The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 20, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
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■-! ■ — —
(Taken from' liie Sentinel Friday,
\ August 18, 1922
Arthur Ellingson last Monday be­
One Year
$2.00 gan tearing down and burnu.j the old,
iix Months-------------------
Three Months__ ___
.60 frame building just north of the
No subscription taken unless paid Farmers & Merchants Bank building
advance. This rule to impera- ;and Tueaday O. C. Harry began ex-
1 cavating for the basement and foun­
Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as dation of the concrete structure Mr
Second Class Mail Matter.
¡Ellingson is planning to build there.
H. A. YOUNG, Sditer
.. g- _______________________
. .
« sees esecs is s ceea rows
H. A. YOUNG an* M. U QR1ME8
teacher in the Coquille schools. Is vis-
fttng at the J. W. Laird home.
■* ■ f
The Spartanburg (Ind.) (Jerne
enemy to de- may have taken action on this Bill.
more difficult for
___ suggestion
" was
_.,i' In view of our all-out war effort, tery Association recently scrapped an
stroy the supply. A
made that a storage be located on the this controversy between the states old bras«-jacketed cannon, original!)
und the Federal Government may ap­ acquired to decorate « soldters and
river bank at Umatilla.
pear to some to be picayune. BUT sailors monument. It weighed 995
Shortage of lumberjacks in the Ore- IT ISN’T. Somewhere the centrali­
—----------- g—-------
gon woods has reached a point where zation of power in Washington must
There*« enough metal in a broken
the war department, manpower com­ be halted.. This would look like a
mission and the U. 8. employment good spot to make a healthy begin­ down farm tractor to make 38 ,30 cali-
service are trying to figure how re­ ning. Let your Senators know that bre rnachfhe guns
lief can be given. One suggestion is you want them to support H. R. 7181
that soldiers be sent into the woods, if it has not already been before the
as in the firit world war when the Senate. If Ute Bill already has been
spruce division filled the forests
the mountains. Labor organizations, action, •*..
however, have protested use of sol­
If you are going to buy any games
diers, who would draw soldiers* pay,
which is much less than a lumberjack this F9H, our advice is to get them
now, at Norton’s. We have a good
receives from his logging boss.
stock on hand and we just finished
An Oregon sawmill operator came buying games to be delivered, in Oc­
to the national capital last week to tober for the Holiday season and
ask for a priority on sufficient copper ' they are going Ao be considerably
wire to connect his mill with a trans­ higher in price.
According to a story recently pub­
lished there is $40,000 of gold from
the mines at the Whiskey Run beach,
buried somewhere on an old trail be­
tween Randolph and South Slough.
Peter and Charles Groulaux away
$300,000 mining and selling claims,
The bridge across the river here is and in going out of the country con­
swinging freely and easily under the cluded to bury a part of it so m to
power of the Ford engine now, and have a nest egg left, it they were
Engineer Archibald says he expects held up and robbed on the way oyt.
So they cashed the $40,000 by burying
to open it to travel this week.
it under a cedar tree. Twenty years
The receipts of the baseball bene­ later Peter Grouieauz got hard up
fit, “Slippery Gulch” were »538 20 and came back and spent two years
hunting for the hidden money.
the expenses were $192.50. ■
Meantime fire had swept over the mission line. He had to travel 6000
. The San Francisco Examiner re­
Roy Fox, who used to be employed county and, of course, nothing look­ miles and pay railroad fare of about
cently discussed the question of ; on
one of the river steamers here, but ing like the cedar tree under which $250 and a hotel bill in Washington.
“brand names” and what they mean w
- —
whoa* home is now at Gray's
Harbor, the brothers had deposited that $40,- Then the priorities board informed
to this nation.
____ -________
Wn., came
down on yesterday’s train 000 could be found. . . The Grouleaux him that it was not h»s place to ask
This to a subject of vital Importance'^’ ”a
with his old friends, his brothers discovered the gold on the for a priority but the company from
to every man, woman and child in wife accompaying him.
beach west of Randolph and had tak­ which he hoped to obtain electricity.
