The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 20, 1942, Image 1

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At The Japs
f t 0. WEBB UH
CITY council
Alf OftiéiVFrs
Receive Pins
Through the kindness of E. L.
Detlefsen, who contributed them« a
set of scales has been set up in the
Jack Dolan garage on Hall street,
where scrap metal will be received
during the campaign which starts lo­
cally next week.
Saturday of next week, Aug. 2B, has
been designated as “Junk Rally*’ day,
the day on which it Is expected to
start the huge campaign al! over the
United States to salvage and put into
fighting equipment and material all
the scrap metal there is in this coun­
.. 7 ,
... •'..
bULF («
C’oos county volunteer workers.wbo
jave been watching the skies over
)regon, night and day, ever since, the
7th of December, received recognition
The following men registered with
The city caucus for the nomination for their faithful
The Coquille Valley
service, at the court
_ GoK
___ Club was
The name of E. D. Webb to fill the of candidntas for mayor, recorder and I house Monday,
the County Selective Service Board
when they were pre-
«’ene of unprecedented activity
vacancy caused by Everett J. Seeley’s 1 three councilmen will be held at 7:30 sented witli Service Pins by reprp- and hilarity last Friday evening. It
No. 2 will be inducted into the Armed
resignation from the city council was 1 p. m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22, in the sentatives of the (V Fighter Com- an started when the winner on last
Forces during the latter part of
unanimously approved by the city Community Building. The date and mand, with Clarence Coe, Coos county | *«dy’s day offered to feed the men
fathers Monday evening when it was place was set by the council at the civilian defense chairman, and Floyd if they wanted to come out and work
Robert Fults, Coquille. - -•
presented by Mayor Milne. The ap­ Monday evening Session.
George Elmer Wooley, M.
Robb, head of the county’s air raid on the course.
pointment is for the rest of thia cal­
Mayor R. F. Milne who has served service, jn attendance.
Harold Vance Ocheltree, Coquille
The men accepted with alacrity and
endar year. ■;
• w the city as its chief executive for two
Frank V. Spencer, Dellwood.
Mrs. Merle McKay, of Kentuck In­ by mid-afternoon were out in force,
City Engineer Geurhdrt was au­ terms will not consent to be a candi­ let, had the- longest observation' time arrried with sickles, shovels, rakes
Leal!« Kenner Giles, Bandon.
thorized to secure workmen, if the date again this year. One reason is to her credit—more than 5<)io hours and brush hooks. Wljat twenty-five
Iva Wilson Moss, Lebanon. 1
Harry Leoboldt Lorenz, Bandon.
’’Throw your scrap into the fight city mew Was too busy to handle the, that M expects to be called for ser­ She explained how she had made that men did in three or four hours staggers
Against the Jape and the Nazis’’ is a job«, and repair ttye, underpinning of vice by the end, of the year and record when she said the station was belief. What they did later with
Frank Geqrgo, Coquille.
demand being made by the federal thrfe of the bridges in town.’ Mr. another is that he feels the honor located on her back porch and that knives and forks was atsn creditable.
Harold Seldon Smith, Coquille.
site had sat there for hours during
The boys who slice on No. 1 were
Frank Stevenson Lupton, Bullards. government, and Coos county ranch­ Gearliart’s report showed that the should be passed around.
Mayor Milne has made an excellent ti>e day, knitting and listening for down there swamping out the woods.
es, camps, plants, and even homes Beach street. Henry street and Fourth
Wilfred Owens, Portland.
should be able to furnish many hun­ street approach to the Henry street record the past four years in the of­ planes. *
We hear they found a bucket full of
Orlan Charles Davis, Coquille.
dreds of thousands of tons of needed bridges were all in need of repairing fice. He has watched city expenses
Fred Bull, chief air observer fur lost balls among the poison oak. We
Alvin A. Keytar, Riverton.
at one or more pointe.
insM$ WR
carefully, cutting out, with the coun­ Coquille, says that the station here hope that was all they got.
Mac Hill Sutphin, Myrtle Point.
