The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 20, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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No Decision At
Building Hearing
Cameron, and Wm. Tibbet, ofhad served six months as Thtef air
Oakdale, Calif. Those present were | observers. Mr. Geitner was awarded division of agriculture.
It is needless fpr me to emphasize
a pip fur serving six months. Arm
M t . and Mrs. Wm. Tlghmen, of Mrs, Cameroa*« siater. Minnie D.
bands will be awarded to ail the the value of cheese as a source of
Coquille, spent Tuesday and Wednez Tibbet, from California; Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Gauer and children, Richard watchers in tiie valley who have strength and health, nor to observe
The hearing which the city council
Oregon members of the armed day of last week with Min Lilia verie
and Joanne; W. H. Tibbet, Mr. and served one hundred hours or more. thaf its greater use will aid in the
had set tor Monday evening us to forces, who will be away from home Myer*.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaslin and conservation of other products of
what should be done with the Hersey on November 3, election day, may
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane, of Fair­ Mrs. Glenn Griffith; Rubin, Buddy
building on First street, between vote by mail in that election, Earl dew visited at the home of Mr and and Sandra Lynn Griffith. The table family, of Coquille, moved to the Bill which the supply is diminishing.
Since it is essential to both the
was beautifully spread with birth­ Griggs home last week.
■pool hall, was quite largely attended Snell, secretary of state, said today in Mrs. E. J. My<rs Saturday.
Mrs. George Stevenson, of Coquille, national and state welfare to main­
day cakes, flowers and place cards,
and extended over a period of nearly issuing instructions for voting ab­
Mr. and Mrs. Ctaienee Schroeder,
A bountiful dinner was served. Ice visited last Tuesday with her daugh­ tain a balance between production and
tivo hours.
cf Corvallis, were guests of Mr and
sentee ballots.
consumption, it is a pleausre to
cream, and watermelon were served ter, Mrs. Charier Geitner.
council went
In explaining the process of voting Mrs. Frank Burbank last week.
Word has been received that Mr. direct attention to andvrge coopera­
after the dinner.
■MMteBakMNHMk adhMM
and- tion of u pyr citizens in the obser-
tened to the witnesses which J. Ar­ the voter must be registered in the made a business trip to Roseburg'last
thur Berg, representing Mrs. Hersey, precinct in which he maintains his Wednesday and returned home Thurs­ daie und San Pedro, Calif., and ex- parents of a seven and one-
pocU to return to Oregon late in pound baby boy born August 5, at America,” the Governor added.
had requested to attend.
legal residence. So long as the place day.
San Diego, Califronia, to Mr. and Mrs. - Local storekeepers throughout the
September for an indefinite visit.
AU these gentlemen, who are Co­ of legal residence is not changed and
Mrs. Mary Greenleaf, of California,
Melvin Kenyon. Mrs. Kenyon was [nation are joining hands with Uncle
quille business men -E. L. Perrott, the voter votes in at least one county­
arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
former Millicent Dow, of Fair­ Sam in making every housewife
J. D. Gillespie, E. A. Walked, A. G. wide election in the two-year period
Tyrrell Woodward Thursday for a
aware of America's ‘‘number one food
Thrift and Lloyd Gregg by letter— ending Nov. 30,, the registration is
• -
value** during the period of August
expressed the opinion that the build­ valid and need not be renewed.
Mr. and Mrs. Berl Cox, of Eugene,
17 to 29, when domestic cheese is
ing could be repaired, made safe as
Here are the steps required for vot­ were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Hospital Wednesday morning for
being featured as a national Victory
a fire hazard, and that she should be ing by absentee ballot:
and Mrs. S. C. McAllister. After din- treatment after being hit with the
Food Special.
allowed to repair it and make it
1. If the registration is valid, send ner they went on to Bandon to visit
the Morrb Ray lo“in“ Cheese Highly Concentrated,
ready for a prospective tenant.
an ordinary letter to the county clerk Mr. Cox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee camP‘ u Bobby received a very deep
and Energy Food
Mrs. Hersey said she contemplated of your home county, within 30 days
Cox, before returning to Eugene Mon-1 gash above and down the side of his
making upwards of $200 worth of re­ proceeding the election; asking for an
right eye.
Dr. Gould took four
pairs; including a better foundation, absentee ballot. Thia letter should
wound and ordered him
Aug. 14—James A. Johnson and
z W. R. Ixing made a trip to Ijinglois
new floor and strengthening of the give the voter's precinct number if with Arthur Jones, of Myrtle Point' home to bed. Bobby feels that he was
Bessie Spurgeon, both of Marshfield.
known, the address to which the bal­ Sunday. On returning home Mr. j fortunate in that his eye was not in-
They were married by Justice G. N.
