmaster, factively.
last year, making driving much left open or the tank leaked, per­
the appointment, temporarily, having
mitting the fuel oil to run out on the
been made three months ago, and it
On the way home they stopped at floor, but what set it afire is un­
became permanent oo October 1.
the Smith Wood-Products’ new plant known.
The Coquille office has never be-
at Sutherlin, Oregon, which started
as turned in by a
ie WasKTrigion5 sFrool^ufigSte
Sueway store, under the
saw the bright spot back of the shop. creasing busiriess and the need for an
are in the army, too. They have been superintendent, took the examina­ Ticiently.
There was no damage done, not official who can act as postmaster in management of genial Lin Swain, re­
busy this week, scouririg the town tion and was sworn into the Army
even the board floor being burned Mr. Hawkins' absence, or who can re­ opened this moring after being closed
Ernest Purvance this week sold the
for junk and scrap, have carried U Air Corps Monday.
where the fire had licked up the oil. lieve him of a part of the postmaster’s since Saturday night. The store room
Bob Hawes, 19, son of Mts. J. L. six-room house belonging to his
to collection piles, J5 of them, and to­
official duties made the appointment has been, completely redecorated on
day it is being collected by city and Bryan, was also sworn into the Air daughter and her husband, Mr. and
the walls, ceiling and fixtures and
Attention is called to the fact that of an assistant necessary.
other trucks. It is estimated they Corps. Bob is now employed in de­ Mrs. H. R. Ulrich, on Bums Acres,
presented a much improved appear­
have gathered between four and five fense work in Portland but lived in to Amzy Mintonye. It was compar­ the junk and scrap collection story,
Mrs. Ella Knapp, elderly Port Or­
They have been organized Coquille until a few months ago and atively new, having been built about in the first column on thia page, and
with captain, lieutenants and privates was employed in the Gilmore Service a year ago. The Ulrirhs who are now which is continued on page six, ap­ ford lady, was brought to the Coquille
Hospital yesterday morning suffering
The Eagles and their guests will
and where the junk was too heavy to Station. Bob spent last week-end permanently located in Portland pears under the wrong heading there.
from a fractured left hip which she dance Saturday night at the Eagle«
carry have carted it with small visiting relatives in Coos county as were able to buy a five acre tract and Too mucMrush this Thursday mom-
received from a fall in her home
house near that city.
well as did Charles Mulkey.
wagons to their separate piles.
Mayor Proclaims
National Business
Women's Week
C. H, S. Students
To Help If Needed
- Oregon Heads
The United States
Capt. Snyder Here
After 25 Years
Big Business At
The Cantonments
School Roll Shows
Sh if ting Population
Return From Trip
East Tuesday
Fine Cartoons In
Picture Contest
Dorris Compton
Joins The Waves
Logger Puts Bert
Gould On Spot
Mystery Fire
Does No Damage
Alton H. Grimes Is
Ass't Postmaster
Good Collectors At
Two More In
The Air Corps
Local Safeway