Tile Smith Wood Products offer to cil's approval, all unnecessary ex­ has a 100 per cent perfect record, not
The creek on No. Ill was a busy
James Leslie Blanton, Coquille.
pay $300 a year as stand-by c
pense items, without detracting from one plane iuiving gone this way with­ spot. A crew of seven or eight men
William Gustave Klein, Bandon.'
for fire protection and $50 for
the service an administration should out being reported by some of the «4 were down in the bottom slashing
Wilton Endicott, Powers.
call the fire department answered at give in the protection of citizens and men in the Coquille crew.
out trees and brush and opening up
LeRoy Francis Rice, Coquille.
the plant was accepted by the city.
their, property.
Those receiving awards at the cer­ a beautiful vista. They had pockets
Harley Stephen Morehouse, M. P.
Mr. Kite, who had previously asked
The natural successor, in view of emony Monday and who had more full of lost balls, including many dol­
John Francis Fitzimmons, Bullards
This, Thursday, evening is the time for a permit to hauling piling down
to" fine rp-'ord he hes made as coun­ -than 100 hours to their credit were lar ones put in there by a certain af- *
Edwin Elbert Campbell, Coquille.
when the new dim-out regulations go Second street and out on ^e Myrtl>
cilman, is Claire M. Gray. He has Chief Observers: Floyd Robb, Mrs. fluent member.
William Grap Smith, Powers.
into effect, and according to word Point highway, made a further re­
taken hold of city affairs during his Lucille Hennessey, Powers;
The work done on No. IV green and
Bruce Da I win Thompson, Coquille. from Gen. DeWitt’s office in San
quest Monday evening—that two or two-yduf term as .councilman, in a Hainey, Gaylord: L, B. Jennings, Re­ No. V tee, by a crew headed by
Elmer Clare Brtoet,<oquille.
Francisco, those regulations are to three parking stalls at the west end
.business-like and efficient mannei mote; Henry A. Brownson, Bridge; “Dutch" Clinton was most amazing.
John Henry Warnock, Cottage G. be rigidly enforced by the army.
of the Drane building be blocked off aacl ha., been connected with the Charles Mack, Bridge; Fred True, One truck load after another of weeds
Orville Edward Roady, Sjtkum.
In Coquille the regulations will for the next month to enable him to
ramifications of municipal admini­ Broadbent; Mrs. Cart Fisher, Bandon; was grubbed out and hauled away.
Donald Woodward Stryker, Bandon. not interfere with present practices,
make the turn around the Roxy stration to know what it is all ubout. Albert Bezusky, Myrtle Point; Frank “Dutch’! had his truck half full of~
Charles Gordon Hanscom, Coquille. since the street lamps have been
building corner. The piling will run
There may be other candidates Burbank, Arago; Paris -Ward and lost balls when he quit.
Jim Harris Carter, Bandon.
painted to prevent a glow being from 90 to 115 feet in length and ne­
names have not yet been sug­ Chas. Geitner, Coquille; Mrs. Wilma
A couple of boys who habitually go
Roscoe Lynn Miller, Myrtle Point. thrown upward.
Of course, neon gotiating that turn is a ticklish busi­
gested but the voters would go a HUI, Marshfield; Frod Bull, Coquille; into the ditch across No. V fairway
Warren Allen Hathaway, Riverton. signs are out for the duration, but
ness. The councilmen agreed to the; long way to find a better man for William Sherwood, Marshfield; Kaye cleaned it slick as a whistle. But the
Peri Frank Miller, Coquille.
cars traveling at night will not be, "no parking" sign there for a month.
the office than Claire Gray.
F. Howard, Hauser; . Mis. McKay, biggest transformation of all was on- -
Geno Elbert Cornwell, Coquille.
bothered unless they are down closer
The request of the Liotta dub bond ■ For city recorder Frank G. Iwslie Kentuck Inlet; Mrs Charles McCuU VI. Stewart Norton in gum boots
Walter Ivol Pickett, Bandon.
to tl»e coast line.
committee that city employees —entitled to another term on his rec- touch, North Bend. -
was yp to his knees in gumbo. He
Erwin Laird, Moab, Utah.
