.... valley sentinel . PAGE TWO OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27. 1M2. The Missionary Society of Church of Christ met Thursday in the church parlors for regular business and a social meeting. Mrs. Nosier was in charge of the business meet­ ing and Mrs. Parrish of the devotions and foreign miaisons. Ttaae present were Masdames Earl Mitts, Liston Parrish, Ray Joyce. Amos Payne, A. Hatcher, Al MclnteC, H. McCue, A. N. Foley, Gus McCul­ loch, Belle Hooton, Walter Newton, K. E. Benham, Irvin Woodward, Alton Dungey, Paul Simpson, Cal Young, dfwin McKee, Eiwyn Nosier, Ralph HarPyr^faanie Lafferty and four children. Refreshments wireTWas Harold McCue, Mrs. Earl Mrs. Eiwyn Nosier. ‘ 252 8. Ball St Reviving Townsend No. 2 Auxiliary Make Your Plans Now Geo. Taylor, R. S. Whepler, J. Ar nold, Cljfford Kern, L.W. Oddy L. Swinney, L. E Brown, J. A Walsh and hoetess, Mrs. Geo. Howe To Attend Thq Mrs. J. K Henninger entertained the members of her bridge club at a • oe eUtte luncheon Thursday after­ noon. Substitutes were Mrs. Clarence Osika, Mrs. Clarence Arney and Mrs Marvin Littrell. Mrs. Arney held high score and Mrs. Stanley Ayers, second. Others attending were the Mesdames L B.. Gould, George L. Maynard and T. K. Foes. Coquille Community Bldg PHONE M blossoms ADMISSION Office $15.00 and up BieggerTurniture THEY'RE HERE! Spankin* New in One Grand Variety at Just Received LARGE SHIPMENT OF ELECTRIC PRESSURE V . . 91.00 PER COUPLE |