The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 09, 1942, Image 1

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VOL. xxxviii .
NO. M.
About $1200 Was-
| Netted For The
Community Building
Five-Year Old
Found Tuesday
Sergeant Irving Ijirson, at the lo­
cal state police, received a call Tues­
day morning Aom Gold BeaSh that
88.M THE V«'«
Judge J. T. Brand
Made Fine Address
Introduced by Judge Dpi M. King
who succeeded him on the Coos dis­
trict court bench when he was named
associate justice of the Oregon su­
preme court. Judge Jas. T. Brand ex-‘
pressed his pleasure at being back in
Cooi county for a few hours when
he addressed the Fourth of July
throng here last Saturday afternoon.
He characterized Coos as the best
county of the best state of the best
country in the world.
His address was directed princi­
pally to the "second reserve” as he
referred to those not in the nation’s
fighti'ng forces but who are supplying
Pioneer Picnic Is
Sel For July 26
In Myrtle Grove
the five-year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
The best parade held in Coquille Lions Club, 1st; Dick Buckles truck,
Memory Thompson, of Reedsport,
The Coos and Curry Pioneer As­
had been found at an early hour that in two decades wai the unanimous 2nd.
sociation president, Walter Laird, al­
morning. .
opinion of the thousands who wit­
Patriotic character—O. K. Rubber
though very busy making hay while
The boy had., been missing since nessed the July 4th Victory Celebra- 1 Welders wheelbarrow load of scrap
the sun shines, has also appointed
the Fourth when he wandered away tion line-up last Saturday qtorning rubber, 1st; the Bachelor Giris’ float,
committees and formulated plans for
from camp while his parents and as it wended it way over the ten 2nd.
the annual get-together session of
others were fishing on Silver creek, block course, the head getting back
Automobile—John Leslie, on his
Pioneers in the Myrtle Grove, Co­
somewhere near Agness.
quille* on the regular date, the last
• • 1st; Myrtle Gardens, 2nd.
At least 100 men had been scouring passed that point.
Sunday of July, which this year is
The judges-^Mrs. Jas. T. Brand, of ' Horse drawn vehicle—J. L. Smith,
that rough country for him and he
on the 28th.
was found up on a mountain by f*hil Salem ;Mrs.O. C. Sanford, of Go- (he must have been . the vehicle even
Officers and trustees are—unani­
Adams of Gold Beach. He was ap­ qqiile, and Fred Inghum,' of Seattle— though on the horse’s back) , 1st;
mous. so far' as can be ascertained,
parently none the worse for his nearly had a difficult job cut put for them Sunset Dairy, 2nd.
the equipment', armament and money in approving tl>e liolding of this, reg- ”
three days in the
woods, according ;'n deciding what entries should be
Saddle horse and rider — B. W. to keep the fighting forces- on the ular meeting *»f -Pioneers in the ac­
geant Larson received. I awarded prizes in the many classifi- 'Dunn, 1st;Bob Geaney’s boy on pony, battle line.
to the word .Sergeant
* . ’
customed central community center.
---------- —,——------
I cations for which prizes were award- 2nd
A few peopltf profess to think the
Expanding on the tiiought that thi
Decorated bicycle — Laura Emily |M-ople of the United States are a meeting should be called off but this
The .selection of the army contingent Ruble, 1st; Joyce and Helen Taylor, nation of builders, he asked, ‘What would be a great disappointment to
<.f jeeps, peeps, trucks, motorcycles 2nd
are we fighting for?” and answered many who feature this event as one
and mess truck, as winner of the
Pets—Billy Church and his two it by the declaration that it is not of the high lights of the year.