R. L. Stewart tried out his car, asked to subscribe for ten per eent at
if U1<>re were n„
a canal all the Way through that,
William Webb Mart, Myrtle Point. with the dim-out Tights installed,
their salaries in bonds each montor^
him. He has been a were T. S. Easton, Coquille; Sadie fairway. He said he didn’t go in
Ralph Alexander Smith, Riverton. Monday evening and says that there
led Orville Wood to declare that he tBjthfu) and careful custodian of the Larson, North Bend: Mrs. O’SuUivan,
(Continued on page six)
James Fred Moulton, Norway.
is enough light to drive by but that would subscribe 25 per Cent of his
rtH>ol.d. s. u courteous affable Cherry creek - way; Helen Hollen­
Elmer Roekoy Robison, M. P.
2U miles an hour is the maximum salary as councilman for bonds if wld
4nd every ,nan ’who hag
beck. Essie Rempelos, Oscar Berg.
Frank Wesley Trigg, Norway.
speed for safe driving.
JO tne
as police judge A. L. Isaaks, L. J. Morin, E. M
Lyle Davis Watson, Lacomb.
knows that Frank Iteslie is a square Holmes and J. H. McNeil, North Bend
•Charles Henry Brown, Remote.
’ that shooter.
William Todd Crump, Portland.
Ttte councilmen whose terms ex
Frederick «most Wtarde, Coquille
Burton W. Dunn will give another
” •rttpire are Geo. W. Taytor, C. M. Gray
1. P.
of hta talks at the city hall at 7 Jo
• »»W • ’ W V J
X . . o’clock this (Thursday*) evening on
Woodrow Wilson Aubin, Powers.
gas* bombing and attacks, reporting
over the weekend from Coos Inde­ Heights, was referred to the watci
Warren Edward Gilbert, Molalla.
Mr. and Mrs. Itee Hand eame in the information he secured when he
pendence Mine on Iron Mountain department. It is a one-inch pipe,
Harry Eugene Morgan, Gaylord
last Friday night from Eagle Point attended the school in Seattle recent­
where he ami two other men are now corroded and there are several
Chariee Rider, Bandon.
where they have been living while ly
getting out the strategic metal. He houses upAhere which do not have a
Andrew Jackson Wilson, Coquille.
he was at work on the cantonment
E. T. Steiie, chairman of the local
reports that tor the 31 and one-sixth sufficient running supply.
Gilber George Ges I in, Albany.
near Medford. The strenuous work­ Necessities Division, urges that all
The mayor and recorder were au­
(tons of metab which they delivered
Donald Ray LaBranch, Bridge.
out there seems to have agreed with who have not attended one of these
■ to. the stock pile here, they had net­
Clifford Berryman JsnningsTRmte.
Lee. He lost 30 to 40 .pounds in , cl tisses conducted by Mr. Dunn, make
ted $50.43 per ton, all grade A chrome, to John P. Reddy and W. H. Maben from Marshfield on Tuesday, was ac­
weight and is as hard as nails. They it a point to attend this evening, es­
Harold Sexton Anderson, Rdsport.
the net including the premium re­
do not know just what they will do pecially the men's Canteen Corps.
William Frederick Trott, Bandon
ceived for 47.7 per cent Chrome. He previously contracted for and the Mrs. Wm. Miller, of Seattle, tbelr
Robert Louis King, Myrtle Point.
yet or where they will go. He has
Mr. Steiie reports that his group
says they find chrome chunks there terms of which contracts have been daughter. Mrs. E. E. Porter, and her
Lester LeRoy Randleman, Yachats. from the size of a penny up to some complied with.
son. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were former been given a .1A classification by the has completed the survey of all es­
Lester James Bruce, Coquille.
A restaurant license application by Coquille residents who left here 42 selective service board and if he is tablishments in Coquille which man­
weighing 75 pounds. He says they
called into the service Mrs. Hand may ufacture food, such as Swift & Co.,
Alfred Lee Obrnwqll, Coquille.
are doing all the work with picks and Mrs. Bonnie Walker for the Tip Top, years ago and they looked ail ajver
i and Cream O’Coos, as well as all the
Elbert Luverette Talton, Sylacouga, shovels, just surface work, but that and a card room license request by town, locating very few places which remain here.
Since lhe above was put in type, stores which retail food and the res­
Uine is a splendid opportunity tiiere Abe Roberta for the Rex Tavern, looked familiar.
