■ P " 1................... " ■ ♦ No On The Sidelines | Hardware ■ .... of gl BABY’S PICTURE FAMILY GROUPS Herman Brown Biegger Furniture Chickens—Ready f°r the Pan Dorothy Watson Bride of Milton Roth Myrtle Point Mon Married At Reno ■ > > > ■ > • • I > -, ' ' • 1 Three Divorces 420 W. First St. (between the bank and postoffice) Cooper's Gardens Judge King granted three divorces i in Circuit court here Tuesday, to the > plaintiffs in the following cases: June T. Bailey vs. Robert.O. Bailey. Maude Mary Dalton vs. Elmer Dal­ ton. Helen Phyllis Weekly Weekly. The Coquille schools faculty will will hear a discussion of social hy­ giene education by Dr. Adolph Wein- rirl, director, and Mrs. George Moorhead, field secretary, both from the Division of Social Hygiene Edu- cation, University of Oregon Medical School. On Wednesday afternoon, Septem- ber 18, at 3:45 p. m. at the Coquille High school, Dr. Weinzirl and Mrs. Moorhead will discuss the two divi- sions of the subject, namely venereal disease and sex education, particu- larly as they relate to science and health education in the schools. Two sound motion pictures will be pre- sented both dealing with scientific data related to reproduction. These films are new on the Pacific Coast and have been shown only once be* fore in Oregon. ... . j Dr. Weinzirl, who is also Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at the’medical school, is well qaulified to discuss social hygidhebH cause of his fifteen years’ experience in health departments in Seattle,’ Baltimore and Portland The Coo« County Public Health Association and Coos County Health Department are arranging speaking engagements in Marshfield, Powers and Myrtle Point. Wk. ■ •‘èîSss-H, ui|| OrT' JI I (known a* New York dressed) poultry. In many -Ready (pre-dressed) chickens, though naturally pound price, when compared on an equivalent Our New Phone 17* Kindergarten will begin soon. Please make arrangements in ad­ vance. See or call Mrs. Don Pierce, 441 S. Henry, phone 142R. Note change of address and phone number. 34t2s bg) S unny B rook Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey BRAND 90.4 Proof • National Distillers Products Corp.. N. T. LIGHT TONIGHT Front St. Market Writing to renew their subscription to the Sentinel, Mr*. Wayne Robinson says that they tre still living in Al­ bany, having been unable yet to lo­ cate a house in Portland. Wayne ia working as interviewer in the central personnel office of the Kaiser Ship­ building Corporation. Mountain States Power Company “A SaK-B—ssrtiag. Tea -Pay tec Private Fa lse»riss“ Fuhrman's Pharmacy WHOLESALE CUTS FOR LOCKERS Beef Boast Short Bibs Ground