Must Act At Once For Fire Protection Large Attendano Al Garden Clubs Convention Here City Council Monday Evening Two letters from the state board of health were read at the city council session Monday evening, at which the mayor and all councilman were pre sen t which dealt with the city’s rdvtd tte ciently equ Svendsen Largest Month's Tax Collection It May Mean A Bigger Krome Corporation Plant Track Meets April 17 and 24 .There ar* several reports heard da td what ia happening at'the Krone Corporation plant, between luinglùls and m idB the highway, but noth­ At Rotary Meeting ing tefinNe has. been released to the public except that construction was Lights Out Twice Ended The Fights Getting Started On Sutherlin Milt Rainfail Five Inches Above Normal L. W. Clover Picture Pumper Called Twice Past Week