The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 27, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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W.C.T.U. Meeting
Last Friday
The Coquille W. C. T. U. met at the
home of Mrs. Chas. Brown last Fri­
day for a very interesting and en­
joyable afternoon
The devotional program was led by
Mrs. Hattie Coy with Mrs. Ella Nel­
son leading in prayer. A group of L.
T. L. girl», Rose Marie Peart, Betty
Pruessler and Joyce Taylor, sang a
number of songs- and little Joan Peart
sang a solo.
Mrs. Bessie Crude«
pleased the group with a solo “Jesus
Lover of My Soul,” sung to the tune
of “Silver Thread» Among the Gold.’’
Mrs. Frances Holmstrom read a num-
her of her poems on “Faith” follow­
ing which Mrs. Coy read the 37th
Psalm for her scripture lesson.
Articles on the alcohol problem
were read by Dora Oerding and Esta
Ellis. Mrs. Fred Houston gave a
- very interestiiig article on the U. S. 0.
Mrs. Richmond conducted a short
business meeting at the close of
whiek., refreshments were served by
the hostesses, Minnie Laws, Ella Nel­
son, Clarice Gormley and Birdie
Skeels to the following members ami
<i isiniM,'",9WWMWlVF',BMyiy**(
Georgia Richmond, Hettie I.e.d>.
Alice Holverstott, Mr». G, A. Grey,
Dora Oerding, Fred Houston, Chas.
Brown. Hattie Coy, Bessie Couden,
Raymond Cooper, Darlene and Jimmy.
Eligible Teachers
Asked To Qualify
Teachers, who are eligible __
teaching are asked to fill out blanks
in the offices of the city or county
The teachers who once had certifi­
cates earned by graduation from a
standard normal school or college
may receive new certificate by pay­
ing the regular fee. Also, teachers
who have had certificates through
the examination method and are still
within the eligibility limit, or Who
have life certificates can quality. A
life certificate earned by either meth­
od is, of course, still in effect.
The statute does not now permit
of the issuing of any permits, as it
<iid during the first world war.
Library Books For Distribution
By County Sehool Superintendent
Library books are now ready for
distribution to the several schools in
the county. These.books are the re­
sult of the library fund provided by
the Coos bounty cburt, which levies
for this purpose the minimum amount
<>f ten cents per child on the census.
In addition to this, several districts
iiad included special funds. The of­
fice of county superintendent makes
distribution, according to the orders
from the several sehool districts, of
approximately 900 books.
Warranty ano bargain and »..J
Deeds for sale at The Sentinel office
To make this simple, no risk hearing
test. If you are temporarily deafened,
bothered by ringing, buzzing head
noises due to hardened or coagulated
wax (cerumen), try the Ourine Home
Method test that so many say has
enabled them to hear well again.
Used since 1895. Over a million pack­
ages sold. Safe Ingredients as listed
in the U. S. Pharmacopeia
must be satisfied after making this
test or your money is refunded. Costs
only a few cents daily. It afflicted,
ask today about Ourine. For sale by
smoke :
You can help keep ow »rmy ***•
{About Christmas
Mailing To Boys
In The Service
as not to interfere with the address,
or on a card inclosed therewith. Books
may bear simple dedicatory Inscrip­
tions not of a nature id personal cor­
Final August Clearance
Forced Savings?
It is quite an uhpleasant Steoek to
learn that the United States Govern-
merit is flirting with the idea of com­
pulsory savings for the American ,
people. If carried out, such action .
would be contrary to our American J
concepts. But we mus^be realists—
we must fight fire
ith fire. If
forced savings become
successful prosecution of the war,
then we American» will take it in
stride, without murmur, just as we
uncomplainingly have taken it on the j
chin with high taxes and curtailment I
Mailers should be advised to insure '
(Continued from Page One)
their Christmas gifts of more than '
not to include such matter in gift
ordinary value. However, it shauM
parcels. Not more than one Christ­
be suggested that articles of oom M-
mas parcel or-package shall be ac­
erable value. especially those of smell
cepted for mailing in any one week
vise, be sealed and seat as flrst-elaaa 1
when sent by or on behalf of the same
registered nail.
