The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 04, 1942, Image 1

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no .
■»* ■
Fourth Of July
Meeting To Be
! ".'i
The Sons Of Legion
Will Deliver
Sand For Homes '
Mrs. E. L. Detlefsen
Six True, Found
Laid To Rest '
Tuesday Afternoon By The Grand Jury
Coquille Lady
Arrived Monday
In Lima, Peru
Coquille City Levy
Set At $27,445
By The Council
A wire from Miss Carol Young was
It is questionable whether s'dozen
received ' from Lima, Peru, stating
honjes in Coquille have provided the
At the regular session of the city
The many friends of the E. L.
Not a true bill was the grand jury that she had arrived Safely at her
Sponsored by the Chamber of Com­ sand in the house which fa recom­
merce, there is every prospect that mended for use in extinguishing Detlefsen family were almost stunned verdict in the case of Henry T. Miller, destination Monday afternoon of this council Monday evening, with all
Coquille will celebrate the Fourth of bombs which might be dropped dur­ last Saturday when word reached who had been bound over on a negli­ week, nine and one-half days after members present except David Bieg­
The death she had left the Pan-American Air­ ler, who was in Portland, there were
July this year, unless the army for­ ing an air attack, and it cannot be here that Mrs. Detlefsen had passed gent homicide charge.
bids such gatherings, and the replies too strongly emphasized that water away at a hospital In Eugito^that was that of the eight months old ways airport in southern California, no objection» to the city’s budget for
the fiscal ydar, July > 1942, to June
bdEy of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, at 3:30 a. m.. Sunday, May 24.
President O. L. Wood has had in must not be used.--"
1943, and, it was by ordinance
response to letters of inquiry indicate
To help home owners take the nec­
that there will be no opposition from essary precaution, the Sons of Legion out the first of last week to visit when the Miller car cut across in where she arrived late that Sunday formally adopted. It provides that
official sources.
*. ■
Squadron, with the help of their ad­ their son, Ernie, and wife in Spring­ front of the car of* Frank Wilson, afternoon, and, was. told by the Pan- $27,445 shall be raised by taxation
To get the plans underway Presi­ viser, H, E. Wood, are making ar­ field. A day or so later she com­ near the Bear Creek service Station Amerjcan officials there' that she for the city’s needs for the coming
mi$ht not be able to leave for a year.
dent Wood has called a meeting, td rangements to have clean white beach plained of not feeling well and went on April 24.
, George E. Oerding, who has been
be held in the city hall at eight sand brought up from the coast.
However by dint or persistent ef­ working on the project to get a fire
o’clock this (Thursday) evening and
Their plan is to buy muslin, which her to go tp a hospital. By Thursday found in last Thursday's report to
fort she was, at the last mipute Mon­ district organized outside the city of
representatives from lodges, unions, the ladies of the American Legion she was feeling so much better that Judge King:
Robert Huellshoff, taking and us­ day morning, given a seat in the Coquille where protection would be#
service dubs, women's clubs, and Auxiliary will cut and sew into sacks the doctor told Mr. Detlefsen that it
afforded by the city’s department,*
other organizations have been invited capable of containing about 30 pounds would be safe for him to come home, ing a car without the owner’s con­ plane which took off for'Gautemala
and the owners would be assessed to
sent. Hepleaded guilty and was sen­ that morning.
to be present. 1
of sand, and which the Sons will which he did.
High blood pressure, which had tenced Monday to six months in Jail.
This occasioned a lot of surprise help pay for the fire department
While there has beensmueh discus­ fill and deliver ut 50 cents a sack.
sion the past week or two as to the
Orders may be given Mr. Wood, caused the family to take particular An immediate parole was then or­ among those she talked to, for she expenses, asked for a further exten­
advisability of celebrating this year, phone 286, or phoned to Captain care of her for some time past, re­ dered by the judge on condition that heard of many travelers who had gone sion of the time during which the de­
the concensus of opinion has been Keith Leslie, Jr., phone 91JLor given sulted ih an apoplectic stroke about he conduct himself as a law-abiding to the airport day after day, only partment will respond to calls a mile
five o’clock Saturday morning and citizen.
to be diappointed, and one man with or two outside the city's limits. He
that a Victory July 4th celebration to any member of the Squadron.
