The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 02, 1942, Image 1

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Unstinted Praise
For Necessities
Unit's Demonstration
The Safety Division of the Coos
Civilian Defense Council has here­
tofore given two splendid public dem­
onstrations as to what it would dd in
event of a catastrophe and this dem­
onstration last Frilay evening showed
how the two units in co-operation
would function if the Improbable
bombing of Coquille should happen.
The two canteen units promptly set
up for service in the Masonic and Odd
Fellows kitchen and dining rooms,
and Cliff Yarbrough’»' mobile unit
soon had a fire going and coffee made
in front of the Community Building
where coffee and doughnuts were ac­
tually served
The ladies of the Canteen Corps, af­
ter getting their requisition slips for
the purchase of supplies, signed by
the chairman, were prepared tl> feed
500 in each hall and the mobile unit
prepared for 300.
; A list of all those appearing for
duty was duly signed by the ladies at
the hour they went to work and the
hour of departure was also noted,
Also was posted a list of the food
being prepared.
After the various county chairmen
and the Civilian Defense heads from
Myrtle Point and Bandon had visited
the canteens a meeting of all units
was held in the Community Building
where Chairman Stelle presented to
Mr. Bedingfield the chairman of each
local unit who gave brief reports of
their multitudinous activities follow-
ing.the catastrophe.
"If all of Coos county was as well
- prepared as Is Coquille, my work
be done,” r *aid
" J * ~
chairman at the Naces-
the Community Building last Friday
evening after the most satisfactory
demonstration given by the several
units of the division.
The problem, a hypothetical bomb­
ing and burning of all Coquille east
of Hall street, was outlined onB the
page five)
And Was Our
Face Red !
The Sentinel editor had to take a
lot of razzing last Friday and three
of the Coquille canteen corps in one
group stopped him to say “stop my
paper.** All because the Sentinel in
its June 25 issue said the canteen
ladies “served 100 people in nine
months." L
? The public is not interested in why
errors are made, but we’re going to
tell'how it happened anyway.
The copy was wrijjen that the
ladies served 100 in nine minutes,
and was set with/ those figures, but
another error in the line caused the
operator to reset it and when it came
through that time the “minutes” had
been changed to “months’’ and’ that
was the way it went through.
Pardon us, ladies, you are doing a
splendid job; your meal when that
100 were so speedily served was ex­
cellent and the Sentinel would be the
last to belittle your civilian defense
Wages Upped 10 Per
Cent At The Plant
An increase of ten per cent in wages
at Smith Wood-Products plant here,
from 75 to 82 H cents an hour, was
announced by Geo. A. Ulett this
week. The new scale which con­
forms to'the wages paid in similar
plants elsewhere was made effective
June 1, so that the next payroll will
be at the new rate.
On Front Street
A new meat market, The Front
Street Market was opened in Coquille
yesterday by Wm. L. Bell and “Perk’’
McCarger, in the formêr Bond Mar­
ket location at 419 Front street.
Mr. Beit has been a resident of thé
Myrtle Point- section for the past 40
years while Mr. McCarger comes here
from San Francisco.
See their adv. on another page of
this issue.
Reported Missing
"Bud" Gaffey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. J. Gaffey of North Willard street
here, is one of the nation’s armed
forces who is missing sinee the Jap
occupation of the outer end of the
Aleutian Islands, The message came
in a wire to his parents Tuesday
morning, the telegram reading as fol­
“The Navy department bxceedingly
regrets to advise you that your son,
Wrtfmd Ivan Gaffey, seaman second
class, U.S.N., was performing his
duty in the service of his country at
the Naval Aerological Station, Kiska,
Alaska, when last heard from on
June 10th. He. will be carried on the
records of the Navy department as
missing pending further information.
No report of. his death or injury has
been received and he may be a pris­
oner of war. It will probably be
several months before definite official
information can be expected concern­
ing his status. Sincere sympathy is
extended to you in your anxiety and
you are assured that any report re­
ceived will be communicated to you
Rear Admiral Randall Jacobs, the
Chief» of Naval Personnel.
,K ____ ____ . L.--_
County and Slate
Levy To Be 15 Mills
For Year 1942-43
Victory Girl To Be
Crowned At Nine
Friday Evening
Opens Al Nine O'Clock Friday Evening
Continues Ail Day Saturday And Evening
All preparations '“are nearing completion for Coquille’s big
Victory Celebration July 3 and 4.
Coquille streets are decked with gala patriotic banners and
welcome signs beckoning residents of Coos County and surround­
ing territory to co-operate in this gigantic Victory Festival which
has the full approval of army authorities in the Ninth Corps Area
of the United States Army.