After all the evidence or "testimony lot should be sent and the applicant’s
i 1 lured by' the line nor by the breaking
Bolt at hii office in Marshfield last
Jones remained as a dinner guest at,
was presented the council by- reso­ name in full.
■ ' , .
' of' hi,s glasses.
. „
' . '
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Long.
lution voted that -iq its present con­
I Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Molthu and
2. Upon receipt of the ballot, the
E. Curley, of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder and
dition it is dangerous and should be vbter marks it promptly and returns
' girls have moved to Coquille, where
F. Jenkins, of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ' Phillipa, of
it in the return envelope enclosed by
North Bend.
Another motion then carried, that the county clerk. The affidavit on
will be at home to their friends at
Aug. 15—Lester F. Vrooman, and
d finer guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Ml.
Mrs. Hersey and her contractor should the back of the envelope must be
110 N. Division St. after the first of
Alberta L. Milburn, both of Empire.
confer with the building inspector subscribed and sworn to before a
next week.
They were married by Rev. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Meldun Carl were
and fire chief in regard to the im­ notary public and the ballot must be
Laura Church, of Bullards Route, is
G. Brown at the M. E. parsonage here
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
provements to be made, after which mailed so that It reaches the county
visiting with her grandmother in
last Saturday.
Keith Cribbs, of Coquille.
the council will decide whether to clerk not less than five days before
Marshfield thia week.
Aug. 17—Wm. Eugene Tice, of Ta­
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller received
allow the building to be repaired.
Wayne Robinson, a former princi­
the election.
coma, Wash., and Blanche Anna
a card from their son, Wallace, who
Council members expressed the in­
pal of Riverton High School, is now
3. Soldiers, marines, sailors, coast
Sandon, of Coquille.
is stationed at FL Leonard Wood, Mo.
tention to be perfectly fair with Mrs. guardsmen or other members of the
'employed at the central emploment
Aug. 17—Rolland Homer Frazier
They report he is feeling fine.
Hersey, but insist that the city’s armed forces who are not registered
office for the Kaiser Shipbuilding-
and Beatrice Bushnell, both of Mvrtle '
joys tiie varieties offered by the
Alvin MeQuigg, of Central Point,
building code and ordinances must voters, may register by writing to
Corporation as an interviewer. Mr.
Point. They were married on Mon­
ever popular cheese tray.
be strictly adhered to.
Robinson plans to move his family
their home county clerks for a blank
day by Rev. G. A. Gray at his home
From the annual output of more
The sticker, therefore, wiU be the and subscribing this blank before a Phyllis and Alice, of Myrtle Point, to Portland as soon as he finds a
than twenty-six million pounds of
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish, of Cb-
present valuation of the building.
home for them.
notary, wherever they may be. This
Aug. 18—Thomas H. Offord, of
cheese produced in the cheese factor­
The city's law permits the owner is of special importance to those quille, were Saturday guests of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Drew, of Char­
Marshfield, and Irene W. Siegrist, of
ies of Oregon, nearly twenty million
and Mrs. Nile Miller.
to make improvements and repairs men who may become 21 years of age
leston, were visitors at the home of
North Bend.
Miss Marylin Pauli had her tonsils Mr. and Mrs. Basil Olson last Sunday. pounds are exported to out of state
on wooden buildings up to ten per since entering the service. If sta­
Aug. 18—Gayle Alfred Bush, of
cent of their value but for anything tioned abroad, the service man may removed at a Coquille hospital last
Wendel Clausen, of Medford, vis­
Coquille, and Zada Clarine Simmons,
Sprague declared in directing atten­
more than ten per cent, the improve­ subscribe to the blank before a com­ week. She is getting along nicely.
ited at the Alton Clausen home dur­
■of Marshfield.
tion to the observance at August 22
Mrs. Mike Fairebied and Billy, of ing the past week.
ments and repairs must be according missioned officer of the American
to 29. as “Cheese Week for All
Scottsburg, were weekend guests at
to the building code which specifies forces.
Loda White spent the day in town
tjie home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. on business last Wednesday.
— new ----
fireproof construction and, which in
In view of tiie added wealth that
Wm. Knabe.
thia case might be a prohibitive ex­
The 1942-43 school year will begin
comes to Oregon through the sale of
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Harry are the at Riverton August
31. The _
ihis vital product, Oregon naturally is
parents of another baby boy born to school (4C) will have as its teachers:
Mrs. Hersey's public statement was
deeply<4nterested in every effort to
Tapestry, Velours, Mohairs
them last week at the Mast hospital. Norris ~
~ ‘
that when the building was being
Kemp, principal;
increase the demand for cheese, the
This makes seven boys and two girls White, seventh and eighth grades;
rented it returned her between five
As lew as
Referring to the present campaign
Governor said.