Ralph Peterson, larceny from the priority right had been forced to wait. reported it probable that such a dis­
will be Just the thing. As far as could
It is a very worthwhile project 1 she passed away at six, both her
She landed in Gautemala that af­ trict could be formed if the tax mill- _ ,
be learned there is no other celebra­ that the boys have undertaken and 3on’
ar,d his wife, the former person, pleaded not guilty on Monday.
Claude. A. Buell, of Powers, for ternoon and was due, as it turned out, age could be made low enough, about
tion contemplated in the founty and one which every home owner will I Maxine Knight, being with her at the
a mill and a half.
rape; A. L. Fitch and Asa Boles,
the Rodeo at Myrtle Point is defin­ appreciate. Everyone to whom the end.
(Continued on Page Seven)
The council voted to extend the time
Funeral services were held at both of Marshfield, both for con­
itely out, because of the use now matter has been mentioned is grateful
i i jnar .,1 ■■ i»» . ..... .
to Sept. 1 and placed a one mile limit,
being made of the fair grounds.
to the boys for presenting this service. Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries here at tributing to the delinquency of a
from the city’s limits, as the most
2:00 p. m. on Tuesday, Rev. Chas, M. minor, are to plead today.
The Community Building, with the
distant point the fire trucks could go.
Guilbert officiating. The pall bearers
Ray Ward, for rape, was given un­
present sub-floor sanded, will pro­
The city engineer’s estimate of the
who bore her body to its last resting til today to secure an attorney. He
vide a place for dances Friday night,
cost of grading and graveling the
place in the Masonic cemetery were: was arrested last Friday and his bail
afternoon and night. The
Southwestern Oregon miners who four, blocks on Fifth street, between
Oliver Rakestraw, W. E. Cress, Er­ was set at $2,000,-
for the dance is that
have been complaining that there Han and Heath, was reported at
nest Clausen, George Gilman, Henry
orchestra, the best ob­
. A burglar was evidently scared
was no opportunity to turn over for 81105. This improvement was peti­
George and John A. Martin.
tainable, should be secured.
away from Farr & Elwood’s store
the government’s defense mineral tioned for by property owners but as
Mrs. Detlefsen was bom Mar­
Another feature talked has been Sunday night when he accidentally
needs the ore which they have been there were not sufficient names an
guerite Reitz, in Germany, August 4,
that of a queen contest, buttons for
knocked the telephone instrument
1889, and was nine muhths and 28
digging out of the earth, have no long­ the petition: the council has decided
votes being sold prior to the 4th,
off the table, breaking the wire con­
er any complaint to make, but they to go afaead and put the improve­
days past fifty-two years of age at
and the crowning of the queen after
nections at the waH. At least Don
While hir l937 Ford coupe is about have not been availing themselves ment in after the passage of a resolu­
the time of her passing.
Saturday morning’s parade. A speak­
Farr has not been able to find that
She came to the United States as complete a wreck as a car can be, of the stock-pile location which A. tion declaring their intention to do
er of prominence in the state will be anything is miasnig.
with her parents when she was nine Lyle K. Spaugh anl Mrs Spaugh and E. Borel has ready to receive mineral so. This will, when done, make a '
invited to be here, and a regular July
Entrance was effected by using a
years of age nnd on August 3, 1909, their baby escaped without Injury on the Pete Johnson place, along­ graveled surface roadway on Fifth
4th celebration -r- without the fire­
wood chisel (which Mr. Farr has and
was united in marriage to Edward when his ear went into the Middle side the Coos Bay Logging railroad from the highway on Taylor east to
works—la the idea.
would like to have the owner claim
Division street. • ,
L. Detlefsen, at Ferndale, Calif. They Fork Friday afternoon, three miles on the Marshfield highway.
Street sports, possibly a ball game
it) to force out the 14*20 window in
The council voted to purchase the
It la now up to the gainers to show
soon came to Coos county, living for above Remote on the Roseburg high­
and river contests, are some of the en-
the perpendicular wall just under
the Federal Metals Reserve Co. tliat blackout, signal siren, recently In­
»«nt features which will be the skylight which is about three slew years at Norway and than mov­
Mr. Spaugh* thinks his brakes there is metal in this section which is stalled at the Smith Wood-Products
ing to their ranch home ih the Roy
by the committees to'be sp­
feet higher than the ceiling of the district across the river and a couple locked, but. a tire may have blown so vitally needed in the defense pro- plant where there is steam to oper­
out which threw the car against a MTeUD.
ate it, and also to purehaorfram Drue
of miles above the Smith plant.
it is not
that more
The burglar then shoved a ladder
and it teetered on the brink long
Also, Mr. Borel states, the percen­ Cunningham his 1942 Chevrolet panel
Besides her husband she' is
Utah a
dollars will be need-
for the three to lfsve th« tage of chrome and magnesium which truck for $854. which fa $200 lean than
! W
business through that small opening
vived by three sons, Raymond
it crashed down 60 or he can receive at the stock-pile han he paid for it, not including acces­
and Howard J., of Coquille, and
the moot popular, idea is
had to go through sideways and nest
£., of Springfield. A fourth son, 170 feet, rolling over rocks and a huge been reduced tq,35 per cent, where sories.
that any funds left over from the
the "thief had to go down it like a Paul
log and coming to rest, right side up, the first figure given out was 40
The application of Louise E. Paul- -
E., died in 1928.
queen contest and the dances, after
mpnkqy. He had to go up the same
| son for a restaurant license for the
She is also survived by a. sister, on a bqulder in the stream.
per cent.
all expenses are paid be turned over
way, hand over hand, when he broke Mrs.
ii required three hours for the
Keep the mineral trucks rolling! I White Spot on Front' street was
Catherine Clausen, of Ferndale,
to the Community Building fund so
the telephone loose and there are Calif.;
granted, and the application of Chas.
tw<£ brothers, Jack Reitz, of Southwestern Motors wrecker crew
that this splendid project can be
marks on the wall where his swinging > Modesto, Calif., and two half broth­ to pull the carback on to the high­
Elkins to the state liquor commission
speedily completed
feet sought a purchase.
for three classes of beer licenses for
ers, Bartlett and John Gasner, of way ready to be towed into town.
With no other celebration planned
A search by Chief Jack Arnold j
the place at the south end of Tay- •
Modesto, and a grand daughter, Pa­
for the coast section of southwestern
showed no spot where a finger pic- ( tricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
lor street was approved by thn coun­
Oregon this year, Coquille’s celebra­ ture might be taken.
cil. That by M. C. Hartman for beer
tion should attract crowds from a
A load of lumber, being brought licenses for the Rex Tavern, which
Mrs. Detlefsen’s was a lovely per­
considerable distance—provided the
this way from the Moore mill at Ban­ have heretofore been denied by the
sonality she was a prominent figure
tire situation does not become more
don, in some unexplained way caught liquor commission, were held over
in lodge and social circles and was
Chas. Guilbert gave a talk on his
a lady who will be missed and hobby at Rotary Club luncheon at on fire between the foot of Bear creek for further consideration.
hill and the Bear creek service sta­
Mayor Milne reported that the pro­
mounded by an unusually large circle
the hotel yesterday.
tion and the Bandon fire department posal to cut down the city’s police
Beginning next Sunday and con­ of friends. ^
He stated that his hobby for some had to be called to extinguish the
force by one man was settled
tinuing through Sunday, June 14, has
time had been “Liturgical Music’’ and blaze.
The lumber was consider­ K. R. Terrell resigned.
been designated as Flag Week by.
he gave a very interesting and learned ably scorched and a second truck had
Police Chief Jack Arnold was
President Roosevelt.
talk on that subject, explaining the to be sent from the mill to pick up
Reverend Ethel Dpncan, known to
called upon to report on the fire
Claire M. Gray, appointed Flag
ancient origin of some of the music the lumber.
thousands of radio listeners as “The Week chairman for Coquille by
hazard conditions in the building on
used by the church today. He illus­
Good Samaritan of the Air," and Mayor Milne requests that the flag
The flames were shooting so high the south side of First street recently
trated his talk with various records when the driver discovered his load, vacated by the Ko-Keel Shoe Shop.
formerly of Radio KNX, Hollywood, be displayed outdoors throughout the
Mrs. W. T. Brady passed away at
on the phonograph, of which he has was afire that they melted one of the
will open a series of undenomination­ eight days
His report was that the dust, shav­
*' her home on th® Marshfield highway
quite a collection.
al evangelistic meet­
Mt- States Power Co. wires and Jack ings, fine wood and trash in the
Flag regulations require that it be last Saturday noon. She suffered a
The club voted to give 810 to the Leach had to go down to make the rear room of the building made it a
ings at the Wood­ not displayed before sunrise nor after stroke the Tuesday morning before,
man Hall in Coquille sunset..
repair. <
from which she‘never recovered con­ USO drive now in progress.
veritable powder keg likely to blow
President Osika read a poem by
Sunday night, June
up at any time should a match or
During these days of alert and ten­ sciousness.
7, at 8:00 o’clock. sion, not knowing when or if this
lighted cigarette be dropped in the
Martha Arizona Bright was born the poet laureate of the club, Chas. Lived To Attend Last
Her opening object coast might be attacked from the sky, in Decatur county, Iowa, Oct 19 1864, Briggs, dedicated to Lud Scharfer,
room. An investigation of the rec­
will be ”Armaged­ or from under the sea, the patriotism being 77 years, seven months and who just returned from his honey­ Service For Boy She Rescued
ords showed that the building had
don.” This battle of of everyone should induce him or eleven days of age at the time of her moon and was present to appreciate
Mrs. Nancy Neely, of Fairview, a been condemned by the council in
all battles will be her to spread Old Glory to the breeze, death.
pioneer of Coos county, who is SI October, 1940, with a six months’
Guests present included Rotarians years of age, came in to Coquille last extension of removal date being
discussed by Mrs. as requested by those in official posi­
When she was only a small child,
Clint Hart, of Marshfield, and Ed Wednesday to attend the funeral of granted because of the lease on the
____________ __ Duncan in the light tion.
her parents crossed the plains by cov­
Loney, of Sutherlin. Don McCune, Herbert Johnson. When a girl living building at that time.'
of Bible prophecy. When will this
ered wagon to California, living there
of Coquille, was also a guest.
battle take place and what nations
in Modoc county, California, being
a few years before moving to a farm
then Nancy Benham, she went down
will be involved! Mrs. Dunean will
near Jacksonville, Oregon. Here
discourse on these all important mat­
in a deep well, risking her own life
they stayed for a year before moving
ters Sunday evening.
to save Herbert when he fell in, at
to Coos county, coming from Rose­
Her subject for Monday evening,
the age of five years. Mrs. Neely
The fishing on the Rogue river at burg by pack train.
June 8, will be “War and Women/’
is making her home with her daugh­
W. O. Campbell, of Marshfield,
Other meetings will be held Satur­ the mouth of the Illinois at Agness to William T. Brady at Gravel Ford,
ter, Mrs. Walter Norris.
R. S. Rhoades and Paul Nelson have
head of the ambulance section of the
day, Sunday and Monday evening, has been good for the past week al­ Oregon. They made their home near
Coos county Civilian Relief Council,
June 13, 14 and 15 the topics to be though the road through Powers and theer for 39 years and then moved been here from Loe Angeles this
over the hill is rather muddy.
week, looking after their interests
was in Coquille this noon and said he
announced at a later date.
