The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 27, 1942, Image 1

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...................................... ..
NO. S3.
■' 1
Collection Of Scrap Cunningham District Beu|a|] Chapter
To Vote To Suspend !„ . . r u . ,
Hoil e « For Na lalr
ïo Start Next Week
Day Next Monday
Letter From A
raft Board Opens
Here Monday _____
About Christmas
Mailing To Boys
In The Service
. < t*evi L. Bunch, chan-num of Coos
—8». i m m iiiiM n i i ii .a li t s il UlMUli y
No. 10, will'have u meeting of the
county Selective Service Board No.
voters uf tlie disU-icl on September
2, «tales that the board office will be
4, from 4;0U until 8:0o p. m., at the
moved from Myrtle Point to Coquille
and ready to open here Sept. 1. Of­
school house, in order to vote us to
The following letter was received ficial confirmation of the order came,
Members of the Order of Eastern
Scrap Metal! Junk! The govern­ whether or not' the district will be
Arrangements have been made
ment wants it; needs ft; and is start­ suspended and the children will be Star froip the six Coos county .Chap­ by e Coquille young lady from John through recently and it will be lo­ by the Post Office Department in co­
ing an even more gigantic drive to transportetf to Coquille.
ters will ghther in Coquille Monday. A. Salimena, a brother of Mrs. Curl cated where the Coquille valley Ra­ operation with the War and Navy
« olleet it from all over the United
The decision to call this meeting- August thirty-first, whbn the Caos Madk of this city, who has be»» in the tioning Board office has been In the Departments for the acceptance of
States than was the recent drive for to 'tlie vote of the people was made County Natal Day Association holds submarine service for more than a- court hosue, frame building.
Christmas parcels for members of our
year and a half. According to what
armed forces serving outside ths- con­
by the Cunningham school board be- it» forty-first annual assembly.
Beulah Chapter, Np. 8. *wil) be he writes life on a submurine is nuisl
Tl>e campaign is on. It begins on <xtt»e of tl>ex'resignation ot Mrs. Lulu
Chairman L. L. Bunch stated this tinental United States. ' (Fur the pur.
•Saturduy, Aug. 29, in Coquilje. and ChrtatopherxoH. of Bremerton, Witah^ hostess for tlie day. Members have Intarwtiqg.
morning that ths bread's office will pose of these instructions Alaska is
continue» until all possible sources ington, who was to have taught in been busijy engaged with committee
be moved to CbquUlc this coming included in thp term “outside the
work in preparation for the <»ne-day
Received your king aild interesting Sunday and Will'be bpeh for business continental United States ”- In order
of used metal scraps and articles this ,l! H a i
‘ /,
have been collected.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopherson Iwv«- convention. Ail members of the local letter uhd Was sure glue} to heur from Monday morning. If the wmm ( i In th« that such parcels may reach the ad­
Mayor Millie has ordered thht the rw-tmtly tM*come the guardians ot Chapter are urged to register and at­ yolk 1 really did e«ijoy hearing from court house is not ready to lie moved dressees on time and in good condi­
city trucks be used to pick up metal, three children who lost their fatlier tend the noon banquet and as- much .voif and am sorry now that I didn’t into, tlie office will la* temixirarily tion, postmasters are requested to
placed at the front of homes oribusl- iweataie of the war, so it became nee of t|ie otjxer sessions as possible. Reg­ ’ wf
to you sooner but thought that located in the hotel Ituildhng curnei bring the following requirements to
y>>i|migtit tie too busy to write to a
houses, next week.
essary for Mrs. Christopherson to re­
room which John l‘urk«*y now uses a.-, tlie attention of mailers:
Heading the committee oti registra­ »alRir especially if that suilor was me. u display rotun.
