The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 26, 1942, Page 9, Image 9

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sion of that happiness which can­ the power of death." The textbook | “Retrospection and Introspection
(p. 332) defines Christ as “the divine « (p.
f~ 54), --------
not fluctuate.
“Millions are believing in
Thinking of .existence as personal image and likeness, dispelling the il­ God, or good, without bearing the
in the ordinary ways of the world, lusions of the senses; the Way, the fruits of goodness, not having reached
one ascribes reality to millions of Truth, and the Life, healing the sick its Science.”
human minds with all thei ensuing and casting out evils, destroying sin,
Let us take a case of disease. For
Christian Science: The
contradictions, fears, and enmities. disease, and death.”
the sake of simplification, the false
Science ef Existence
Mrs. Eddy's divine discernment re­
The indisputable fact of divine re­ beliefs assumed to be the source of
that God is the source of all ality as infinite Truth and perpetual disease may be divided into three
Dr. Hendrik J. Je Lange, CJ8JL vealed
power, which one can understand Life, comes to humanity or the human Koups. The first group pertains to
regardless of what appear sense of existence as the way of
e, the second to body, and the
at New York City
as persons or personal minds. This progressive discernment. At first it third to health.
Member of the Board of Lectureship of
As far as human sense is concerned,
The Mother Church, Th» First Church of
saw the impersonal and bCMnttfig to come, heralded
raided ’ by the prophets as life belongs to the material body and
Christ, Scientist, In Boston.
nature «of existence. She understood the Messiah. Then
it appears as a is dependent upon IL Life is sup
God as divine Principle, Love, per­ person who comforts and heals. Fin­ posed to start with the birth of a
A lecture on Christian Science, en­ petuating itself as self-manifestation. ally, In full-orbed glory, It Is pro­ material man and to end with his
titled “Christian Science: The Science
Reasoning from Cause to Effort
mulgated as the Christ Science or death. In Christian Science, this is
of Existence," will be given tn the
In Christian Science one thinks Science of Christianity. But all the recognized to be a misapprehension
Washington School Auditorium this from cause to effect. The nature of while the Messiah's mission remains In accordance with Christ Jesus’
evening, March 28th, 1942, under the the one primal cause determines what the same: the redemption of human­ declaration that to know God aright
auspices of First Church of Christ, is true and real as effect. What­ ity. Thus the Messiah appeared first is life eternal, life is identified with
Scientist In this city. Dr. Hendflk J. ever appears as contrary to the na­ as a promise, then as a person, and
God. Indeed, the Christian Science
de Lange, C. S. B., of New York City, ture of the one cause must be classi­ finally as Science, the Science of Ex­ textbook states (p. 485) that Life is
will be the lecturer. Dr. de Lance is fied as untrue and unreal, however istence.
a synonym for God. God being All,
a member of the Board of Lectureship true and real it may seem to be
According to the Old Testament, there is but one Life, eftevitably the
of The Mother Church, The First from within its own misconception. salvation, looked like a far-off future only Life expressed as man. Let us,
Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Hence the conclusion in Science and possibility. According to the New then, think of life, not any more as
• .
Health (p. 12?) that "everything en­ Testament, salvation was often inter­ pertaining to the finite frailties of-a
The lecturer will speak substan­ titled to a classification as truth, or preted as a belief in a personal Jesus. material entity, but as the infinite
tially as follows:
Science, must be comprised in a In terms of Christian Science, sal­ perpetuation of divine Principle itself.
