• • •- SECOND SECOND SECTION He Became An Odd Fellow Here Fifty Years Ago Mrs. Bee Mahan sends a clipping from her home town paper in Hous­ ton, Texas, regarding an old-time res­ ident of Coquille which will be of interest to those few remaining who lived here 50 years ago. « Mrs. Mahan ts a sister of Mrs. Henry Lorenz. In one matter we will have to make a corerctlon in Mrs. Mahan’s letter—the paper on which she was a typesetter for a time was the Coquille Herald which was closed down during World -War I. The Sentinel was not started until January, IMS. Following is Mrs. Mahan’s letter, followed by the clipping about Wx A. Dickson: SECTION Will Be At County Agent's Office July 7 Under the heading “An Oregon Hero," the Portland Journal on Tues­ day printed an editorial which is of interest locally. The "mother” re­ ferred to is a sister of Mrs. C. W Ashton and Mrs. Jennie Price of this city and of the late Arthur and Edwin P. Ellingsen: - The Marshfield office of the United States Employment Service will dis­ continue its weekly itinerant service to Coquille, according to T. G. Scher­ er, manager. Those who wish to file claims for State Unemployment Compensation or to continue their claims may do so by mall, addressing ail correspon­ dence to 516 Curtis Avenue, Marsh­ field, Oregon. Claims may be handled personally by calling at any time at the Marshfield office. Claimants are cautioned to use their name as it is shown on their social security card in conjunction with the social security number on all corres­ pondence. ' A representative, of the office. Odin Anderson, will be at the county agent’s office in the court house on Tuesday, July 7, to register those who are interested in securing farm work. Farm employers are urged to place their orders for hay hands and other farm labor at that time. Mr Anderson will spend consid­ erable time in the Coquille valley for the purpose of aiding farmers in securing peak time labor. - Orange and grapefruit peelings od of extracting such "juice” from may soon become the, source of valu- these waste products has just been _x__ solvents. a meth- - developed. able war-industry A meth GO FARTHER Keep Your Car Operating Economically SPECIAL MOTOR TUNE-UP GAS MILEAGE CHECK UP For Economy See Us About Our Tune-Up Special This Month 9— Set Ignition Tuning. 10— Check Coil and Condenser 11— Clean Fuel Pump Bow) & Check Connections. 12— Adjust Throttle for Proper Starting. SAVE GAS — ■ SAVE MONEY HOME TOWN CHEVROLET COMPANY r Furniture WW U I | Help Make This A Sane Fourth A W V With Sensational Savings in Wanted Summer Merchandise find an outstanding group of frocks, “^many from Nationally Advertised Manufac­ turers. These include such materials as Piques, Spun Rayons, Shantungs and some Fancy Weaves. Styles are mostly Shirt­ Starts waist and Sports Stales. Only one of-a style JULY CLEARANCE but all sizes in the group from 12 to 201/fc. 111 ■■ I s I s I > W If ' |% L, J You’ll THEIR THURSDAY, JULY 2nd Regular $6.50 and $5.98 to close at 4.49 Mineral Program Here Threatened latent and Fabroid Hand Bags to close