The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 07, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    Baabotor Girls Iguehseu
At the luncheon meeting in the
Coquille Hotel recently, the Bache­
lor girls .honored Alice Henderson
Richardson, a former member. The
president, Marjorie Knight, presented
Mrs. Richardson with her M. B. de­
gree and a gift from the club.
Miss Helen Brandt and Mrs. Ernest
Detlefsen, of Eugene, were also guests
at the luncheon. The Liberty Bell, a
bank in which is kept the money col­
lected from fines, was in evidence
and attention called to the fact it is
almost full. , At the next meeting,
the bank will be broken.
• Present were Mesdaines Richard­
son and Detlefjen, Misses Helen
Brandt, Marjorie knight, Gladys
May, Norene McKeown,- Maxine
Johnson, Margaret Belloni, Phyllis
Belloni, Aloha Allen. Ellen Braxton,
Lydia Holstein, Helen Ann Shaw,
Hasel Moffet, Carol Young, and Mar­
garet Stewart, The next meeting will
¡be at the hotel May 8.
Thursday Contract Club
Last meeting of the aeries for the
season was Thursday when Mrs. R.
A. WemTch entertained the Thurs­
day Contract club with junqheon at
the hotel, followed by bridge played
i during the afternoon at the Wernich
home. Mrs. Dick McClary and Mrs.
J. L. Smith were guest substitutes.
The pay-off group for the last series
consists of. Mrs. F. L. Greenough,
' Mrs. Geo. Chaney, Mrs. Late Comp-
, ton and Mrs. R. A. Wernich. Besides
those already mentioned Mrs. R. L.
Stewart and Mrs. W. 8. Slckels were
2 "> <- «c
Morning Star Vacuum Packed
chen Queen Family Hardwht
49 lb. bag
ine Ruble, Bess Maury, Edna Robin­
son, Henry Lorens and Mrs.. Oliver
,SWI(<?rd, B. W Duhn, Kd Walker, O.
B. Harriman. The club Will meet
again in a month with-Mrs. Henry
Shower and Bridge Party
A combined bridge party and show­
er was tendered Mrs. L. B. Gould on
Miss Carol Young was the inspira­ Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.
tion for a tea given Tuesday after­ J. E. Axtell, Entertaining jointly with
noon in her honor at the home of Mrs. Axtell was Mrs. Ray Vaughan.
Mrs. J. L. Smith, by Miss Marjorie Following a 7:80 dessert of pepper­
Knight, of Coquille, Mrs. Eldon mint pies, bridge was played. The
Brodie and Mrs. Stanley Furman, of center piece on each table was a baby
Myrtle Point.
rattle. Checked" table covers with
Miss Young, daughter of Mr. and decorations worked out in pink and
Mrs. H. A. Young of Coquille, witl blue carried out a dainty effect. Hand
leave Coquille with her parents for sketched tally cards were the work
San Francisco a week from today. of Betty Axtell, who is home for a
After a short visit with her sister, two «reeks vacation. Scores for bridge
Mias Jean, iq the city, Carol will were high, Mrs. Foss, second Mrs.
fly to Los Angeles, where she will Marlin Brandon, third Mrs. E. L.
board her plane tor Lima, Peru.
Peterson. Invited were Me ids me«
Her marriage to W. B. Dunshee will Wm. Barrow, Henry McCue, E. L.
take place on her arrival in Lima and Anderson, Don * McEniry, Marlin
will be the culmination of a romance Brandon, J. K. Henninger, Geo. May­
which started last summer when Mr. nard, E. L. Peterson, Stanley Ayres,
Dunshee was located in Coquille. On Don Estes, W. R. Litxehberger, W. R.
the trip to South America there will
Kennedy, J. D. Rankin, Fred Watson,
be no flying at night and stops will T.
K. Foss, Tailant Greenough, Dee
be made at Mexico City, Guatemala Richardson, Marjorie Jones, Lunelle
and Balboa. The arrival in Lima will Chapin, Nonene
McKeown, Ellen
be on the fourth afternoon after .1
Braxton and Betty Axtell.
leaving Los Angeles..
During the afternoon on Tuesday
Mrs. J. L. Smith and Mrs. H. A. I
Young received with the guest of
honor and the hostesses. The din- <
Ing room was darkened and tea was I
served in candlelight. The table was- <
beautiful, covered with lace, cloth <
and graced with a silver tea service <
which had belonged to Carol’s graqd- 1
mother and had just been presented 1
to Carol for her own.' Tall rose- <
colored candles set in wreaths of pink 1
roses and white sweet peas threw in­
teresting lights and shadows -on a
large, tiered wedding cake, topped
with a bride and groom figurine,
which occupied the center of the
During the first hour Mrs. R. L.
Stewart and Mrs. Alton Grimes, aunt
of the bride-to-be, officiated at the
tea table. From-four to five Mrs. J.
A. Lamb and Mrs. Jane Williams
• r
A handsome mantle decoration of
Myrtle Club
Mrs. Aina Eckholm entertained the
Myrtle club last Thursday (at her
home. Guests were Mrs. Albert Mane
I in of Vallejo, Calif., Mrs. Stanley
Carlson of Nurth Bend, and Mrs.
Frank Huffman of Myrtle Point. The
dub will meet next week with Mrs. J.
W. Ruble. Members present were
Meadames Alice Standley, Ina San­
dins, Eble Beyers, Helen Anderson.
Ruth Varney, Margaret Southmead.
Nancy Duey and Pearl Ruble.
Greene & Jensen
Soap Power Large Package
A 'í..... ....
eeilo pk9.5j|flg¿|
Phone 64
Large Package
Del Monte Santa Clara Sweet
Phone 135
28 c
M. J. B. Coffee
Campbell's Tomato
2 Lb. Package ............ ,
To honor Mrs. Nellie Wheeler a
luncheon was given last Friday at 1
o’clock at the home of Mirs. Hasel
Flannery. Mrs. Wheeler is moving to
Sweet Home and will be greatly
missed by her many Coquille friends.
The guest list included Meadames
Agnes Lewis, Hattie Gaffey, Elisa*
beth Bull, Norma Hickenbottom,
Lorene Chard, Clara Ali, Margaret
Spores and the hostess.
Tuesday Pinochle Club
Mr*. Hattie Caffey was a hostess
on Tuesday when her pinochle club
met at her home. Agnes Lewis won
first prise, Mabel Kyle second, and
Norma Hickenbottom Won pinochle.
Members present besides those al­
ready mentioned were Hasel Flannery,
Teen Yarbrough, Viola Norton and
Margaret Spores. Lorena Chard was
a guest. The club meets on Monday,
! Biscuit
fresh local
Radishes Green Onions 10c
lian McLarrin,
3 bottles 41c
6 pkgs. 25c
Hi-Ho Cracken 11b. pkg. 2k