According to Christian Science the knowledge or understanding of God.” vation is "Life, Truth, and Love un­
Again, body is humanly regarded
Bibical declaration that God is One
One’s faculty to discern the ideas derstood and demonstrated as su- as connected with matter, which is
and All reveals the basic truth of ui
utciuivji uncnvao,
of uuiiiivi|
infinity, eternity,
oneness, pvi
per­ preme over all; sin, sickness, and nothing but objectified limitation—
Thus Christian Science fectioh,
fection, allneSs
— however dim and__________
death destroyed
” (Science
and Health, _ the expression or embodiment of
challenges the increasing complexi­ restricted this perception may seem 1 ' p.
n 598). Thiiw
aivi « mortal, so-called, mind. Obviously,
Thus hnmanifvtia
humanity!» nnw
now K
ties and complications of material to ben-shows that these ideas exist. I provided wiUi a scientific system this is the false concept about that
sense testimony.' The understanding And their existence points to the fact which is freeing it from all ills, sins, which body as Principle’s
of Christian Science as the Science that they must have a source. The • discords,
iscords, fears, Imd
and limitations. This expression or embodiment of itself.
of Existence has practical value in nature of this source, must be infin­ .entails the discernment of existence St. Paul’s statement coincides with
daily life. Mary Baker Eddy’s dis­ ity, eternality, onqpess, perfection, as it really is. It means the refusal this when he wrote his fellow Chris­
covery shows forth the necessity of allness—in other words this source to accept a false sense of self, con­ tians in Corinth that they were “the
being willing to reject erroneous is God. It is impossible to assume sequently the recognition of true self­ temple of the living God.’' This tem­
, modes of thinking. Simultaneously that infinity contains matter; that hood as the impersonal, ever-present ple or body is immune to disease,
one has to be conscious of the true eternality contains time; that one­ Christ.
disintegration, death. It connsists in
or spiritual sense of existence.
In ness contains duality; that perfection
You and I are able to acknowledge knowing oneself as divine idea. Be­
this manner, the healthy and hap- contains imperfection; that allness this Christ and are capable'of show­ ing aware of this divine knowledge as
pifying simplicity of Life as it really contains lack. Rar this reason, mat­ ing it forth.
This takes place by real existence, as body, is health,
is bec^^^e^’^|n^jj!^4JJx^!rience ter. time, duality, imperfection, lack ceasing from “man whose breath is strength, and thereby regeneration to
—and thereby sin, sickness, and death in his nostrils"—that is, by refusing what is humanly considered to be
— The possibility of such a radical —are necessarily to be classified as to think of oneself from a personal body. Why? Because it lessens fear,
change is understood when one rec­ unreal and untrue.
point of view. Instead of such su­ the most disintegrating of all evil in­
ognizes that existence is primarily
For the one who has been habitu­ perficiality, we must behold exis­ fluences. , Also because it removes
a mental activity. This may be con­ ally thinking about himself as a ma­ tence from out its cause, and we Aust the limitations attached to a false
sidered self-evident. Nobody exists terial person, the dawning under­ identify ourselves with the divine concept, thus making it possible for I
without mentality. Therefore, men­ standing. of the unreality of material ideas thus revealed. We have to one to experience more and more
tality includes everything even that sense testimony has a revolutionary affirm as true for ourselves whatever tangibly the spiritual knowledge or
which argues that there is some­ effect. He begins to discern that the is true of the nature of God or Truth, embodiment of right ideas which one
thing outside of mentality—the ma­ only correct way to think of himself and we have to deny as untrue what­ really is.
terial world, so palled.
must be in terms of divine ideas ‘ex­ ever is not in accordance with the co­
According to human estimation,
Early in human history, the^en- pressing divide Principle.
Other­ vine nature.