81500, leaving a net of 81200 which
At the business session of the Pi­
Harris Ellsworth, republican can- grand sweepstakes award of 925 was bobcat kittens in a cage, 1st; “Scot­ for material wealth or conquering of
will be turned over to the building
territory, but to avoid confinement oneer Association, held last July and
I didate for congress from the new especially popular, but the reading ty”, 2nd.
fund when all items have been paid
of the winners' list by Tall ant Green­
Old time Character—Mrs. George within the wails of hatred which Hit- i presided over by the retiring prem­
southwestern Oregon fourth district,
To expedite the settling up of
was a Coquille visitor on the Fourth. ough that afternoon brought loud ap- Martin of the Sumner Grange group, ier is erecting in Europe. "We are dent, J. E. Norton, the following of-
cairns, President Wood of the Cham­
1st; no second.
alao fighting to save the lives of gen- ficers were chosen for this year: Wal-
He was accompanied from Roseburg plause for each one announced. .
ber of Commerce, requests that all
Parade Chairman J. L. Smitif, an ( Comic entry — The-Stiles boy, a erations which will be bom for the ter Laird, of Myrtle Point, president;
bills be turned in at once so that a
vice president;
Crittenden and their two sons, and old hand at lining up parade, was cart-wheeling turning, red headed next thousand years,’’ the judge said. Mary Randleman,
final check-up can be made as quick­
fearful the week before that this' down, 1st; O. K. Rubber Welders
Frank Chase.
Another point he made was that Inez R. Chase re-elected secretary -
ly as possible
It tandem bicycle, ridden by Ruby Mar- a man cannot be judged by what he treasurer.
In a letter to the Sent fuel Mr. Ells­ Fourth feature would be flop,
President Wood and committee
jnry and Wayne Schrader, 2nd.
A board of trustees was named by
worth writes: “I was . tremendously was anything but.
says. His actions give the true index
chairmen at the Tuesday noon ses­
The winners list, in addition to the . The parade was led by the police of his patriotic or treasonable real the association, selected from differ­
impressed with the size and beauty
sion all commented most favorably
j department’s recently acquired panel self.
ent parts of Coos and Curry counties
of your pew community building 1 Army, was:
on the co-operation received from all
truck, although John Leslie on his
think the library room is perfectly,
He changed Rudyard’s Kipling’s for the purpose of considering ques­
sources wheih helped make the 1942
etc.—Coos Bay Eagles, 1st; Coquille 'rapid scooter was in, through and
beautiful gnd the building is in every
"east is east and west is west, and tions of importance pertaining to the
July 4th celebration one of the best
Eagles, 2nd.
artiund all parks of the parade at all never' the twain shall meet,’’
The board members
way peifectly planned.“ *
to association.
— ever he!4 in Coquille
Defense organization -
Coquille times.
He stated that he bad not yet start­
the American soldiers and sailors were: Chas. Schroeder, Bandon; K.
firemen, 1st; Red Cross Canteen!__ Following wus the Coquille Legion
Mr. Wood said he had been in the
ed to campaign, merely appearing
have gone east and have gone west, E. Marcy and J. Albert Matson,
entertainment business for 28 years
and the Coquille High School band,
band. and they will meet and free the world Marshfield; J. H. Me Closkey and T.
wherever' there are erewds as much, group, 2nd.
- BtHtncsa or Industrial - E. L. Per- colorful in ffielr red and white uni­
as postai»te.
y- *r
of the menace of Hitler, Hirohito and- D. Guerin, Myrtle Point; Johi) Dan­
rott & Son, 1st; Rexali Store, 2nd.
reaction to what was presented by
and providing stirring music. Mussolini. They are the cancer in ielson,--North Bend; James Watson,
their facial expressions and com­
Victory Plan or Idea r- CoqUiUe
(Continued on Page Seven*
the body of the world which the Coquille; F. B. Tichenor. Pert Orford;
nr ■'
He judged last Saturday's
fighting forces will, cut G. W. Merservey, Agness;
» .
crowds the same way and expressed
Gauntlet!, Gold Beach.
but and destroy.
the opinion that everyone was mighty
Judge Brand was accorded the most
well pleased with the whole celebra­
hearty of applause both before and
I Mr. -and Mrs Frank Mxgigvy who
tion program, and not one word of
after his address.
