The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 10, 1942, Image 1

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    AJU indipindint
NO. 35.
gaasaggaggiaPtaSMmxsaxSMgBsSUMpataMvmPtaXataiaSMMW ——
Flying Switch Not
The Cause Of
H. Abel's Accident
B. & P. W. Club
First Fall Meeting Council Denies
Auditorium Floor The City Manager
Of Coquille Woman's Permission To Repair Heats Statistical
Plan To Be Voted
To Be Laid In A
Report On Actiivties Herringbone Pattern
Club Held Tuesday : Old Building
Mrs. William H. Mansell, new presi­
The first meeting of the fall, held
The floor in the main room and the
That was a terrible accident in
.The city council, with five member»
The first step in Mayor Milne’s am­
front of the Smith Wood-t’roducts dent of the Coquille Woman’s club, present, voted unanimously at Tues­ Tuesday evening at the Guild HaU hall leading to it in the new Com­ bition to make it possible for Coquille
the president, Miss Ida Oerding, munity Building is to be laid at once, to havl a more progressive form of
ma ip office at <:■
presided at her first meeting Tuesday day evening’s session
presiding, was opened with the song, a contract having been made with city government was the adoption of
- mhuuirWTraTBfi
of Marshfield, lost his left leg below and enthusiastic group at club women building just west of Stevens' hard­ “Star Spangled Banner,” led by Mrs. E. L Perrott for its installation and an ordinance at Tuesday evening’s
the knee and had half or more Qf were present to assist in making plans ware store on First street, as Mrs. Chas. Stauff, with Miss Inez Rover he to ready to start work oh it.
council, meeting which will permit
for the coming year and to hear the Emily Hersey had asked permission at the piano, 'rhe salute to the flag
his right foot cut off.
The floor will be of plywood on the voters of this city to pass on the
was followed by the club collect, led edges as to that in the library room adoption of an amendment to the city
to make.
He was thrown from the top of a fine program presented.
car'where he was attempting to set „• Among the major business mat­
In her application to the council, by Mrs. Inez Chase.
and will be of a herringbone pattern, charter which, if adopted, will per­
Mrs. Hazel Hanna reviewed the each piece 21 inches long.
tlxe brakes as the car bumped the ters, was the resolution to give to the owner said W. E. Foote had fig­
mit the future councils to employ a
car standing still with considerable the Coquille Public Library 350.00 to ured that the new floor, truss sup­ talk she had given before the Rotary
While the sanded and smoothed city manager.
force. Carl Walker, one of the crew, be used for the purchase of new port, new sills and other repairs con­ Club. Included in it were some in­ sub-floor was not a bad floor for
If adopted tlie amendment will not
templated would cost about 3250, terested statistics of the club’s ac­ dancing, when the new floor to laid, make jt obligatory on the council to
sjw what could happen and called to books.
Five past presidents of the club which the councilmen figured was tivities since its beginning in 1925. sanded and made ready, there will employ a city manager;, it will only
Abel to jump or lie down but either
tlie unfortunate man did not hear were present and were called forward more than ten per cent of the build­ Perhaps the most outstanding pro­ not be a better dance floor in Coos empower the council to do so when­
him or thought his grip was strong by the president to be introduced to ing's value. Under the building code, ject has been the Scholarship Loan county and none as large.
ever it is "deemed expedient and ad­
new members who have come into if • repair job to to run more than Fund.
A total of 33,385 has been
enough to keep him on top.
The aide walls and ceiling of the visable,” and the provisions' of the
Mrs. June Martin, the company the organization since they held of­ ten per cent of the value, all such re­ loaned to girls to help them through hall are to be plywood-covered at proposed act will permit the council,
To each past president was pairs" must be of a fire-proof nature, school. Beginning April, 1938, the once and the building to every week at any time, if it is deemed advisable,
nurse at the plant, rushed out with fice.
ether and hypodermics, and soon had given a cactus plant wrapped in green something Mrs. Hersey did not eon- sum of five dollars per month has assuming a more finished appearance, to resume the operations of govern­
template having done.
been given regularly to the Coquille a structure of which Coquille will be ment which now prevail, and dispense
rendered Abel unconscious. It was and gold, the club colors.