The kick off of the big celebration will be at 9:00 o’clock Friday
evening in the spacious »auditorium of Coquille’s new community
building, when the winner of the Victory Girl contest will be
crowded “Miss Victory” and enthroned to rule over Coquille’s
two-day extravaganza. •
Coos county taxpayers will pay 1»
Votes turned in by the Victory Girl
mills for the 1942-43 fiscal year for contestants were not counted last
state and county purposes, a drop of, , evening but they wijl be at six o'clock
two mills from what the rate would Jhis evening when the contest closes.
have been for the full calendar year
At nine-o'clock tomorrow (Friday)
of 1942 had not the change to a fiscal evening in the Community Building,
year—June, 30 to July 1-r-been made. ■the winner will be crowned and will
County Auditor W. H. Wann states rule over the celebration on Saturday.
that the rate of 13.2 mils for the first
Following | the crowning there, the
six months of 1942 would have, been soloist with Woody Hite dance band.
•’ The firii'of three big public dances
increased by 3.8 mills for the last Miss Frances Block, will sing a pa­
will immediately follow the crowning
six months had the former calendar triotic number, and the band will
of “Miss Victory" and Coquille’s
year of assessment and tax levying then play “The Star Spangled Ban-
Victory Days will be off to a big start
’ W
aH in step and in tune with Woody
Thé county and state tax levy hais 'Following that the awards of war
Hite and his famous dance band to­
decreased two mills a year for the bonds and stamps will be made to the
gether with Frances Block and Earl
past five years and the present out­ Victory Giri winners and the payment
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Slack ar­ Whitney, his two outstanding vo­
look is that it will drop to 13 mills of their percentage for tags sold.
rived in Coquille last evening and calists.
for the 1943-44 period. The highest ' Dancing to the melodies of Woody aré now at home to their friends at
Saturday morning, 10:30 o'clock,
levy in- the county's history was the Hite's dance band will occupy the their home, comer of Collier and July Fourth will witness the mile-
27.7 mill levy in the early 1930’s. For rest of the evening, until----- -------- .
long patriotic Victory parade headed
First streets.
1941 the levy was 18.9 mill»; 17 mills
Their honeymoon trip which took by the color guard and the Coquille
for 1942, and 15 for 1942-43
i them to Klamath Falls, Reno, Lake j High School Band.
The drop, in the levy is due pri­
Tahoe and San Francisco, was com­
marily to the reduction in the bond
bined with business for Mr. Slack Floats, Bicycles, Horses and Horse
debt, and during the fiscal year from
liad legal matters to attend to in drawn vehicles will all be in competi­
July 1 to June 30, 1943, there will
tion for the Victory Bonds and Vic­
Contrary to rumor and published Klamath Falls and San Francisco..
be paid a total of »127,000 on bonded
Stamps which are being given
His bride was Mias Kathryn Ev­
reports the past week, the Coquille
debt, plus the interest. Besides the
as prizes for this outstanding parade.
Hospital is not to be closed down, erett, daughter of Mrs. Ann'Staihar of
maturing of »43,000 worth of bonds
Guests of Coquille’s Celebration
which is a splendid thing for Co­ Springfield, and they were married
this coming year, »84,000 worth of
who bring their lunchea will be fur­
quille as one hospital here would not al a quiet ceremony in' the Episcopal
callable ' bonds which do not mature
nished with free coffee, cream and
provide'Tacilities for those who will church in Eugene at 10 a. m. on Wed­
until in the 1950’s if paid when due,
sugar at the ’ lunch grounds in the
George Ulett reported at the Chign-
wish to make use of it. at one time nesday of last week, by Rev- How­
can be paid off Aug. 1, 1944, and
Grove, adjacent to the naw
ard White. They were attended by
or another.
ber of Commerce session m the hotel
the budget includas that »84,000 and
Community Building.
Tuesday noon that the new library
The decision to keep the hospital in Mr. and Mrs. Merle C Lindley of
interest this year as it will next. The
Water fight at 1:15 p. m. sharp by
room in the Community Building
operation was reached Monday eve­ Sugene.
total of those not-due bonds but
The Sentinel joins their many members of Coquile’s outstanding
should be ready tor occupancy in
ning when Lucille Livingston, one of
which are callable next year is
Fire Department will attract crowds
about three weeks.
the nurses there for the past year, friends in extending congratulations
ihe painters are still at work there; »322,000. If the county is able to made arrangements to take over its and beat wishes to the happy couple. to Elliott street, just west of the court
accumulate funds at the expected
house, for the beginning of the after­
£. L. Perrott is getting the book
operation on July 1.
noon program.
shelves, desks and coses ready, and |
L b E previous decision to close was
Associate Justice Janies T. Brand
Ünal Stauung unci varnish- 1944, the county will have outstand-
of the impossibility yi
of the state supreme court will de-
HHt sufficient nursing help but
I that date and $50.000 worth ot
itrtotic niRtreas at
Livingston I mib wired to -
j Series is due in 7943.
____ open air platform
and acquaintances, some as far away
Those various and sundry residents in front of the Community Building.
This reduction in bonded debt has
Mr Ulett said the committee had
as Arizona, and she received assur­
who have been complaining that sum­ Playing of the national anthem and
been possible only at the expense of
been very fortunate in being able to
ances that they would come to Co­
mer was over-due were satisfied and the group singing of “God Bless
-county roads. True, the roads have
secure a gas blower heater for the)
quille and become associated with her
even more than satiated on Monday America,” led by Mrs. Leona Bryant,
been maintained but no extensive new
library, but that electric fixtures, '
when the thermometer registered 02 will be a prelude to the address of
roads program has been carried on
on which there . is strict priority,
The physicians and surgeons there
degrees in the shade that afternoon. Justice Brand.
and the time is coming when the
have not yet been secured and that
—Dr. J. D. Rankin, Dr. L. B. Gould
On Tuesday it was four degrees less
county will have to budget larger
Street sports with prizes for every­
and Dr. Marshall Kennedy — who
possibly the library might have to
“hot,” or 88, and .yesterday’s maxi­ one will be staged immediately fol­
amounts for road purposes. How­
operate for a time with temporary
were to have retained their offices
mum was down another two degrees lowing the address of Justice Brand.
ever, the county court’s program is
fighting facilities
in the building had the hospital been
to retire the bonded debt before that
or to 86.
Chairman of the street sports com­
It is a beautiful room, one of which
closed, will, of course, remain there
Whether this unusually hot spell mittee is Ray Jeub, who promises
time comes.
under the new set-up, unless or until
every citizen in Coquille can well be
presages a storm is only conjecture, plenty of excitement, especially in
Mr. Wann states that next year’s
one or more of them is summoned
proud and if there are any who
although the barometer indicates the rolling pin throwing contest for
levy will not be more than 13 mills
to war service.
have not visited the room it will be
that a change might be in the offing. married women.
and might possibly be down to around
worth his or her time to do so.
However, it is to be hoped that the
A rollicking, old-fashioned square
11 mills.
long-time resident who offers to bet dancing contest will hold the crowds
The budget, adopted by the court
ten dollars that It will rain on the for this last event of the afternoon
and citizens budget committee last
4th will lose—if he has had his bet open air program.
week provides a total of »633,105.96
Dancing from three to five o’clock
expenses for all purposes of which
The city council will meet at eight
in the afternoon with Woody Hite’s
»394,022.97 will be raised by taxation.
Mrs. Pearl Jackson, in the office
dance band will Bet the stage for the
For the first six months of 1942 o'clock this evening to act on the
of the Selective Service Board at the budget adopted last December offer of the State of Oregon to rent
final big wind up dance Saturday
Myrtle Point, reports that approxi­ was for an expense of »465,293.41, of the room in the Community Build­
night from 9:30 to 1:30 o’clock.
mately 350 young men of the 18 to which »326,583.41 was to be raised ing, which later will be fitted up as
20 years class registered at Coquille, by taxation.
a kitchen, for the duration of the
The July 4th parade, at 10:30 Sat­
Bandon and Myrtle Point on Tuesday.
A dro) in the tax levy from 18.9 war. The state offers a rent of »20
urday morning, will form around the
The cards have not yet been segre­ mills In 1941 to 15 for the 1942-43 a month.
court house block, the start being
The use to which it will be put is
gated and the number registering in fiscal year is something the taxpayers
made at the block's southwest comer.
each toWn in the southern half of the will not find it at all hard to take.
the storage of food, purchased with
From there it will proceed west to
The hundreds and thousands whom
county Is not yet available.
funds supplied by the government,
the highway, then a block south to it is anticipated will attend Coquille’s
to be held for use if and when a
the bank comer, thence a block west Victory Celebration dances in the
bombing of this section should de­
to Willard in front of the Community new Community Building Friday eve­
stroy the regular facilities.for secur­
Building, thence south to Front ning and Saturday afternoon and
ing suppies. It is presumed the coun­
street, a block east on Front to Tay­ evening will find a smoother, more
cil will accept the offer as the kitch­
Having sold his home on Second en cannot be fitted up at present lor, north on the highway to First, satisfactory dance floor than is found
E. T. Stelle intends moving the last
east to Hall, north to Second and east in many dance halls which are used
street and his business building on anyway.
of this week from the property the
to the point of beginning.
regularly every week. And with the
Front recently, P. L. Johnson, the
family has been occupying on East
Chairman J. L. Smith and mem­ alluring music of Woody Hite's dance
plumber, intends moving next Mon­
Second since they came to Coquille, to
bers of the parade committee have band as an added incentive there will
day to Klamath Falls, where he has
the home he purchased last week on
not been able to make up a list of be no fault to find with this feature of
bought a home. Whether he will
Knowlton Heights. It is the former
what the parade entries will be but the celebration.
open a plumbing shop there at once
Dr. M. Earl Wilson place of seven
the program on page seven of thia
While the present floor will be the
or wait until after the war to do that,
lots and house which he purchased
The CoquiHe police reserves may issue tells what prizes—in Victory subfloor when the building is com­
he has not yet determined.
from Cal Ray. Mr. Stelle says he can
His home here he sold to Phil Al- not have been strictuly performing bonds and stamps—are offered fol pleted, it was sanded two or three
coast on his bicycle all the way down
born of the Washer Service Co , for­ their whole duty in not notifying all prize winners in the twelve clasifica- times last week.
town but that it will require a lot of
To give the desired polished sur­
merly the Coast Maytag Co., and the ' home owners to draw the shades over tions.
pumping to go home.
face so necessary for a dance floor,
Front Street building to the Washer their lighted windows after 9:30 p. m.,
He has also purchased a house and
O. L. Wood on Monday drove a light
Service Co., into which, the business when the night dim-out starts. But
lot on East Eleventh, as an invest­
car round and round the huge room,
will soon be moved from its present they do ask the co-operation of every­
ment, which he will rent.
dragging two weighted down bales of
location in the First National Bank one in carrying out the army orders
which were established for protec­
hay. This removed all the frizz
tion of ships at sea which might be
which might have been left by the
An added attraction to the July 4th
' silhouetted by IRflits on shore, es-
sander and really made the finest
entertainment on Saturday evening
yally thus*' windows which face
kind of a floor for dancing.
'dancera^-are reminded'
Kathryn Everett
Becomes Bride
Of Harry A. Slack
Coquille Hospital
Not To Close
Library To Be
Ready July 20
92 Degrees Was
Monday Maximum .JX*-«£3f£'
Special Council
Meeting Tonight
350 Registered In
So. Coos Tuesday
Victory Parade
Will Be A Feature
Dance Floor Is
In Fine Shape
E. T. Stelle Buys
Home On Heights
Pete The Plumber
To Klamath Falls
Police Ask That
Shades Be Drawn
Keno Game
Saturday Night
What Will The
turkey for next Christmas without
expense, except for feed, and as he
is expecting to have two, applications
for the other one should be made at
once, first come, first served.
A friend gave him a couple of
“turkey” eggs which he has a ban­
tam hen setting 'on. When he set
the small bird on the large eggs, Mrs.
Schram remarked, “I thought turkey
eggs were speckled.” Frank's come­
back was, “Oh these are a special
kind of white turkeys."
Girl contestants is good "for
annoyance and permit the reserves
room of Southwestern Motors, just
dances during the Celebration
Mr. and Mrs. Liston Parrish ar­ who'make their heufly patrol to make
west of the postoffice.
rived in Coquille yesterday from -their rounds more rapidly in the
The Legions' plan is to divide the
Woodburn, where they have been future. Most of the Coquille homes net proceeds of the game 50-50 be­
for the past three or four years, to were obeying the orders Sunday
tween the 4th ot July committee and
begin his duties as minister in the night but some were not.
.the .Legion treasury.
Church of Christ here. Mr. Parrish
Mrs. F. G. Leslie and Mrs. R. E .
supplied the pulpit hrre a month ago
Two men in the uniforms and in­
and the call to this pastorate fol­ Boober went up to the latter’s'cabins.
south of Newport, last Friday. Mr. n ignis of the R. A. F. of Great Britain
He succeeds Dan Brown, who re- ■ 1-eslie and Mr. Boober intend leaving passed through Coquille Tuesday
signed as minister a few months ago tomorrow evening to join them and' They were apparently hitch hiking
because of iUness.
• spend the Fourth there.
1 their way down the coast.