person or concern to or for the same
Use of Money Orders.—Postmasters 1
* . " .
should recommend to the public the
Preparation—Owing to tlie great
use of postal money orders to trans­
distance this mail must be transported
mit gifts of money to members of the
and the handling and any storage it
armed forces outside the continental
must undergo, it is absolutely neces­
United States. With regard to cash
sary tliat all articles be packed in
remittances, patrons should be In­ of distribution of many commodities I
substantial boxes or, containers and
formed that at many places where amfgadgets.
tie covered with wrappers of suffi­
such forces are stationed there is a
Great Britain has had a compulsory '
cient strength not only to resist pres­
local prohibition against the importa­ savings system for some time, and on |
sure of other mail in the same sack,
tion of United States money, and it June 23 of this year, Canada adopted
but to withstand the weight of other
could not be used if received. How­ a forced savings plan in connectiqp
sacks of mail, which in the long
ever, domestic postal money orders with its new budget. Will America
transit may be piled thereon. Further
can be cashed at A. P. O.’s wherever have to follow suit?
more, as each parcel is subject to
they are located, and they are paid
The U. fl. Government can and w.H
censorship, delay in handling may be
in I im ’ u ) foreign currency at the rate get the money. It prefers to get it
minimized by securing the' covering
bf exchange in effect on the date the voluntarily but will not hiertate to
of the parcel so as to permit ready in­
orders’ are presented.
-’ . conscript dollars for war service even I
spection of the contents.
as it is
„ Maar liiMiiluiiiiiiiiiiii .mwiiigiiMi
rides such a course of action is vital
probably .to>
he made u up. including ml
to prosecuting the war and defeating
cellaneous toilet articles, ira rd can-1
the Axis.
dies, soaps, etc. Tbv contents of
Only the American people —you and
such- packages should be tightly
I— can forestall thia further un­
packed. In order that the several arti­
Tire Post. Office Department an­
cles may not be loosened in transit, nounced today that the V-Mail Ser*- pleasantness. . We have an oppor­
damaging the contents of tlie parcel vice, inaugurated on June 75, 1942, is tunity to buy War Savings Stamp*
itself or causing damage to the cov- now past the experimental stage, and Bonds. The Government sug­
1 ering of the parcel. Christmas boxes with each week allowing large in­ gests that we voluntarily invest 10
should be inclosed in substantial con­ creases in the number of letters per cent of our incomes tn these
tainers. Candies in thin paste beard mailed to American soldiers overseas. Stamps and Bonds. In making this
suggestion, the Government has a
boxes should be inclosed la wood,
The War Department has increased
metal, or eorrugated pasteboard. its facilities to handle promptly the two-fald objective: (1) To obtain
funds for prosecuting the war, and
Sealed packages of candy, cigars, to­ volume expected in the future.
(2) To syphon off a portion of the in­
bacco and toilet aritcles in simplest
Facilities for photographing and re­
mercantile form may be .inclosed producing V-Mail to and from the creased income of the American peo­
within parcels without affecting the United States and the British Isles, ple, so that there will not be terrific
parcel-post classification of such Australia, Indian, Hawaii and other competitive bidding for 4fes limited
packages. Sharp-pointed or sharp- points are now in operation. A simi­ number of purchasable» now avail­
edged instruments, such as razors, lar service is being planned for Ice­ able. -
Thus we have a choice. We either
knives, etc., must have their points land and other points where the
buy War Bonds to the limit of our
or edges protected so they cannot cut volume may warrant.
capacity thereby helping the Govern­
through their coverings and damage
Pointing out that V-Mail provides
other mail or Injure postal employees. a safe means of communication with ment to finance the war or we force
Perishable Matter—No perishable members of our Armed Forces, the the Government to force purchase of
matter should be included in any Post Office Department gave assur­ those bonds.
