V S3F3L Claassen*Norton Nuptials Yesterday ■ &nrtrîy anil dluba , Mabel G. Wemich, Phone IMI three substitute guests, M< convenient this week on In the presencu of about seventy- five friends and relatives, Beverly Norton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Norton, became the bride of Alfred Claassen at a beautiful afternoon wedding in the Holy Name Catholic Church. Father Kelley officiated. The wedding was at four o’clock yes­ terday. With the warm rays of the late afternoon sun pouring through open­ ed windows, the pretty young bride entered on the arm of her father. ■ The church Was decorated with bal­ anced bouquets on either side of the altar, made up of campanula and madonna lilies. The chaste beauty of this arrangements made a perfect background setting. At either side in front of the altar were enormous baskets of pink and white foxglove. In the entrance to the church and on either side huge baskets of mixed flowers and trailing green had b^en night for the Tuesday Pinochle club, placed and, upon leaving the church, when they met with Teen Yarbrough. one anrlp saw baskets of pink and High »core a cards was won by white foxglove. Lorenc Chard, second high was Ada The bright sunshine and so many Hurlbut and Pinochle was won by IqVeiy flowers lent much to an al­ Norma Hickenbottdm. Florence Simp­ ready happy picture of the pretty son and Mabel Whereat were sub­ bride in pastel blue jacket dreas, with substitute guests. Metabers present large turf tan hat and wearing a were Biola Norton, Agnes Leads, corsage of brown orchids. Beverly Hasel Flannery, Lillian McLarrin, carried a white prayer book and a Norma Hickenbottom, Lorene Chard, traditional lace handkerchief. The Mabel ¿yle, Ada Hurlbutt, Margaret lovely handkerchief, trimmed in real Spores and the hostess. _ lace, belongs to Mrs. Jean McNally Moy and in turn haB been carried by several young brides. Only attendant of the bride washer sister, Miss Joy Norton, who wore a dress of flowered and white erganza and large white picture hat with cor­ sage of orchid and white sweet peas. Best man was Robert Paulson of Portland Ushers were Tallant Greenough and Earl E. Leslie. The groom’s gift to the bride was an ex­ quisite lapel watch. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monday E. E. Leslie. In the receiving line -----with the bride and groom were Mr. ere and Mrs. H. S. Norton, parehts of the ley bride, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Claassen, es- parents of the groom from Selma, by Calif. Greeting the arriving guests igh at the door was Mrs F. C. McNelly [rs. Mrs. Quinn, sister of the groom, toe. poured. Mrs H. W. Pierce and Miss Myrtle Pt. Publisher Married Recently The Sentinel Join« thelr oth