The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 27, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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    dents reported during the month, Involve persons going to or from
slightly more than one-fourth involv­ work, thus Indicating the extent to
at war workers, ii-.—— - -,><>-
- which accidents hamper war JKtM'lL
There was a total of 480 war work­
i monthly birthday dinner Tuesday
son, Donald. Mrs. Elisabeth Leit and |
saw mill.
i The War Department regards dis- ; evening rft:30 oclock with 40 people ers involved in accidents while driv­
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey of Nor- ! Mr». Juanita Hedden left last Sun- 11
Virtually all these accidents
semination of information pertaining!present
Mrs. Schroeder and Mr.
way and Mrs. Lillië Dement of Myr
I day to spend a few days in Marsh? to air raids as vitally affecting the Wimer Were the only ones having
tie Point, had Sunday dinner with ,
She has been staying this | ¡national defense of the United States. birthdays in August.
Mr. and'* Mrs. Z. C. Strang
I summer with her sister. Mm. Lillie |
' Accordingly, it has officially desig­
At 8:0* p. m. Mr. Tilghman, acting
, 'Johnson.
nated such information as “Confiden­ president, called the business meeting
Mr. and Mrs Nortnan Halter, of
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neal and
Norway, spent several days last week Louise Crumley visited last Sun? tial Military Information.” The War to order, in the absence of the presi­
at Klamath Falls, returning Monday day with her parents, Mr and Mrs. ■ Department has made public the fol- dent. Plans were made for a picnic
i lowing instructions:
next Sunday, Aug. >0. at Powers, al
A. J. Mayse, at Dora.
“Information pertaining to air raids Old Orchard Grove. A good crowd
Mr. and Mr*. Charles Terry, of ( Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Richardson and
includes all data and inf urination, in tl* expeeted. At the next meeting a
Oswego, Oregon, were Saturday |
[■ two daughters, Glenda andi“Melvai,
morning callers sit the J. H. McCl>.->- returned home last Sunday evening whatever form, concerned with (a) ; delegate will be elected to attend the
the location, nature, and extent of convention in Yakima. Door prize
after visiting several places in Cali­ any air raid damage, (b) deployment
was received by Mrs. McNair,
Mr*. Emily Burgess, of Riverton,
of forces, facilities and equipment ' Next Tuesday evening tiie men are
who has been visiting the past wack
The Fairview Grange held its regu­
with her daughter, Mrs. J. F. flehroe- lar meeting at the grunge hall lust which were mobilized to cope w.ith to be in charge of the refreahments,
any air raid situation, (c) effect of which will be a “sack lunch.
der, returned home Saturday eve­ Saturday evening.
Mrs. Lawrence any air raid or raids on morale of
Program Tuesday evening was gs
ning. j.
Kyan, as hostess served sandwiches, the civilian population and function­ follows: readings by Mrs. Von Peg-
Mrs. A. R. Bennett was a patient cake and coffee.
ing of government, industries, utili­ ert, Mrs. John McNair, Mrs. Flora
in thé Mn*t hospital from Monday un­
Mr and Mrs. Dave Pike, of Marsh­ ties, etc., and (d) actions taken by
Dunne and Mrs. -Hatcher; Indian
til Seturday of laat'week.
field, visited li»st Sunday at their civilian and military authorities.”
stories by Mr. Quick and Mr. Tilgh-
Allen Claire and her brother, Cur- ! ranch in Fairview.
More specifically, the foregoing m«n and music by Mr. and Mrs
"'i ~~F
' tis Lee Baker, who have been visiting » .James Stock, who will soon be
at the home of their grandparents, eighty-one years old, was taken to paragraph is interpreted to Include Walter Igilrd.
Mr. and Mr*. R. R Rackleff duHng Khe Coquille Hospital last week in a (a) all messages received and dis-
the school vnetion, left for l’orllami , j very serioiis conditioif. lie is the liutch^d, summaries of air raid in­
cidents, damages and services dls-
last Saturday morning with their |
'1 ‘’ll’“ ■'* M1'“
■lamina, Mm ms < s inwr
, i Word was received Iasi Monday ii.llinimr.1 Tins'i "iPimi i r" t ug iua>
operational status of control panels
llhut Mr and Mrs. C. E. Nevin, of
' a
Mrs. Mike Daniels aud Mrs. Harry f ! Bellefourche, South Dakota, all* the and incident maps, and all other in­
Druliner spent one day last week : proud pqrents of an eight poun.d, three formation available at tiie control
visiting at the home of Mrs. J, ’‘■jounce baby girl, named Joyce Ann. center of local Citizens’ Defense
Corps, and (b) charts, maps, graphs,
., . ,
, _____
__ __ ______
I Mrs. Nevin was Helen
Friday Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haugh- ()e|. Ilian(age> t|)e youngest daughter logs, i chords, and other information
prepared by any CDC personnel,
ton ami her aunt and husband, Mr. i f Mrs , uhe J(,|,n8on
or organization,
and Mirs. J. A. Ueuellan, were din-
Church board held
Responsibility for the establishment
ner guests of Mr and Mr*. Alden
(.(¡(„i of officers at n meeting
Mast in Myrtle Point.