On Tuesday tl>e trucks will collect main at Bremerton. The board im­
Time of Mailing Christmas par­
tion, which will begin at ll):30, will
1’ don’t know whether 1 can an­
scrap frpm the north end of town, mediately accepted tier resignation.
cels and Christmas cards should be
swer all ot the qeustions or not but
everything north of the Fourth to
The attendance at Cunnirffcham was be Mrs. Louise Leslie Guests will be
morrow for induction, there will b«* mailed during the period beginning
Fifth street gulch, and on Thursday anticipated to be low and it seems Kveeted on arrival by Mrs. Gertrude will try the best I can. So hare goes another group sent out in a week oi October 1 and ending November 1,
... I am u Yeoman Second Class, two and th«* board has reccix « <l
they will collect in the southern part a patriotic move on the part of the' Ulett. Worthy Matron, and others.
no 1942, the earlier the. better. Patrons
Mrs. Mabel Kunz has charge of ar­ brtfi-r define» “»hip’s secretary.” I
>>f the city and on Spurgeon Hill.
Cunningham board and district to
lice to send HO for induction in Oc- should be encouraged to endorse each
Those who have junk and scrap make this step, because this will re­ rangements for the noon banquet and have all of the paper work that con­ tober,
gift parcel “Christmas Parcel.” Spec­
should remember, however, that any­ lease one more teacher for another with many able assistants promises a cerns the ship on my mind aH of the
ial effort will be made to effect de­
thing picked up by th«* city trucks school, and thus help (o that extent splendid meal served promptly al time. It is a v^ry tiresome job M>me
livery of all Christmas parcels mailed
— -S3 4ime»< but I d<> enjoy this typ«* of
will not be paid for. The city em­ Die solving id the problem of the 12:1$, at the Masonic Hall.
during that period In time for Christ­
There will be a short program dur­ work. I spend most of my spure time
ployees will not have scales nri are teacher shortage. ;
they authorized to pay for the metal.
She and Weight In view of the '
The law provlctes that only those ing the banquet. Burton W. Dunn if It isn’t in a gin mil], studying »hort-
I’ll admit the only time I
Jack Dolan’s shop,' south of Safe­ persons who have properly in ' the will preside as toastmaster. Address |hand.
urgent need for shipping space to
Mrs. Ed Crump, of the McKinley
Io study _ shorthand
is out to Ml
way on Henry street, is the authoriz- district .as sliown by the last asses- of welcome will be given by Mrs |have _______
transport materials directly essential
i-outo, wh - brauglit to Ute Coquille
<d collection depot and those having ment.rolU can vote oh u
to the war effort, Christmas parcels
i mutter of
any quantity iriay deliver it
by Mrs. Eula Neideigh, of Elgin Chap- stroyer*.
strayerx. etc, you »an
«an gut in a
shall not exceed the present limits of
kind, pincé
thg Hon
electi of a di­
___ _____
treatment of bruises and injuries she
and be paid at the rate of $5 a
rector or clerk is the nrrty matter on tar. Myrtle Point. A vocal agio by thimble. But I can tell yrai anything rdrelv«» when she fell from a tree 11 pounds in weight or 18 inches in
The block wardens will make a which resident«, can vote* without the
length or 42 inches in length and
(Continued <>n page seven)
on tlie rqnch while picking fruit.
Mrs M. O. Hawktn», will be included
house to house canvas, calling every­ property qualification.
girth combined. Nevertheless the
one’s attention to the Junk Rally,
on the profram.
publk* is urged by Hie War and Navy
of the Moore k^ill at Itandon, under­
t The afternoon samion and <g>en«ng Asking RlVfir Dike
and there will be no excuse for not
Departments to cooperate by volun­
went tlie amputation of three fingers
getting this vitally needed old junk
(Continued. <to page six)
I . .
tarily restricting the size, of Christmas
and part of his right hand on Mon­ parcels to that of an Ordinary shoe
into the plants designated by the
day. Tlie accident occurred when his box and ttu« weight to six pounds.
4» '
County Ag«*rrt G eo. J e nkin» Imp orts
Judge E. L. Haterxon wae in Port- hand touched n revolving saw, and it These departments have pointed out
that the
district, through Its del-: Funcrgi services were'Tieid if the
land yesterday, attending the meet- may I* necessary later to remove the also that member« of the Armed
otiier two fingers.
