Ktverron news and woodwork. No Water—No Rinsing— do Drying. Gregg Hard­ ware. ■ — ■ t Mrs. Virgil Halter, the former Opal Robison, was delightfully surprised with a bridal shower, given in her honor by the ladies of this district last Friday, Sept. 4th. Mrs. Hatter was married this summer while she was away from Riverton. Her hus­ band Is in the armed forces. Many lovely gifts were received and opened during the afternoon. Those attend­ ing the affair were: Mesdames Kron- steiner, Creager, Andersoh, Kemp, Holbrook, Cody Carlson, Lillie Hepler, Aletha Robison, George Stew. FIRE INSURANCE RATES REDUCED FARM A CITY PROPERTY ustrial Repair Co The only exclusive insurance Agency in Southwest Oregon Phones—Office «2M Night 273L of Coquille MACHINERY WELDING METALLIZING Still A Menace WALLY” Before vaccine that pro* tecta against smallpox waa discovered, the dis­ ease. was one of the worst scourges of man* kind. Gradually, since vaccination has become So universal, smallpox is being stamped out. However, smallpox is still with us and is unexpectedly bobbing up from time to time. Wide travel and crowds that bring people into such close contact, make it necessary to be protected. Today vaccination is simple, practically pain* less, and ill-effects are extremely rare. The vaccination should be done by a reputable physician and the same care exercised against infection as with auy other skin abrasion. RflCKLEFF PHARMflCy i .