Patriotism, common sense, thrift,
I ance that the film (upon which the
Prohibited Artielea — Intoxicants, communications are reproduced) are prudence and protection are but a
(Including given the moat expeditious dispatch few of the motives that should actu­
inflammable •materials
matches of all kinds and lighter available. Because of the small space ate us to buy War Bonds. The Gov­
rluida) and poisons or compositions taken up by the rolls of film, they ernment has fixed 10 per cent of one’s
which may kill or injure another dr often can be carried on ferry planes income as the minimum to be inves­
ted. Many of us, however, can afford
damage the mails, are unmailable.
or bombers.
to allocate a larger percentage bf our
How to Address Pareele—Address­
Every pound of weight which can
es must be legible. Parcels addressed be saved on air-transports overseas, •ncomes foe this purpose.
’_We don't want a compulsory sav-
to overseas Awny personnel should said the department means .that
pian and we donT have to have
show, in addition to the name and equivalent amount al weight can
address of the sender, the name, rank. □lotted vital military material.
— our‘
»elves on being the smartest nation
Army aerial number, branch of ser­
In'recognition of this, and in an
vice, organization, A. P. Q. number effort to insure delivery of mail to
of the addressee and the post office is many men as possible at overseas prove it by going over that 10 per
through which the parcels are to be destinations when space is limited, *nt ta.nimum. Buy an extra Bond
today and help keep America, Ameri­
routed, as, for instance:
ihe War and Navy Departments have can.
from: John R. Doe,
directed that V-Mail be given priority
2M West State Street,
in dispatch over all other classes—
Boston, Massachusetts.
including air mail—when transporta­
tion facilities under control of those
Private Wm.D.Roe (Army Serial No.) departments are used.
»**■ Company F, 167 th Infantry,
V-Mail letter sheets have been dis­
APO 610, c/o Postmaster,
tributed at all post offices, and have
Something of an innovation and a
New York, New York.
been provided all military and naval direct outgrowth of the nation's rub­
Parcels for naval personnel should personnel at overseas points through ber emergency is a new cotton cord
show, in addition to the name and Army and Navy post offices and mil­
protector for tire inner tubes that
address of the sender, the name, itary channels.
will add thousands of miles to thou­
rank or rating of the addressee and 1 Private firms and individuals have sands of old tires already pronounced
the naval unit to which he is assigned, also been permitted by the Post Of­
unfit for use and ticketed for the
or name of ship, and post office fice Department to reproduce the
scrap heap. Although this new inner
through which the parcels are to be letter sheets. Tite sheets also will tube protector bears marked re­
routed, as, for instance:
be available soon to all stores sell­ semblance to that piece of feminine
To: John M. Jones, Seaman First Class ing stationery.
“ . apparel known as the girdle, its pur­
(Naval Unit or Vessel),
V-Mail Service provides for the pose is not to enhance the smooth
c/o Postmaster,
use by patrons of a special letter symmetry of the tire’s appearance,
New York, New York sheet form which is a comhination out w insulate ana protect the tube
Parcels 'for members erf the U. S. letter and envelope o( uniform sire against the chafing action of broken
Marine Corps should show the rank and design. The patron writes his or otherwise damaged inside plies in
or rating, full name,and U. S. M. C., message, completes the name and the cord body of the tire. The “gir­
U. S. Marine Corps Unit No. — (In­ address of the addressee and the re­ dle” contains no rubber and is shaped
sert appropriate No.); c/o Post­ turn card in the space provided, folds, in a full circle to fit snugly and neat­
master, New York, N. Y. or San seals, and malls the letter in the ly around the tube.