Mrs. Jane Creager, fifth and sixth
and six per cent net on the invest­ to save fats for the government for in their family,
This is particularly true at the
Mrs. Eiwin Fry, Mrs. Sherman grades; Miss Opal Robison, third and
ment. She pointed out also that re­ manufacture into explosive, J. L.
present time when, by reason of the
strictions for the duration of the war Stevens of Peoples Market submits Lewis, and Mrs. Walter Cummins, of fourth grades; and Miss Cora E.
success of the patriotic effort to en­
prevent her putting a new building the following rules governing the Powers, and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Craw­ Kronsteiner, first and second grades.
hance production, in the face of dif­
ford and Mrs. Lee Sunbaum of North For the high school. Union High, No.
on the lot at this time.
handling of contributions:
ficulties, the dairy industry Jias pro­
Bend, were Wednesday guests of Mr. 3: Norris Kemp, superintendent;
Feer Things To DO
duced a surplus which threatens the
Jack J. Koch, Smith-Hughes instruct­
1. Save all your waste cooking'fat*. and Mrs. John Widmark.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish, of Co­ or; Mrs. Sara Nye Anderson, Home
Save jfen drippings from roast ham,
beef, lamb find poultry. Save broiler quille, were Wednesday evening Ec., and as janitor of both schools,
drippings from steaks, chops, veal and guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wid­ Harry Hatfield. Mr. Hatfield will
also probably drive a bus.
A statement of receipts and dis- bacqn. Save deep fats, whether lard mark.
Herbert Carl held a Calf club meet­ Hanly is school clerk again this year.
bursements for the July 4th celebra­ or vegetable shortening, from fried
ing at his home Wednesday evening The directors for the Union High
tion was made by Secretary Tailant potatoes, fish, doughnuts, etc.
2. Pour into clean, wide-mouthed with the following members present; school district are Joe. Nilsen, chair­
Greenough at the Chamber of Com­
can. It is best to popr into a wide­ Junior and Darwin Gulstrom, Glenda man; Mrs. D. P. Jenkins, Mrs. Con­
merce session Tuesday noon:
mouthed can, such as a coffee or veg­ Lillie, Allen and Dickey Bishop and ard Borgard, Gareld Russell and
Victory Girl Ticket Sales
$1,017.00 etable shortening can. Be sure the Pat Blondell. Mr*. ^lden Butler and Chrissie Corrie. For Riverton district
Donations to Finance Com.
«98.50 can is spotlessly clean. And strain R.'W. Bishop were also callers at the No. 4, the directors are Wendelin
Dance Ticket Sales
- -
750.95 your fats as you pour them in, so that J. D. Carl home and Mrs. Carl served Fetch, chairman; Mrs. Clara Jeffery
and I .ester Clausen.
her guests ice cream and cake.
327.10 all foreign matter is removed.
3. Keep in refrigerator or a cool,
$2,793.55 dark place until you have collected Donald and Mrs. Liszie Lett made a
trip to Portland last Wednesday via
A recapitulation shows the follow­ at least- one pound. (
4. Take to your meat dealer, who is the Coast highway. They visited at
Mrs. W. J. Wheeler returned home
$2,703.55 co-operating patriotically in this the home of Mrs. Sarah Williams, in last Thursday from Eugene after
Total Receipts
1,898.74 drive. He will weigh your can of faL Portland, and they also visited with visiting with relatives and freinds for
Total Expenditures
pay you the established price for it, friends in Tillamook before returning several days.
Net Cash Balance
$ «94.8.1 and start it on its way to-the-war in­ home by Roseburg Saturday.
John Perdy and family moved last
Mrs' Clair Keltner and Lynn, of week to Valsetz, Oregon.
Permanent Improvement Items 398.13 dustries. Frozen food locker plants
----- •---- will also accept your salvaged fats.
Nampa, Oregon, and Miss Arlene
Those attending the old time dance
- ' $1,292.94 Four Things Not To Do
Aasen, of Myrtle Point, were Wed­ at Sumner last Saturday from Fair­
Gross Profit
1. Don’t take less than 1 pound at nesday evening dinner guests of Mr view were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Among the larger expense items
and Mrs. Ward Evans.
were $140.6«, railroad tickets for or- a time to your meat dealer.
Deadmond, Nelda Norris, Jackie
Mr. and Mra. E. J. Myers drove to Hanson. Bill Byerly, Kenneth Hol-
2. Don't take your fats to the meat
chestra; $534.90 for the orchestra;
____ Utt
for defense stamp prizes; dealer in glass containers or paper Broadbent Sunday and visited at the verstott and Ray Deadmond. .
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morgan.
$358.60 to E. L. Perrot A Sons for bags.