America—yet not one person in a
’ en out big sums for two successive
hundred has been shown the impor­
Eighteen months ago the govern­
Engineer Gould says work has be­ years before their secret was discov­
tance of a move to abolish brands gun on the foundation of the dam for ered and the great rush created the ment found 147,000 head of horses in
which has been under consideration the big reservoir pn Rink creek
Randolph camp. The brothers found Oregon on which they placed a uni­
in the national capital.
gold lying all about the beach and form value of >61 a head, or $8,972,-
The Natal Day ceremonies of the [gathered It, returning to th« Wiliam- 000. That was before the Japanese
The privilege you exercise when
you go to the corner grocery store to Eastern Star will be held at Bandon ette valley «ach winter and taking it took Malaya and the rubber planta­
purchase your favorite brand is not this year on Thursday, Aug. 31.
easy, and the next year on returning tions. With a scarcity of tires and
to be underestimated. Whether you
to the beach, finding the same condi­ gradual return to the horse, the ani­
buy Ben Hur, Hills, Del Monte. MJB,
Mis* Winifred Spencer, a former tion.
mals In Oregon are now worth much
""i11" 111 ■■■... ..
S A W, or any one of hundreds of
more than $61 a head.
’ not been charted sixty years ago. Of
possible items is unimportant. The when the war to over.
vital tactor is that the choice is yours.
Your right to choose between a course, Aust^lia is excluded, being
Government officials say the army
By this very choice you and mil­ {Buick or a Chrysler or between Del ‘ considered a continent,
cafitontndbta ai Medford and Corval­
lions of other Americans exercise a J
Turning to the dictionary we found lis will require 20,000 gallons of milk
f Monte tand SAW may become an
most powerful control over the quali­ extremely precious privilege before .hat after Greenland Ond New Guinea, a day. At that rate the drain will
ty of the products you buy.
! long. -Don’t loy it.
Borneo came third with over 289 be rather severe on the dairy herds
The various companies selling the,
.thousand square miles and Madagas- when, at the same time, they must
same products try to out-do each j We -may be oRLfaShioned but we
' car fourth with 226 thousand. How­ provide lor civilian needs.
other in the effort to give you the must say that the conservative tn ap­ ever, the 1942 issue of the World’s Al­
“mostest of the bestest” in each price pearance first page of the Oregonian manac gave Borneo orily 206 and
One of Henry J. Kaiser’s jobs is
bracket. Each company tries to make Monday morning impressed us as Madagascar 241. thousand square to convince aircraft makers that he
you buy its own brand name in the being much more attractive .than the miles, thus reversing their order, does not intend competing with them;
various price brackets.
flamboyant first page
~ now effected None of the atlases consulted _ IV«- -bls proposition is to build something
Because one name competes with by most of the metropolitan press. | definite information, nor did they give larger than they are fabricating and
another, each tries to offer something Devoting the top half of the page to any idea of the size of Baffin Land— his proposed planes would be de-
that will make you buy it
one or two scare heads does not fur­ all of which was very baffling. ’
voted exclusively to carrying cargoes.
Take away the brand names, and nish a great deal of news.
About half the aircraft made in the
the incentive fur companies to com- i
Did yon, know that the northeast United States comes from plants on
pete in quality and price is elimina­
corner of New Guinea, where the the west coast. Airship makers are
ted—the competitive and progressive
Australians are trying to dislodge the only part of the opposition Kaiser
spirit that has made America the na­
was once called Kaiser Wilhelm must overcome if he is to turn out
tion it is today, the greatest produc­ Electric A Manufacturing Company
The people are with
and after the last war was one 70-tonners.
tion center in the world.
men who have the say
The Examiner points out that mer­ machine shop scraps to build 10 Army
are not, although they gave him lip
chandise on the shelves may take on
Did you know that New York was service when he Was in the national
an unfamiliar appearance if the gov­ copper are removed from the scrap,
to England by th« Netherlands capital.
