OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 2S, IMS. Church of Chris» < East 4th and Coulter Sts Liston Parrish, Pastor Wiik Wkaitya* 30t4*tf W 7 1H BOMBS FOR SALE—Id-acre ranch, one-half mile west of Myrtle Point in Stringtown. Terms. See Mrs. B S. Wallen, Myrtle Point. 31t2» Sunday School »:4S. • Morning worship and communion service 11 o'clock. The pastor will discuss “The Lord's Day.” This is a challenge to ail who would overlook God's divinely appointed day of wor­ ship * C. E. will meet at S:1S p.m. in Patterson's Grove for .a picnic lunch TOioU-tia ny uif p vw i i i m n iw tuig.— Sunday evening’s service will be a challenge to every red-blooded American. Tiie pastor will speak on "A Great Heritage.'' Special music will fit tiie theme of the evening. Prayer meeting. Thursday at 7:30 p. bl , continuing a study in Book ol Acts. Gems of Thought Holy Communion. „ The nickel that used to go into a done» silver -plated table forks la enough to supply the nickel required for making 675 magnesium iucendiary bomba. Toe, CAN SINK U-00A19 --------------- -- BUY • ■' COQUILLE CAFE Chineee and American DUhee Attention to Details limuni Coqville 10SB sorin WW Benham’s Transfer Phone S3 Night Phone 1S1M Southwestern Motors Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL^ COAL - FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight