Valid Dates For Sugar Stamps 5 And 6 There has been ad much confusion about the validity of sugar rationing stamps that the local rationing board quotes as follows a telegram received from headquarters in Washington, D. 3 BIG DAYS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glenn, of the Coquille-McKinley route, left the first of the week for Redmond, Ore., where he is going to work in the mill. Just received at Norton’s The new Rand-McNally Atlases, priced from 25c to $3.50. Keep up to date on the war picture with a new atlas. Con­ tains 1840 census figures. s One of the many factors which stand out in the minds of the audience after seeing a Charlie Chapin picture is that the film invariably closes with the Little Fellow walking away from the camera alone—his pathetically Jaunty figure trudging toward the horizon—in the hope of better things to come. So, the audience leaves the theatre with a laugh on its lips but a lump in its throat, for such frustration in the case of the Little Fellow doesn’t seem fair. Life never metes out to him his fair proportion of the good things he deserves. For Charlie’s famous I character is the symbol of all that is pathetic, good and kind in the human race. He never rebels except at an unkindness or injustice done to some person other that himself. However, in "The Gold Rush.” which is slated for its local premiere at the Roxy Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Charlie veers away from the usual Charlie formula. Per­ haps when Charlie was writing this particular story, he, too, rebelled at life’s rough treatment of the Little FeDow. At any rate, in "The Gold Rush,” the popular little tramp not only gets the girl of his dreams but becomes a multi-millionaire to boot. T— .-i Mrs. J. W. Meadows is here from Portland visiting her sister, Mrs. R. E. Matney. ................ Special Attraction Two Reel Musical (20 mins.) "Minstrel Days" with a Great Cast headed by AL JOLSON & EDDIE CANTO! Cartoon — Nows .11 FRI. - SAT. - SUN JULY 3-4-5 Holiday Fun Show gad mere 1 vies GRAYSON /«u CARROLL BARGAIN NIGHT . mr.:-f - tw «'«¿J BOSTON MATINEE SAT «... ADULTS -i.