Mrs. O. C. Sanford, president of the
Several of the councilmen ex­ Library for the purchase of books proud for many years to come. It with the city manager.
a frightful mess for her to face but
she did it like a true soldier and says Oregon Federation of Women’s clubs, pressed themselves as being unwilling written by Oregon authors. *■
was an ambitious undertaking which
The experiences of 15 or 20 cities in
A research of the club’s activities George Ulett proposed and has car­ Oregcm in adopting the city manager
that after Abel's first scream of pain spoke briefly about the program of to set a precedent, in violation of the
there was not a whimper out of him. the national federation. During her city’s ordinances, which might cause throughout its history indicates it ried through and the people of this plun have been universally satis­
He was taken to the Coquille Hos­ talk, Mrs. Sanford stated that the na­ future council a lot of grief when has participated la many worthy city will always remember his un­ factory, especially in Astoria where
pital, where he is reported this week tional federation has already pur­ permission to asked to repair other community projects and has been tiring efforts to provide the building the city manager has brought the mu­
as still improving and will-undoubt­ chased 1100,000 worth of Defense old buildings in town. The idea was represented in the state federation by as well as hto generosity in furnishing nicipality out of a deep muck of
edly be moved to the Southern Pa­ Bonds and has donated 31.000 to the also expressed that Coquille's busi­ having had a president, correspond­ so much of the material.
debt, or to approaching that desirable
ness district cannot be made fire­ ing secretary and several state chair-
cific hospital in San Francisco as soon
(Continued on page six)
proof and of a more modern appear­
as he is able to travel. He-U 2«
Consolidation ol offices wiU be per­
The library committee gave a fine
years of age and married.
ance if old wooden building, built in
mitted under the amendment and a
the last century, are to be continu­
There was some talk around town
real saving in public expenditures to
(Continuad on page six)
ally repaired '
last Friday that the accident waa
the usual result of this move.
caused by the illegal “flying switch,”
The council members spent an hour
The Sentinel to not this week going
Found guilty of violating the fish
discussing the matter with Mrs. Hor­
buf this is not correct. It was the
aU the detail of benefits which
and game laws by a jury in Justice
Following are thq names of the sey before taking the vote which waa
usual method of “kicking" cars back
will follow, as it has been the case
young men being sent by the Coquille unanimous.
on to a switch track. A flying switch,
day, three Powers men have appealed elsewhere, the adoption of the city
VaUey Selective Service Board to
The request of property osmers
prohibited by law aa well as railroad
manager plan but will between now
their cases to the circuit court.
Portland this evening for induction
regulations, is performed -when the
along the Willard street approach, on
and the election date on Nov. 3 pre­
engine is ahead at the car to be I I into the Army. Two of them how­ the north to the Spurgeon Hill bridge,
sent other and many reasons why Co­
A. T. Morrison, manager at the lo­ Jackson Beaty and Eugene Aubin,
ever, left yesterday for Portland,
that the city secure a five or
The speed is increased,
cal Cranberry Canners, Inc. plant, who-were arrested by the state po­ quille’s charter should be amended.
having enlisted in the Navy 1 Otas.
strip for widening the
the ear cut loose before the switching
Below to given the text of the
was up from his bog near Bandon yes­ lice on the South Fork above Powers.
was referred to the city
point is reached, and after the engine
amendment in full:
terday and said that the plant here
Stephen Robbins, Power»; John
engineer.. If a
has passed that point the switch is
could not get into operation as a can­ prohibited methods and the offense is
Barrett. Coauille; Jules LaawMl, Ppw-
thrown and the car
Be it enacted by the people of the
commonly known as "«nagg^g’’ sal­
nery thia year bee
other track,
of Coquille, Coos county, Oregon,
sible to secure the
•quip- mon.
