r 4 prise and Katberane Lemon won the raffle. The next meeting will be with Elisabeth Hull Present were Elisa­ beth Bull, Norma Hickenbottom, Len- nis Wright, Edna Ppinter, Ula Brown, Mabel Kyle, Lorene Chard, Naomi DeGroat, Lottie Aber, Lil­ lian Aber, Topper Wright, Margaret Was A Beautiful, Inspiring Sight < Another May Festival has passed into the history of the accomplish­ ments ot the Coquille Woman’s Club. This year’s president, Mrs. Julius Ruble, was general chairman and is entitled to full credit for another beautiful event marking the spring season when annually, for many years, a high school senior has been chosen to preside over an hour of pageantry and music. ’ This year the students elected Ana- bel Martindale for their May Queen. Her attending princesses were: Alice Howard, Betty Jo Tharp, Evelyn Al­ bore, Ernestine Batty, Glenda Clinton and Dorothy Ritchie. The stage in the high school gym­ nasium had been transformed into a beautiful setting for the occasion. A large victory V hung suspended and appeared to be mede of red,.white and blue flowers. Greens massed in bal­ anced arrangement, created a back­ ground which suggested the bright woodland against which the colorful costumes of those taking part con­ trasted their beauty. The bright uniforms of the High, school band completed the picture. To the lively strains of music played by the band, the May Queen and her retinue entered and paraded to the position where the crowning by Mayor R. F. Milne took place. The Queen, in white gown, carried a White .nosegay with white streamers and was a pretty brunette type. The princesses wore attractive pastel- flowered dimity dresses with wide brimmed hats. Comments were heard that no previous group had ever been lovlier. Heading the procession were Judy Slack and Patty Shaw, with sil­ ver trumpets uplifted, wearing the Eagiew Anxiliary Hewing Club The sewing club of the Eagles Auxiliary met Wednesday with Clara All. There was a noon day potluck dinner. Edna Painter won the door Spores and the hostess. A Mother’s tea was given by the Kern Koons Guild in honor • of the mothers of the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon in the Fellowship room of the church. A short program consisting of a solo by Catherine Trended and a reading by Mrs. Cliff Brockman was dedicated to the moth­ ers. Mrs. Cliff Brockman and her mother, Mrs. Kate Torres poured. Hostesses were Mrs. Richard Chris­ tensen, Mrs. George Davidson and Miss Eleanor Peterson. GAS WASHER Excellent Condition Greene & Jensen Music Week Concert costumes of heralds. Fancy California Sweet Peas RH00V SAHtyjy SAVE A Greene & Jensen iowdy, [r. CarlOwner! DO YOU KNOW Mi ATS Luncheon Meats lb. 33c COME IN,GET ACQUAINTED A large assortment PORK ROAST Ì LINK r1'.},,, BACON lb Any size Piece J. F. McHENRY 4uiomo/foe Electric • 435 W. 2nd Coquille, Oregon ami A.Y 27c