Raymond Miller, Myrtle Point.
Mr. Miller was a printer in those Mr. Hand,, who is a veteran of the taurants which purvey it. The re­
f<*r a man with a cut to >,o in on u were granted and the accompanying
Warren Harding Householder, Co.
days, working on the Herald, publish­ first World War, has beaten the se­ port made a paper bundle two inches
partnership basis.
The cat would bonds approved.
Arden Lee Harrah, Coquille.
ed by John Dean, and The Bulletin, lective service board to~ it 'and this thick bq^ it is comprehensive and
enable them to really dig out the
Stacy Edwin Ward. Myrtle Point.
every item of supplies which are
predecessor of the Sentinel, which week enlisted in the Navy, at the gives
ctooine and other minerals wluch
Marshfield recruiting office. He will < on hand and which might be needed
James Kenneth Neal, Myrtle Point
their efforts so far have shown tliem
leave Monday for Portland to take his in case of a bombing attack.
Eugene Bickford Bartlett, M. P.
now living in Indianapolis, Ind.
ta there.
Oran Vance Holbrook, Riverton.
The committee has also made a re­
Mrs. Neal, whose maiden name was final examination.
Howard Dewight Wallace, Coquille.
survey of the housing situation in
Imogene Alexson, said she helped
Donald George Willett, Coquille.
Coquille, listing available accommo­
Mrs. R. A. Wernich intends leaving get out the Herald once, when a small
Boris Gene Zinn, Remote.
dations for people from other towns
the first of next week on a business
in this section should the improbable
trip east, expecting to be gone six over the forms on the old Washington
weeks or longer.
She will go by
As the advertising placards, distrib­
..... » 1 —
Mr. and Mrs. Miller said they
stage, stopping at Minneapolis, Minn.,
Mrs. Belle Knife, head nurse at
uted around town this week, say.
where she will visit relatives and at­ passed through Coquille 18 years ago the hospital which* bears Jier name,
“There is no ceiling on fun," and
tend to the business which takes her but that this was the first time they had' found it difficult to keep her
torpsichorean fans will find that is
east. She will then go on to the At­ had stopped in towa aince 1900. They mind on her duties since Monday
Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Milne returned quite true when they attend the dance lantic coast, stopping in New York are visiting Mrs. Neal in Marshfield when she became a gradnmother to
Sunday from Portland where he went | l_n lhe new c«luUI‘‘ Community
for a few days.
and Boston.
aft 8% pounds boy. He is the son of
Clarence Osika, high school prin­
the first of last week to take an ex­ Building on Saturday evening of
During her absence Mrs. Catherine
»Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brodie, of Myr­ cipal, states that beginning next Mon -
amination in connection with his re­
Maynard Will ac< as society reporter
tle Point, the mother being the former day morning, Aug. 24, he will be in
There will however, |
be a ceiling
instatement in the Army Reserve.
for the Sentinel.
Her telephone
LaVerne Knife. He has been named his office to interview students who
• While all dentists in the U. S., up to on the huge hall after the dance for number is 242, but those having items
Benjamin Edmund Brodie after his will attend high school this coming
M years of age. have been placed in that is the purpose for which the to report to her are "notified that as
two grandfathers—Ben Knife, of this year, and register them.
Class 1 A, the doctor does not believe committee is giving the dance—to she is employed during the day she
Lieut, and Mrs. Robert H. Keudell city, and E. E. Brodie, of Norway,
he will be called to service before raise funds for finishing the building. can only be reached at her home in
Coquille visitors yesterday, He is a very husky youngsters and
The fact also that Bum Gartln’s
his term as mayor of Coquille ex-
the evening.
on their way north to Salem the many friends of the parents will
Silver Spray dance orchestra » to
pires the first of the year.
and Mrs. C. G. Caughell. be glad to know that both mother and
furnish the music is further proof
are sisters, Mrs. Ken- babe are doing well.
that it will be everything one could
Jennie Lindros,
wish for at a dance.
“Take my adv out, I have sold it,
who resided in Coquille for some Medford Cohple And Family
“said Joe Albini Monday morning,
Visit Sisters Here Last Week
Mrs. Mineau Has Three
referring to his adv in last week's
Lieut. Keudell, wlio had just com­
• s*.