G. B. Dow returned home last Mon­
3. Don't let fats stand so long that
Mrs. J. L. Burtis and Musses Pamela day from Los Ahgeies and San Diego,
labor and sanding; $129.25 for in­
ternal revenue tax on dance tickets they become rancid. If they do, the and Maureen Evans visited at the where he visited with his daughters,
home of Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Gray Mrs. Melvin Kenyon, Mrs. John Scott
and $157.t5 for prizes and commis­ glycerine content is reduced.
ft. Don't take your fats to the meat in Coquille Monday.
sions to Victory Girl contestants.
and Mrs. Edgar Allard.
dealer on week-ends if you can avoid
Mrs. Clair Keltner and Lynn, and'
J. A. Deadmond returned last Sun­
it. Help him by returning them early Miss Arlene Aasen, were Thursday day from a business trip to eastern
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knife.
in tiie week.
Mrs. Roy Mast, Ardyce and Jerene,
K. O. Bernhardt, of Marshfield, was
of Alleghany, visited at the home of a visitor in the valley last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. John Collage, of Ar­
Donald Earl Landaker, a graduate
Townsend Club, No. 1, opened its Miss Maureen Evans returned home cata, California, visited from Friday
of Coquille High in May. 1941, but
whose home is now in Portland, and regular session Tuesday evening with with them after visiting for three until Sunday with relatives in the
who has been on active duty with President Von Pegert in the chair. weeks at the Maat home.
Miss Pamela Evans was a Sunday
Mrs. Robert Kim bro left last Tues­
the Navy since Jan. 20 this year, re­ Regular business was taken care of
dinner guest at the Albert Lillie home. day after visiting several days with
ceived the rating of Aviation Ma­ and the bulletin was read.
Mr. and Mra. Nile.Miller were Sun­ her sister, Mrs. Ray Deadmond.
Eighty-flve members and friends
chinist Mate, third class, when he
The Fairview Grange will hold its
graduated on Monday this week from attended the caravan meeting in day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
regular meeting at the grange hall
the Sand Point Naval Air Station at Marshfield Sunday, 18 ef whom were Lyle PauU.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans and next Saturday evening.
Seattle. He was one of a class of 156 from Club No, 1, Coquille.
visited at the homes of Mr.
Mrs. Donald Phillipa and son, Dean,
men who completed the four months
advanced V»inin< «’urse and r*‘Ports meeting Sunday that Chai Wetter- and Mrs. John Felsher and Mr. and returned home last Sunday after
spending a week with her mother,
immediately for active duty, afloat man. state national representative, Mrs. Chester Wilson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter were Mrs. Lillie Johnson. Mr. Phillipa also
or ashore. _
old home in Ohio, where he expects Sunday evening guests of Mr. and spent the weekend at the Johnson
I ranch.
• '
to live.
— Mra,EJ.Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. MaA I lister were I Rufus Byerly returned to Seattle
Na*t meeting of the club will be a
Urthday dinner at 8:30 Sunday evening luncheon guests of last Monday after visiting relatives
.Mr and Mr». George Gyiaapie.
in the valley fur a week. . Ve is to
kun the array in ftrt days.
Soldiers And Sailors
May Vote Nov. 3
Arago News
Riverton News
Eat More Cheese !
Marriage Licenses
How To Collect And
Save Cooking Fats
Occasional (hair
Biegger Furniture
Final Report On
July 4 Celebration
Fairview News
Don Landaker A
Navy Aviation Mate
Townsend Club
Probate Court Cases
Appraisers appointed were W. K.
Mr. Tilghman; songs by Mrs. Hatcher
Cross. Leland Peterson and Forest
and Mrs. Briner; harmonica solo by
— ......
, Mrs. Von Pegert with Mrs. Laird at
A petition for administration at the
the piano. Door prise was won by
-$835.63 estate left by Ella V. Schrum. Mrs. E. Buckner. Meeting closed by
who died Aui. X was filed in pro­ ail singing “God Bless America."
bate court on Monday.
There were 35 present wlio enjoyed
A petition for the apolntment of
pudding and graham crackers in the
Lillie Flora Johnson as guardian for
dining hall —Press Cor.
Charles Clifford Cook, was filed by
.Clarence Barton in probate court on '
Calling cards, 50 for $1.00.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Long visited affair corps He has been visiting for
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland P. several weeks at the Ray Deadmond
Linn, in Myrtle Point last Friday.
Mrs. Lillie Johnson made a busi-
Mrs. Charles Griffith «»a a Friday
caller at the Ward Evans home.
ness trip to North Bend last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Griggs, of Foster,
Arian Shaw has been quite serious­
weFe callers in the valley last Sun-
ly ill and is confined to hie bed.
A birthday dinner party was given
Charles Geitner attended the meet-
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mis. Glenn Griffith at Arago, han- ing last Monday evening at Coquille
' onng Mrs. Griffith's mother, Mrs. R. for the awarding of pins to those who