c«;at«*d captain and assistant captains, Church of Christ here on Tuesday for
Forces'are amply provided with food
stnte HWh*«y commis-
D. D. Phillips, an «dgerman at the
made arrangements for the junk col­ Daniel Wilmer Brown, who resigned
sto» and presenting to that body, tlie
and clothing, and the public is urged
li ction out there at a meeting held as minister of' the local Church of
Mr. and Mrs. I/mix B«ixw«>rth, tur~ need of a dike along the rivta* bank, Sinttii Wood-Praducts plaut here,
(Continued un page five)
'i'uexday. Tlie farmer« will all as­ Christ because of ill health, last April. merly proprietors of the Boxworth ’ a couple - <>f mil«*« above Coquille. was- injur«» in the upper left leg
semble their Scrap «nd )unk, on the Death uecurred at Medford last Sat­ Motor Co. here, which was the Ford where winter fl<xids threaten to cut yesterday when hit by a piece of
agency, came tn last Friday evening acroxa tl»e iuwtands and form a new lumber, at» was taken to the Coquille
farm «(id a truck wiU be used to pick urday. n
. r
it up.
“{¿a__ x .
J. R. Adams, ot
Bend; Liston from Hollywood, where they, have chatmG to« the river, Such a calam-
who is
ving wbile-buth were working ay-*,>ukl ruin'much valualik- ranch
leave 4M»
city off the river,- •*mptey».d at tlie Erwin-Lyons - fn*r
>»■ factfwltos. xlra
m If
pnxribihty became
became u
rridity at Fairview, wax.brought to the hoapi- , Mr. and Mr». Q. t. Wood hav* re­
W the
the possibility
a riMHy
* jriruitiMkiyai
condttriing tlie
ui one and he in the plant at-C Cet
j the channel would be in Fat Elk ud tor treatment of chest inujripa re- ceived word from their won, Gross,
and the Lee ad
■eived wlwn he wax struck by a cable that he landed safely in Africa on
Mr. Bosworth «*xpressed consider­ ereek.
fire-fighting organisation pertoefrd,
w',.% ..
Pullklrarers were Henry a«*orgei
Aug. 10 He is located in Accra on
will use tire procettds from the scrap ftp I ph Harry, Paul Simpson, A. M. able disgust with the slow-down
Peterson after the strap broke.
the Gold Coast, wliere he is electri­
collection and sale to buy »■ pmnpj Willey,'Albert James and MrFIzer Practices used by the workmen in were R.
Detelfsen, W. E. Cross and
cal inspector for Pan American Air-
for figtftiqg fire in thar disfriet.
Th«- honorary pall bearers wen* C. the plant and told of u Texan who Wallace Dement who have extensive
1 ways. Hr spent some time on the
Every section of th«* county has C. Farr, Dr. C. G. Stem W. A. Sloan also qujt his job there becasue he holdings in the threaten«*d bottoms
Brazilian bulge of South America be­
was not allowed to iierform his work
t>een set up by the D. A. War Board, and Dr. Frank Mulder
White* in 'Portland Judge Peterson
fore a plane seat was available for
according to Mr. Jenkins, as was
The body Is being - shipped today
the Atlantic.
told in the Sentinel a few weeks ago, by Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries to all-out war,
ficials and endeavor to make a trade
In the absence of Pres. O. L. Wood
Accra is about 150 miles south of
Mr. Bosworth, who wrta in the last of county -owned, loggad-off lund for and Secretary Tallant Greenough
and each community is expected to Spokane, Wash., where it will be laid
world war—he and R. L. Stewart 5000 aercs of O. A C, land in Fair­ very little business came before the Ute equator, and he says while the
participate In tills metal scrap col­ to rest.
days are hot the night temperature
lection as Lee is doing.
Mr Brown was bom Aug. 1#, 1880, Were in the same outfits in France— view valley and «m the surroundings Chamber of Commerce session in the
In Cpqullle there are undoubtedly at Columbia City, Ind., and was six
hills which sheep men would like to hotel. Tuesday noon which war pre- is about 5<) degrees. He also says
that the black naUves of that section
scores of tons of needed metal and days past «2 -years of age. He Came after he has a couple ofxweeks or secure for grazing land.
• ided over by Geo. E. Derding, vice
are all pretty well educated and that
it is a patriotic duty to turn it in to Coquille as pastor of the Christian
■ M—-i—------------
■” >
it is a pretty nice, country in which
for the fight to subdue Hitler, Hiro­ Church here a year and four months
An invitation was extended Virgil to live.
hito, and the weaker member of the ago and retired because of his health
II. I^angtry, field consultant for the
last April.