BF the addition cd
done in this
Tba trial started yesterday aftar- that the charter of the City
sSmst it wifi be
ooon with District Attorney Ben
fl will be
underpass at the
Flaxel prosecuting the case
The act entitled "An Act to incorporate
bridge where at sen
■ cork leg, hto half foot built up with
(Continued on page six)
at the warehouse plant here and the defendants were represented by the
decided to build a roadway across the
a cast and he will later be sent to a
ten per cent of their crop which Mclnturff A Mclnturff legal firm of
Jackson, Myrtle Point; Elgie Hazel­
school where he will learn to per­
bottoms to a connection on the south
must be canned according to the Marshfield.
form some service for the railroad ton, Foss; George Nodurft, Bandon; side of the gulch.
The jury, which did not bring in its
by-laws of the corporation, will be
company which condition will permit
It waa reported that one owner
shipped to the cannery at Markham, verdict until midnight, was composed
him to do. At least that has beep
asked 3100 for a strip which would
of J. D. Gillespie foreman, David B.
Nevrin, Bandon; Alden Barklow, be 00 feet long. The other property Wash. '
the company’s policy in the past.
Biegger, Donald Farr, Joe Nilsen,
With representatives from Coquille,
Myrtle Point; William Miller, Co­ owners there are willing to donate
tablished dehydrating processes at Jno. A. Martin and Mrs. Vera Oerd­ Myrtle Point, Powers and Marshfield
quille; Alvin Hartley, Broadbent; the needed land. •
several of their plants and this is ing.
in attendance, a group of 20 met
Glenn Riddle, Coquille; Floyd Mais
The city has not yet taken out W»r
Justice Barton fined Hull and Beaty in the hotel dining room last evening
ney, Coquille; Everett Warner, Pow­ risk insurance on its buildings, streets, going to be a lifesaver for the oran-
ers; William V. Casey, Bandon; Ed­ sewer and water lines, reservoirs and berry industry as a whole for the each 3100, Aubin 350, and gave each to discuss and plan for a continua­
win Lund, Coquille; Rollin C. Hom­ personal property and the finance 1943 crop is going to be aa large aa of them a 30-day suspended jail sen­ tion of the junk scrap campaign
tence, from which they are appealing. which will tost for the duration.
There were over Q00 in attendance ing, Bullards; George Rice, Bridge; committee and cil y treasurer were the 1941 in the United States.
On Tuesday Justice Barton found " Last evening’s meeting was called
Cranberry Canners now has orders
at the dance in the Community Build­ Otto Storcks, Myrtle Point; Roy asked to contact insurance agents
ing last Saturday night and the down­ Brewster, Myrtle Point; Raymond and ask them to bo present at the from the U. S. government, for its guilty two men, arrested by the state by the Industries committee of the
town streets appearance resembled Sturdivant, Remote; Glenn Shields, Sept. 31 council session to give a armed forces, for 950,000 pounds of police for violating the basic speed county which includes business places
that of several years ago when there Bridge; Robert Waggoner, Coquille; complete explanation on coverage, dehydrated cranberries from this law—traveling more than 40 miles handling tires, automobiles and pe­
year’s crop. That means that 9,560,- per—and fined each of them 325 troleum—service stations, auto agen­
waa always a crowd in town Saturday Leslie Knight. Roseburg; Richard rates, etc.
cies and the like.
000 pounds of the berries will be which they paid.
Brown, Coquille; Joseph Barrows,
E. E. Deny was given permission
The men were Clarence George
It was stressed repeatedly that the
Th ' ticket sale at the door brought Coquille; William Soden, Coquille; to lay at hto own expense, 350 to 375 dried, reducing by that amount the
in |239 to which will be added-3140 William Goodwin, Riverton; John feet of small pipe in order to con­ berries offered to the public, for it Linden, of Myrtle Point, and Joe public must be made junk conscious,
that the supply at the steel mill« is
to 9150 from tickets sold by the Lions Andrews Wilson, Bandon; Hany Hess nect Ida house and auother, at the requires ten pounds of fresh berries Elmer Richards, of Hollywood.
