The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 20, 1942, Page 7, Image 7

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    Lifting Of Plates
For First Offenses
Is Discontinued
The Coquille Baptist Women'» Mis.
sionary Society met Aug. 19 in th*
Fellowship room of the church for a
potluck luncheon and program. Sev­
eral Baptist women from Bandon,
accompanied by their pastor, attend­
After a bountiful meal, th* follow­
ing program was presented: Devo­
tional s, led by Mrs. Alice Holver-
stott, consisting of prayer, songs and
sc riptur e r eed ings; Rev M. J. Fre-
“Shall I Empty Handed Be?" on his
trombone. Mrs. Clyde Crawford was
unanimously elected White Cross
chairman. A motion was made and
carried to send a dollar to Arrah
Wanna, the Baptist racreution park.
Mrs. Crawford read an article on
White Cross. Mrs. Flora Dunne On
Christian Citizenship,
Mrs. Ralph
Kuenzli on Christian Friendliness and
Four Brought To County
Jail Tii<- Past Week
Frank Phillip Haley was hrooga«
over from North Bend last Thursday,
held under $500 bonds, for breaking
into and entering a building not a
dwelling. His crime was that of en­
tering the shack where The Barbecue
formerly operated, between North
Bend and Marshfield, and taking a
little junk which had been left there.
Orville George Scherette
brought over from North Bend on
Saturday and served five days for
operating his motor vehicle with in-
sufficient brakes _* '
— JlmMu!tonHarrTman^mTl,nSrgr"
Joseph Holzappel were brought up
from Curry county on Sunday and
lodged in the county jail for safe
They are charged with
burglary not in a dwelling.
Notes From The
Rationing Board
Birmingham, Al*., held a “scrap-
out" recently, with air raid wardens
supervising a drive which netted 279
tons of metal and rubber. ^> ¿-4
■- ---------U------- —• '.
Four hundred and sixty-nine ap­
Georgia Davidson on Chrisitan Stew­
ardsip. Rev. and Mrs Merino Remple plications fbr sugar for canning were
received by the Coquille Valley ra­
gave a vocal duet.
tioning board in July. The total in
Mrs. R. H Cummins, who has a pounds of sugar authorized was
daughter, grandson and son-in-law, 24,789.
Franlf Schram ik going to save his
automobile tires from now on, hav­
ing been granted a certificate to pur­
chase a bicycle by the rationing board
this week. Mi. Schram, who is jan­
itor at Ute high school, is also a mem­
ber of the Coquille Fire Department.
R is doubtfill thgt his leg-power ve­
hicle can get him to a fire as quickly
as the gas-propelled truck will!
The tin in 60 tooth paste tubes is
just abolit the amount of tin needed
to solder electrical connections on one
army training plane.
Large Selection—all aises
Biegger Furniture
. »•
Maytag Washer
150 Io 32 50
Brooks Used Furniture
Swap Shop
of Coquille
370 S. Hall Street»
See "Wally," the Grief Doctor
Nites 229J
BIGGEST SELLER in the West, because it's
the beer with the '
high I.Q. (If Quenches!)
More than one-fourth of Great
Britain's airplanes now in service in'
die Near East are from the plants of
ue American aircraft manufacturers,
iccording to one of Britain’s highest-
anktng air chief*, and more than ten
>er cent al the warplanes defending
he British Isles are of United States !