A party consisting of Geo. A. Ulett,
which include the Westport arch
appointed Elbert Schroeder as
Mrs. Duncan la on an evangelistic
six years.
In 1928 they returned
ambulance chief in Coquille, and that
tour of the Pacific Northwest for the F. S. Emery, Ray Jeub, Dutch Clin­ to Coos county and have resided near properties. They had nothing to say
at this time about the possible devel­
Dr. G. E. Stark has been named to
express purpose of meeting in per­ ton and Larry Lucas caught fifteen
Coquille ever sinde.
Subscribers for Portland papers,
opment in that section.
be in charge of all medical assistance
son her many friends and listeners of
who have been annoyed lately be­
may b* required in Coquille
her vast radio audience. The public one being over forty pounds.
Saturday and Sunday Lloyd Gregg ding in 1933 and were the couple se­ and nephews and a host of friends. cause delivery is later than formerly, and vicinity.
Is cordially invited to attend these
evidently do not take into considera-
j Mrs. Ben Payne caught
Will Receive 35
Per Cent Ore Here
Burglar Scared *
Away Sunday Night
They Escaped
Before The Plunge
Tells Rotarians
About His Hobby
Flag Week To Be
Observed June 7-14
Armageddon" The
Subject For Sunday
Load Of Lumber
On Fire Monday
Mrs. W. T. Brady
Buried Tuesday
Good Catches On
Rogue River
Ambulance, Medical
Heads In Coquille
Oil Men Here
This Week
Why Portland
Dailies Are Late
c and Mrs. Florence
lock will load the song service. With
these two well known artists In
charge, there will be a good musical
F. CoIva rd Buys
Curtis Studio
To this union were born six chil­
dren, three of whom are living and
were with their mother during her
last illness, Mary J. and Charles M.
Brady died in chilhood and Angie
Brady Olson in 1938. There are left
to mourn their loss, her husband, W.
T. Brady, and the following children:
Mrs. Electa Easley, of Powers, Ore­
gon; Maxine Brady and Elton Brady,
of San Francisco California;
úrch Tn Coquille' Tuesday
much during the night. Army patrols
morning at eleven o’clock. She was
all along*the highway are stopping
laid to rest in the Fox Bridge cem­
cars and trucks for investigation and
etery by the side of her children. The
pallbearers were six of her nephews: all except for essential service are
Thomas Weekley, Roland Weekley, being stopped from night travel.
The truck usually arrives here at
Sylvester Bright, Zeno Bright, Alden
6:45 a. m. with the paper where
Bright and James Child. g
Mrs. Brady was a woman who took formally they got in around six
- -> up
The The
are are
on on
a great interest in life
nnd kept
with current events as long as she j
to start del. very as soon ,s the
__................................... ...
was able. Her friends numbered the truck arrives.
Committee Named To Make
Bandages For Disaster Belief
Mayor Milne has appointed Mrs.
F. Colvard, who comes from Eu­
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hand were visi­
J. R. Bunch to head a committee to
tors here Sunday, arriving from Gold gene, made a deal Monday with Stan­
make bandages for emergency first
Hill late Saturday night They are ley Curtis by which he becomes the
aid in the civilian defense program,
living at Gold Hill because it is the proprietor of the Curtis Studio in the
and Mrs. Bunch asks that anyone
nearest place they could find a house Drane building on Second street
who can, donate clean old sheets for
to his work on the White canton­ Mr. Cclvard is a man of many years*
purpose. Anyone having ma­
grand daughter, Patricia Ann Brady, young people as well as the ones of
ment near Medford. He like« the out­ experience in photography and plana
of this sort please contact Mrs.
door work there and left again forj devoting more attention to portraits and a brother, Jeane Bright, of Myr- her own generation and she was al­
than to developing of kodak pictures.
Gold Hill Sunday evening.