• ■ ‘ .-¿à V-.. 1 V ' UGON. THÇUDAY, JULY S, «■■I» " J______ Hear Dr. J. Murphee Friday Evening Dr. Murphee will bring to the peo­ ple of Coquille a rare opportunity to hear from the field in Africa, first hand information regarding the work there. Dr. Murphee is a missionary who has recently come home and has a vivid story to tell us. He will be at Pioneer Methodist church on Fri­ day evening at I o’clock. A free will offering will be received for his expenses. All who are interested, re­ gardless of church affiliation, may attend. Opportunity for questions will be given. Misses Lunelle Chapin and Mar­ jorie Jones. C. H. S-. instructors, ar­ rived here Saturday morning, after leaving Salem at four o’clock, in time to ride on the Bachelor Girls’ float in- the parade. Miss Aqn Hawkins, who was here for the double holiday, was accom­ panied Sunday afternoon on her re­ turn to Salem, by Rolfe Fuhrman, who had been down on the Sixes ranch and was going to Portland to get ’a job for the summer. Dorothy Gray Leg Show (Liquid Stockings) Fuhrman's Pharmacy OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8:00 ror v io GRAND SHOWS ssion Adulta 30c Kiddies 11c - 1 2 1 Dick Vinton, son of Mr and Mrs. E. L. Vinton who formerly lived here on South Coulter street, was a Co­ quille visitor from Portland on the 4th. ’ The county court on Tuesday granted a leave of absence for the duration to Kenneth Lane, employee in the county highway department, who will join the army. fe.’ "m.ui“ i Resurfacing The Mr and Mr». Earl Graham were greeting old friends here on the Fourth. They are now living at Charleston on the Bay, where he, is engaged in deep sea fishing. East Fork Road FEATURE NO. 2 TWO GREAT STARS JOIN FORCES ...to eloon up bad men ... and Mrs. Ed McKeown received • tele­ phone call from her son Patrick, last week, telling her that he was leaving for Virginia. whoop up songs of the plains! ¿I LATEST NEWS /ÉÜbx HUk-Pkl.-SAT. JULY9-10-11J ONLY A MATCHLESS CAST COULD HAVE GIVEN YOU SO MEMORABLE AN-ADVENTURE! *