i lcmt Sunday evening at the church, i of appropriate practical safeguards
Mrs. A. H. Bender, of Myrtle Point, i-nl0Be fin
tiorird now are Mrs. T. i for the custody, use and security of
spent the greater part of the day Sun- ! H
president, W. F Byerly,I ah* raid information rests with tiie
day visiting in the Norway vanity (|ih,
vJce president, Mrs Harry! Commander of the Citizens’ Defense
calling on Mrs. A, Kelleuberger, Mm. i(.llMjaey as tlnee-year trustee; Mis.' Corps. The Commander should take
R. W Haughton and Mrs. A. R. Ben- ‘ Althea Harruli us two-year trustee, the following steps immediately:
1. Transmit the information con­
and Mrs. I.. L. Buoy as one-year trus-!
tained in this bulletin to all officials
Several well* have been drilled in I tec.
the Norway community the past two i Mrs. D. W. Rankin and gnuidson, I who are identified in any manner
weeks. Mrs. Stella Fry has had two I Elden Smith, of Eugene, hgvo bpepi i with any phase of civilian defense
drilled and R. W.Jiaughton is having staying with her daughter, Mrs. Fayei activities. These officials should be
instructed to take the folowing pre­
one drilled at his place also.
i Hi lverstott and baby, helping with
... •
Sabra Pointer, a niece- of Ralph rithe work tiince they came home from'
a, Carefully review aud check tiie
Pointer, who has been in the Mast ■ | the Coquille Hospital.
aetjon wtiiçh has been taken to main­
hospital the past four weeks returned
Ray Dradmond received a fructur-
home Tuesday.
, -fed rib last week at hJ* home, while tain the security pf the control cen­
ter and the Information oontained.
Mrs. E. J. Do math and . children wrestling with Bill Byerly.
therein as listed in the planning guide
Louise, Phyllis and Nancy LOu, were
“The Control System of the Citizens’
in visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. '
Defense Cotps." These safeguatyls
Mike Daniels a few days last week >
4 include tiie investigation of personnel
They report the weather very hot j
Donald MolUiu returned last Mon-r 8tablis,'”^nt» «F a positive means
out at Johnson’s Mill where her hus
band is working.
J day from a week's, visit with liis jreia-.,"^ identifjcatlop, and tiie maintenance
lives in Washinghm
Donald ^aya f a" “'■»wd and deputi/ld guard;
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. R.
Haughton took Mrs. J. A. Lieuallen i he had a very enjoyubio trip and that i b* Feep all records, reflorta, lists,
out fp ladianon and Sweet Home! the fislong amlewimmH»g-wereexeel*-:i;i,,”1,1't‘r*<* *tc'* hxked in a safe
to visit with their sons
and j lent.
i Pi**«*;
Mr. and Mm. Clifton Tucker and’
Ki-*P-visUi'*r‘inut.of (mgtrnl
son. Jimmy, were visitors for a shm-U^1^
Haughton and on Sunday Mrs. He
U-rt Haughtpn took Mr. and Mrs. R. while in Riverton last Tuesday. They 1' eiidqt farters, control rooms, etc.;
d. Permit no unauthorized photo­
W. Haughton and Mr. and Mrs were on their way through from their,
J. A. Lieuallen to Corvallis to seeSsummer’s work on a cantonment. graphs to be taken of maps, con­
the cantonment there and in the eve­ Mr. Tucker is a former teacher in trol punels, scenes of operations, etc.;
e. Avoid the use of the telephone
ning they all went over tp A reads the Riverton schools and was return­
transmitting any information
and had a picnic supper together.
ing to Medford where he has taught
which might give an over-all indica­
Mrs. J. F. Schroeder and her for a few years.
mother, Mrs. Emily Burgess and
Mrs. George Shelton and Mrs. Al­ tion of the damage Inflicted during
Mrs. Lawrence Freeman and children pine were at Mrs. Shelton’s mother’s, an air raid;
f. Designate the information which
were dinner guests one day last week Mrs. Olson, Wednesday working on a
must be regarded as confidential and
of Mrs. R. W. Haughton.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McLeod and
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Baumgartner had the individuals who may properly
son Rodie, spent the day Sunday with as dinner guests several days ago, Mr. have access to such information.