The police are determined to put a now enough to last but three weeks
and Rotary clubs, and Mr. Claver, Bandon; James Sanders, Texas; south end of Fairview avenue, just to make one pound <4 dehydrated.
stop to excessive speed on Oregon’s and that the campaign to collect the
chairman of the dance committee, Ralph Elterich, Coquille; Alisco Sil­ outside the city limits. Ha said he
highways, and compel obedience to millions of tons of old and scrap metal
said the net profit for the building ver, Coquille; Kenton Myers, Arago; had the pipe and he agrees to lay it
Sprague’s 40-mile maximum all over the Ünited States must be
fund would be right at 3350.
Joseph Forrest, Broadbent; Clarence according to the city’s specifications.
Everyone apparently had a good Russell, Bandon; Nate Smith, Powers;
David Biegger, chairman of the
I. R. Tower for Marshfield told
time and enjoyed the occasion and Edward
Neil, Coquille;
Leonard street committee, reported that the
how the Bay was bringing it to the
Mr. Claver said when the floor is laid Klees, Powers; Ferris Fitzgerald, Co­ Fifth street graveling improvement
Total enrollment this week in Co­
attention of the public. Eight boxes,
it is planned to hold such dancea quille; Robert Arnold, CoqiiiHe; Ivan had been completed and that now quille’s three schools, aa reported by
eight by three by three feet, painted
every two weeks.
Mast, McKinley; John Burg, Coquille; practically every block of every street Supt. B. W. Dunn yesterday, la 70«,
red white and blue, and placarded
Olon Brooks, Myrtle Point; Jack Cur­ in Coquille was either hard surfaced which is «8 less than it was the open­
with official notices calling attention
tis, Coquille; Alvin Earl, Myrtle or graveled. A considerable amount ing week of school a year ago. How­
Mrs. Jack Dolan, Coquille salvage
Point; Ervin Gant, CoquUla; Carl of gravel improvements has . been ever, there are 15 more students who committee chairman, reports this to these junk repositories, have been
Johnson, Coquille; Charles Mclntee, done during the present administra­ contemplate entering high school morning that elesen tons of scrap placed at business houses there, at
very soon and Mr. Dunn estimates metal have been turned in at Jack’s the edge of the sidewalks, where no
tion tenure of office.
that this will probably be a normal Place, a part of which was paid for one can miss seeing them every day,
Traffic on the Coos Bay-Roeeburg
Coquille schools year when all have to the young folks who brought it in a. reminder to search the house and
highway was resumed Sunday after
premises to locate any and all scrap
entered who are expected to.
and that the 333.05 check, the net
the state highway crew, under the
The high school enrollment this received from the junk dealer, has metal or rubber.
direction of Supt. D. J. Sage, had put
The boxes are cleaned out every
week is 153 which is 29 leu than a been turned over to D. E. Rackleff
in a.temporary bridge over Big creek,'
week by a junk dealer who pays the
year ago.
for the Civilian Defense expenses.
just this side of Bridge.
Don Hultin was brought to the Co­
Just to keep it in mind, the caucus
In Junior High the enrollment la Just what use will be made of this agreed price and the proceeds are
The bridge was knocked into the quille Hospital tost night, suffering
to go to some charity or war relief
I for the nomination of city officers 1«7, or four lesa than« a year ago.
and future receipts has not yet been
creek Friday noon when hit by a from badly bruised legs, although no
1 will be held a week from next Tues-
determined by the local defense coun­
loaded logging truck of Goodwin A bones were broken. He is employed 1 day, Sept. 23, at 7:30 p. m., in the
George Burr, who is Coquille chair­
Briggs, driven by Eugene Metzger. at the Morris Ray camp on Bear creek
; Community Building, and the consid- year’s mark. The loss there is in the
man for the T;.dus tries organization,
To avoid hitting another car Metzger and when he saw an 150 feet tree
' eration of those who would serve and first three grades which are 39 below
agreed to have three boxes located in
had turned clear over on his side of falling he threw another man out of
make satisfactory officials should be last year’s figure while the increase
Coquille, Lou Pearce promised two
the road, hitting the approach railing the way before starting to run him­
discussed beforehand
or three for Myrtle Point, and Mr
in the fifth grade is four.
at the south end and then the arch self.