ernment should decide to eliminate
for Dutch Guiana on the
the various brands and then substitute
at South America? Pos­
standard "grade" labels for all canned
alloys for re-use in West/hghouse sibly the deal was not so bad for th«
goods regardless of what company
Dutch as they are now receiving a as to the measure except that it will
makes them.
fortune for the bauxite exports for make the taxpayer know there is a
If this Js done, the producers will
aluminum manufacture while the war on. One suggestion sent in by
lose the incentive to improve the
lost New York the next cen­ an Oregon man is that $1 a week be
quality of their production or to
imposed on every man and women
lower their operating costs so that
until the war is over in lieu of all
lower prices and better foods can be
other taxes for the individual.
• r
offered to the consumer.
number of the large war industries,
In that case, you, the consumer,
Admiral Kimmel, who is now
with government contracts, have op­
would enter the neighborhood grocery retired pay of $6,000 is indirectly re­
posed the super-excess profits tax,
to ask for a can of peaches, grade L ceiving more money from the U. S.
explaining that if this tax works out
2, 3, or perhaps 4. You would pay treasury as an employee of a firm
their profit would be reduced to not
the standard price for the grade you of engineers doing work for the navy.
more than 1.5 per cent. The bill will
select. Because you would have no The two pay checks doubtless amount
be before the senate next month and
way of knowing what company to more than his former $9,000 salary
will then go to conference, the com­
canned the peaches, you might or as head of the Pacific fleet.
promise being the tax bill for 1943.
might not get the kind of peaches you
No American patriot, of whom there
want, with the k(nd of syrup you are quite a few now, would wish to
like beat. Having no reason to do be in his shoes at any salary. ' Ills'
anything else, each plant would turn name will go down in history linked
oqt just what the government speci­ with the debacle at Pearl Harbor,
fications might stipulate and no more. although it must be said that his Su­
The Examiner says: "The whole periors in Washington, D. C., are
Washington, D. C, Aug. 19—A new
question, as far as the American peo­ also responsible for they advanced
Shortly after Pearl Harbor, the
ple are concerned, is what kind of him over other officers and retired order on buses may be of immense President asked that employment of­
an economy they want after the war. his predecessor who refused to bottle benefit to varioul Oregon communi­ fices being operated by the individual
“Scarcity and even unavailability of up the fleet on week-ends to help ties. It gives office of defense trans­ states be federalized. The governors
consumer good« is an unavoidable and Hawaiian business men and promote portation control of all buses not dis­ acquiesced and on January first the
necessary Condition of war. But it social life for the officers and their posed of and those to be built. Get­ Federal Government took over.
ting workers to and from war work is
should be k temporary condition, pre­ wives.
State employment offices had been
becoming increasingly difficult not performing two functions -job place­
vailing only as long as the war lasts
The reasonable and proper expecta­
The war in the Caucasus has only at Portland but at Corvallis and ment and payment of unemployment
Under the new arrange­ benefits. Having obtained the sanc­
tion of the people is that the return brought one familiar word into the Medford.
of peace will bring about a restoration news along with Kuban, Azerbajan- ment a bus for the city can be pur­ tion of the various states to take over
of a normal and desired way of life. ians, Orjbnikidee—and that is Cir­ chased through ODT, with a proviso job placement only, the Federal Gov­
This could not possibly be realized, if cassian. The inhabitants of the Ku­ that when ODT wishes to send it to ernment with its avid appetite for
the fundamental institutions of that ban district are Circassians, a very some other section it csfn do so. A more and more power, proceeded to
way of life had been destroyed In the warlike tribe; also walnut lumber was bus, in this arrangement, is ever usurp the administration of unem­
meantime . . . The burden rests on shipped from there before the firth under the control of ODT and will ployment benefits as well.
American enterprise to preserve it­ world war and bedroom furniture of probably bear the ODT insignia.
