Social Calendar hnroday. April» Co-City Club Mrs. Ellis Dement* Loyal Women’s Class, Church of Fined For Giving Liquor To Boys 29 Guerrillas In Coquille Group Carl Liday, 22, of this city, was arrested by Officer Oliver Reeves of North Bend Saturday night and Monday was fined |5O and given a 30-day suspended jail sentence in Justice court at Myrtle Point. He was convicted of giving liquor to Since last week's report the totfl who have signed the Coquille Guer­ rilla’s pledge is 39; those signing the past week being R. J. Connarn, Oscar Henricks, T. De La Rhue, O. T. Gant. F. 'S. Emery, Tallant Greenough, L. L. Bunch, L. B. Billings, Geo. A. Jackson Dennis Waggoner, Earl Nos­ ier, Wallace E. Oakes. Guy M. Kelley, Elmer J. Cunningham, M. F. Pettit, J. W. Sayre. W. P. Owens, J. F. McLarrin, O. H. Miller, DeWayne Mitchell, R. M. Repass, Roy E. Mor­ ley, R. L. Medley R. H. Leneve.'Joe Sinko, Jack Dean, Elmer Neely. W. P Laws, Fred Schaer Safety's plan brings yoj^ MORE GOOD-£AT in MEA T PEP pOUNo Far good nutrlHou far satisfying daSyl Day hand day oat Safeway's! asports Uy only tú ^Wtari SIRLOIN STEAK1“* “1 37c!£227~ BEEF ROAST — ~ ' ,k 27c SKINNED HAMS City's Expenses Down $458 A Month It is not generally known, but the city of Coquille’s monthly expense roll is around RM lower now than it was last December. Thia is due primarily to the action of Mayor Milne and the council in stopping the employment of extra help for street sweeping, repair work etc., which is now being down by the regular city crew. LUNCHEON MEATS A large variety Bolongna, Liver Sausage Apples Winesaps or Delicious lb. UVsc Avocados Grapefruit Arizona Seedless lb 4 Vic Calavoe, tops for salads lb. 6c Oranges Navels Rhubarb Field grown lb. 5c Tomatoes Red, ripe ■ ;> * lb, lie b 13c Royal 0. K. Rubber Welders Tire Shop 410 S. Hall St, Phone 30 * 33c lb 27c Coquille, Oregon HERE'S «R&L CATCH Hftt Sauce Hai Ata»« Morrell’s Pnde or Cen- pak whole or half a* aa " *wh Lb. ** 35c BACÌI i* . 27c