An electric signal hook-up has re­ cently been perfected which warns the pilot when an airplane is flying through an atmosphere where ice may form on the wings. LOST—One white sow from truck on Coquille-Myrtle Point highway, on Tuesday tills week. Finder 4-ROOM HOUSE and bath, 2% acres please notify S. W. Greer, Myrtle of ground. >595 cash or 3650 with Point. it* terms. 731 East Uth st, Coquille, Oregon. Inquire at 0»1 East 11th, FOR RENT -Sleeping room, with or Coquille. 2t*s without board. Close in. Inquire Flora Dunnef, 351 S. Henry It GOING TO DO SOME PAINTING?' ' Use Republic paint and get a better I job- It’s economical, too. it El,WOOD. . FARR, BUILDING MATERIALS—We stock S all kinds of building materials and builders hardware. Farr A El­ FOR SALE— At a bargain, four-room wood. - ’ . • home on Coquille Heights, with bath and breakfast nook, fireplace, gar­ FOR RENT 3-room furnished house, age and laundry; located walking on Collier near Second. Nicely distance from Smith Wood-Prod­ furnished, including piano. Phone ucts. Terms it desired. See J. S. ISM. Mrs. Mary Gage. . Its Barton, The Title Co., CoquiUe, Oregon. Call 21J or 72M. 23tf St, Janies* Episcopal Church Another Appeal For Reports On Fish Caught In 1M2 Anglers are urged again to report tiie results ot each of their Robing tripe to the Game Commission on the special orange colored catch record cards furnished for this purpose and which can be secured from all fish­ ing resorts, licensed dealers and state police officers. The game department is particularly anxious to have as complete informs- Car. 3rd and Elliott Streets The Rev. Charles M. Guilbert, Vicar Sunday, July It 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion and Sermon. Celebrant and Preaqher, The Rev. George R. Turney, Rector of Emmanuel Church, Marshfield. SPRAY PAINTING, House Painting, Riof Staining. For an estimate on your job call Lloyd R. Hunteley, »RS, Myrtle Point. • 23t4*s tian room jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch YOU CAM BUT WEW TIRES and RECAPS Attention to Details MISS INEZ ROVER Instructor of Piano CLASSICAL and MODERN STATE ACCREDITED bone 2»L IM West Secai LADY IN ATTENDANCE Gano EuneraJ Home Trades on Tractors Af> office it prepared to »teure your certificate Phone 83 Night Phone 181M from any »tate in the Union Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick SOUTHWESTERN MOTORCO. Acrom th« atmet from ths Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Orogon-Novada-California Fast Freight Office Phone Flan 4b Bhangd M