The Sentinel TWENTY YEARS AGO Ht WS FLASH f •'■“iS«' “We also offer branding, which bums the state license number of the owner's car into the tire sidewalls to help him with ^positive identifica­ tion in case they are stolen; but bet­ ter still, we have tire locks with mas­ ter key to protect owners against theft of the wheel.” Since his first announcement that he was in position to help the motor­ ist get the ultimate mileage service from his present and only tires, Mr. Gulseth said a good many local Mo­ torists had taken advantage of his of­ fer, which was based on a desire to help keep 'em rolling for the com­ munity as long as Is possible. Southwestern Motors Car &i Home Supply Store Next to Coquille Machine Shop Coquille, Oregon Phone 184 Selectees Must File Two Statements \