Our reliance is in the love of liberty which God has plant­
The above is of vital importance
Mrs. McLeod’s aunt, Mrs/ E. F. and Mrs. E. Burdick, Mrs. O. E.
ed in us. Our defense is in the spirit which prized liberty
Molthu and Maxine Wherea^ The oc­
as the heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere.
M t . and Mrs. W. T. Kunnicurtt who casion was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. all concerned.
Norway News Items ¡"i.»«« »»«.Air Raid Information! Townsend Club
,s Co||id||So' -
Townsend Club No. f enjoyed
t Mr. and Mrs. Emil PeteroMi aad
36 Chevrolet
Traffic Accidenti
Thornton Tire Service
---------- —
Riverton News
for the past 18 months have been liv­ Baumgartner's wedding anniversary.
ing on the E. F. Brodie place, are
Orin Holbrook, Ralph Smith and
leaving this week end going to Del­ Alvin Hayter are all leaving for their
mar. They will live on the place of selective service examinations at
her grandson, Hudson Brady.
Portland this Friday.
Mrs. Edwin Cornnfog, of San Fran­
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Gasner and chil­
cisco, a cousin of Mrs. E. £. Brodie, dren spent last week-end at the home
has been viaiting Mm. Brodie and her of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Gasner of Nor­
motlier, Mrs. Vesta Soper, since last way.
Tuesday, going up to West Fir near
Goshen, to visit Mm. Brodie’s brother,
W. A.' Soper, before returning home.
Mrs. Paul Breuer and hir mother,
Mrs. M. B. Bennett, and Mm. Breuer’s
Producers in Coos county will re-
daughter, Mrs. Waine Cook and chil­ ceive information regarding the lamb
dren, Teddie ami Sharon, were callers marketing situation in South San
at her brother’s, A R. Bennett, of Francisco and to North Portland; also
Norway, one day last week.
, on the relative coat of shipping by
Lamb Shipment
Set for September
—Abraham Lincoln
FREEDOM of the Press
truck and railroad, as soon as the f
information is available, according to I
action taken by the special lamb mar- (
keting committee when it met in the I.
Bud Sperry is in Hie Mast Hospital
county agent's office to consider this *
at Myrtle Point, with a serious head
subject lust Friday evening. Member*
injury and possible spine injury, re­
i f the Iuimb Marketing committee
ceived while working at the Kelly
were selected by growers who attend­
Carver logging camp last Thursday.
ed a meeting in Myrtle Point the pre-
Mr and Mr*. Roy Enlund, of
, vious week.
Marshfield, visited last Sunday at the'
According to information sub-
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs
milted the committee members, grow­
John Beagle.
ers of this county still have enough
Mr. and Mrs. R E. Doyle and
lambs to market to justify a com- '
daughter visited at Powers last Fri- '
munity shipment around the middle
; of SeptemlM1« providing arrangements '
Archie Lane left last Saturday for can be made io get tin in to market in ’ i
San Francisco.
j a reasonable length of time and grow- ;
Harvey Thommen came home last
ers will be urged to advise promptly
Sunday from Corvallis to visit a week
of the number of lamlw lbey want to,~
'PWWHBWeuç j-3» «SRT«i*ent
v ,
“WsIE.^wnshtngton. Roger Wi'lfiam-
son, also of Corvallis, came with him Portland LtYeStOCK
Roger is a cousin of Harvey.
Mr. and Mis Waller Norris and MOTKCt RcOOrt
family and Mrs. Narvy Neely at-'
tended the Neely family reunion pt j The fidlowing quotations are tased
the park at Dora Inst Sunday.
on prices being paid in Monday's
K. O. Bernhardt, of Marshfield, trading session:
was a visitor at the/Lillie Johnson
CATTLE Good grain-fed steer»
ranch last Sunday.
*14.3,1. Good grass steers *13.00 to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hubbell and 13.75. Good grass heifers *11.00 to
children, of Coquille, visited Inst Sun- 111 5(1. Good beef cows *9 25 to>
day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thom- medium *8.36 to 0.00, common *7.00
No free government or the blessings of liberty can be pre­
served without the right of our press to keep people as
fully informed as wartime censorship allows. Without that
freedom, free, private enterprise is throttled, dictators rule,
men cringe. Keep that freedom!
FREEDOM of Worship
When a man cannot worship his G<«1 in peace, the man
enters a certain hell of his own! In these war days, the
ineffable joy of heartfelt prayer, of an unwavering faith
in a God above is something that cappo* be ejented. Free­
dom of worship must be oursl
--t ta*
Buy . . . and keep on buying IT
S. Pefense- Bonds and Staiufx.. Pre­
serve. those pillars <»f Democracy!
665 N Tilbmool' Slr»ff
Portland. Oregon
Self-Supporting, Tux-Paying
Private Enterprise"