health is a state of the material body,
tal nature of existence has been wise, he ascribes to himself something No Identity for Mortal Suggestions and for that reason ill-health is be­
glimpsed. Plato with his idealism unreel and untrue. Divine Principle
It does not make the least differ­ lieved to be just as natural as good
was somewhat aware of it In the is always expressing itself in di­ ence whether the false suggestion health. What a mistake, when one
seventeeth century. Descartes epit­ rect aecordanoe with its own divine comes as “I have a problem?' or as observes the origin of this word so
omized this truth in his well-known and perfect character — that which “his difficulty,” or as "humanity is closely related to wholeness! Chris­
“cogito ergo sum”’ (I think? there­ divinely or truly exists. This leads in trouble.” In no case must the tian Science extends to us the real
fore I am). In modern days, Edding­ to the concluaion that whatever la real suggestion be acoepted. As long as sense of wholeness in the definition of
ton with his "selective subjectivism and true concerning oneself is to be I I think that I know the Truth, but man, who as the textbook (p. 475) i
is coming ever closer to the same found exclusively in divine knowl­ at .the same time continue to admit Explains, “reflects spiritually all that
conclusion. ,
, edge or Science,
that "he," or "they,” or “humanity belongs to his Maker.” Let me be i
Mrs. Eddy describes the basic
Maa’s Real Selfhood
at large” has difficulties, I have in­ permitted to stress the word, “all,’ <
truth of existence in the following
Christian Science refuted material directly admitted a very undesirable because the understanding of oneself
words (Science and Health with Key sense testimony with its belief about error, impeding my own progress. as including the entirety of right «
to the Scriptures, p. 2?5):
2?S): “Divin
e t man
. as “ bring
__ equipped with a sinful ’ When one becqpies less discrimina­ ideas has much to do with the dis- ,
metaphysics, as revealed to spirit­ human mind
' I imprisoned in a destruc- tive between wnat seems to be. one’s cernment of one’s true Being—its i
ual understanding,
clearly tible material body, ,. , To man is1. own problems and those of others,
SIS i of direct,; the
____ oft-repeated ,oomptotat tfert- ft-to
that all is
‘ Mind,
*“ “ and ‘ that Mind is ‘ assigned the exalted status
divine manifestation or I___
ea. In this _
so ____
much ______ „ __ __________ w bf one’s enduring unchanging health.
is, all power, all rciurc,
it textbook
sense, the
(Science and else in Christian Science than one-
Mortal Mind Myth
presence, au Science.. Hence all is in Health, p. 475) defines man as “the self will not be any more heard. It
The tendency to materialize spir-
■„ the __ product
■■ - which
compound idea of God including all is never ones own problem: it is c
itual facts is
of ■ that
right ideas.” God, divine Mind, the always a problem of the erroneous Christian Sicence calls mortal mind.
The author of the textbook bare one and All-Being, is cqnscious of human concept—the human concept "That which
di neither exists in Science
... .. only. •-
- _ —■
being a problem in itself.
quoted came to these fundamental itself
In ...
this self-consciousness,
by the spiritual
nor can be recognized
conclusions in a truly spiritual fart­ Mind expresses itself as man.
On the basis of the allness one­ senses” is the textbook's disposal of
ion—by pure inspiration, not by
Understanding the divine reality of ness, and reality of divine Mind, mortal mind (| p. 592), which appears
mare human reasoning. There never one's selfhood or existence, one can error or mortal mind, go oalled, has to interfere w; '¡th the logical unfold-
existed a more genuinely intuitive be freed from everything which does no presence, power, reality, entity, ment of real existence.
While the
woman than Mrs. Eddy.
She em­ not belong to divine reality. This is or identity. This leads to the con­ term "divine Mind” refers to the ac­
bodied spiritual intuition and trust­ done by consistently, directly, sub­ cluaion that all there is to error is tual and existent, the term “mortal
ingly followed it up with penetrat­ jectively living—that is, being con­ its admission and the admission a mind” refers to “nothing claiming to
ing perspioacity and loving thor­ scious of the true definition of one­ mistake.
When I stop admitting be something” (ibid., p. Ml). Then,
This accounts for her self. The liberating effect is the re­ error to the extent that I do not all that there is to mortal mind is
being so inspirational to Christian sult of this identification with divine even any more accept the belief that the term, and the term is a solecism
Scientists and progressive in her power. Christ Jesus furnishes the someone else admits It, In that ratio at that! Its claim is a claim of sheer
scientific conclusions and demonstra­ example. His words and works in­ this is the end of that error. There negation. Its supposed activity has
tion. H ot healing was the result of dicate the method. Although some­ is encouragement in knowing that been designated in Christian Science
• spiritually perceiving the true nature time too casually quoted, his declara­ since error or evil never really started as animal magnetism or hypnotism.
of existence, regardless of material tion, “Ye shall know the truth, and —evil having no origin, since it is
Animal magnetism or hypnotism
Bl^err wirelfish character evidenced the truth shall make you free,” has wholly fictitious and negative—its attempts to operate through thought
lost nothing of its practical value and end is always now.