Francisco, Calif, (as instructed by usual manner. Patrons are warned
In actual tests this new product
correspondent) for any Marine Corps that only the Inner or letter aide of has proved effective. Even in ex­
Unit located overseas, as for instance: V-Mail letters are photographed, and treme cases where the cracks and
To: Private John Henry Smith, USMC should be careful to show the com­ cuts extended entirely through the
U. S. Marine Corps Unit No. .......... plete address of the person to whom cord body of the tire, the “girdle*
(Insert No.), the message is sent in the panel pro­ has afforded the tube complete pro­
vided tiierefore above the space for tection from chafing. In one test the
c/o Postmaster,
San Francisco, California the message. It is preferable to print engineers used an old tire which had
Units located within the conti­ the address in large block letters. En­ been run flat and supposedly was
nental limits of the United States may closures must not be placed in the beyond use because of the damaged
condition of the inside of the cord
be addressed direct, using name, letters.
V-mail letter's are photographed on body. To make the test as severe as
rank organisation and location.
Poatage. Postage must be fully micro-film by automatic machines at possible, a knife was used to cut en­
prepaid, the rate on parcels of fourth­ the rate of 2.000 to 2,500 per hour and tirely through the sidewall of the tire
ciass matter (that is, parcels exceed­ the film rolls containing 1,500 letters n four different places. A tube, in­
ing eight ounces) being the «me rate each are transmitted to destinations cased in a “girdle was then inserted
applicable from the post office where Reproductions are then made toy m the slashed tire, and the tire placed
mailed to the post office in care of other automatic machines and de (jack in operation.
This worn and slashed tire, already
which the parcels are addressed. The livered to the addressee in individua'
ondamned tor use, was then run
third-class rate of D* cents «or each sealed window penalty envelopes.
When V-Mail letters are addressed under excessive flexing conditions
two ounces applies to packages not
exceeding eight ounces, except in to places where micro-film equip­ for an additional distance of 4055
the case of books, on which the rate ment is not in operation, the letters miles before failure occurred.
«e •ft'-stfe«
means available. Even in r
tn- ’ protected the tube" perfectly agilnsl
to the requirements prescribed there­
for are acceptable at the special rate ¡■rances savings in weight and space the chafing action of the cuts and
of three cents a pound. Stickers or are accomplished since there are ap­ breaks, and the failure was caused
labels resembling postage stamps are proximately 97 V-Mail letters in a by o sectional weak spot in the worn
not permissible on the outside <rf par­ pound, whereas, ordinary letters av­ ttaL
erage 40 per pound.
The War, Navy and Post Office De­
Three and a half times as many
FermlaaMe Additions. - in addi­
partments all co-oprated in devel­ anti-aircraft guns were manufac­
tion to the name and address of the
sender, which is required, inscriptions oping this service, largely with a tured in the first six months of this
view to decreasing the volume of mail year as in th« previous twelve.
such as “Merry Christmas." “Please
to be carried overseas and providing
do not open until Christmas," “Happy
an expeditious service.
New Year," “With best wishes,” and
Thcpublic is urged to use it at
the like, may be placed on the cov­
Only One of a Kind so Shop Early for a Better Selection
ering of the parcel In such manner every opportunity.
219.95 i
f 1
$12.95 1
2 8.95
■' • -z. jMfef ■ * w
One Rack of Dresses in Summer Fabrics of Flat 2 d| A A
Rayon Crepe farther reduced from 26.49 to
"fre W
One Rack of Summer Dresses in Shantungs and Mixed
Materials Have Been Selling at a Reduced Price $4} OO
Are farther reduced to
Ws W
House Coats of Gay Printed Cottons
in etaae 14 tn kfl, ttperiat at
AJI Summer Straw and Fabric Hats
To close
nuli — I
’Instructions For
V-Mail Use
Girdle For Tubes
Adds Mileage
Twu Spring Coats priced at
One Costume Suit priced at
Two Costume Suits priced at
Twu Costume Suits priced at
Two Dresses priced i at . ■
Two Dresses priced at - -
One Dress priced at
Two Dresses priced at - -
Ten Dresses priced at - -
One Dress priced at
- -
Hallocks Dress Shop