caustte comment was heard
x (went up to St Paul. Ore.y to spend
It waa voted by the chamber that
letter* of appreciation be sent to aU Tom Hawkins, and family, were ac-
Notice is given by the Coquille
h'Of rural artwa lit
ewnpanied home .^y their three year
,—„ ------,iy ti>- protect such . arena
Fire Department that permits will be
*r, whÆ-wi
cne whose assistance in any way con­ old granddai
Two city council sessions have bean against fire and other results of an
issued upon request for the burning
tributed to making this celebration for a couple of weeks.
the past week. At the spacial attack by enemiesjm this coast wasR. L Stewart received from Franck of grass or rubbish which has been
Mr. Dungey says he saw Wm. Zosel,
the complete success it was.
former Coquille merchant who has session held last Thursday evening started Tuesday with one meeting shaw tn Marshfield yesterday the placed in piles, but that it must not
■ ■ ■
>............. " 1 *1------------
held ( 1 new dim-out regulations foe coastal be burned without the department’s
been on the state police force since the council decided to turn dowfi the for thejiorth^end of the county,
specific permit. Those desiring to
leaving here and has been atationd state's offer to rent a room at 920 at the Coos Bay MutualCreginery in 1,
at McMinnville for th? P4*t eight per month in the Community Build­ the aifternodn, and another, for the I Neon signs, unless covered at the secure a permit should contact the
department's secretary, Leroy Swin­
Bill works nights on the ing. In asking that the council take southern half, -at the court house in u,Pi ape ,uil taboo
1 r
‘ as those in Co­ ney.
police patrol and because of the such action, George A. Ulett stated the evening.
lights, such
To correct incorrect , published re- shortage of farm help has been help­ that there was room al the Smith
County Agent Geo. Jenkins, in quille’s residential district, may now
ports as to the amounts turned over ing 4 or 5 hours during thé day in Wood-Products plant where emer- charge of the program, had previously
__ iight, __
on irom __
Untu day
but Dr. Marshall Kennedy
to the 4th of July committee by the the hay fields around there. .
gency food could be stored for the named seven leading farmers as unUi the” lamps in" the business dis-
Is Called By The Navy
concessions after last Saturday’s cel­
duration and the state is to be so group heads and they met Tuesday lrict have b«n coated at the top
Dr. Marshall Kennedy, who has
ebration, O. L. Wood furnishes the
I to plan what
should be done and ’ so that there wil be ho glow upward
been associated with the Coquille
Sentinel the following, all of them
At the request of Councilman Bieg- 1 name a man and a woman for each , they are to remain dark.
Hospital for the past two or three
splitting their net profit 50-50:
ger, who commented on the dog ques­ neighborhood area, roughly three or
The new regulations make each in­ years, will report for service at the
The Eagles, 984.10.
tion, their running loose and annoy . ­ four miles along the highways and dividual home, or business place/or
Bremerton Navy Yard early next
Lions Club, 875.00.--
ing everyone with their night bark­ roads. These neighborhood leaders street light a problem by itself to be
He is a lieutenant, junior
American Legion, 847.50.
ing and depredations, City Attorney1 will work with the county control decided by-the lighting expert su­
grade, in the Navy and has been ex­
Glen Craver, soft,drink stand th- Police Reserves, did a good job last
Greenough was instructed to confer board, gettingdo all the people in their pervisor of the district and he must
Saturday in helping the regular po­
pecting the call for some time. He
side the building, 932.15.
with the county court, which under
under, area information about war time ac- check to see there is no glow cast
and Mrs. Kennedy will leave for
Rotary Club, 875.
the law has authority to license dogs, livities and farm life In general. They upward.
Bremerton on Saturday.
• Check room, by Ambulance Corps, streets free fft»m congestion, especi­ and see if the city government could * will relay authentic and late infor-
Al Peterson of the Mt. States Pow­
ally during the parade, and Chief
not lake over the handling of dogs I mation by meetings, by mail and by er Co., in Marshfield, has been ap­
Jack Arnold expressed his satisfac­ in Coquille.