, transference.
Thought transference
itself in discovering that spiritual pungency. He did not belittle Truth’s
treatment Utilization of Truth
postulates the belief in two or more
healing was not exceptionally her allness and directness at effect by ad­
The thought activity here indicated minds. In order to counteract animal
good fortune, but In accordance with vising one to merely know about the is the Christian Science prayer or magnetism, the first thing to be done
divine law and thereby available for Truth. To know merely about (he treatment. Briefly, it may be defined is to refrain from believing that one
In order to establish among Truth would involve the use of a as the utilization of divine power, has a mortal or human mind.
mankind this healing and saving mortal or human mind. The specific eliminating
suggestions human mind implies mental manipu­
knowledge of existence as it really function of Truth’s illumination Is may seem to have placed themselves lation. The recognition in Christian
Mrs. Eddy founded and became such a clarifying, dynamic presence between oneself and his primal source, Science that ones true selfhood is
the Leader of a great movement with that no darkening and interfering or preventing such erroneous occur­ the expression of the one infinite, all-
a Church built on the Rock, Christ,, falsehood can suggest or maintain it- rences.
inclusive divine Mind, is the basic
that might serve the purpose for
Affirmation of the truth and denial understanding and declaration for
which she intended it She wrote and
The belief of a personal or hu­ of error constitute the treatment. Al­ proving the nothingness of animal
revised her foremost work giving the man mind is seen to be the basic though humanly appearing as the ‘magnetism.
The one divine Mind
disturbing factor. Instead of being declaration or thought
complete system of Christian Science, disturb
it < of * a person, need not be transferred. Its infinite
* », the belief that this so-called the affirmation of the tr
and called her book “Scienre and a ‘ help,
and permanence
truth is really perfect!«
Health with Key to the Scriptures/’ I mind is
_ indispensable
.----------- for
— ------
— Truth expressing itself,
ever present. This has
Error _
is .—
are .« already
This textbook together with the Bible | improvement becomes "the middle 'always self-denied. In “Miscellane­ to be acknowledged by way. of iden­
•he ordained as the impersonal pastor '. Wall of partition,” spoken of by St. ous Writings’ by Mary Baker Eddy, tifying oneself with this Mind as the
of the Christian Science churrtsa Paul—that is to say, an impediment this illuminating statement appears idea of Mind.
Notwithstanding the
throughout the world. By her Ore- to the directness of experiencing one’s (p. 259), “The conseicuspeas of good claim that it is personal according to
lees efforts and persistent work, hu­ real, dirige Meaeiah' rflirili
»s no consciousness
¡¿¿.»»¡cage human appearance, all that is truly
manity is now in a position to reiin-
evil; and evil is not a quality to good is tne divine good which con­
Christ Jesus’ nature and mission be known or eliminated by good." stitutes the one and only man, “the
quish its false belief» and to compre­
hend existence as Science or divine were better understood by Mary The fact of the allness of Truth full representation of Mind" (ibid.,
knowledge. In this progressive un­ Baker Eddy than by anyone else. She makes possible the nothingness of p. Ml). Whatever seems objection­
derstanding Mrs. Eddy has advanced comprehended that his mission con­ error. If Truth were not all, errer able, and according to human ap­
the standard of living so effectively sisted in breaking down that “middle would have entity and reality; con­ pearance as vested in oneself or in
that those who abide by the rules of wall of partition." The revelation of sequently it could not be regarded as others, is no person, no thing at all
are naturally God as divine Principle made her nothing.