He threw himself beside a 1
Mayor Milne positively refuses to
Rolf one or two for Powers.
In Mr. Dunn’s opinion this will
stump which the tree hit and broke ' be a candidate for a third term and
This does not interfere in any way,
make a more even distribution in
„ The structure fell into the creek its fall, without injuring him seri­
so far this writer has not heard the the Washington rooms and a better
The eight months old baby daugh­ here in Coquille, with the delivery of
and logs were scattered all over the ously.
name of anyone, other than Claire balanced attendance for the teachers ter, Caroline Ann, of Mr. and Mrs. metal to Jack’s shop on Hall street
creek’s bed.
“Sandy” McBride, one of the Mt. ' Gray, mentioned.
there to handle.^It also would lncjl- Alex Stei
» Another name __
ihéi* That cotlected*om thé box**--------- *
. ug»'iiree r.taiuriaioni icr <________
chmbgil 4 free white
term as councilman is that of Fred those families which have moved ing burns, passed away there on Tues­ is not paid for; to the contributors
La Verne Park tost Sunday for he Bull. Those mentioned a few weeks
away ao that the head of the family day. The family came here from but is paid for by the junk dealers,
fell and was brought in to the hospi­ ago were Geo. Taylor E. D. Webb,
Portland about six months ago and the proceeds in Coquille going to the
could take a defense industry job.
Weather permitting there wlU be tal. It has not been determined yet O. C. Sanford, L. H. Hazard and O.
the body was shipped to Portland Civilian Defense Council.
"Throw your scrap at the Jap” to
another work-out picnic at the Co­ whether he has an impacted vertebrae T. Oant, and F. G. Leslie for recorder. rented the room Just west of the bank Tuesday night by the Qâno Funeral
or not.
and as soon as the interior arrange­ Home.
quille VaUey Country Club grounds
to be a continuing slogan while the
ments are completed will move into
near Norway tomorrow (Friday) with
Besides the sorrowing parents a war lasts.
Cooper’s Gardens Shop To
Miss Norma Elizabeth Chapman,
the new location.
a potluck dinner In the evening.
brother, George, also survives
Move Into Bank Building
There is still some work needed to sister of Lucille Livingston, manager
Sheriff Burk';
k bf Marion county was
Cooper’s Gardens, which has been
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Folsom
be done to put the course in perfect of the Coquille Hospital, arrived this
Mr. and Mrs. Emeat Purvance here yesterday
y lo take back to Salem
condition and it is hoped all members morning from Newton, Kansas. She operating its flower shop here on the George Folsom spent Labor
spent the week-end and holiday in Roy E Randall, wanted there for
who can do so will turn out and help will keep books and do stenographic Myrtle Point highway across from week-end at Lebanon with the Roseburg, visiting her sister who is theft of an automobile. He had been
work for the hospital.
the Smith Wood-Produets plant, has George McClellan family.
not in the best of health.
finish the job. ~
arrested in North Bend.
Fishermen, Speeders
Found Guilty
Sixty Leave Today
For Induction
$56,000 Founds Of
Dehydrated Cran-
Berries Contracted
Coquille To Hove
Junk Receptacles
$250 Was Netted
From The Dance
706 Enrollment
In Coquille Schools
Eleven Tons Junk
Received To Date
Logging Truck
Dumps Bridge
Two Accident Cases
At Coquille Hospital
City Caucus
Twelve Days Away
Scalding Burns
Prove Fatal
Course Tomorrow v