League of Oregon Cities at next
“Throw Your Scrap Into The
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Tuesday noon's session when it is
Edith L. Brown; a daughter, Mrs.
expected as many chamber members
Where there is more than one, fire
Alice Elaine Rhay, and a son, Rich­
Mr. and Mrs. Alva A. Nosier •r- alarms usually come in bunches of as possible will attend. His subject is
I ard A Brown, of Coquille; a son, rived here last Friday evening from three, but last week-end the depart­ to be: “The City's Part in the War.''
I Darrell W., ot Spokane; two brothers,
AH members, whether dir«*ctors or
A quiz program conducted by Dick
their home in San Diego, • Calif., in­ ment was called out only twi«-e.
Harold and Carson, and a sister, Mrs
not, are urged to be present next Connam was an innovation at the.
tending to remain up here at the'r old
Elias Ruasell, of Potwin, Kans., and
regular weekly meeting of the Rotary
home for a month. Mr. Nosier says morning to the wood lol of Smith Tuesday nootp
Mis. R. A. Wernich, who left by another sister. Mrs. Howard War­
David Biegger, who had recently club yesterday and proved both inter­
the strenuous life in San Diego these W<od-Products, und«*r what was the
bus this morning tor a six to eight mer, of Fairmont, Minn.
After Iris
days ha* been wearing on him and he dock of the old Johnson mill. It was returned from a trip to Portland, told esting and amusing.
weeks' trip, had a very intereating
Mr. Brown was a member of the
needs a good rest, However the quickly extinguished. The probable a little of what the defense industries (Jumbo) Elrod had butted in and an­
trip planned. She will not travel at Masonic, Eastern Star and Odd Fel­
transfer business he conduct.« theie cause wax the dropinng of a cigarette are doing to change life in-the state’s swered about half a dozen questions,
night anywhere on the trip and will lows lodges holding his members! ilp
will not suffer for he haa three sons in the refuse there which smolder«» metropolis. He said the traffic be- someone suggested that they give him
thus ba enabled to see a great deal at Fogle Benton, Mont.
tWpen midnight and daylight is pretty the $84 and excuse him and someone
associated with him. Mr. and Mrs. along for hours.
of tlie United States which she had
nearly as heavy as it is during the else said that nuiybe he had fur­
Nosier went down to the A. T. Mor­
never been over before
rison place bear B andon Tue.-tday
nished the questions.
noon the department answered a call
To Eugene, across McKenzie pass
for the remainder of this week. They tor a grass fire at tl«e rear of Mrs.
Several members who were sched­
and to Boise her itinerary will take
will also spend some time at tlie S. M. J. J. Stanley's and J. A. Lamb'»
uled for a test at the dart game for
her; then to Salt Lake City, Denver
Nosier cottag? at Brewster ami at
iieing absent from meetings, settled
garages. It was getting a good start
..nd to Minneapolis where she goes
Mrs. Skeel’s cottage at Bandon.
for a net amount as their contribution
in- the grass and weeds but wax soon
to attend to business matters connect-
to thq library fund.
«*d with the settling ot an estate, and i era devil in the Sentinel office for
out after the boys and three fire
to visit relaUves.
| the past several years, is the first
The new International Rotary di­
trucks arrived. It had been set by a
Don Gilleyple has added a fifth rectories were received and delivered ,,■
1 little girl.
.From there she goes to Chicago to one of the force to be called fqt mili-
link to his chain of Pacific Feed & to thorn* who had subscribed for
r~. - .IwilWCirtarSffltV VS.
xee friends, thence to Boston. Newltary service. He took his exathina-
Seed stores in Oregon. He has just
York, Poughkeepsie, N Y., Wash- tion last Saturday and will probably
taken over one at Grants Pass, whose
ington, D. <?., south through the Oar- 1 be one of the next group to be in-
Rotarian Harry Nasburg of Marsh­
owner la being called into tlie ser­
«Tinas into Georgia; thence to New ducted from the Coquille valley after quille minerate, stockpile, reports
field, wax the only guest present
vice. “Hap” Ward will go from the
that the first manganese received
«means and across Texas to Pasa- tomorrow’s contingent,
, q
x . -■y '
r t ",
store lien» to manage the one in Jo­
dena where more friends will greet
Cart also is receiving congratu|a- here was brought ip Tuesday tnorn-
Linus (Bill) Seeley, brother I of sephine county and, if he can find a
her and then home.
lions on the fine four page paper, of ing by W. E. Marrion. It. was a seven
man to put in the Marshfield store.