Much friction has resulted. The
A city bus cannot operate more states rightfully contend that tliey
self ... -
Circassian walnut was very popular
than 2000 miles a month, about 66 cannot properly administer their own
• There seems to be a definite dan­ thirty years ago.
miles a day. Granta Pass, sending unemployment benefits effectively
ger that certain theorists in the feder­
workers to the Medford cantonment,
al government would like to use the
Rats are creating a very live and or Salem sending workers to the can­ through Federal employees over
present war as an excuse to make
frisky problem on Coos Bay at pres­ tonment at Corvallis, or Salem to whom they have no authority.
permanent changes in the American
On April 2<), state officials aired the
Inhabitants there should be
Portland shipyards, are eligible to an matter before the Home Appropria­
way of life. These people know that
thankful the rodents are not of the
inter-city bus, which is limited to tions Committee and followed thiR
as long as a free press lives they can
species of bush rata which our ma­
4000 miles a month. These limiter up by appearing before the Senate
never be completely successful. They
rines are encountering in their seiz­
tions are made to preserve tires for Appropriations Committee on June
know that in Europe personal liber­
ure of the Solomon islands where
what may be the duration. If ODT 12.
ties were destroyed soon after free­
some of them are as large as Rabbits
decides that a bus is needed some­
dom of the press was abolished. They
Apparently the House of Represen­
Aw, rata!
where else the first purchaser is tatives is beginning to realize the
therefore seek to place, financial ob-,
paid the first cost of the bus minus a danger of concentrating too much
stacles in the path of newspapers by
Having read that Madagascar was small percentage for each month the power in Washington. The House
discouraging the use of insUtutional
advertising by the larger companies. tiie third largest island in the world, bus has operated.
♦4' *
‘ ' 'r'" ' ’
* - ;Gammijtee has . reported and the
Linoleum Rugs
er Furniture
■1 X*-*.-
1 -J!
of all kinds including
War Bisk Insurance
The only exclusive insurance Agency in Southwest Oregon
After a hot day
at the office
•1.25 rt
For Generation»—A Groat Kentucky Whitkey
National Distillers Products Corp , N. Y
• W I Proof
• Fragment»
•••• ••••
of Fact
and Fancy
• ••••• « ••
More Federal
Áiñericá‘% economic
ffnttRe h
passed H
H • 7181. the
>ut Which
W.,r department refuses to store all I.abor Federal Security Bill for 1943,
just as the news columns inform them! Baffin Land Consulting an out-of-
df news events that transpire through- > date issue of Encyclopaedia Britan-
out th« world.
I nica, we found it listed New Guinea
The newspapers must Arry on their as the largest island in the world,
job of serving the American people, in with about three hundred thousand
order that they may remain the besb- square miles It was considered the
informed people in the world and H largest until this century
much of
order that they may have the greatest Greenland’s icy waste, now known to
amount of freedom of any people be 736 thousand square mile«, had
This bill provides that Federal
salaries shall not be paid to those
spending more than half time admin­
istering state unemployment compen­
sation taws; and that pending the re­
turn to state control after the war,
former state employees shall be paid
at state salary levels. Before this
article appears in print, the Senate]
* ■
Walla, Pendelton and Pasco will each
have their own gasoline storage facil­
ities. Ordinarily? in peace time, says
the war department, it would be good
business to consolidate the supplies
at a convenient spot, but war presents
a different picture and costs are for­
gotten. The war policy is to distrib­
ute gasoline depots and thiu make it
you buy
ir bouse
(2) BEAUTY. Nowhsr. will
you get mors for your money
in 5*s
I hmwin - W illi am *
beautiful «rail
iroom, hc4l,jiy«,
bom«. In colors
Th* quick-drying, one-coat Miamol anyone
con um Give sparkling color to furniture,
woodwork, toys, occasional piece«. Wash­
able Choice of 16 colors.
your color
— Phone 103M