irti on Ì Rotary To Sponsor J Dances This Summer Employee Change* In The Court Hoqje The appointment of Alice Perrott as" office deputy in Sheriff Howell’s office was confirmed by the county Court last week. Mrs. Myrtle Christiansen, who has been employed in the tax department, la now a clerk in County Clerk Oddy’s. office. She began her duties there May 1. ' Chadwick lodge No.68 *A. F. A A. M. ( The annual May Luncheon of the Coquille Woman’s Club will be held Friday at 13:30 p. m. at the hotel. There will be'a special speaker and music and installation of new officers. Reservations should be made by calling any of the committee: Mes­ dames R. A. Wernicb, C. V. Smith, R. L. Stewart, à. L. Tuttle, G. W. Tyrrell. J. L. Stevens. The Eastern Star lodge will hold a regular meeting on Thursday eve­ ning, May 14. USED NORGE GAS WASHER Excellent Condition Greene & Jensen The SWEETEST THOUGHT FOR MOTHER'S DAT M COOPER RBARA W I» TKCH81WWR 9 HMM-***’® ME10O& ’ •• *' '*b 1* *M JU-- tw* CM«* w»*o* •R’j Feature No. 2 Matinee Sunday 1:45 Ite Knockout Entertainment! PLUS Admission i Set by Disney Inc. Matinee 11c - 25c Evenings 11c MATINEE MARCH OF TIME ’• Latest News. Admiooion:—Adulto 25c Kiddie» He The March of Time io Worth the Admiaoion