. ■
~ “tj •
z '
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Woodward Sentinel offering for quick sale his
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harbison, who pleted a course at Norfolk, Va., and
There has been good response the
Mrs. W. J. Mineau, of Sanford are leaving soon for Portland; where in North Carolina on cable and mine of Medford, their daughter, Mrs. Cur­ 25 acre rartoh and equipment. He
past week to this paper’s advertise­
tis Jester, and hertfdaughter Penny, had a dozen inquiries, some of them
ment last Thursday thjt the Sentinel Heights, is receiving a visit from two he will be engaged in defense in- laying, was sent to a camp in south-
♦mm Jten An«onk». Texas, and a Thurwtay
will he «oemMed t*
man '"T»rn
as «non
Is .".vcclt. Sgt. Kenneth
Ceiitorma nini stopped «1 AJwU*
friend, Mrs. Charlotte Matoon, from Sentinel and shopper, were out. That
urmwi forces for $1 a year, just one- Mineau from an army post near Salt agement of Bergen's Better Blossoms to take his wife down with him.
half the regular subscription price. Lake City, Utah, and Leon Mineau, shop here by Ralph Cochran and his When he arrived at Camp Hawn he San Francosco, left Sunday evening Is the same kind of a statement the
That rate, in a year’s time» amounts yeopian second class.U S. Navy, visits sister, Mrs. Ruth Rost, who have had found orders awaiting him to re- for Medford after being here since Sentinel (has received dozens of times
tdMir * ■
r tarty . . a» . .
Dim-Out Rules In
Effect This Evening
Class Tonight On
Gas Bomb Control
Bringing Chrome
From T
Little Of Coquille
Looked Familiar
Mrs. Wernich To
Be Gone Six Weeks
Ceiling For Halt,
Not On Fun
Husky Boy To
The Eldon Brodies
Thinks He Can Finish
H. S. Registration
Term As Mayor
Starts Next Monday
Visitors Yesterday
At Caughell Home
Sentinel Adv
The $1.00 A Year
Rate Is Still On
Makes Quick Sale
Ralph and Ruth
To Operate Bergen's
when he had fini
with it, to one son, Richard, in the U. S. Navy. He
of the soldiers or sailors or marine*. is at school at the Navy Training
There is no limit to the number fit School at San Diego.
such subscriptions the Sentinel will
Dr. and Mrs James Richmond has
just received word from their son,
Mr and Mrs. Cecil Laws came in Jim, who has been taking a specicl
last Saturday from Fresno, Calif., to course in 'Eugene, that he has success­
spend two weeks here visiting their fully passed his examinations for en­
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Laws listment in the Army Air Corps. He
and Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Compton Ce­ does not know yet where he will be
sent for training.
cil has a two weeks’ vacation.
Both of them were raised In the '
greenhouse and" florist business and
are most capable at making up '
flower arrangements tor ail occa­
sions. Mr. Cochran is a for/ner em­
ployee of Bergen’s while Mrs. Rost '
is a newcomer |n Coquille. They
take over the management of the
business on Sept. 1.
[was to
| which he thought would be engaged
in mine laying, but where he did
not know.
Mrs. Keudell was returning to Sa­
lem to remain there until learning
whether she could join her hus­
band in the east or not.
Mrs. Jane Williams of this city and
the visitors spent most of the time at
the Lamb cottage at Bandon. The
husbands of the younger ladies are
both in the service, Mr. Jester in
Texas and Mr. Matoon is now in
. _____ ,------- m A
George Gratke is off duty at the
B. P. W. Conference at Toledo
* The district conference of the B. P. bank for a week or more, having un-
The Rebekahs will have their ini­ W. for the coast district will be held dergone a major operation at the Co-
quille hospital on Tuesday.
Aug 22 and 2& at Toledo
tiation Tuesday, Aug 25.
Named U. S. Typewriter1
Purchasing Depot In Coquille
The H. S. Norton Music & Station­
ery has been named as official U. S.
purchasing depot for typewriters in
The government desires
to purchase al»ut a million typewrit­
ers and anyone having a machine
which they are willing'to dispose of
should contact Mr. Norton at once.