Before leaving she said that the which he was editor, which was is- ton load and came^rnm the vicinity Everett and Mark Seeley, and who
“*-* Beach.
•-*- - ■
resigned hie position in the Bandon Ole Janiteron will be transferred to
ticket from Minneapolis east and sued this week by the Baptist Church <,( -**
schools to join th«* Marines, left San the store here. The five are at Co­
l orne by the southern route added1 B.
“ Y. P U.
! DF. W. V. Glahyer
Diego, whert^he has been stidioned. quille, Myrtle Point, Marslifieiu
but three-fourths as much as a ticket
The total eclipse of the moon was
Friday evening for Inautico, W Medford and Grants Pass.
visible in CoquiUe Tuesday
direct to Minneapolis and return
Showing Some Improvement
One Last Evening Was
V»., where he Is to take officers
evening, there being no cloudr to in
would have cost
Accident Cases At
Coquille Hospital
Burial In Spokane
For Dan W. Brown
¡Above Coquille
The Lanis Bosworths
Here ror Few Weeks lu«
Gross Wood Has
Landed In Africa
Speaker At C. of C.
Next Tuesday
Up Here For
A Month's Rest
Two Fire Alarms
Last Saturday
Quiz Program At
Rotary Meeting
Left Today On
A Great Trip
Sentinel To Lose Its
Devil In September
Pacific Feed & Seed
Now Has Five Stores
First Manganese
At Stockpile Here
Bill Seeley Gets /
Officer Training
Eclipse Seen
Tuesday Evening
A False Adartn
irning' ctDted the
IRE« ^\---i*-Wi
to the rear of the Biegger Furniture
Co. store on front street wliere a
grass fire was quickly extinguish«».
It’s'still more than n week off but ! The nine o'clock call was a false
the dance on Saturday evening fl Jdhndh'..
«. f
next week, the proceeds of which W'B
tie used to put a ceiling over the au- , Victory Sign In The Sky
ditorium of Ute Community Building]
should be kdpt tn mind. Those at- ( Let us hope and pray It was sym-
--‘‘ I Tuesday afternoon two dis-
tending can be sure of an enjoyable
that 'they“ are helping Unct lines 6f clouds formed a letter
iiX"" vahiable ‘civteproject white V across Coquille from n«>rtheast to
ha ™g a good time. Its a pre-Labor southwest The joined portion ofth
Septcmber 5
Day dance to be held September 5. ' tetter was in the northeast.
When the moon rose in the early
broth«*» of Dr W V. Glaisyer, had
evening it had already begun to in­
told him that his brother is slowly
Mrr. Trf*e Hand received a wire ter the shadow cast by the earth,
improving from the effects of his re­
Mr. Hand Tuesday evening that and gradually the lunar face became
cent stroke, at Redmond. He is able
Then in orange-colored
he had passed the Navy examination covered.
to ride out to the car. and can now
as the moon grad­
The Coquille Valley Country Club
work the fjpgeri ofliis afflicted hand
a little
has accepted an Invitation from the left yesterday for San Diego for his ually emerged from its hiding again
Coos Country Club for a golf tourna­ training period. Lee is one of very to shine with unusual brilliance.
The Victory clouds, with the near­
.Sociil nc«es are
being written ment on the latter's links this com­ few men who saw service In the first
by Mrs. George Maynard- If yotf ing Sunday. This is the third inter­ world war and yet are under the 45 ly perfect V stretching across the
have any items for -lie paper, will city tournament the two have played year age and liable for Selective Ser- heavens* were still to be seen, lying
y<ìt plca.-r* telephone Mrs Maynard this year and the record stands two vice ca* In World War II. He got1 from northeast to southwest as the
'inu. th, first one at a very early age. eclipse was taking place.
wins for tlie Bay club.
at 280-M, evenings.
• .5 ao 'J v '
Goli Tournament
At Bay Sunday
Into The Navy