’ ’
1 personal contact. The important sub-
pointed on the state dim-out com­
tion Monday evening with the way
jects at this time are the national mittee for Coos county and he will
this auxiliary police force performed
week, the resignation of Everett program controlling Inflation, rural have several busy months ahead
Figures on the amount which will
be available io help finish the Com­
munity Building as the result of last
Saturday’s celebration are not yet
available and wUl .not be until all
bills for expenses have been re-
At the Chamber of Commerce
luncheon Tuesday noon Secretary
Tailant Greenough gave roughly the
amount of receipts at 92700. Of this
amout about 9700 was from contri­
butions by business houses, 91015
from the Victory Girl contest, 9750
from the dances and 9250 or more as
the committee’s 50 per cent share of
the concession’s net. Those figures
will be given exactly when the final
report is made.
Expenses are estimated at around'
Harris Ellsworth
Impressed byBuilding
Police Officer
|In Hay Fieldf
City To Foreclose
For Delinquent
Improvement Liens
Rural Areas Are
Organized For
Any Emergency
Permit To Burn
Is Required.
Slight Change In
Dim-Out Rufes
What Concessions
Paid The Fourth
Police Reserves .
On Job Saturday
U. of 0. Athletic
Heads Were Here
Son To Rev. and Mrs
Chas. M. Guilbert
Don McEniry Passing Out
Cigars Because of New Son
and accepted. Mr. Seeley stated that
he had enjoyed working as a council­
man but that the inability to secure
sufficient help in .the Ideal Bakery
had necessitated his taking a shift
himself and that he would have no
It was a "good will” trip they were I ounces baby boy, borW to himself and time to devote to city affairs.
making in Coos county and in no Mrs. McEniry at the Coquille Hospi­
Mayor Milne said he had a num in
sense a proselyting campaign for tal Monday night The young man mind to suggest to the council to
athletes, they said.
In the party has been named Michael Kern Mc­ fill the vacancy but that he would
were "Hobby" Hobson, who played Eniry. Don said yesterday he hadn’t wait two weeks before naming him.
baseball with the Coquille Loggers yet learned the color of his Son’s The appointment would be only until
twenty years ago and is now baseball eyes, he being asleep so much of the the November election when Mr.
coach at U. of O.; "Honest John” time. This is their second child, their Seeley's term would have expired.
Warren, football coach; Anse Cornell, other being a daughter, four and one-
The city’s irrigation dates were set
of the publicity department, and John half years of age.
to begin June 15 and terminate Oct.
15, or whenever it begins to rain.
Four gentlemen from the Univer­
Don McEniry was probaby the
sity of Oregon athletics department
were Coquille visitors on Tuesday happiest man in town Tuesday as he
___ _ ...
__ _____ with
______ B. ...
in company
W. ______
Dunn, _ ' passed out the cigars, celebrating
were callers'at the Sentinel office, the arrived of a six pounds, ten
Jop Morgan Ties
A Fly At Rotary .
Jop Morgan, Rotarian, of Myrtle
Point, entertained the Rotary Club
at their meeting yesterday noon with
a most interesting talk and demon­
stration on fly tying.
Jop who is an amateur expert in
The Big One
Got Away
Dr. 'J. D. Rankin tells the story
this week of "the fish that got away.’’
He was out off Coos Bay in his boat
last Sunday and had lengthened his
line by 75 or 100 feet, with a Weight
at the end, to try for deep-lying fish.
All of a suddri here was a jerk on
Un.' line
exhibited in tying a fly showed long! |n when the lashing fish in the depths
snapped the line.
. practice.
A letter from Doris Ann Wood,
thanking the club for their loyal sup­
Lieut. Don Smith, son of Mr. and
port in the recent contest for Victory Mrs. J. L. Smith, returned last week
Giri, was read and J. S. Barton and to- the west cbast from Fort Benhing,
Orville Wood gave reports on the Georgia, where he attended officers’
a •
concessions and net returns from the training school.
He phoned his
celebration last week.
mother on the 4th that he would be
E. G. Lawrence, of Oakland, Calif.,: stationed for the present at his for-
was present as a guest
1 mer post -Camp Roberts, Calif.
S. M. Nosier said Saturday that the
first 4th of July celebration he.can
remember seeing in Coquille was 59
years ago, back in 1883. While he
was bom in the valley, his parents
moved to southern California when
he was four years old and came back
six years later, when the first cele­
bration he can remember was held.