Christian Science treat­ It is nothing.
healthy, prosperous, and in posses- aware of the frtt that the works ment fulfills the function of divesting t
Fear Analysed
of the Master were natural and scien­ error of the possibility of perpetuat­
Whenever a suggestion of fear
or scream that it
words, although miraculous to human
The affirmation of the truth should I is your experience, remind yourself
have immediate healing effect. And I of the great liberating fact that the
Before Mrs. Eddy’s day, God had it has this effect when it takes place threats of fear are never directed
been mainly considered as a mighty in the way it is so incomparably set against your real and only self.
Person, bestowing upon Jesus and forth in Science and Health (p. 411), , They are directed against an erron-
a few others the exceptional gift of “If Spirit or the power of divine Love i eoua, mortal, personal concept of
with k«y to th* Scriptures
healing. The understanding of God bear witness to the truth, this is the man. If you nave unthinkingly iden­
as divine Principle means that the ultimatum, the scientific way, and tified yourself with that erroneous
primal cause never could bestow a the healing is instantaneous.”
concept, believing that it wi
personal munificence. Consequently,
In this affirmation of the truth, one i you have sovereign divine power to
whatever takes place in accordance has the right basis for denying What­ annul thia wrong identification.
funda­ soever is not true—whenever the sit­ Moreover you have scientific ability
with the nature of God,is funda-
mental. IllipUlgUtUll,
impersonal, CHIU
and 0VICIIk|MV.
scientific • It • uation requires it—that is to say, if to forestall a false suggestion, in case
must be the utilization of divine the healing should not be instantan­ it attempts to insinuate a wrong
of Ute
the one who eous. Nevertheless, the affirmation identification. Fear is so objection­
The original, standard and power on the part at
has awakened to that possibility. constitutes in itself the most potent able because, by giving in to it, you
only genuine text book of It is not divine power stooping down denial. The denial or argument Is al­ identi(yyourself with the very
it­ ways« human auxiliary. It serves a of which you are afraid. Hence,
Christian Science Mind Heal-, to a person in order to Impart it-
’ in order that th
Ch r is tian Science
Science £r Health
Mary Baker Eddy
Ou Sato at
Drane Building
256 WMt Second Street
As a result of this, ft is evident that
tlie works of the’Master are to be
renewedly showq forth wherever
Christ-knowledge prevails and to*the
extent it is emulated. Christ Jesus’
uniqueness is apparent in that he has
been unsurpassed^ in his healing
Accordingly, Science and
Health states (p. 472): "Jesus is the
name of the man who, more than
all other men. has presented Christ,
the true idea of God, healing the
tick and the sinning and destroying
the infinitude of r _
a fearful outward condition­
• AU real Being is^Mind** therefore suggesting that It includes and en­
gulfs you—is nothing hut a false,
the healing in Christian Science ef­ spurious, baseless, substanceiesa, law­
fects s removal of false beliefs Which, less, powerless, mindies*’dream-pic­
externalised evidence
themeelvas ture. It can only assert its supposed
either as diseases of the human body influence by claiming that it includes
In accepting this suggestion
or as discordant conditions by the you.
way of family relations, business dif­ you would lose the dominion divinely
ficulties, and world problems. Should bestowed upon you as divine idea.
the healing not readily follow the By permitting your mentality to be
treatment. It might be well to ponder encompassed by a mortal concept of
statement made by Mrs« Eddy in existence, you would have first to
er explained how “thia
material to spiritual
which seemed formerly to be a
spiritual retreat in which a human
at self found shelter, is really
direct spiritual, and only self-
or existence
“Existence sep-
frotn dirtnity. Science explains
■Msrtble” (Science and Health,
way of thinking, false sug­
ary prevented from assert-
aelve* as one’s experience.
¡The writer of the epistle to the He­
brews declared that Jesus was in
all points tempted, yet without sin.
Ottes not this mean that although
iWOKlal mind suggestions came to
Jesus as to others, his immediate de-
! tertton of such suggestions as being
(neither his body nor his thoughts'
prevented them from having any
j physical or moral effect? His spiritu­
al integrity remained intact.
the satisfaction of