The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 02, 1942, Page 10, Image 10

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    Fairview News
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Griggs and twd
children left last Saturday for Wash­
ington on their vacation.
The Fairview Grange met last Sat­
urday at the grange hall. Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Jensen played music tor the
square dances. Mrs. Waiter Norris
served cookies, jello and coffee for
, Patricia Jean Dow arrived last Fri­
day from Tacoma, Wash., to stay with
Tiniji LiiilUiuitnte. Mr and *<r»- G. B-
Dow. Their daughter, Mrs
Scott went on to San. Diego, Cali­
fornia to stay a month with her sister,
Mrs. Melvin Kenyon.
■ Mr. and Mrs. Draper Thompson
visited last Sunday in Coquille with
Mr. and Mrs. Gamier.
J. A. Deadmond visited with Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Crump and family at
Lee last Sunday. .
Betty Hedden, who has been stay­
ing with Mrs. Donald Phillips in Co­
quille for the past two weeks, came
home with Mrr. Fred . Johnson last
z Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Campbell and
three daughters, of Rink Creek, Mr.
knd Mrs. A. J. Crump and two sons
of Lee, Mrs. Barney Berg and son,
of Hood River, and Mr. and Mrs. I
Doris Crump and daughter and Joe I
Crump, of Fairview, ail enjoyed a I
swim and weiner roast at the LaVerne I
Park last Saturday.
Ajro .Tiianita Hedden and daughter I
Alice, returned to Marshfield last!
Saturday for a short time, after stay- I
ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. J. I
A. Deadmond. Mrs. Deadmond is I
slowly improving from her back in-1
tions to the subordinate as they in­
tend graduating in August from the
Junvenile. One application was ac­
cented Saturday nieht
venile. He is Joe Harry, of Dora.
The Juveniles were asked into the
subordinate to enjoy the lecturer’s
First came reports of John
O’Sullivan and Rosalie Laird, who
went to the 4-H summer school at
Corvallis. Then a short report from
Matron Hilda Brown, who had gone
to State Grange at Milwaukie; then
a talk from a visitor, Walter Laird,
who also attended the State Grange.
The 4-H Garden club met at the 1
home of Jimmy Churchill last Tues- I
uay. Besides the host, Joe Ann and
Jivniy Net ton, Charles Peyton, John
O’Sullivan ond Marvin Brown attend­
ed the meeting. Mrs. Lyman King, the
instructor, and two visitors, Mrs. O.
C- Newton and Mrs. Clarence Church­
ill also attended.
Townsend Club
¿oquille Townsend Club, No. 1, met
Tuesday evening with forty present.
The president being absent, Mr.
Tilghman conducted the short busi­
ness session when plans for July 4th
were completed.
The W. O.' W.
buildjng is to be headquarters for all
Townsend club members.
Oakes, of Myrtle Point,
Arago News
A bridal shower was given by the
Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Robert Fish in honor
of Mrs. Harold Fish, the former
Gladys Miller.
The bride received
many lovely gifts, after which re­
freshments of cookies, hot chocolate
and tea were served to the following
guests, with Mrs. J. L. Burtis assist­
ing the hostdU:
Mesdames J. D.
Carl. Melden Carl, Lawrence Rack­
leff, E. J. Meyers, Frank MHiar. Hee,
■han Summerlin, Clifford Summerlin,
Avon Wilcox, C. A. Keltner, Adrian
Halter, J. L. Burtis, Stanley Halter,
S. C. McAllister, Nile Miller, Robert
Fish, and Orvus Miller, Cora Mulkey
and Ike Miller, of Myrtle Point, Mrs.
Frank Fish, of Coquille, and the guest
Sick members were reported to be
recapping aavae year casings aa that they can safely ba re<
No Exceuive Strength-Killing Heat
to weaken the shoulders and sidewalb of your tiro
The best traction, the safest from skidding. t*o qnickoet stopping
and the safest from blowouts of any Recap.
0. K. Rubber Welders Tire Shop
410 S. Hall St., Phone 30
* Buy Everything Will Be O. IL
Coquille, Oregon
By and Buy everything Will BejO.
iverton News
I The Riverton Birthday club was en-
I tertained at the home of Mrs. Cliff
I Martin Thursday, June 25. Those
I celebrating their birthdays were the
I Mesdames Peterson, Charles Hart-
I well, Cliff Martin, Lester Clausen and
■ June Church. Besides the honored
guests those present were the Mes-
Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Rackleff I dames Goodwin, Ira Baumgartner,
drove to Canby last Thursday and" IWm. Hepler, Myrtle Clausen, Perna
spent the night at the home of Mr. Brault, Ellis Holbrook, Geo. Shelton,
Rackleff’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Ed I Grant Hartwell, Alpine, and children,
Rackleff. They went on to Portland Max and Peter Clausen and baby
the next day where Mr. Rackleff Charles Hartwell.
Visitors were
went on business for the Arago fac­ Aurita Brault and Marie Rock of
tory, returning to the Ed Rackleff Michigan.
A potluck dinner was
home Friday evening and returning I served at noon and the afternoon was
to Arago Saturday.
— • '
spent playing cards and Chinese
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane and Mrs. I Checkers. This was the last meeting
Althea Harrah, of Fairview, and Mr. intil October.
and Mrs. E. J. Myers were all-day
Anta Brault and Marie Rock, of
guests of Mrs. Stanley Halter last Muskegon, Michigan, are visiting at
he home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brault.
Thurman Pauli, accompanied by The ladies are on the West Coast for
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish of Co­ Ian indefinite stay and may go on to
quille, were Thursday evening guests California before returning home,
of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller. Mr. and i Mrs. Nettie Peterson and Mrs. Mary
Mrs. Fish remained at the Miller Anderson are visiting with their sis-
Iter, Mrs. Isabel Whittington, of Myr-
home until Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller were I Itle Point.
Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bean are home • *
Mrs. Frank Fish in Coquille and re-1 I from their visit with their daughter.
mained to attend the funeral services! I Mr and Mrs. Rupert Bemetz of
for thé late Mr. Todd, which were I [Marshfield, will be weekend guests at
held Saturday afternoon.
the Eli Brault home this week.
Mrs. Naomi Robison, of Myrtle I
The ladies on the North Bank road
Point, was a Sunday dinner guest of I are finishing their quilting project
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munford.
this afternoon.
Mrs. Floyd Jackson, of Coquille, I Mr. and Mrs. George V. L. Davis
visited at the home of her father, L. I of Alameda, California, have been
A. Myers, Monday.
visiting friends in Coos county recent- j
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers were I ly. They were guest at tbs Wm. A. .
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and I Church home this week and plan to I
leave for home.
Mrs. Emil Peterson of Norway.
Miss Ruth Woodward, of Coquille,! Mr. and Mis. Wm. Church will at- .
and Mrs. Bert DeMos.«, of Brookings, I tend the Collver family reunion at 1
visited at the home of Mrs. George I [Catching Inlet next Sunday. The re­
Now more than ovor, specials are more appreciated and re­
flect greater values. Wo have grouped many items which
are priced below our already low ceiling prices. Shop us now.
Soo all of these remarkable values.
Motor Co
union will be held at the F. G. Mes­
suri« farm and friends and relatives
of the Collvers are cordially invited
to attend. The refreshments will be
furnished by the many families at-
Alice Church who has been' attend-
ing vocational school at Eugene ex-
poet to leave for Portland this week
where she has prospects of a job.
Flags, Bunting and Flag Sets foi*
your, car or bike at Norton’s.
yours now.
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Variety of colon & patterns
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Ceiling Frice $5.50