--------- T----- ------ ——------------------------
have been compelled to do.
foreclosure summons will appear in
next week’s issue of the Sentinel.
Rev. Chas. M. Guilbert writes the
Sentinel that an eight pounds and
four ounces baby son was bom to
himself and Mrs. Guilbert at the Wil­
cox Memorial Hospital in Portland
last Friday morning. He is their sec­
ond child, their other being a daugh­
ter, and has been named Thomas .
The Krome Corporation, which an­ Grattan Parker Guilbert.
nounced it would move its black sand
and chrome operations to the lagoon
section north of the Cquille river and
east of Whiskey Run when it sus­
pended operations at Sixes sorpe
weeks ago, has a crew of more than
President O. L. Wood of the cham­
40 men at work clearing the site
and getting ready to build the plant. ber of commerce makes an appeal to
The Southwestern Engineering Co. anyone who has a bill for services
of Los Angeles is in charge of the or supplies furnished in connection
with the July 4th Victory Celebration
When completed the plant will that a statement be handed Tailant
have a capacity of 2,000 tons of pro­ Greenough, secretary, at once and
cessed chrome daily, using the beach not wait till the first of the month. It^t
sands to the west of the plant as the is desired to get all accounts paid as
material from which the concentrates quickly as possible. ,z
Krome Corporation
Plant To Be Of 2,000
Tons Daily Capacity
Prompt Settlement
Desired By C. of C.
City Engineer Gearhart reported
that the bulldozer ha A cut a fire trail
along the east 'side of the city, that
The Irrigation rate is five cents per he now has men cutting bruih along
thousand gallons after the 92 00 Hie trail, and that it will soon be
monthly minimum of water has been ready for a truck to run along it.
Fire Chief Ted Snyder asked that
The council voted unanimously to. the city's condemnation of old build-
exercise its option on the new pump- ' mg* ordinance be revised so as to
er truck for the fire department, eliminate all loop holes and make it
which has taen in use the past few legally possible to compel the re­
will be derived.
moval of old shacks in the business
A resolution was adopted ordering district which have been condemned
thé foreclosure of liens on many -Mayor Milne reported on a confer- Çÿill Wfimi
pieces of property in Coquille for
Clarence Bean In Training
School At Camp Lee, Va. ,
Mr, <f»d Mrs, A, S. Bean received
u*wsrtu»y7 i
dHtftct. The cap­
Clarence, in Camp Lee, Virginia. He
stances, for as much as 20 years.
_ , The
’s statement
was that it ti»c peo-
thermometer __________
maximum ______
since is taking training in an officers school
The. bonds issued to pay for the ’ pje
coast counties, which includes last Thursday when it reached 88 de- and will finish his course this month.
. improvements
i 1 grees hy hovered | around the 80 He entered the service in February,
on which 11
these **
lien Coquille,
do not comply with Gen.
*- 14
‘—■ at 78 on Friday, 75 1941, and for some time was stationed
payments are delinquent, have been DeWitt’s orders as Io dim-outs, etc.,1-----
It - stood
met and paid off as they became due, that the army will take over enforce--' Saturday, 79 Sunday, 78 Monday and at San Diego. He waa a sergeant
general fund reserves and extra taxes ment of the regulations.
Tuesday, and 80 yesterday. No rain when he went east to enter the offi­
being used for the purpose, which
It is anticipated that a new order the past w?*ek has pleased farmers, cers school.
Mr. Bean stated his
means that those'who paid their own will be Issued shortly which will per­ loggers and mill men. as well as those grandson Dick Lamb. was in camp in
improvement liens have also been' mit the use of street lighting systems I who thought summer was lingering New Jersey, but his family have had
assessed to help pay for improve-! at night, the globes being so treated too long in the lap of spring.
no word from him for some time. He
ments in front of other property1 that the light cannot be-thrown up­
Wok his training in Wyoming and en­
which they should not, in justice,! ward nor on the ocean side.
Calling cards, 50 for $1.00. ,
tered the service last February.
- - .«94
I .